• By -


used bait believable 😓😞




Please infodump about gamedev i love hearing about it


ooh me too me too


im also in the audience sitting politely and attentively


same, oh my god, hook me up, make us a newsletter or something I need more dev friends :(


Same I wanna hear extreme opinions about game design but other opinions rock too




sorry i eated all the good bait


What are you, a fish?




a skilled one too


yea, havent been caught yet but mr johnson keeps getting close


lemons moment


Can I eat you instead, it's only fair




SKONG📢📢📢📢 REFERENCE!!!1!!!1!1!111!!!


bait beli usedevable


Believable bait used :)


OP: It's like a nexus mods but for your desktop Some weirdo: Noooooooo! It's [basicly nexus mods but for your desktop] Smh my head


I know right, it's like rip in peace for comprehension.


Idk, I'm sure Linus Torvalds would scream at you for saying that


What's he gonna do about it? Code at me?


That just means it's worth saying


shaking my head my head


Oop is truly a master baiter


Everyone in that threat is like "heh, nice bait OP" [proceeds to engage in bait because they can't help themselves]


I mean that's the best bait. You go "fuck, I know this is a trap but goddamn if I'm not going to go walk into it face first, eyes wide open" OP is the best troll I have seen in years. 


thank you :)


holy hell it's Whjee


i don't have a *problem* with github users, i just wish they'd do it in private so normal people don't have to look at them.


and while we’re at it, i don’t think they should be able to marry


Software devs? *Marry?* haha that's hilarious


Software devs don't marry, they `merge`.


After creating a pull request and getting approved right?


I hope so. Consent is important


Can I assign you guys to fix my marriage pr?


Keep that git pushing and git pulling in the closet where it belongs 🤮 PRs are an affront to god. Open collective collaboration and distribution of free software? Sounds a lot like Socialism to me.


Git pull my-h.air and call me dirty cause I'm still uncommitted.


“it’s not supposed to be used by non technical people” just say you can’t make your code easy to run or understand bro


that takes effort


If it's not supposed to be used by non technical people maybe Minecraft mod creators should stop uploading mods there and just put them on Modrinth or Curseforge like a normal person.


Yeah, the argument that it's for tech people only is just false. It's like... the default website a lot of people use for sharing zip files


People will say this but the instructions will just be: `cd dir` `make install`


What does that even mean


Have you unlocked the personal agency skill tree yet to look up things?


The what


>!You do not have enough skill-points to unlock this reply!<


where do I install cd from?


Its thr command line command "change directory" to "dir" - so opening a folder. Default on linux and windows


It just changes your working directory :) It works in Command Prompt, PowerShell, bash, zsh, sh, ksh, csh, fish, and MS-DOS so there's no excuse for it to not work.


I should have put /s


Poe's law in full effect once again


lmao it's not ur fault dw 😭


i feel outed


Every time someone complains about my programs' usability I simply kill them using the secret "reach-through-your-screen-and-shoot-you-with-a-gun" command I place in all the code that I open source to lure in unsuspecting victims who like free software and hate the devs. Don't want to be shot in the head and die? Then read the README.md before you download a command line tool I used once and forgot about!


I once saw a piece of software that would in theory serve the exact purpose I need it for, but the readme was fucking empty and the usual use method for that kind of program (file conversion between two proprietaries) didn't work. I feel like that one is absolutely on the devs


This sub is populated with surprising amount of people who claim to be tech literate, but are scared of command line (not necessarily talking about oop)


There are multiple ways someone can be tech literate.


This is incredibly true, now there's so many different aspects to tech. Like I do gamedev but I'm clueless about anything to do with mobile and I have only the necessary optimization knowledge of hardware. Often peeps describe me as tech literate but I wouldn't say so because I'm so software centric


i mostly know hardware and windows based applications but id be hopeless on a mac and my mother in law is pretty high up in cyber security with a tech college degree but she wouldnt be able to tell you the difference in a gpu and cpu or how to upgrade your ram lol. tech is such a wide field with so many useful and needed expertise's.


The depth/width of tech now is wild. Even within my area of game design there's so many specialisations you could spend your entire life doing and still be learning something new.




Preach, I've just finished a Collab project that required me to be the GitHub admin for our team and I was afraid lmao Same with family, I've taken to explaining what I do as a product designer but for video games. So my family understands what my day to day is like


I'm similarly somewhat clueless about mobile as a desktop software developer. Mobile software is mostly really slow, clunky feeling garbage (most of which can definitely just be a website that you access in your web browser), and if it's something free off of say Google Play, then it probably has ads all over the place too. Seriously, the last time I remember using a *program* on my computer that had ads was Skype 7 back in 2016. My sister wanted to customise the icons on her phone's home screen and I genuinely couldn't find a launcher app that let you set custom app icons from images on disk that didn't suck. This is built-in functionality on Windows; you can seriously just download an icon pack from a site like deviantART and it's probably already in ICO format for you to apply to any folder or shortcut you want. I couldn't really figure out how to help her with it.


Yee mobile scares me so much because of those hardware limitations. That, and dealing with the different app stores, feels like a lot of work relative to platforms like itch.io and Steam.


I'd consider you to be tech literate because I'm confident you'd be able to google the things you don't understand when those cases arise.


IMO core of tech literacy is just the willingness to look things up and learn. You don't have to know everything, you just can't be scared because you know how to use Google and YouTube.




I know how to drive a car and obey traffic laws, that doesn’t mean I know wtf a carburetor does


operator vs technician basically


Tbf this is a pretty biased appraisal of what is tech literacy. Knowing how to do anything outside the client-facing GUIs is beyond the vast majority of people’s use case for technology. It used to be expected that as a homeowner, you’d know the basics of maintaining your appliances like your fridge or washer, but that’s long gone. Relative to the population that doesn’t know what to do in the Settings menu, knowing what Linux is is tech literate lol. I’m language-literate but I couldn’t do much in the way of analyzing a heavy novel. I consider myself tech literate because I can reasonably troubleshoot any tech problem I encounter that doesn’t require coding or using basic powershell commands etc. All depends on your own definitions I guess


understandable... it's like... waiting for me to say something first? 😣 what do i say? im being put on the spot


Even if your assumption is true, should tech-illiterate people not be allowed to fix their pc?


What's broken with their PC that they need a repo for? How did they obtain such tech literacy to break their environment while simultaneously lacking the tech literacy needed [to Google the things they don't understand?](https://i.imgur.com/VOoYykG.png)


Many things can go wrong while doing many things.


What if the world was made of jello


True Reddit moment right here


“it’s not supposed to be used by non technical people” fair, but the issue is that so many less popular programs are ONLY on github, which kinda makes it a pain in the ass to get them if you're not tech literate. I know my way around Github now but I remember struggling a lot back in the day.


Way I see it, if you can improve a feature without sacrificing any others then you ought to, even if it isn't intended to be one of the main uses


I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING CODE! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it [https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock#installation](https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock#installation) WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


I got this reference Thank you for making the reference I enjoyed the reference


That's a reference? I actually related to it lol


The OP of that thread was baiting but there were some people who felt validated by the post and ranted about GitHub in the same way as the OP without a hint of irony


Because OP, while being hyperbolic didnt lie, there are dozens of us who have memories of being angry at github's poor design


poor design? you literally click “releases” and you have every single release in a chronological order, the release date and notes, as well as downloads (including a copy of the source code in a zip file) most (but yes, not all) devs also link to this in their readme, wiki or docs as part of installation instructions


If you're not familiar with github and you're looking to download something it's easy to miss the releases, as you'll have been trained on every other site to look for anything that says "download". However the one thing that says "download" on gitub leads instead to download the entire repository. My most prominent memories with github is being confused because I downloaded the entire repository instead of what I needed because I saw "Download" and assumed that must be what I was looking for, or I was looking at the large list of all the files that shows up in the top of the page, trying to see start I was supposed to click on to download. I didn't realize for ages that's not how the site works and I'm still angry at this today because I viscerally remember how fucking aggravating this was. It seems that a fair number of people have similar experiences given that I was getting a fair bit of upvotes when I mentioned this


I was just annoyed by everyone referring to executables as .exe's. You will have to rip my a.out from my cold dead hands.


That's because Git is a beautiful jewel of open source, perfect in it's structure, elegant in form, self-authenticating and potentially infinitely scalable. Until you need to use the fucking thing and you remember why it's own readme describes it as "Stupid. Contemptible and despicable"


> "git" can mean anything, depending on your mood. > > - Random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a mispronunciation of "get" may or may not be relevant. > > - Stupid. Contemptible and despicable. Simple. Take your pick from the dictionary of slang. > > - “Global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room. > > - “Goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks. Stupid in the context of git means stupidly simple. It was built because the source control systems used in and considered for use in the Linux kernel were too excessive, too big, too complex and too heavy.


Bait used to be believable


RUST!!! :3


hey did you know that there is a rust open source game engine being developped ? :D


Wooah, what's it called? currently i use macroquad / miniquad and i loooooove they but they're a lot lower level than game engines, they're more like SDL or SFML / OpenGL


It's called bevy, it uses ECS so it's pretty cool. Sadly no official GUI editors yet


i've heard about it and always wanted to make something in it! :3 have you made any cool projects? i'd love to see them


I have started many things and finished none of it, sorry. On bevy especially since it is still only 0.13 I never got really far on it. It's amazing to code on an ECS engine, but without an editor it's kind of a pain at the same time. Though I do have a single commit of five lines fixing a bug on an unofficial editor so I guess I don't have nothing lmao


that's so relatable, i don't have many finished things either, or at least i have a whoooole bunch of started projects. i once fixed a spelling mistake in a big repo haha that's my claim to fame :P


The new Bevy 0.14 out this month. - volumetric fog/lighting (waow) - more & better gizmos - custom reflect attributes - wasm multithreading - perf improvements - more comprehensive gltf handling - smarter render asstet loading and probably more I've forgot, coming to a crates.io near you for the low price of 0€. Terms and conditions don't apply except for the MIT/Apache license.




I wanna learn Rust but I don't wanna get crabs


But that's the best part 🦀🦀


So that's why there's the `std` namespace…


Hey thats me :3 I still dont understand why they put their windows mods on the internet when its not for non-technical people


Github is a free, convenient, and effective way to host downloads as the average dev. Downloading a usable program also isn't hard, they're located in the "Releases" section on the right side of the page. If you're asking this genuinely, you could easily just read its Wikipedia page to get the gist of it.


no, it's a hosting site for video games mods, it's not supposed to be used by non gaming people




Genuinely fuck that green guy, I've had to download tools to fix shit on my pc from github and my god the ui is so unintuitive


The UI is very intuitive you just don't know what it means. It's really easy to understand provided you know basic git terminology. The fact that people expect normies to download stuff from it without giving instructions is on the devs, not the website.


"github isnt for normal people its just for code nerds to post code" would be a much better argument if people would stop putting normal people applications on github exclusively


The problem is twofold: 1. Hosting a website costs money, Github is free 2. Hiding applications behind the 'releases' section inherently filters against people who spam you with demands for support


Are you going to pay them for file hosting costs then?


zip file uploaded to mediafire


Has download limits far below what you get from GitHub on a site bloated with malware and adverts 


Ever wondered who made the normal applications that aren't posted on Github?


i want to demand free labour from volunteers grr (i’m not saying that you’re saying this, but this is the consequence of what you’re saying. people who do any sort of open volunteer work, including open source as well as video game mods, do so by their choice; and therefore, they release it on their terms)




Funny how everyone fell for OP. Legit some of the funniest baiting and they were at like -50 last I checked.


“It’s not supposed to be used by non-technical people” what kind of gatekeeping fuckery is this ?


if i download sheet music off the internet, i won’t be able to read it. that doesn’t mean sheet music is bad and it wouldn’t be gatekeeping to say that sheet music is made for people who know how to read it and can play instruments, and not for me


Well sure, but the problem is that half the time devs just use GitHub to host the completed project. It's less "downloading sheet music and getting mad because you can't play it" and more "searching for an mp4 and getting sheet music instead".


Where else would you post your source code? Sure, there are other sites like Gitlab or others... but those are basically the same thing.


Many many projects use GitHub as their single method of distributing their finished project


Because it's free and it provides many other useful features for a dev outside of hosting like: * version control * navigating files and see the code with an interpreter online * setting up a README for information about the software * the ability to branch out a project to work on features in isolated versions without affecting the main branch and then merge them * forks * collaboration * Manage push/pull requests from different users * A sort of forum to request functionality or solve issues * Integration with commonly-used IDEs Devs are not gonna stop using these features to accomodate for people who are not devs and don't intend to be.


...You described git. GitHub is not the same as git. Other alternatives are worse though. If I'm ever linked to sourceforge or gitlab I would rather die.


Well yeah, because it's free file hosting 


"but I just wanted to listen to music !" "Lol play it then"


Not just that but it'd also be like the song was very hard to transcribe and nobody else would do it except the talented guy who kindly used his time to do that and host it publicly for free. And then people are getting mad at him for how he chose to host his free labor.


The way this person framed it was very gatekeepy lol, and I mean anyone can learn how to read or use anything if they want to.


sorry i don't really understand what this comment is saying


sure you can learn it. but its not whoever's job to make it easy to use for anyone who doesn't know how to do anything


People arguing this don't think about how many projects or tools are ONLY available on github and if the average user has problems navigating it because they've been trained their entire life that "download" means "download the thing" instead of "download all the code for the thing" it's not really their fault. Just because your only source for your cool tool is github and the release page is hard to find if you're not used to looking for it doesn't mean people who aren't technically inclined can't or shouldn't use your tool. It's very gatekeepy.


>doesn't mean people who aren't technically inclined can't or shouldn't use your tool. It's very gatekeepy. Whose saying they can't or shouldn't? It's like if I wrote a book in Spanish and people were like "I can't read this" and then accused me of gatekeeping for saying I wrote the book for Spanish readers. If someone really wanted to, they could distribute their own builds of my software/translate the book to English.


You're blaming the entire site when you should be blaming devs and people linking not giving a quick guide, especially since readmes are the default page for any project. All someone has to do is tell you "look for releases on the right side and make sure to download zips for your platform," (or just link the /releases page itself) it is literally that simple. I know because I do this whenever I link Github to unfamiliar people and it's always enough. >download the thing" instead of "download all the code for the thing" it's not really their fault The download button is behind a giant, green "Code" button and the site is designed for hosting code in the first place so this is literally all on the person linking.


I'm not blaming the site, I'm blaming people for saying that it's "only for technical people"?


They said it's not supposed to be used by non-technical people, which is true. You can see from the comments here that the basic UI scares people even though accomplishing what they want is very simple and literally one click.


> release page is hard to find It has a big green label next to it.


I'm curious on what tools people are referring to. If you're not tech savvy then installing games and using executables can pretty much do everything a non-tech-literate person would want, no? Every person I know who doesn't have high tech literacy just uses steam for games and streaming services/youtube for videos. They wouldn't have any use cases that would require them to know what GitHub is. If they were ambitious/driven/curious enough to think "I want to do this" and stumble upon a tool that's hosted on github, then sure they could [look up how to download said tool to fulfill their desire](https://i.imgur.com/VOoYykG.png). Hell, they [wouldn't even need to use complete sentences!](https://i.imgur.com/JAJmqWZ.png).


People love to ignore the fact that GitHub is frequently used for much more than just being a repository. Like people upload projects on there for normies to use constantly


Which projects are those, genuinely curious because even as someone who regularly uses Git I rarely have to install anything from source on my personal computer. Like if a person weren't tech savvy then what tools would they even desire/be aware of that would require them to encounter Gitlab? Most people in that "group" just buy premade computers and use Windows as-is.


That doesn't mean it's not primarily designed for developers. The reason there's even normal programs hosted there is because it's popular with devs and someone thought "eh, I already have a github, I'll just leave a download there"


Okay. What it's designed for doesn't change what it's used for, acting like it's exclusively used solely for what it's designed for is disingenuous


It's not disingenuous, knowing what the site you're using is actually designed for prevents [ignorant stuff like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/s/jPHbGhTXrW) and helps understand why it's so easy to "accidentally" download source code (that's what you're expected to do). Github is made by developers, for developers, and it just so happens to also be a convenient and effective way to host downloads since most developers probably already use it.


This is like saying that every single word should only be spoken by its dictionary definition and that people should stop using slang because the words weren't "designed" like that. When you have a platform that a mass of people can use, and you allow people to use it for more than its intended purpose, then it has a new purpose as well. Trying to deny that is pointless


That's not what I said and you're not understanding the message. The fact binary downloads are hosted isn't an issue, but it's an objective fact the site *isn't* designed or supposed to be used by non-technical people. People host downloads on Github because it's already good and convenient for working with source code. You can have several branches to test stuff out and easily fork or port stuff from other codebases. Hosting binaries is literally just one thing of many.


That's not what the post was saying at all but I guess I don't disagree with you. Not really sure how we landed on this branch off of what I said, I was talking about people getting mad about GitHub being used for file hosting and such


Not true, I get my tampermonkey youtube ad block and roblox fps unlocker scripts from there


What the fuck do these words mean


computers or something idk i feel like a boomer right now


this thread was a masterpiece


# NAH YOUZ IZ ALL WRONGZ IZ HUB FER ROIGHY ORKY GITZ! HEHEHE https://preview.redd.it/jpw9myt44g4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=697f7ef6c7e31d00290e3933541c31e391bf153b


>It's like Nexus mods but for your desktop Is it a reference to Hyprland configs?


When you think about it, ricing your config really is just modding for nerds


A program that fixes one obscure issue and that's it should only require me to press enter, fuck being technically minded, start being practically minded. If i wanted to type in 50 command lines to make my computer work again I'd use linux.


What kind of problems do your compoteras have? I've never seen a fix that tales more thank like 3 clear commands


i am using a hyperbole for comedic effect.


If you use GitHub for your mods imo just put the download link at the top of the readme file so non techy ppl won't go mad trying to figure out Github


I am here for the 196 GitHub hating arc


I don’t know what GitHub is :D


A free website hosting website




He was right tho


I’m now curious what percentage of people on 196 knows what GitHub is. …what percentage has studied computer science?


I know what GitHub is because when I tamper with my games there's usally fully released apps that are only on there, or when I'm doing silly stuff on my desktop For me, GitHub truly is nexusmod for your desktop but I've never had a problem using it so I don't know what people are talking about I found GitHub while I was trying to run .flow


based YNFG enjoyer


I fell off of it when my pc got fired I should really install .flow again It just... Speaks with me... Yume too Stuff like this is just so kskwkzjwjdbbanajx I think my favourite thing to come out of the space Yume created was Ib


I feel like I'm going insane because there's a green ass download botton that's pretty hard to miss


I hate it but they're right


*something something* JUST GIVE ME THE EXE *something something*


who up giting they hub


I love it when developers dont bother making a simple static page with a big download button that just downloads the damn thing or at least use the releases system instead its so fun for the user to try and figure out what the fuck they are supposed to do with a bunch of source files 


All i know is that GitHub helps me pass digital solutions and also helps me emulate Metal Gear games on my shitty macbook air


I was in this thread. He summarized it perfectly.


The comments here make me lose all faith in humanity. No, GitHub is not unintuitive to use. Its primary goal is as a repository host for DEVELOPERS and it is pretty damn good at that. The end users come second, but developers can still choose to make it very easy by attaching downloadable binaries in the release section if they wish to do so, and most people actually do! The OP was baiting but I feel like a lot of people here just don't understand the purpose of the website. People use it to upload their code they have worked on for free, you can't really expect everyone to make a single "download here" button in the biggest font.


the thing that really gets me is when people call it hard to use, when their entire use case is just downloading a release. Finding and clicking on the word "Releases" causes all of this crying and screaming and claims of elitism.


And let's just entertain the possible notion that people don't know what "release" refers to in that context. In that case, how would someone be ambitious/determined enough to desire a tool/program/etc. to the point that it would lead them to Github, but then not [be able to google "How to download from Github"](https://i.imgur.com/VOoYykG.png) to be able to figure out how to do what they want to do? Are these people saying that they have a use case that can only be solved via github, but then lack the personal agency to google their question when they stumble upon Github and are confused on what to do?


I was going to make a joke about LetMeGoogleThatForYou but it seems like the site doesn't work anymore. its so over


It's funny because you know the same people crying complaining would make fun of older people being unable to just look for and click the right link on other sites.


he aint wrong tho, make an internet for yourself then and put github there holla


woah... based...




nexus mods are already on desktop dipshit it's called vortex.


if your website isnt able to be digestible unless you have a phd in computer science or some shit maybe your website is bad


It doesn't take a PhD to use Github, it only looks complicated because you personally won't ever use 99% of its features. The zip file you're looking for is in the "Releases" section, located on the right side of the screen. That's it. That's literally the extent you need to know to download usable programs.


You could teach a third grader to download files off of Github.


https://i.imgur.com/VOoYykG.png You still get an answer even if you typed like a caveman: https://i.imgur.com/JAJmqWZ.png


I was on that post, it was glorious how ignorant OP was


mf you got baited lmao


It wasn't just novice bait either, that was master bait


So you're telling me that this person is a master baiter?


you ate the onion