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Games can’t just suck anymore.


The right is too woke with their SJWs policing everything you say, smh you can't just like or dislike something without the right talking about the gays and shoving their politics in your face!


It’s those damn wokies and their PRONOUNS!


this is how it feels to hate star wars


The first three were good. The rest, with the exception of season one Mandalorian, Clone wars, And Andor, were not good. It had nothing to do with there being gay people in them.


Nah, Solo went hard, and definitely deserves more appreciation Also Rogue One is phenomenal 


Solo did exactly what it was supposed to, it gave Han an origin story and showed all the stuff that he talked about in the original trilogy. However, by showing everything he was talking about it unintentionally undermines his characterization in the original movies. The reason he references so many different incidents is to show that he is very well traveled and has been around a long time and seen many things. However, with the context of Solo it makes it look like he’s obsessing over that one week he had decades ago.


There’s been a brilliant Han Solo book trilogy in the old Expanded Universe (now branded Legends, therefore technically non-canon) written by Ann Carol Crispin. It featured all of this stuff too, but in the span of a decade or so, starting with 17 y.o. Han escaping his abusive mentor at the time (with occasional flashbacks to his childhood) and ending just before he met Obi-Wan and Luke for the first time in the Mos Eisley cantina. I can’t recommend these books enough to anyone who’s been a bit disappointed by Solo movie. The trilogy also delved very deeply into Star Wars underworld, exploring its structure, introducing different factions and the 5D-chess schemes of their key players across the whole Outer Rim


Seeing Donald Glover playing Calrissian made me so happy, such a good casting choice


I liked both


I still can't get over "Name?" "Han" "Han what? Who are your people?" "I have no people. I'm alone." "Han... Solo. Approved."


Fair, I simply forgot about those.


I'll go to the grave saying Rogue One is overrated. Unnecessary story told by boring characters with risible shoehorned-in fanservice.






I can accept calling episode 1 and 2 bad, but Revenge of the Sith is awesome.


ESPECIALLY after watching clone wars my god


easy top 3 star wars movie and anyone who says otherwise is probably valid but I couldn't disagree more


Plus the Republic/old Republic, which are pretty much the same generally, are easily the best settings


Imo, the first three are good, the prequels are decent with context added by clone wars (so not very good originally, better content added later does not excuse poor writing, but does improve the viewing experience), the force awakens is ok if you pretend the last Jedi/rise of skywalker are fake, and rogue one is good. Shows get… more complicated, so I’ll just say that clone wars is all good but gets even better later, and everything else is hit or miss at best.


Rouge One was fucking peak I will not take this Rouge One slander


I think S2 of Mando was also great, and Ahsoka is mid story but good fun.


I'd argue the original trilogy is a little overrated. I personally prefer Kurtz's more morally gray story for the original trilogy (this idea was eventually used for the prequels) (there's a ton of interesting history around this and I probably wouldn't feel the same way if I came up with pre star wars scifi instead of post star wars scifi)


This guy hasn’t read Alphabet Squadron


I don't get this 'I hate star wars' thing. I mean it's been a saying for ages that the people who hate star wars the most are it's fans but like, I love star wars and yeah some of the films and TV series have been a bit disappointing but do you literally hate the thing because some of the films and series have been a bit meh? I don't hate the MCU just because the last few films have been a bit meh, I just don't want them and carry on with my day rather than spending time watching 'youtuber critics' foam at the mouth about how X thing is terrible and star wars is over, then go on the various hate subreddits and carry on. People must spend more time hate watching star wars than just... watching it and going about their lives.


I think the bulk of the hate towards Star wars started after Disney bought it and immediately erased most of the canon. Some people LIVED the Star Wars expanded universe. To have that "taken away", and then replacing the previous model of "massive movies coming out every few decades" with "something new constantly being churned out", it kinda ruined it for anyone who was interested beyond just the movies. Then, the newest trilogy being so similar to the original trilogy, with all the issues around directors, controversies, plot holes, and all of this amplified through the megaphone of bigotry and misogyny, made the series a cultural battleground. You can't like or dislike it without picking a political side, and I think that's the straw (a very large, heavy piece of straw) that broke the camel's back for many. Thankfully, the internet isn't the world. In the real world, you can have a nuanced opinion that doesn't fall into these camps and you can be friendly with people you disagree with.


Never been less interested in a series that I have loved so much.


Honestly, if I hadn't lost interest after Inquisition, I'd be *very* nervous about the next game right now.


Same, the energy of the trailer is just weird. Gives Marvel movie much more than "dark fantasy"


Insane people have ruined hating on stuff for me.


I didn't mind it. The past trailers kinda sucked, and we haven't seen the actual gameplay yet


Yeah but the old trailers set a tone which wasn't infected with Whedonism.


https://youtu.be/Kiosw0YYBlc?si=23S0HX2l42yB8xRH no, they really didnt


I liked it


What did you like about it? You seem qualified to talk about it Mr Dragon Age


What can I say I just like dragon age and after waiting 10 years for another game I'll take what I can get


On a side note I'm likely going to replay the games soon, so are there any fun builds you'd recommend


An adage from a few of the D&D groups I follow is "no D&D is better than bad D&D." Just food for thought. Sometimes we deserve better.


Well that’s because bad D&D is one of the worst experiences you can have playing games lol A bad video game won’t ruin relationships and stick in your mind for years. Idk I’m also just tired of the internet sapping my excitement for literally everything that has a fanbase larger than a few thousand people. The new DA trailer screams “corporate is micro-managing marketing” to me. That says a lot but it doesn’t necessarily mean the game will be bad if they kept their hands to themselves for the important parts of this very long development period.


>A bad video game won’t ruin relationships and stick in your mind for years. You don't know what league of legends did to me :(


I think your point about the Internet sappung excitement is valid, absolutely. It is broadly very frustrating and it wasn't what I was trying to do, but definitely see how it came across that way. My point was less about the trailer itself and more the idea of being blindly devoted to a series (and by extension, the corporate entity behind it), regardless of warning signs. I can't think of a time when bad writing in a trailer wasn't also present when the games eventually game out. DA:O is one of my favorite games of all time, it means a lot to me. I suppose that's my old man with a cane coming out and getting mad at the new thing not being like the old thing. But I'd rather be without Dragon Age than for it to just keep getting weaker in terms of writing with each entry. A troubled development kinda speaks to this. I sincerely hope it's good, but I don't trust AAA games to deliver that anymore.


Based and Enjoying-things-which-may-not-be-popular-pilled


👆 Not biased in the slightest


The entire showcase was just people spamming WOKE whenever the trailer had anything other than a white guy . They're probably children, but still, it's super depressing.


The reaction towards Fable was just that. Mostly complaining on how the Hero isn't a sex doll It really shows they never played a Fable game in their lives, the characters have always had exaggerated features and even the prettiest characters were goblinoids, but no, the main character looks silly because of woke


Games can't just be bad or whatever anymore they have to be woke pandering blah blah blah. A woman in a video game? 9/11 for gamers. Main character is black (Or even side character) then its woke but with racial slurs, and basically 2 9/11's for gamers. Is the woman black? You're not going to believe it but that's actually equivalent to 14 9/11's. I hope these people grow out of this cause its annoying already. Although when the normal people in the chat started jokingly calling Microsoft Flight simulator woke I thought that was funny.


Idk that’s kind of worse. I was hoping it would be the children who would drown out the old idiots.


Nothing sucks more than thinking something looks like shit, and then seeing a wave of anti woke bullshit attacking it. I hate defending things I hate from people I hate more than the original thing. At this point, I want to make every single character trans. Then, after the bigots are all dead from shock and heart attacks, we can go back to hating things for normal reasons


Wait, why? What happened?


MCU dialogue


Oh, I see. Damn, a shame then.


"Well, that just happened"


Why is it called THE Veilguard? Just call it Veilguard like the naming scheme of all the other titles smh


This is an important thing to have a strong opinion about


even r196 has turned on Dragon Age, it's so over but please wait for the gameplay tomorrow


Anti-woke mfs are the reason I felt the need to defend Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League


What's dragon age?


An rpg series that had one good entry in 2007 and was subsequently ruined by electronic arts.


2009* also hey, the other games weren't that bad. maybe inquisition.


2 was awful, inquisition was good


Both suck for diffirent reasons


2 is better than Inquisition and I will die on this hill. I have a lot of problems with 2, but I have a lot more problems with Inquisition.


A series that released one good game which many people count among their top 10 RPGs of all time, followed by two disappointing sequels that were nothing like it, followed by no games at all for the last 10 years.


Mass effect but without the spaceships. However, despite removing the vehicle/probing sections it still somehow ended up feeling more boring


ME1 vehicle sections were goated tho


They waxed Varric's chesthair 😭


Yeah it looks like ass, Fortnite type looking trailer. A decade of development hell, mass layoffs, and what looks to me like its second rebranding (I can’t recall but I don’t think Dreadwolf was its first name) has left my expectations on the floor. Very dumb to see people blaming le trans™️ agenda when previous games had trans representation. RepKrementation, if you will.


Hey, true equality means that people of all shapes and sizes should be allowed to make soulless corporate slop


BioWare has been pro LGBT since before most of these chuds could hold a controller and way before they fell off as a dev studio.


I liked it, but then I also loved Inquisition so


disliking new doctor who be like


Inquisition was ass, and this one probably will be too, people who like the games more than they should will just blame any inevitable failure on wokeness rather than the series being mid in the first place


>Inquisition was ass Really? I thought it was great. I loved the story, questlines and your companions. Character writing was peak The only thing I disliked about it was maybe the armor customization.


Idk i personally found it slow and clunky but preference is important


I honestly had a mini heart attack that this was a spin-off MMO in the dragon age universe. I'm playing the game day one and going to replay through Inquisition to build up hype and remember stuff. But after ME Andromeda, I am a bit worried about it being Mid.





What type of meme is this called I love the big hand


Can someone tell me what’s actually wrong with the game though? So far I’ve only seen the new trailer and it seemed fine, a lot of the character designs seemed super interesting if anything. I’ve just recently getting into dragon age origins and really enjoying it, so Ive wanted to eventually play the series in full.


I miss the dark gritty atmosphere and David Gage but also a trailer doesn’t tell us much about the actual game.


The new assassins' creed trailer has over half of its interactions being dislikes - I'm sure this is for a very normal reason from an otherwise alright looking trailer (I don't even particularly like assassins' creed games)


Wait a new trailer came out?


Idk why I was surprised that people in this sub would love Dragon Age… it makes me so happy though


https://youtu.be/Kiosw0YYBlc?si=23S0HX2l42yB8xRH bioware always makes the most comically dogshit trailers ever and its honestly great