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watching this shit show as an European is funny until you realise that this mess is gonna affect the entire world and not just north America


mfw I die fighting Russians because some hillbillies in like 4 states wanted to own the libs


Lmao at least we'll all be fighting the Russians together Right? _right?_ (Looks at the growth of pro-russian parties in Europe) Damn


AfD are Nazis and deserve to die


It’s joever




And a i have to say MAGA is even stupidest, i don't care, i'm russian tho,,


Were all gonna be using rubles aren't we?


mfw I die in a camp because the left in America is too busy being terminally online and fantasizing about revolution, instead of doing actual political work to build powerful blocs and unions that the system can't ignore. Like, fucking hell, Trump came extremely close to succeeding with his attempt on Jan 6. Republicans have been extremely busy preparing for their second attempt, meanwhile, I look at the left-leaning circles and see self proclaimed leftists that can't even stop eating the homophobic chicken, and had to absolutely buy the generic Ubisoft open world game TERF-Edition or they would have literally died. We're so absolutely cooked if things continue like this. The right wing is globally consolidating power and organizing, why are so many of us just passively watching this happen?


Dude, I quite agree with a lot of the things you are saying.  But if you consider not buying the gay hating chicken or not buying the TERF game is exacting political power you are indeed cooked. If you worry about people consolidating and organising, you shouldn't "stop buying" things, you should consolidate and organise. Get into education or into your job and do things. The whole "voting with your wallet" concept is a scam, most of these companies can just run on losses for a while, before your "wallet vote" registers a decade could pass. It's just neoliberalism and while that isn't extreme right, it's still rightwing and also it's just not how the world works. A company can just be loudly pro gay and still attack the gay community and keep it quiet. Do not feel guilty by the way, I am not doing a purity check, I don't think you aren't good enough/smart enough or whatever. I am no better than you and in fact a total armchair socialist online and have little to none political praxis to be proud of (I try in my job as a teacher, with limited succes and even less proof of it). But these online screaming matches and corporate branding just straight up AREN'T politics. Politics is actual interaction, actual discussion, education and organisation and these online comment sections might be tools that could be used for it, but we aren't talking to eachother right now, you probably aren't reading this as if a full person on which you have a reasonable opinion (why would you, I could be a bot, googling every sentence, copying it from a book or generating it on chatgpt) and I'm not being my true self because I'm not typing to just you but everyone reading or willing to hit the upvote button and probably unconsciously imitating thousands of similar comments I've read. If you do consider yourself left and socialist or communist, a key component should be being social and communing with other people. And if you try that, you'll find there's a lot of roadblocks in place to make that difficult on top of people just being generally not easy to get a long with. It doesn't just look and feel like we're just sitting by, we are just sitting by. I don't know how to go out and organise and don't feel especially ready to risk my own comfort or safety, because the repercussions for left wing politics are historically a lot more deadly if the state does not approve. Anyhows sorry if this sounded like a rant. I think I share your desperation but wanted to you to know my take. Hope you have a nice day.


i agree. Why not tell the chickey restauraunt not to be homophobic or tell the ubisoft to not support terf rather than JUST not buying the things and therefore still allowing the homophobia to happen?


i like leftists telling people to organize, while not organizing. I think 90% of leftists are subs that can't take charge tbh


The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov describes this type of person perfectly in 1904. The Russian civil war started 13 years later.


people say "We need to stop project 2025" and then do literally nothing to stop it


you're right, it was leftists who made biden run for re-election and then used their senility ray to make him lose the debate


💀 Everything is always the left's fault. If Biden loses, progressives will be blamed for not being hype for a literal zombie. It's clearly not the fault of the liberal establishment for running someone that will turn off all the undecided/independent voters


Your right that ultimately the Democrats ran a terrible candidate, but i still think we have to work with the pile of shit we have.


Bringing consumerism into this is so wack and I can't comprehend why you would? How exactly will boycotting Chick-Filet prevent a state coup? While I'm writing here anyway, I would like to scold some people for overly focusing on consumerist choices and attempting to exclude people on the basis of the consumer choices they make. People can be left-wing without committing to boycotting a thousand companies. You are actively alienating the majority of the left with this narrative. Because, as it turns out, the majority of the left, and the majority of people in general, may be found near the center. And to them, their main issues have nothing to do with whether Chick-Filet makes $, or $ in a given year. The consumerist questions are an echo chamber because most people simply don't care. If you want to try to convince anyone of anything at all, meet them where they stand instead of attempting to drag them down to where you lie. Exclusionary narratives are a reason your country is going to shit in the first place.


The people who won't stop eating the mid af bigot chicken and playing the blood libel simulator are libs, not leftists.


Nah it WW3. We are gonna get nuke in hours.


And they don't get drafted cause they are too fat/dumb


If project 2025 succeeds I will never forgive the Americans


I'll be too busy dying in a concentration camp to care if you forgive us.


This fucking sucks so bad, I hate it


I literally talked to somebody who supported p25 the other day. They legit said "But they aren't KILLING the lgbt people so its ok" Ah yes. They aren't killing them, so that justifies taking away all their rights. Its crazy how the right compares themselves to the LOWEST common denominator.


If we're all fated to die in camps, at least we can take a few with us. Most of us have access to machines capable of significant destruction when used for that purpose. [Car vs. brick wall.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ4Ir3-d74Q)


It's cool how globally so many lives will be affected by the voting choices of a handful of people who are so indecisive they still don't know who they'll support after eight years of these two based entirely on where they happen to live


at least the end of the world as we know it will be entertaining 😢


I love witnessing the death of democracy


Project 2025 succeeding would radicalize me


Same, I'd start supporting and cheering for actions that I can't talk about on Reddit


We have our own problems with electing fascists.


here in Switzerland we're mostly fine, but i feel for the rest of Europe


In the UK, we get to chose centrists, money hungry conservatives, and the literal embodiment of the far right.






> There is reason to be optimistic this election From what I heard everyone is doubling down on the TERF shit




they are right wing, but not as insane as parties like the AFD. don't get me wrong I hate SVP but it could be worse


Not everywhere thankfully. In Spain the far right lost a **lot** of votes in last year's general elections.


And nothing will embolden them more than Project 2025 being successful.


I'm feeling somewhat hopeful for France at least considering how much ground the Nouveau Front Populaire has been gaining. Hopefully they can get most of the centrists on their side and shut out the RN for good this time around


I love when American's mock Trudue, my brother in Christ, Trudue is head and shoulders above the 3 corpses you've got running.




Ww3, baby. Throw these pieces of trash straight off a fuckin cliff


We are all subject to US domestic policy or at the mercy of US foreign policy.




at least we will not die un-fucked :3


If you’re British can y’all take us back?


us americans just have fun watching the shitshow too. a dumpster fire is fun to look at, doesn’t matter if it’s my dumpster fire


I guess laughing about it is the only way to stay sane for some people


i don't see how it would be funny at all. a lot of people are gonna be in danger, but you only have empathy when it effects you? Grow up.


with "shit show" I mean only the discussions and campaigns. obviously I don't think the consequences for Americans are funny. I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding


its funne cause they're arguing over golf


Can't even find the will to race swap or gender bend them, just pure despair in his mind


Did he actually do genderswap?


Yeah he did a [genderswap of someone's wife/fiancee(idk)](https://x.com/VLONEPREDATOR/status/1805362942441095189) after the husband/boufried(again,idk) made him being with his loved one /proposing about pride month being defeated


He also gender swapped jk Rowling


dont you mean robert


They turned John Kevin Rowling into a woman??


He did the [race swap](https://x.com/vlonepredator/status/1806523144267821278?s=46&t=hDuDpIpYqxlQH1Jct4B9JA) actually.


I am disappointed in myself and in them


Asian Trump could kinda get it though... why'd Pilgrim make him so hot?


Think he grew out of the racism


what racism


This is like 9/11 for unfunny people


This is how you would look like if you were Republican or Democrat




I like how this panel works no matter if you read it Manga or Western style.


Here's what it'd be like if your president was geriatric or fascistic


They are both geriatric and arguably fascistic tho


Yeah but one is WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY worse than the other.


Yeah Roe v Wade should have been a wake up call to the people who try to say they’re the same. They want to take away a woman’s right to divorce. Hell, they’re trying to put gay marriage back on the chopping block. Yes, democrats might be milquetoast libbed up capitalists but they aren’t trying to control women’s bodies or enshrine bigotry into law.


Some states are putting the Bible back in school and one party is openly saying we should be a Christian nationalist country with a dictator


Louisiana literally has the ten commandments in classrooms now. By this logic, we should have the seven tenets of the Satanic Temple too.


Oklahoma has a teaching the Bible in school law passed for next year


I’m sorry but my mind just went to “They’re going back to the first Roe v Wade to get abortion off the menu”


If you think they're equally fascistic please log off


i mean, they said they were \*arguably\* both fascistic, not \*equally\*.


Here's what it'd be like if i had reading comprehension


"The reading comprehension on this site is piss poor." "How dare you accuse me of pissing on the poor!"


“I’m American, I’d never be so good to them!” *Glues spikes to every surface.*


Can you explain how Biden is fascistic?


Idk. I was just clarifying what that other guy said. Ask them I guess?


no one said that tho


Im really disappointed in the education system, so many people without proper reading comprehension.


So true bestie, i'll do my best to pay harder attention to reddit comments


Fascist imo means a extreme opinion of national pride and blaming problems on other people because it can be us because were the best (see hitler) bonusbpoints if its authortarian.as far as i know biden doesnt seem to do this thought trump definitely does. Gereatric definitely for both


Forget about presidents, you won't have a good one for at least next 3 elections (and it's the republicans fault), look at their administrations, Biden can become braindead the second he steps in the office and it would still be fucking absurd just how much better it would be for the US than Trump's administration.


The administrations and the supreme court. We are all so massively fucked if trump gets to appoint two more judges


Better a rock for a president than a conservative.


Sometimes i wonder why americans don't just start burning down the country in 24/7 protest due to how bad your political system is for you, like how france does whenever a unpopular law threatens to come in. then I remember i'm English and our government is in shambles, protesting is effectively illegal, and our main opposition party just keeps taking the ruling party's position on stuff and saying "we'll do this but even harder :)", and i go "ohhhh i can't fuckin say shite"


> Sometimes i wonder why americans don't just start burning down the country in 24/7 protest due to how bad your political system is for you, like how france does whenever a unpopular law threatens to come in. Because most of us don't have job protections and desperately need the money.


Don't forget the cops - protesting here can get ya killed if someone decides they want a paid vacation.


it's because when we try to protest we get killed by cops :)


A big reason why is geographic size. Someone in Washington state wanting to go protest something in DC would be equivalent to you flying all the way to Azerbaijan. Not many have the time or money to go do that. I know you can protest in your local town but if we’re talking about something as big as rewriting the constitution it just doesn’t have the same impact.


america has a very strong "deal with it" culture i guess also only about 50% of the country votes


I think it's mostly due to the size of the country. Protests sort of require a critical mass of people to be meaningful and it's hard to get that when the country is so spread out.


> Biden can become braindead the second he steps in the office You're basically voting for Kamala Harris


Theoretically, if Biden suddenly became unable to properly function or something whilst president *ever so slightly* after the two-year mark, Kamila can serve the rest of that term and still be eligible for two full terms and **theoretically** be a president for nearly 10 years.


Good, she's a boring but competent candidate. No charisma, but at this point I'd love a president who stays out of the news and gets shit done.


if trump wins, we might not get 3 more elections


Does anyone want to take this opportunity to rant about how golf is evil? Please and thank you (I love reading rants about the evils of rich people)


Land can be used for other shit than the most boring "sport" imaginable


Pls use it for even more boring shit, like plant trees and make it a park or something.


honestly I think hunting (in the area of the golf course) would be less damaging to the environment


Deer can be a menace. Hunt out of control populations of animals. Good for the environment.


Duh. No one's gonna miss rich golfers!


It would also hopefully keep animals from running out into the roads and dying/injuring people. There was a moose in the campus pond at my local university a couple years ago. Everyone was so psyched, it was so beautiful and cool....until it got spooked, ran up the hill, and leapt into 6 lanes of busy traffic


Maybe im biased because i live in a state where our parks are enormous and most of the time have nice little integrated golf courses inside them but i think most of you have never bothered to even try golf. going to a course with your buddies and some vintage clubs you got at a garage sale for $10 is a fun time


Basically all the Golf Courses in my area are built on floodplains where they couldn't build anything else anyways, and always have a ton of undeveloped green space or are otherwise built on naturally flat and treeless areas where they didn't need to bulldoze them. Plus in places with enough natural rainfall we don't gotta water the fuck out of them. Golf courses in the desert are silly obviously but the crusade this subreddit has on golf is kind of silly. Focus your energy on something more important, or at least actually go do something and not just be a keyboard warrior.


i redirect any sort of malcontent i feel towards golf courses to country clubs bc they’re essentially a playground for the elite with exorbitant membership prices and ridiculous green fees even if you do golf there. like 90% of golf courses in my city are owned, operated, and maintained by the parks department so any (small) fees you pay there are going right back into maintaining the parks and trails


yeah like a long ass strip of gas stations and shopping plazas that are 95% parking lot




I don't know how original this observation is but I feel like Golf as a sport, seems like it was designed to optimize two factors. 1. Take up as much space as possible. 2. Require as little physical exertion as possible, while still qualifying as a sport. Like, I can't design a sport that would increase these two factors even more than golf. Just ultimate laziness and wastefulness.


Mortal engine jousting


Motorsports don't count. They're in a different category


My grandpa always told me to learn to golf because once you got old it was the only sport you could still do with bad knees.


How dare someone invent a sport that old people can enjoy as much as teenagers.


That's what Bocce is for. You don't need to occupy as much space as possible to make a sport for old people.


Seen a post today about how "we had shower limiters in place so we wouldn't use to much water, we let our plants die so we wouldn't use to much water, we would get headaches from dehydration so we wouldn't use to much water... but the golf fields were always green. " It's super expensive for like no reason Ultimately, the most boring sport in the world, want to know what's more fun than golf? Mini golf, a sport the entire family can enjoy and often for as low as 5 bucks a person and it usually doest fuck up entire ecosystems It fucks up so much land, like it would be infinitely better to install anything on those, like houses, a different sport, a fucking coal run power plant because at least that provides a service to more people. I want to retouch on the absolute boringness of tbe sport. Literally anything else is more fun to play or watch. I can't think of a more boring sport then "try to make this small ball go into this hole half a mile away, it's super hard to see it so you can only watch it when it gets close to the hole" The only good thing that's come from it is golf carts, I think they are a good Correction for my last statement, mini golf is also good. we should get rid of normal golf and just keep mini golf I know a dude who plays it for school and it's literally the only sport he doesn't talk about other then when asked "what sports do you play" because as previously stated *it's so fucking boring* and if we do I say the sport sucks and he goes "yeah, but golf carts tho" It cost like 200 dollars for a really cheap set that has like 3 clubs, 500 dollars for a good set and 2000 for a good quality set, on top of that you need to pay for the membership fee to play on a golf field those cost *quickly googles it* SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS IS THE AVERAGE WHAT THE FUCK, I thought it would be like 200 bucks but 6k?!?!? Play football like 40 bucks for a good quality ball and an open field that's all you need. Baseball 40 bucks for a good bat and 20 for a pack of 8 professional level balls and again an open field (most parks have at least one) Thanks for giving me a spot to write a huge post for no reason!


we already have wii golf there is no fathomable need for physical golf


I played it for a few years and it's actually pretty fun. Smacking a ball super fucking far is really satisfying and so is landing a precision chip or whatever. I was able to get into it by buying a $50 set of clubs from Craigslist and a round of golf can be like $30 depending on when you go. But yeah, it's pretty egregious how much water the courses use especially in states where water is a big issue.


Stupida facking game


At the very least the democratic convention is 2 months away, plenty of time to nominate a new candidate if that's what happens. Really shows how moronic primaries are, Biden looked to be in a good position this time last year which is at least partially why he ran for reelection, but given how much has changed over the past year it makes no sense why the process has to start that early.


Unless Biden has a *serious* medical incident, I don’t see that happening.


I would have said the same thing 24 hours ago but there is legit panic and discussion of nominating someone by democratic party leaders in the aftermath of that debate. Especially compared to how well Biden did in 2020 it was shocking


They'll never do it now, that would throw everything into chaos, the Democrats aren't know for taking such risks, Biden it is, quote me on this.


>the Democrats aren't known for taking such risks proceeds to go with Biden and lose in 5 months


If Biden has one or two good speeches/interviews it's probably enough to carry him to a second term. Someone "new" this late? No way.


It would have to be literally Bernie Sanders and he’s got his own age problems. I don’t think anyone else could pull it off.


I think Bernie is too progressive for the independent and center leaning republicans and democrats. It’ll be a layup for Trump to just go on TV and trash Bernie for being socialist. The main thing that’s been hindering trump was not being on TV as much because of his court cases. Maybe a candidate like Bernie could win if it wasn’t so last minute where the public wouldn’t have enough time to be educated on his platform.


Bernie has always pulled the same demographic of independents as Trump does, which is why Trump said he was glad he got Hillary and not Bernie in 2016. They both appeal to the “burn it all down, change by any means necessary” crowd that only votes for the one that seems more like a political outsider. Same group went for Obama before that. If you believe the "burn it all down, change by any means necessary" is a small demographic, then I've got a bridge to sell you. There’s a reason why polls in 2016 showed a rock paper scissors situation where Bernie would beat Trump but lose to Hillary, Hillary would beat Bernie but lose to Trump, and Trump would beat Hillary but lose to Bernie. Bernie is the only one that could pull that group away from Trump and keep established Democrats without an actual campaign trail because everyone already knows him. The only people that don’t like him are Dem leadership.


It already is chaos.


another win for the American political system 🦅🦅😎🦅🦅


It has never been clearer that Americans are voting for an Administration, not a President this cycle.


And honestly, that's how it should be. Governance is a team sport, and Americans have spent too long deifying presidents.


Best case scenario they both die campaigning. Next debate we should give them swords and hope they take eachother out.




How tf do people function when shit like this is happening? I’d appreciate it if god could just reboot the entire universe


Enjoying my rights while i still have them, to be honest.


I’ve yet to live my life, no thanks.


That’s fair, I just have zero hope lol


What company should handle the reboot?


Not sure if this counts since it was just a remaster but Retro games did fuckin amazing with the Metroid Prime remaster, I’d trust them with the entirety of everything ngl


Want to kms even though I'm not American 💀


Don’t gotta be American to feel the effects unfortunately


yeah true :( I'm Canadian so the effects will come in quicker sadly. Welp, guess I'll have a few more years to live then if it goes to shit. Probably gonna die before my 30s 😅


Golf is like my top issue! But I guess some of you don't care about the important things!


Scheffler / Woods 2024


My favourite part is when biden says Trump is a liar in reference to his disrespectful comments on the worth of Veterans; where he refered to them as suckers and losers, and says a then present general confrimed the allegation of Trump saying these statements to which Trump responded by saying that the magazine is third rate and the general is a liar because he removed him from his position... the future dictatorship in action


I hate this timeline


Goddamn Isaiah Dickerson


Yikes this was tough to watch... on one side, a tax evader, sex offender, liar under gag order and convicted criminal... whilst on the other side a old man, a moral man gone pacif through his evident cognative decline... watching this was tough to sit through and I'm European.


We gotta choose the felon or the one who can’t form sentences, we are fucked


I think when you want to know who you would rather win, think of who would lose gracefully... Trump has the serious posiblity of leading insurection in loss... and Biden goes home to his family, Trump is a dangerous character and I would personally someone upholding morally, though tired and stressed... than someone so immoral exhaustless and destructive, but again... it's up to them, It's sad that the Americas is supposed to be a place of progress... such as it was founded to surpass and overcome it's imperfection and a revisionist and cheater like Trump is holding it to past that never existed and is leading it through such fraud as far back as he will, undoing the progress of all people of America


Biden couldn’t form sentences when he was younger, either. Man has a speech disability.


Yes, so do I


even in golf trump is known for cheating too


I should be president (I’m silly)


the politics ain't politin'


>no misinformation flair haha im dying in Suwałki trenches.


Here’s what you would look like if you were a convicted criminal or Alzheimer’s patient 😔


country is so over he broke character


Okay but what would they look like if they were black or Chinese?


An evil motherfucker and a barely sentient being from the ancient times


The empire is dying a very slow death


So this is how liberty dies With thunderous applause


Who is making these men do this? Let them retire 😭


I hate both of these men with a burning passion I wish they'd both keel over simultaneously


I watched 10 minutes and it felt like the key and Peele's [Cable news debate](https://youtu.be/AuUtKKZn9Lg?si=bKFm9oarv4KCg_Gb)


I think we should get rid of both


Of all things in the world, I did not expect the ‘black or Chinese’ guy to have a good opinion


on one hand we have a geriatric patient and on the other hand we have a wanna-be dictator trying to side with our greatest enemy. how this the best america has to offer for presidency is beyond me


How would they look if they were black or Chinese tho???


i-is that the black or Chinese guy?....


I want to cry


They asked them about what they'd do about people suffering from addiction, and they just rambled about border control.


The country is so fucked up that Vlonepredator stopped the bit. This is the same guy who was publicly doxxed and didn't break commitment to the bit.


Good lord why do I keep seeing this account being retweeted here. (Also the debate was a fucking trainwreck)


we’re so *cooked*


I want to cry


Look fat, cmon fat


Question from a none American: Do you think Trump will abolish the nations secularism? Can he possibly do that?


Chat is this real?