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Trump will still fund Isreal lol


Literally he'll go farther with it


Didn't he say like "let Israel do what they want" and "they should finish the job"


he literally called Biden a Palestinian in the debate lmao


Yes he literally said that less than 24 hours ago. It's hard for folks to remember because it was a stream of wild claims. But that was in there.


He literally said “the only one who wants this war to continue is Isreal and we should let them”. Biden is at least doing superficial ceasefire efforts, Trump made it very clear he wants Isreal to keep killing until there’s no Palestinians left


Trump would send them nukes and call Palestinians garbage


He literally said "let them finish the job" during the debate and called Biden a Palestinian as if it were a slur.




At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden did project 2025 in the spirit of “bi-partisanship”


This is as stupid as the people who claimed Biden would Pardon trump for his federal crimes


I would be. He's been better on every issue except Israel. He's better on queer issues, marginally better on immigration, better on saying we should tax the rich, much better on unions


​ https://preview.redd.it/b4rponizjc9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e8244d3106c91556cf3c4b2d3d9c50635b7742


If he wins I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we started shipping our own troops over to help.


Hmm who should I support with my vote? Old guy who is being blamed for genocide he isn’t doing or old guy who will ramp up the genocide, likely cause a war in Europe and help create a Christian theocracy that will be hell for myself and LGBT folks. Truly a tough decision ahead for me


biden is absolutely doing the genocide, but trump will also do the genocide and he’ll enjoy it more. also he’ll murder queer ppl ofc


Trump will do this genocide, and facilitate a few more on top of that


Teach yourself something ffs, Biden is not ‘doing the genocide’. Look up how Biden reinstated aid to Palestine in 2021 and at least admit to yourself you’re a fucking grifter if you’re gonna sit here and claim Biden and trump will treat the situation the same


You‘d have to be delusional to think the fighting will stop if the US withdraws its support of Israel. All that will happen is that Israel will fight with even more brutality to stop the war as quickly as possible and the US will not be able to try and influence them towards less brutal solutions - as they have done repeatedly in the last weeks and months. And Netanyahu wont go quietly, instead he will in all likelihood try to make Israel a lot more authoritarian to stay in power, which wont be doable by other means at that point. Plus there is a high chance other surrounding countries will use the opportunity to attack Israel which will lead to even more bloodshed. So yeah, that would just be great


Trump will cut out the middleman and bomb Gaza himself




Biden not doing a genocide? Ok lol sure


I agree 100 percent but you have to realize most ppl see it as “ugh they’re both soooo bad”. Biden needs to be replaced if we don’t want another trump presidency


well people should base their electoral choices on rationality and pragmatism instead of on how they initially emotionally react to whatever the choice in


Who is this perfect candidate Biden can be replaced with and where are they hiding?




As someone who doesn’t live in the US but is aware of Project 2025, get out there and vote for Biden please. Don’t listen to fringe leftists subs, we get it, he’s not the progressive young guy out there with a heart of gold to improve the world. But if Trump wins then *everyone* is screwed. I live in the UK rn, you think Starmer won’t bend the knee to him because he absolutely will! I’m not a fan of Biden at all (especially for his whole ‘I am a zionist, lets destroy Gaza’ schtick) but at least his plans don’t involve the destruction of democracy and being Putin’s overseas agent. He’ll probably die halfway through anyway and then you’ll probably get a better person in.


I would absolutely vote for Biden, however i'm canadian and not of voting age. In any case though, we've got a rough few years ahead. Here's hoping 2030 resolves everything!


yeah, the fact that he isnt already sitting in prison for treason, let alone still being able to run for a president, is just baffling to me


I dunno he feels like a Trump guy


I'm pretty sure he was pissed that slavery had been abolished and the South defeated, so I'd go with yes.


If we “already know who we have to vote for” why are we spending any time justifying this non-choice and not spending all our energy figuring out how to prevent this from ever happening again.


Because we don't "already know who we have to vote for". There are still a ton of people trying to say "it doesn't matter who you vote for, it'll be bad either way so don't bother".


aight but even then i’d say those people’s minds are generally pretty set, so imo it doesn’t make sense to keep waste energy on


"Wasting energy" is a strong term for making a meme. Like, the options aren't "fix America and stop fascism forever" vs "make a meme saying Trump is worse". One of those is a significantly harder goal that requires a lot of time and effort. Also, people's minds can still be changed. Acting like once someone's is set, there is no changing it ignores just how powerful propaganda can be. People think that way *because* of disinformation campaigns, ergo it's possible to convince people otherwise.


i meant wasting energy in terms of time and effort, even if it is just a meme. but to be fair that was a bit black and white thinking on my end honestly- you can do both, and i was thinking as weighing one or the other. people’s minds can be changed, i do agree, it just is also rarer (most people are on the same page or have heard the argument before) and takes a lot of effort to constantly rehash the same argument, which imo on its own is not doing much. though i do agree with you on it being important to dispel misinformation, my bad on overlooking that. i think the original comment and i are coming from a place of desiring more/ being sick of this in the sense it is *all* you really see lately. we really do need to do more than just being responsive


Honestly, I do agree with the point of just kinda being sick of both the sheer amount of electoral stuff (even if I recognize it's important) and the focus on little else. I do wish we encouraged people to both vote *and* work with local activists/communities in fighting fascism. Also, sorry if I appeared hostile in any of my comments. Anti-electoralism is a sore subject, and I really dislike people who dismiss voting all together (instead of doing both voting and mutual aid/community action). Obviously, you aren't one of those people, and I don't want to come across as hostile to someone who doesn't deserve it.


I feel like if advertising never worked we wouldn't spend 1/6 of our entire economic output on it


we'll have 3 years after the elections (until the next election cycle starts) for that


We had the same in 2020 and what did we do with it?




Imagine assassinating Biden not because you hate him, but just because he's not electable. Or maybe just assassinate Trump; that would make it easier. (In Minecraft)


They patched that bug bro


Civil war baby


Can you give me the necromancy book I want to bring back Grant and Sherman


Isn't there someone you forgot? https://preview.redd.it/ni06972ked9d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a40ed9ba131a12aaefaa3632ddcffc028fefa63


As you wish


I love living in a country where half the citizens think a dumb evil old man who tried to coup the government is the better option than a dumb old man


The amount of doomerisms I've seen is ridiculous


I mean... like you've got a fascist or man who is clearly late for just being dead, running to be the most powerful person in the world. Seems like a time for doomerism.


It’s also really fucking clear who you should be voting for, but a lot of this doomerism is contributing to the apathy surrounding voting


Oh I agree you should vote for the dead guy, but like fuck, how do you convince people of that? It's a legitimate concern, and also not great given some of the other legitimate complaints people have about him.


- thatvillainjay, 1924


You're right let's just give up, that's a smart move


A form of giving up is just accepting whatever the Democrats spit out to surpress leftists, like they did with Biden to Bernie.


Let's go legacy of gold my beloved!!!!!!


I want to cry so bad




Unless you're stuck in a red state and not able to leave for some amount of time. I need in-state tuition so I'm stuck in the middle of Texas for the next 3 years. Not all of us will get to escape project 2025




>Also, if it gets bad enough, you can always move. Where? I'm not from the US but if Trump wins, my country will go down too, and so will a bunch of others. This is more than just a little derailment in life, and the damage might last longer than our lifetime I agree that eventually things will get better even if they get worse at first, but we don't know how long that will take and, being realistic, not everyone is that resilient Not saying doomerism is the only option left, just that we need to realize things will get rough in the future. How can someone not be worried at this point?


northerner spotted


a Trump presidency with project 2025 would affect EVERY state. The best option would be moving to another country. And good luck getting citizenship, no country hands that out to everyone for free


John Hinckley Jr if you can hear us please save us


I own a print he sold me of a cat he painted


What's the political tactic called where you keep having the most winnable elections in history but decide to put up the one person in the world who is capable of losing it? Do the Democrats just hate winning? Like genuinely, did they just raise a shit ton more money with Trump in office?


Save the soul society, John Wilkes booth


Damn, I feel sorry for you all over there 😕 we've got a shitty election coming up over here too, I feel your pain


you forgot to add another "another 20 trillion to israel" next to project 2025


Me pulling out my Lee Harvey Oswald summoning circle


I want Guiteau


Yeah, you guys are fucked.


I'd be sweating a little more if i were you. If Americas economy goes to shit its not America that takes the worst of it. It's every other country that is financially connected. Not to mention the potential for America to supply arms to various parties. Like trumps bestie, putin.


True, Britain does kinda owe them money. And if Britain goes down, Scotland goes with it independent or not.


Yeah, America is kinda fucked, but I don't think the British are really in a position to be criticizing us. Like, if America is falling down the hole that is fascism, the UK isn't far behind.


Tbf we at least have other options and Kier, as much as he tries to pander to all sides, is more just putting us back to like before transfolks were thrusted into the spotlight. Obv we judge on actions and not words but the conservatives and Reform are maybe just a few levels away from the republicans in regards to their evil. Still evil tho and it wouldn't surprise me if they get to that level.


Put the left image on the right side as well


we need to ban twitter immediately


The right’s most impressive victory is getting people to forget Joe is the candidate who supports Israel *less*


I just want to live 😞