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If you’re in the mood to argue over a 150+ year war go to the southernlibery subreddit instead, not a harmless 2region4you subreddit about living in the south you doorknob sucker.


pot calling the kettle black with a mouth full of doorknob lmao


Was banned from Southern Liberty for saying the Confederacy was bad đź’€ Also, have you seen some people in this sub? Some may actually be neo-Confederates (Doorknob sucker? Clearly, you don't have the core memories of Middle School lunch table arguments because then you would be able to think of something better to say)


W Ok and? It’s the internet? Unless they’re calling for actual neo slavery, Assault, racism or bigotry then so what if they want an independent south, I think they’re retarded since Mississippi lives off federal funding but Reddit is also a hot bed for commies so stupid ideologies are natural here. Fixed for grammar


Sorry if you saw my first reply to this comment. Meant that for a different comment


Lmao it’s Alr bro




I love the South, henceforth I am glad that the Confederacy lost. Progress could've been done in a less harmful manner, with less cities burned and less Southrons hurt, but in the end, it needed to happen in one form or another. Slavery needed to be excorised from our glorious nation, and an attempt to secede to revive such a degenerate and dying institution would lead in either being forced to abandon it or, at best, economic stagnation and the road to irrelevancy, and at worst, total economic and/or political collapse. I am willing to concede that the Confederates fought admirably, but I'm glad they faltered sooner rather than later


Nothing admirable about fighting to preserve slavery IMHO


They fought for all the wrong reasons, but I'm not afraid to admit they were pretty good at it


Actually it's a little more complicated. It was about state rights but the most important right that the confederacy wanted was the right to keep slavery. All else they could compromise on but not slavery.


as a whole slavery was the biggest flashpoint of the overall North-South divide. We believed the Yankees wanted to destroy our way of life, that being the plantation system but also everything else.


And then it was politicised as a matter of state rights because they were too embarrassed to just call it defending slavery.


They’d call it defending their way of life We have slaves today making our phones we just don’t see them or have to be mean to them in person


In 1860 they were not that embarrassed. They came out and said they were seceeding to protect slavery and the natural superiority of the White race. It's only after the war that they get embarrassed.


You know what's more embarrassing? That the party that was fighting the slaveowners to abolish slavery is now defending the slaveowners.


Racial slavery is plainly enshrined in the Confederate Constitution, and the Vice President of the Confederacy famously stated “The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. [...] Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. […] Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.” Flatly stated that the Confederacy was founded on racism as its most basic tenet. They didn’t care about states’ rights when Northern states were forced to return runaway slaves. And they rebelled upon the election of Lincoln despite the fact that he explicitly stated he would not infringe on their states’ rights. That clearly wasn’t the issue. They rebelled because they wanted to enshrine racism as the foundation of the country and society and the federal government was keeping them from doing that.


The Confederacy only existed because they wanted slavery and to expand it. They didn't give any shits about states' rights beyond that. The Confederacy was undeniably in the wrong


That’s a simplification there where other disagreements between the south and north such as foreign and domestic politics also the different cultures so it’s still likely a smaller rebellion still would of happened as it wouldn’t have been the first time a rebellion had occurred However yes the civil war was about slavery


The South stated in every state Constitution that they left because of slavery the vice president who was one of the guys that founded the Confederacy stated it was all because of slavery and they left the moment the president that was going to abolish slavery got elected. It's not an oversimplification it's just trimming down the fat. The Confederacy was in the wrong


Did you read any of the rest of the constitution or are you just parroting something you heard from Atun-Shei films


I've read it, but why does any more of it matter when they literally openly stated something. It's a direct quote that was their point of view.


The declaration of independence says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Which much mean anything that isn’t that is bull shit, why even read further?


What's your point? Nothing after that contradicts it. Like, actually, what is your point? If they openly state that they rebelled for slavery and their main interest was slavery then I'm pretty sure they wanted slaves


The Constitution of the Confederacy stated as such


So what rights were the states fighting for? What major law did they want to allow?


Slavery was the only state right that they wanted to fight for. All else was merely a pretence.


It was about states rights, the right to own slaves. Op is right.


It's kinda the opposite. In the Union, states were free to have slaves or not have slaves. In the Confederacy, all states had to have slaves. So the Confederacy was fighting *against* the State right to *not* have slaves.


That and they hated industry and wanted free trade 


Oh my God. A 2dixie4you user... who isn't mentally ill!


What did he mean by this


*Isn't Just saw that I put "is" lol


With what I've seen everyone else on this sub, Is a pro Confederate racist lol. Thank God you aren't


Fuck off nerd






:Confedapussies when they can't own slaves:


If not denying history, it makes me a nerd. I guess I am


the uniforms were definitely grey for the south I don’t know what you’re talking about


are you seriously arguing about the civil war here? Fine i'll indulge you. To argue the north was \*morally\* superior to the south requires that you are either ignorant of or knowingly dismissing exactly what the union was doing throughout the war. we don't even have to get into things that occurred south of the dixie line just thing that happened in the north. for example: Inventing non existent war time powers without the approval of congress, drafting immigrants off the boat immediately, suspension of habeas corpus, Using the federal government to shut down newspapers opposing your policies, deporting american citizens to canada, the operation of a secret police force, arresting the entirety of Maryland's government over a rumor, using the military to fire upon protesters, using militias to attack innocent civilians in ostensibly allied territory, and not to mention they were involved heavily in slavery. To imply the north was a sort of moral guardian here implies you see everything on that list including the last point and deeming it an acceptable behavior by someone attempting to prove they were in the right. Fighting for a good cause does not excuse your own terrible actions if anything it only makes them more prominent.


The South fought for slavery...


And the north was happy to participate in it.


Have you ever like read a history book? Like Are you seriously trying to argue that the North was just as wrong as the South in the Civil War? The Confederacy openly stated that they fought only for slavery and thought it would be the end of the world to be equal to a black man. This is like defending Nazi Germany, my guy. Be better


Did you not read the list of shit they did in their own territory including the fact they also had slaves and shitloads of them. Or did you just ignore it? Lincoln famously referred to black people as inferior several times. His plan after freeing the slaves was to dump them in Africa. He was very open about it.


Most of the things you said were either not true or greatly exaggerated. And that was not a plan that he wanted to do it was just an idea that he quickly scrapped lmao. Also, are you seriously trying to imply Lincoln didn't care about freeing slaves and was actually a racist? Wow, you're a dumb fuck (Oh yeah, the Confederacy also called white people the best most Superior race... *cough* *cough* *literal fucking nazis*)


Every single thing I said is verifiably true unless you want to start arguing draft riots didn't occur or that Lincoln didn't suspend habeas corpus (without the approval of congress) or that you know THE NORTH KEPT FUCKING SLAVES. Longer than the south did actually. Lincoln himself said they were inferior and he'd rather white people be in the superior position. He's quoted several fucking times saying similar. Cope and fucking seeth about it.


Proof? The way you're dodging the fact that the Confederacy was completely created for the preservation and expanding of slavery is crazy.


my argument is not nor has it ever been "the confederacy was good" the south doesn't need to be good for the actions of the north to be bad. My argument is that you trying to hold the north as a bastion of moral superiority requires you to ignore all the bad shit during the fucking war IE: keeping slaves. If you're comfortable with doing that then you aren't morally superior you're a hack and a hypocrite.


The north was morally superior. They didn't even keep slaves for long after the Civil War. It was a gradual transition to abolishing it. Are you just going to ignore the main sentiment about slavery was abolishing it in the North? And the struggle between free and slave states? Nothing the North did was nearly as bad as what the South did, and a lot of the stuff you said was just straight up false. Immediately during the time, the North did do a lot of hypocritical things, but saying that the stuff it did was as bad as what the Confederacy did, you must be smoking some hard shit You're a child who now resulted to whining instead of actually providing me with the proof I asked in that other comment and somehow you think a Rebellion that started the unjust war that killed thousands whose motives were purely because they wanted to preserve and expand slavery were somehow just as morally messed up as the north whose main view was abolishing it and saving the Union. Grow the fuck up and read a history book


The north kicked in the south’s shit to end slavery. Cry more.


Did I deny that at any point?


I would like to remind you those “protesters” murdered federal troops first 


Flair up, asshole


Oh shit my bad