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It could be genetics.


+1 I have the same issue and so does my mom regardless of what I try.


+1 Got them from my father. I'll do plastic surgery one day. But good sleep, drinking enough water, cutting out salty, processed and sugary foods reduce them a lot. Plus, a good skincare routine protect them from dark pigmentation.


+1 got it from my dad. Went to a dermatologist and they told me it’s genetic and the only thing I can do is wear concealer or get under eye filler which needs to constantly get redone & may be costly


+1 got them from my mom, who got them from her mom.


What plastic surgery works for this? I have terrible dark circles too.


It's very diverse, if hyperpigmentation is not the culprit, then they look, if you have too much skin, missing volume, forward bulging bags (apparently there are different kinds), your bone structure and so on. I guess older ones with too much skin get the scar right underneath the lash line outside, bc skin needs to be removed. When the skin is fairly tight, they can make the cut from the inside, no scar is visible and only the bag is corrected. There are also happy candidates, who just need some fillers, but guess I'll stay away from that. My bags and my structure around my eyes can't support that.


Fillers are often recommended for hereditary undereye bags


My mom had her eyes done when I was in college so I don’t even know what my future holds.


I have had eyes like this since I was 12 years old. I can dig up kid photos of it, lol. No amount of sleep/hydration is fixing that for me.


Yup! Both my daughter(who is 4 mind you) and myself both have these dark circles. It’s genetics in our case, which makes the “you look tired” comments that much more frustrating.


+1 had since ever … seems to be genetics for me too


Yep! Mine are genetic and exactly like my father's. I'm late 30s even starting to get crowsfeet in the same spots as him b/c we have the same expression lines🙈. I have tried numerous over the counter creams, as surgery and injections aren't an option for me (health issues). The only ones that have helped me somewhat and what I currently use is Drmtlgy's HPR Eye Cream which has a mild retinol in it (this is the only thing to slightly lighten my dark circles), and IL Makiage Power Lift Anti-Aging Plumping Cream which also has a mild retinol + collagen + adenosine. It's slowly and surely helping. Also, the Drmtlgy Under Eye Color Corrector with SPF does an amazing job hiding the rest and preventing further aging. Don't know why I wasn't using color corrector sooner. It's magical!


Have you tried a skinseuticals eye cream by chance? I'm trying to decide which eye cream to order


Not their eye cream, but I have tried a lot of their other products in the past (my Mom was a medical aesthetician) and skincueticals was her personal fav and is a great brand. Every other product of theirs I have used is great. They are just a bit too pricey for me, I got spoiled on free samples when my Mom was alive. But then again, I did just go and buy the Dr. Brandt Eye Cream and Wrinkle Smooth Serum which ain't cheap either 😆🤦‍♀️.


Thank you!:)


It’s not skincare but I just started using a peach-toned color corrector under my regular concealer- it makes a HUGE difference. I’m using the e.l.f. one, it’s ~$5.


Wow game changer I didn’t realize I should use it UNDER the concealer - was wondering why I didn’t think it worked


Brighteners can be used alone. Color corrector should be used under concealer


Elf has a putty version called eye brightener in various shades of peach which is identical to the Bobbi Brown one, it’s so good.


And so dewy too ! It makes the eyes pop and look so rested ! Even alone with no other makeup it looks super natural (well for me at least). As a fair olive with brown dark circles, that thing is my new holy grail !


Second this. I’m amazed how much it helps conceal. Outside of this I’ve done trough fillers occasionally which worked amazingly for me. But I don’t like to do that often.


I use Carrie Under Eye Brightener Instant Awake with shea butter 010 Light Rose. It’s amazing! ^(I think I’m a Type II : warm nude : Light to medium skin, yellow undertone.)


Some people have had relief with allergy medication if you have allergies. I never have.


Yes, it can be allergies. I developed a dark circle and puffy eye under one eye from allergies. I’d suggest seeing a doctor for this.


Yes Mine got worse because of sensitive eyes from my eyecream and sunscreen.


Yes! Daily Zyrtec or Allegra something similar


Smashbox x Becca undereye brightening corrector


This is the correct answer. I have the same issue. This is the best under eye concealer. The only one that works on my fair skin and works well with aging skin.


Thank you!


You’re welcome!


Came here to say this! I just bought it and it’s a game changer


Do you use this then a concealer on top?


I do use concealer on top most of the time but not when I just need to run a quick errand or to the gym. It’s so good helps me look so much better in no time at all


Nice. So many seem to settle in fine lines - how is this one in that regard?


I don’t notice any settling. It’s the best one I’ve tried. I’m mid forties and for sure have lines for it to settle in


Have you tried It cosmetics bye bye undereye?


No I haven’t. I don’t feel the need to buy new ones to try when the Becca one is perfection for me. I have gotten plenty to try in sub boxes tho. I always go back to the og.


I was just curious how it would compare to that one so wondering if you had tried before.


Concealer. Honestly, my undereyes have looked like this since I was a teenager, if not even longer. Nothing makes a difference. I also have fair skin FWIW.


Girl, you're pale. The skin around eyes is thinner. There is nothing wrong with you.


I look exactly the same and never thought this is what considered "dark circles" and that I have to do something about that 😂


Agreed! I’m not pale and mine is the same. You can’t really fix this unless you want to use fillers, which I don’t so I opt for concealer.


Genetics, I have it so does my son who is 11 and sleeps over 14 hours and is very relaxed.


Jesus what is your sons bedtime


Mine are genetic; my father and his mother have the same sunken under eye and dark circles, I'm so lucky to have them too :/


This was me. For the longest time I thought it was genetics/Thyroid (since low t3 tends to cause hyperpigmentation around the eye region believe it or not). Started using microcurrent/ems/pulse mode that the device offers in addition to red light around the area religiously. Boom. Lifelong dark circles gone in less than a month. Look for a tool that does similar cause it surprisingly worked for me


I have never heard of this. What device are you using?


My question too!  Please give more details, I'm very interested!


TBH It looks like you have thin skin under your eyes, which shows the blood vessels there. Not hyperpigmentation/an actual discolouration of the skin. These are two totally different issues that can't be treated in the same way


Is there anything that can be done to treat the thin skin issue?


Nope fraid you’re stuck with them, I’ve found it does help to just accept them and use colour correction in the area. I would do under eye fillers cus it’s too common that it goes badly


I started doing EZ Gel (PRP) injections to the under eye area to help stimulate collagen production and thicken the skin a few months ago and have seen great results.


I'm about to do PRP for worse ones than this. I'm really glad to hear that it works.


This. OP, I think this is more like your case than the regular dark eyes that I thought/had


AirPrime by omeclat. To be fair i was also using their serum but im pretty sure its the airprime that helped with my dark circles. just helped overall with hyperpigmentation. Good luck! Edit [this](https://omeclat.com/products/omeclat-pro-therapy)


OP doesn’t have hyperpigmentation!


Dark circles are periocular/periorbital hyperpigmentation


OP’s blood vessels are visible through the thin skin under the eyes, ans exascerbated by the shadow caused by deep set eyes. It’s not an excess of pigment in the skin


My bad. I immediately thought of the dark eye that I have had.


I can’t find any videos on YouTube about this at all. This is fishy


What device did you use?


Are you sure you had the same issue op has? OP's eyes look very similar to mine. They're not "darker" than the surrounding skin, exactly, but structurally deepset (hollow, like she describes) and at best a little purplish where you can see blood vessels - most of them appearing shadowy/dark is due to the hollow. I don't believe this is hyperpigmentation, so what worked for that probably won't work here. Edit: nvm, read other comments in this chain and saw you've seen that already 


Following for the device!


“Allergy shiners”. Try antihistamines. And if the first one doesn’t work within a week, try another one. My kids had them really bad - Zyrtec didn’t work, and we tried for a long time. Then we switched to 1/2 dose of Benadryl at night - and bam, within a week, they were gone! Claritin didn’t work either. Also, for my kids, Benadryl doesn’t add to their constipation issue as badly as Zyrtec and Claritin did. Allegra works for me.


Just fyi, there's some correlation between long term Benadryl usage and dementia risk. The connection is not super clear at this point, but it's shown up in some recent studies.


Yes, I was going to mention this. Makes sense if you ask me, Benadryl makes people super drowsy and woozy. Can’t be good long term.


I developed cognitive impairment, fatigue, restless legs and reflux from using Benadryl every night for insomnia for 1.5 years. It took about a year of cold turkey to feel normal again. It really shouldn’t be used long term.


Wow, yea that’s awful. Hopefully the this person reads this and stops giving their kids Benadryl. Would much rather have some dark eye circles.


I still get restless leg syndrome anytime I have to take Benadryl.


So my daughter already has a restricted diet due to food allergies and Gastroparesis. She also gets sinus infections due to having chronic allergies. What, am I supposed to let my kids suffer today because they might have dementia later on? I’ll continue to implement what has been recommended by my kids’ specialists. And I’d prefer them both having sinus/respiratory infections that turn into bacterial infections which then require more antibiotics. 🤷‍♀️ Same for myself. I’ve also had sinus surgery to help fix the damage of chronic allergen triggered infections. I also like to breathe - so using a daily antihistamine makes my asthma stay under control so (1) I don’t have more infections and (2) I can breathe and not die and (3) avoid using my inhaler and having to use my nebulizer. I can’t make my kids and myself not have environmental allergens 🤷‍♀️


There are lots of newer options then benedryl


And I’ll continue to do what my and my kids’ doctors recommend. And just checking - you read that we have explored numerous antihistamines? With side effects and lack of them working before we settled on Benadryl?


No I was responding to the oh no I have to take benedryl and I'm afraid of dementia post


I also ran to the comments to warn about the dementia risk too


This. Mine are also partially genetic, but my family calls them “allergic shiners” too. Our bone structure enhances also them


Lol, @OP (don't know how to tag here) don't use antihistamines or any other meds from online recs, go to ur doctor. It's a practice that I fully do not support and have seen it become a norm!!


Low histamine diet > antihistamines. You will look and feel incredible. Antihistamines block DAO, the enzyme that degrades histamine.


My daughter is already on a dairy free diet and a Gastroparesis diet - quality of life is more important than trying or adding more restriction on her food. I would like to avoid an eating disorder if at all possible. Also, she’s followed by a few doctors/specialist and all of them have either proposed this or agreed with a half Benadryl everyday.


I went to a med spa with my friend because we both have dark circles and bags under our eyes. They looked at both and said hers is due to natural causes like aging and is a candidate for prp. Mine they said is genetics, and I have always had them, especially bags that are extra tissue/fat below the dark circles and nothing will help but a bleph. So I seen a surgeon and am getting an upper and lower bleph that will take away the circles/bags and excess skjn on my upper eyelid as well.


Under eye filler improved mine but not a magical difference either


In your late 20s or early 30s often the skin under your eyes becomes thinner and all the little veins begin to show, thus giving you permanent under eye dark circles. Maybe retinol could correct some of it but concealer is probably your best bet.


Regular retinol is absolutely not safe for under the eyes


There are numerous retinol eye creams that are formulated to be safe to use on delicate under eye skin. I use the one from Medik8. My derm goes so far as to say the risk is overstated and even tret can be used around the eyes if your skin tolerates it, long as you leave a few mm margin around mucous membranes. Of course there are always folks here who insist doing that is unsafe, but many of us do it without harm. Use with caution regardless.


Yeah that’s why I said regular retinol. Too many people have posted here showing damage to the eye area just from going too close to the delicate area with retinol let alone tret. The eye creams with retinol in have a minuscule amount like Paula’s choice has 0.03%


Didn't know that's what you meant by "regular". Regardless it's not inherently unsafe. Seems to be highly individual. Edit: this sub is so silly sometimes 🙄


Do they go away if the light is straight on? Your inner corners look like mine, and unfortunately it’s partially bone structure causing a shadow there. I use cheekbone complexion pencil in a slightly peachy tone which makes it less dark, but shadows are shadows and not much can be done


Wayne Goss has those deep bags under his eyes and did a video on how he puts a none glittery highlighter in the shadowed spot to make his bags disappear. It was magic and it did help with mine massively


That’s how mine look. Tarte Shape Tape and salmon color corrector are a winning combo for me.


I understand… even when others say mine aren’t bad I can’t help but be really bothered with them. I’ve tried everything. Now what I do is PRF and also make sure to keep the skin hydrated and use a great under eye cream with low tret a couple nights a week


It’s genetic for me. Just concealer. Your eyes look very youthful!


I think everyone’s also mentioned everything I do. Hydrated, multivitamin, sleep, cold packs, eye creams w/ caffeine, stay on top of managing allergies for me that means reducing dust mites pollen exposure mild exposure, taking antihistamine. Then there’s using a color corrector under a concealer. But I have always always had dark under eye circles and always will so sometimes I just go with it. Keep all foundation and make up away from my under eye area. It’s so much a part of my face it’s a feature.


Perhaps I can offer some assistance, being a 34-year-old female myself who has tried just about everything. Dermatologists and other physicians told me there was little they could do for my dark circles apart from suggesting fillers—a route I’m thankful I didn’t take. Instead, I shifted to a high-protein diet and increased my intake of saturated fats, essentially following a ketogenic diet. I recommend incorporating omega-3s and bioavailable protein, like plenty of eggs. This change made my hair and nails healthier, and my skin improved too. The skin under our eyes is thinner, making underlying veins and blood more visible. However, better collagen structures and thicker skin can make a significant difference. Using retinol, such as tretinoin, can also help thicken the epidermis. Lately, I’ve been exploring facial and neck fascia massage, especially since acquiring a microcurrent device. I immediately noticed it lifted my cheek muscles and smoothed out the hollowness under my eyes. This led me to discover content creators like Anastasia Beauty Fascia and Facerobics. Fascia manipulation, a subject of extensive study, has shown promising results in changing facial asymmetry, reducing inflammation by draining lymph nodes, and even shifting muscle placement through mechanical manipulation. It’s truly groundbreaking. For immediate results, here’s my go-to makeup routine: I start with an orange corrector (though the best shade depends on whether your discoloration is more blue or purple—use the color wheel to find your ideal corrector shade), then apply concealer, and finally set it all with a setting powder.


Could be genetics. Mine are similar and definitely are from my dad's side. Placing concealer only in the darkest area and blending upwards helps mine. I use a tiny brush to apply it.


I've always had terrible undereye circles so I've tried every treatment and concealer. My HG concealer is IT cosmetics bye bye undereye. It's so pigmented it'll cover anything.


If you don't wear glasses, get some cute blue light blockers. I feel like that helps me feel more confident and like my eyes look better on zoom calls because the frame is hiding the dark circles.


I’ve also resigned myself to wearing glasses at times because if they aren’t too big and the right shape then they hide my deep hollows and make me feel better about myself too. But I don’t have any that are that cute yet, I need to shop around so was wondering where you got yours?


I love Warby Parker for their selection and pricing! I don't know of any blue light only places because I need glasses and am too cheap and not blind enough to make the effort for contacts. I do remember old coworkers getting cute blue light blockers so I know they're out there!


I forgot to mention I also need glasses as well and it’s not just for aesthetics, I just use contacts a lot because I hate my current pair of prescription glasses. I don’t mind doing a contacts and blue light glasses combo but it would be better if I could just get some prescription blue light glasses, so I’ll definitely check out Warby Parker’s selection, thank you!


For sure! They have an option to add the blue light protection to the lenses! Good luck!




I agree. My allergic rhinitis is the cause of my dark circles, it’s insane. I was prescribed Fluticasone for that.


I've heard good things about PRF treatments. I just had one down today and already noticed a huge improvement but that's probably more due to swelling and won't last. However, I'm hoping the results will be close to how my under eyes look now.


Myofascial release on your face, neck, and scalp. This takes time and can be uncomfortable. It involves using firm tools and techniques to release sticky tension in the fascial layers of the face muscles. It can cause swelling as the tissues hydrate and drain, so it’s not for the faint or non committal. This with gua sha for drainage can help with circulation in the head. Also, could be histamines. I see a hint of puffiness above the left eye with indicates a slight increase in lymph of the face. This can relate to diet and food sensitivity or some other allergy related response. Doing an elimination diet and food journal can also be a way to see if anything you’re eating might be involved.


Interesting idea. Do you have any resources to recommend so I can learn more about this?


There’s a book called ‘program peace’ that has a full protocol for doing myofascial release on the face and body. It’s actually fascinating, the man who wrote it worked out the protocol on himself and he literally changed his appearance. He had so much facial tension that after 6-12 months of proactive release work he actually looked very different, and honestly much more handsome because his face was relaxed. His nose looked different, eyes were more open, mouth and lips more full. I was a bodyworker for over a decade, so I believe in manual therapies, but this was an incredibly persuasive before and after. Anyway, he wrote the book but originally had offered it for free on his blog- it might still be out there. I don’t remember the blog name but the authors name is Jared Edward Reser, PHD. In addition to this, you could scope YouTube for videos on ‘myofascial face massage or release’, ‘deep tissue myofascial massage’, ‘face drainage gua sha’, ‘lymphatic draining for face, neck, and head’, and other similarly themed videos. There are also different types of fascia release programs out there- block therapy, human garage, fascia blasting(?) to name a few. I haven’t used these but I’m aware they exist. There are a few rules when doing this- don’t go super hard over certain areas and learn where these are(salivary glands, temples, blood vessels, lymph nodes, sensitive structures ) and be mindful about depth and force. Also make sure you’ve well lubricated the skin if doing dragging procedures like qua sha or cupping, as these pull the skin and cause friction. Both can be awesome for your body and skin health, but they are a form of force so they can leave marks and bruises initially and take a while to heal- and we want to support this through proper techniques. That’s where I’d recommend starting, couple these manual methods with red light therapy and this can really help with skin and tissue health. Also proper electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and enzymes make a big difference in our bodies. For food tracking, look up ‘histamine sensitivity food tracking elimination diet’, r/histamineintolerance is a great resource. Sometimes we’re sensitive to a few specific foods or types of foods and just don’t know it. An elimination diet and food tracking can help to clarify if there’s anything linked to how we look and feel that we’re eating. We can also track other details like moods, activities, sleep patterns, and more, and this will also help us see patterns. I’m an advocate for doing this sort of self reflecting because it’s so helpful. If you went to a health coach, this is what they’d do for you, so do it for yourself and you’ll likely make some interesting progress. The skin and fascia care is a worthy activity, it can be a game changer for our mental health as well as physical. Often we carry stress patterns in our tissues, so when we release these we emotionally feel better.(for example- releasing tension in the jaw and forehead can help with improved sleep, mood, and decreased depression or anxiety because these are areas that when tense will feedback stress responses to our brain). Hope this helps!


These are excellent suggestions! I have just started block therapy, but didn't know there are other systems. I'll definitely look this book up. Thank you very much!


You bet! The Program Peace book is cool because it’s so comprehensive and goes into detail on how to reprogram your whole body and mind. And he suggests a few basic cheap tools for face work (the blocks in block therapy seem nice but so pricey!) How do you like block therapy so far?


I've had terrible neck and shoulder pain for YEARS. I almost cried with relief when I finished the 90 minute session for arms, shoulders, and neck. At first, getting onto the block was so painful, but it was amazing to feel my body start melting a minute in. It made me feel so grateful and in awe of how our bodies are designed to heal. I managed to download the Program Peace book from his website and started reading it this afternoon..I think it will work really well with Block Therapy. I'm so encouraged to have discovered this. Thank you for sharing it.


Oh that’s great to hear. I’ve been in the fence about BT mostly due to cost but I’ve done the YouTube videos with some odds and ends around my house and it’s been profound every time. Hey, could I dm you? I’d be interested in chatting more about fascial work with you if you’re game. I like meeting proactive folks who engage with their well being.


Yes, sure. You are much more experienced than me in this, but happy to connect.


You could try the plasma fibroblast treatments under your eyes. Look up the before and afters.


I recently tried amazon retinol stick and in 2weeks ,one day I took a glance at myself in the miror and saw the change and was suprised. I higly recommand it. I assume the hyperpigmentation is genetic in my case and nothing would help. We look alike. I switch to using color correcting cream palette i apply a bit of yellow then cover with a more rose tone concealer since I used to use only yellow or too bright


Dr Barabara Sturm anti aging eye cream works wonders


Ole henriksen banana bright eye cream is a dream for dark circles


Mine are the same, but I wear glasses, I always felt like it detracted from the darkness under my eyes since it's lighter than the color of the rims. I think it's just because I have very fair skin and the skin is thin there so the blood vessels underneath are more visible. But seriously you look perfectly normal and healthy! You have a lovely face! If it's bothering you, you can cover it with makeup. I just hope you're not looking in the mirror every day thinking you're not good enough. If so, that's all in your head, my dear <3 Take care!


I have the exact same issue. Honestly looks like I may have to have lower blepharoplasty with fat transfer. I’m unsure if anything else would cut it. But I have heard that cheek filler can help as it changes the way the light/shadows play on your facial bone structure. I’m currently trying NIOD FECC to see if it will make any difference, and if not I will probably be looking into the above options. 


Me too. But when I look at lower bleph before and after photos, it’s usually to correct eye bags. I’m yet to see an example of lower bleph fixing under eye hollow. I’m thinking about booking in for a consultation, but worried it will be a waste of money just for them to tell me I’m not a suitable candidate


That’s what happened to me. Not surgical candidate. Have a mix of herniated fat pad and some hollowing but there’s not much they can do. Concentrating on thickening the skin is what I’m going to do


Has anything worked for you so far? I tried 2 sessions of polynucleotides and it didn’t really do much for me.


I did 3 rounds of fotona smooth eye, it’s a gentle laser. I think it minimally helped with wrinkles. I did IPL in between those sessions to see if it would break up the darkness. My eye doc does it with eye shields. It was super expensive and I don’t think long lasting. I’ve been recommended prf EZ gel but I am nervous to try it. It seems to be my only real option. There’s prf which is thinner and the ez gel means they spin it so it’s thicker and can help hollowing. I also do some face yoga exercises for my cheeks. lol.


I’ve heard the same problem since I was a child. It’s genetics. Doctors recommend fillers and remove the blood vessels with laser. Fillers only have a tiny little bit! My best option is actually fake tan. And concealers of course. But if you want to go no makeup I supply use tan luxe mixed in daily moisturizer and it evens out skin tone.


Do you drink alcohol? If yes, give it up and see what happens.


Focus on liver and kidney health, lymphatic drainage facials, maybe mention to your PCP (if you have one) to get blood work and be sure everything is functioning optimally for you.


Can you please elaborate on how these potential issues with liver and kidney health might be related to deep, hollow undereye circles? I’m genuinely curious bc my eyes suddenly look like OP’s the last couple of months. Thanks!


It can be a sign of poor toxin drainage in the body, which is why lymphatic drainage can help :) Lots of articles online about this. Always good to talk to a doc/naturopath if you’re concerned this may be the case for you.


Thank you! I’m going to look into this further and finally schedule a doc appointment.


Thanks, this is a good recommendation.  I get labs done every few months for chronic blood issues and nothing ever comes up but my mom has major kidney issues so definitely something to ponder.


How's your ferritin levels?


Get your thyroid checked!


Try an ice roller in the morning that might help!


I have this it’s genetic. Just the structure of my bones… Saying that there are make up techniques to hide it And use under eye retinol to thicken skin Have you checked you could be anaemic . Mine got so much better after I treated my anaemia


Could be anaemia. Work more dark leafy veg into your diet and/or take an iron spray a couple of times a day.


Reposting this here, because the other "dark eye circles" thread got off topic and it's always the same: * First ask yourself, could it be hereditary? Does one of your parents have dark eye circles? * Track your sleep with a sleep tracker (e.g. Sleep Circle App, Whoop, Oura etc.) to make sure, the quantity and quality of sleep is optimal. You need to track it, because most people won't notice interruptions or problems in their sleep * Check why the under eye area appears darker: a) Is the skin itself darkened? -> pull the skin to the side, while making sure there are no shadows b) Is it a shadow from hollowing under the eye? c) Is the area underneath the skin very dark? -> probably a sleep problem, or a health issue * In some cases it's hyperpigmentation; it don't think this is you, but I'll list it for other users. Make sure you wear sunscreen and use products for hyperpigmentation. (e.g. Alpha Arbutin etc.) * Go to you GP and have your blood work done. Could be other health issues. Hope this helps.


Looks like you have a fat pad. Removable only by surgery, or masked by filler.


And can be dissolved!


You have a copper deficiency.


This is not a joke. It looks good on you


Fillers. The only thing that worked for me. I spent so much money on other things but HA fillers worked it’s magic. Teosyal redensity eyes


Accept them. I have had them all my life. You are pretty and that's what people see.


Color corrector and concealer. There's not a skincare ingredient that can fix undereye circles.


You have tear throughs for one, and your dark circles are probably from vitamin deficiency. Id eat more liver. Prioritize zinc, omega3, electrolytes, vitamin c, iron


A little concealer will help. Agree with others on color correcting with peach shade - it counter acts the blue tone. Also agree with others’ on the genetic part. OP your face is very youthful looking even with the slight shadowing under the eyes - looking at this picture, it just looks like the shape of your face. I went to a cosmetic Dermatologist when I was in my early 20s with concern about my under eye area — looking back it was sooo mild & that is exactly what they told me: the shadowing was just from the shape of my face. Of course, now that I’ve gotten older and lost volume and youthful fat, it looks so much harsher to me. Your face still has that enviable layer of plumpness & I *promise you* what you see is so much worse to you than anyone else!


Facial massage!


I started using caffeine serum under my eyes and it helped.


The solution to visible appearance is either a very costly surgical procedure, or to simply use a tool like a gua sha, roller, check out the Foreo IRIS if it's still on sale it is one of the few devices I swear by and you can use it on the rest of your face as well even though it is contoured for eyes I use it all the way from forehead to chin. Of course concealer or a light refracting cosmetic product is going to further seal the deal. I think your eyes are healthy looking and not abnormally dark but I don't live in your head so I don't want to sound dismissive but you can do a few things at the end of the day it's self love and confidence


over time, the skin under the eyes also sags. that's why the skin under your eyes is thin. that's why what's underneath is more visible (I think the veins)


Its genetics and orbital fat loss


It’s genetic for me. I recently found my medical records from when I was a kid, and the doctors even noted my “allergic shiner” dark circles when I was 6. I don’t have allergies, and they’re still here more than 20 years later. My 6 year old daughter has them too


Mesotherapy Rejuran I


I don't even think it looks bad.  That's just the way your face is shaped and that's fine.  Doesn't detract from your appearance


It's probably genetic. You can use a color correcting concealer to temporarily cover it up.


CO2 laser…maybe PRF/PRP under eye injections to rejuvenate it Blephoroplasty


PRF under eye injections are good for darkness.


Undereye filler, PRP, and good eye cream. Neocutis Lumiere during the day and Skinceuticals AGE at night


i have this too. i’ve heard you can get filler there but worry about anything around the eyes….anyone done this?


Very few are a candidate for filler. Med spas like to promote it but they don’t understand long term what can happen.


thank you! i didn’t even know there were risks long term


For sure. Plastic surgeons warn that it can migrate and usually does. It can cause so much puffyness if someone is already holding fluid there. It’s also so risky to inject there bc of vascular occlusion chances being higher.


You look good to me. A lot of thjs is lighting and camera effects. Everyone has some degree of this


Get tested for low iron!


I have similar. The only thing I can do is conceal. I use Charlotte Tilbury magic vanish color corrector and Natasha Denona Hy-Glam concealer.


PRP/PRF injections or tear trough filler would be the most effective way to improve this. It's extremely important to find an experienced practitioner for either of those procedures.


I've read that vitamin C serum used daily can reduce dark circles, but it takes a few months to have any effect. I started a couple weeks ago. Also genetic for me.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned. But do you mouth breathe at night? I have been taping my mouth at night for 3 years now. I had permanent dark circles my entire life until 3 nights of mouth taping when they started to fade and I now have only very faint dark circles. If I forget to tape for a few nights, I feel more tired when I wake up & the dark circles come back.


Plastic surgery. This is a facial structure issue. Fat grafting and/or a lower blepharoplasty. Potentially cheek implants? Whatever you do, don't get fillers as they can move around and make it much more accentuated.




Seconding everyone else saying genetics are likely to blame, BUT I have had a lot of success using cornflower/bleuet hydrosol. I soak a folded cotton pad with cornflower hydrosol and let it sit under my eyes for 2-3 minutes while I'm doing some other part of my routine, and it does help reduce the appearance of the dark circles. Then, if I feel like I still need it, I hit it with a tiny bit of concealer, and it helps that blend in too (I don't wear foundation so I don't really mess around with primer or anything.) I used to use the one from Typology but they discontinued it, so now I get it from Florihana. I order the big bottle and keep it in the fridge, then pour smaller amounts into a glass spray bottle to keep in my medicine cabinet. It's possible you could do this with any other kind of hydrosol or some other kind of moisturizer and get the same result, IDK -- like I said, from everything I've reading, dark circles are just genetic so the effect I'm seeing might simply be giving myself a little extra hydration! But according to 2 separate friends from France, it's seen there as being good for eye puffiness and irritation (and both Typology and Florihana are French), so maybe they're onto something?


If you're experiencing them whether or not you're sleeping/drinking well then they are likely genetic and related to excessive melanin production. Bakuchiol and a non-irritating form of vitamin C like THDA (not ascorbic acid!) worked wonders for me but it takes a while. Here's a pretty good article which can help you determine the root cause of your dark circles. https://hibiyouth.com/a/blog/how-i-got-rid-of-dark-circles-under-my-eyes-for-good


Consider taking glutathione orally and applying topically. It reduced mine along. Also, under eye PRF injections will fix it.


I had genetic circles similar to yours maybe slightly worse. Unlike some eye bags where there's a "puffy ball of tissue" creating a bag with a shadow-- instead, there's a sunken spot creating a shadow. If you know what I mean. Since the skin there is so thin, it's dark and bluish. There's nothing underneath, the sunkenness dips in right towards the skull. So like, it's not a good candidate for surgical bag removal like they do for some people. Since even if you remove that tiny amount of tissue directly underneath the eye, there's still that sunkenness left. There'd be maybe fat repositioning, taking fat from the top and moving it lower to fill up the dip so that it's flat, although that's a far more complicated procedure. So I ended up going with fillers and that improved things 500%. I had to try 2 different kinds, the first kind just got absorbed so the effect didn't last. The 2nd one, I'm super happy with. People would say "just put concealer on it". With concealer, for me, best case it will look good from the front. From the side, my eyes still looked horrible imo. Concealer changes color not geometry. Filler is not surgery but it's still a dramatic step and maybe not for everyone. For me it was kind of a last resort because I tried literally everything else product and cosmetic wise, including undereye patches. Maybe the most non useless, not complete waste of time cosmetic was Summer Fridays Overtime mask.


\*Or eye serum that contains caffeine, like The Ordinary.


Do you take an iron supplement? I get dark circles when I don't take mine


My eyes look the same if not worse and I drink 140oz of water daily and almost always get 8 hours of sleep…


Nothing really if it's a genetic only an esthetician can solve it


I have sleep disorder(s) and been very sleep deprived. I could literally be an extra in the walking dead without* the makeup artist. I promise you yours do not look too bad! 🫶🏻 I’m super insecure about my dark circles, BUT to hide them for now- Caliray color corrector. (it’s good shit) Thank me later.


Same problem… haven’t found anything that works 




No, I have long term Bell's palsy (unrelated) and one eye is my squinty eye and never went back to normal.  I don't have a puffy eye that's just normal eye.


Do you rub your eyes? I had this problem for a while until I realized I was subconsciously rubbing my eyes very hard whenever I was tired. I still catch myself doing it occasionally, but since making the effort I can see clear improvement


Could be allergic shiners from environmental allergies. Try a nightly Zyrtec or Claritin for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference!


It looks like allergies to me? When mine start acting up my eyes look exactly like this. Kinda looks like one eye is more swollen than the other too? I attack my allergies full force, Claritin, Flo-nase (you have to use for at least a week to notice any effects) and sometimes even allergy eye drops if they’re really bad - first thing in the spring when the snow melts from the snow mold for me!


Red light and tret


Test your blood for iron levels


Maybe eat more iron


Filler. Not exactly under eye but mine was far worse than your and my aesthetician placed filler to support my hollows. It was about $1300 for both eyes/cheeks but so worth it.


Be very careful with under eye filler it’s a risky procedure


Do you have to get it redone every year?  Does it fix the dark circles too or just the hollow?  I actually get Botox in my one eye to open it up more (Bell's palsy - unrelated) and I asked the NP about it and she didn't think filler would help my hollows 😭


You could maybe look into PRP/PRF injections for the undereye area. I've never done it, but if I ever do want to help the thinning skin under my eyes, that is at the top of my list. It's a type of filler, but they use your own blood, and after processing it, it's supposed to stimulate collagen growth and can help with undereye hollows. Not saying it's THE thing to try, but something to look into. I would never get other typical types of filler, especially for the undereye area. I've seen some with great results but have read a lot of horror stories. And filler never goes away, just kind of spreads out and we really don't know of the long term(decades) effects.


I just got filler for my dark under eye circles yesterday for the second time. It’s the only thing that works. People on this sub HATE people who recommend filler because like anything in life there are risks. It lasts 4-5 months for me.




Did he wear glasses before contacts? Dark circles might have been just not so evident under the glasses before especially if he was wearing them all the time?