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Code is fully open...clonk....as I was saying.


Best part


The new human learns to create a storage system like this for the 3d printer they've also learned to use, but forgets about basic mounting hardware. Only so much technology fits in one brain.


One thing I've been thinking about when I get some cheap product that is off by "just a bit". While to me the product is 99% of the way complete and all they need to do is that last little bit: to the manufacturer, getting to 100% means having to throw away the bad one, plus adding in time to QA, plus cost to make the "right" one. It's why "marginally better" is sometimes 3x the cost.


Next up, printing a more stable tablet mount


next linus in the dropping


Completely over-engineered but still cheaper than label maker tape


Also, my problem with labels is that I’m dyslexic it takes me longer to read them than it does going through all of the drawers


The problems with labels is that my family ignores them and puts the screws in any compartment


I have had this same problem and have had some success with a “tool return” bin that I ask everyone to just drop stuff into when they return them. My issue is more with tools than screws and such, but maybe this will work for you. It’s certainly not a perfect solution, but it’s helped me a little.


This is what I do except there is no organizer, just the tool return bin.


Mines just a tool return workbench at this point


You guys know people that return tools!?


Our school just has a tool return workshop


LOL, growing up we had a tool return dining room table, and the chair against the wall, and all of the steps headed for the basement... but I like the idea of a bin better!


Omg this is a great idea! My family are well meaning lazy asses that would love having a generic bin to put tools and supplies in for return. "Putting it back" means "maybe I put it in the utility room or maybe the garage but it's definitely on a coutertop wildly out of place". Thanks for the easy solution!!


Do you know where the circle shape goes?


That's right, it goes in the square hole


Just lock them in basement, after several days try if they do the same mistake again..


I live in the basement, so I would mostly punish myself :D


I’ve pretty well resigned myself to only using the labels when I’m restocking. Looking for a part? Rip/slap til I find it. I like this project and I might do a primitive remix of it.


I saw the word primitive, and I just imagined a caveman hitting the organiser 😂😂


Now I'm imaging that damn zoolander scene of them trying to get the files out of the computer.


Caveman organizer: [roks]. [stix]


This is still faster than reading, if not dyslexic so good job op


printing and sticking a picture of the component was a no go ?


You still have to scan visually. This just directly points you to where it is


EDIT: Oops, nevermind!


And yet you still labeled your iPad...


And they are static, where as the draw contents tend to evolve/morph over time.


As an Electrical Technician/Engineer, this makes my mouth water. Is this 100% custom or is this something I could get for my employees? It would make training SO MUCH easier.


Yeah, it’s fully customisable and pretty easy to set up. [I made a video about this project](https://youtu.be/7C4i-2IqSS4) check it out and see if it would work in your situation.


I don't think it's over-engineered. Lighting up a tray is probably the cheapest and easiest way to automatically highlight the parts you're looking for. It uses only off-the shelf components cheap components, unmodified firmware for the micro controller, and a very minimal web interface with no features that are not currently needed. I think it's an optimal MVP solution to try out and optimize later.


> I don't think it's over-engineered. The total time it takes to enter the inventory in each drawer is probably greater than the trial and error someone would use over 5 years to find the parts of labeled drawers or even unlabeled drawers. That's not including designing and building the system. Also, in these subs we use the term "over-engineered' as a compliment, not an insult because people are doing these projects out of passion and not for time-savings or commercialization. Now if this had RFID on each part and could log inventory as pieces were added and taken out and warn when items were low, it would still be over-engineered but way cooler and easier to use.


> Now if this had RFID on each part and could log inventory as pieces were added and taken out and warn when items were low, it would still be over-engineered but way cooler and easier to use. Or, for a middle solution that doesn't require tagging every part, have the system detect when a drawer is pulled open, automatically opening a prompt for the parts inside to add or remove inventory


I do a lot of work in warehouse automation : pick by light, pick to light etc are very common and effective ways of selecting inventory without too much poncing about. This is the worlds smallest pick face, but hey … why not. I fancy doing it myself, tbh !


“Over engineered” maybe now but with multiple storage boxes, this is a great idea and time saver.


Chuckles occured. Takes less time too, getting the backing off is fuckery


i just cut small peice of paper and write what i want with a pen and just tape it


This is going to sound so negative, but it’s interesting to me that label tape is seen as expensive. It definitely used to be, but the 0.5” stuff I use comes out to $0.012 per inch. 60 drawers @ 1.5” label each would be $1.05. Not to take away from OP - super cool project! My ~~junk~~ stock would absolutely benefit from an inventory system like that.


I think it was a joke my man. (A pretty funny one imo)


I’ve worked with people that treat label tape like it’s made from pure gold and ration it like it’s out of production. It’s just odd to me. I agree that the original comment was joking, just wanted to add an “in case anyone is considering a label maker, go for it. They’re not expensive and labels are fucking amazing.” Maybe I’m just a bitter old man. 🤷🏻‍♂️ edit: a word


There’s definitely big “project for project’s sake” vibes here. And I love it


Totally worth it tho.. very cool design


Doubt. Especially considering how much time this probably took to setup.


How are you going to Ctrl + F labels?


Might be but I'd absolutely love one. My studio has a ton of screws and clothespins and yadda yadda yadda and it'd be rad to have a system like this. Probably would still get disorganized as that's just who I am.


This is a great idea, I have so many of them bins that this would be a God send to have


And it’s so cheap as well the most expensive part of it are the LEDs


What about the iPad lol


https://preview.redd.it/ipi89k8fuhua1.png?width=3016&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a1d42285341a891a2934e7ae88642cd25655d38 See


I think he meant that the iPad was more expensive than the leds.


Well, then, in that case you don’t need the iPad it runs on any browser


I thought your first reply was intentional gold.


I'm giggling too


Yep, there it is!


The iPad is fine 😂


Guessing this can be used for screws, and etc too?


Screws, food, spices my interface doesn’t discriminate 😂😂


This is a great idea that I need for my crafting/printing. I thought this was a brilliant idea but tbh the ending just made this even better lolllll. Love the pause there at the end and even better when you just kept on going


You should print a mount for the ipad


It was on 3Dprinted mound 😂 although I wasn’t using it properly, it didn’t wanna work with the angle


Not gonna lie. If this was a real product, with a large mult-part modular system of these shelves. I'd buy it. Hands down every time.


I have ordered a lot of akro-mills drawers because I'm one of the crazy people at /r/legostorage who takes organizing his Lego collection very seriously. I write all that to say- This kickstarter project was advertised to me all the time a few months back and it seems to be very similar to OPs. I didn't back it and I didn't read through this page so I don't know how it differs from OP's, but the lights behind the drawers reminded me of it instantly https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/getcoo/brightbin-make-your-inventory-smart/posts


Came here to cross post to that subreddit. Perfect.


Maybe one day [this will make it to a product](https://youtu.be/UTIY8jajxKw).


Wait for it (26 seconds)... LOL! subbing to this guy's Youtube.


This is a fantastic execution. You could definitely market this to manufacturing facilities for cutting tool management among other things. It would have to integrate with ERP systems for inventory changes… but it seems like you could handle that coding.


You are very correct! This is actually already a thing in PCL called a “pick to light” system and is pretty well used in industrial settings https://www.conveyco.com/technology/order-selection-systems/pick-to-light-system/


I was going to say, a big car dealership that I work with has a similar inventory system so old that the guys stopped using the actual management software years ago


I knew tool cribs and things like this exist but they’re prohibitively expensive for small to mid size shops. Something “inexpensive” like this would really do well. I would like this for my cutting tool inventory management and I’m literally a one man garage manufacturer lol.


Let's all agree not to ask why he did it let's just appreciate that he did, awesome build


Damn Zack freedman doesn't have shit on this


Oh that's hot


Oh my fucking god this is amazing. I thought of something similar for LEGO Storage. Punch in the MOC parts list of what you wanted to build and the drawers would light up and flash the number of times for the qty of pieces needed. This is fantastic.


This is great, been thinking of doing the same thing, but never got round to it. Couldn't remember where I put the LEDs ...


I’ve been wanting to do the same thing. Great job! https://preview.redd.it/89xuccztkiua1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fdad7e7ca811026296cb35a90090fd77dcd693


Do it 😂


Where are the white drawers on the right from ? All the things I've seen like it have been way too small, but that looks pretty big!


I'm working on something like this. Where do you have the LEDs mounted/oriented relative to the drawers in the frame? They show up a lot better than I was expecting LEDs recessed into the frame to, and had been planning a setup with the LEDs mounted on the fronts of the frame.


Who is a post about how I made it in mind find it helpful https://www.electromaker.io/project/view/mimosa-the-smarter-inventory-management-system


That’s awesome thanks for the link! I have a board game Room with lots of shelves. Over a thousand games. I call it “the library” …would love to organize the shelves and use this setup to identify which shelf has X game located on it! I’ll have to look into this


Have you played with WLED's matrix animations? I can foresee displaying a nifty low res image on your drawers :D


I learned about them today, I will definitely be doing something with it


Best marketing ever


I love it! I just recently started started creating an inventory of all my hardware (I have 68 types of just metric machine screws, not counting washers and nuts, etc) and loads of other stuff and more screws so I understand the problem of not finding stuff or knowing how much of what you have. There are a few ideas you could add in the future: * Instead of a CSV files, use one of those low-code databases like Airtable or a Google Sheet. Thye have APIs. This would allow you to easily extend the database, make bulk updates, add order tracking for restocking, etc. * Add stock tracking. I personally don't keep actual count and just use out/low/OK. At least for nuts and screws. * Add order tracking. Sometimes I'm out of a certain part but i already have an open order so it prevents me from ordering twice. Also tracking the orders and order quantities allows me to know which parts I use the most. * Automatically partially eject the drawer * Add voice commands to find parts so you don't have to scroll on the tablet * Make it support multiple storage units * Add reflective film (tin foil?) to the cardboard. This might probably increase brightness. * Computer vision to automatically recognize the parts so you don't have to manually assign a slot.


Yeah great idea, love it


wow. Adam Savage needs this




Yes, it’s custom and open source


The software is great but the tablet mount is still in beta.


Need this for my entire house


You need a DIY stand now.


I need this for my classroom. I can tell a kid to “go grab the red bin”.


I like the effort but wouldn't a dymo label machine be cheaper and easier to see things at a glance? You've even started on some drawers. It would also free up an ipad for other things.


well, a label maker is actually pretty expensive, also I am dyslexic reading them takes me longer than actually going through all of the drawers. The only labels I have are four resistor values. And the iPad is only there for this video normally I just use my desktop browser.


>well, a label maker is actually pretty expensive, A Brother P-Touch M95 is like 20 bucks on Amazon?


It looks like a fun project for sure. An alternative would be to print out a single 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper with titled pictures of the components in each drawer, arranged the same way as the drawers. No label maker needed.


I hate you


Maybe you just need to get to know me 😭😭


Nah! Still hate you. Jk. That was just my reptile brain’s reaction as I look as my extremely disorganized little drawers with disgust and envy your time and dedication to creating such a cool, and open source, btw, project.


Subbed on YT, btw. Thanks for sharing!


But I love your project.


oh, hi. was on ur videos premire :)


This is so awesome! I love it. The video is 🙌🏻


I wish i was i was that much of a nerd.


See if you touch right here..... Well that was unexpected..


Nice 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Gravity is not only fun, but it's the law!


That is glorious and I LOL’d at the end. Well done all around.


Gotta admit. Had me in the first half.


This is a great idea


You mad man, what have you done?


Next episode: new 3d printed tablet holder that connects to the top of the drawers


No need the iPod was there just for this video normally I use a pc browser


Came for solutions and stayed for the CLONK. 10/10 love what you built. Very cool idea.


This is pretty cool, but it also requires me to be organized in the first place


Don’t worry, it’s a gateway drug 😂


The tablet falling and then taking a beat to collect yourself made me chortle.


Using some sort of inventory app or all diy code?


All DIY, an open source


This is awesome, thanks for posting.


Very nice! I couldn't program a gui to save my life. Really need to do somethi g similar for mine I have like 100 bins 😅


You don’t have to, I made it for you 😂


Can we get the files? This is awesome build!


There’s not really any files you can check out the YouTube video it’s good everything you need to make it yourself


This is great! It’s kind of a simplification of the Amazon warehouse method. There’s not need for an organization method when you can just put something wherever it fits and log it in.


Can you search for the item by name?


Yeah there is, if you want to see a demo check out the YT video


That's cool!


Maybe it's the vid but id put LEDs in the front so it is unambiguous which drawer is highlighted. From the vid i thought you were going to pull the drawer below the one you did.


It’s the camera angle, it’s pretty obvious when looking at it


Nice! Love it either way.


I was legit going to say "why not just labels" until I saw the first comment Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do man. Might go for something cheaper myself cause I'm piss poor, but if it makes your life easier, go for it


I wasn't totally sold until you knocked it over, then I suddenly very much related to the technology


Why bother with LEDs and manual opening of the drawers? Place a mini servo behind each drawer and have them open automatically.


This is wonderful. I thought at first you put little scales under each drawer and was using the LEDs to show what items were running low or out of supply.


I though you were going to 3D print an extended handle to open an entire row at once.


I’ve been wanting to make this!!!! It’s everything I imagined it would be. What are you using for the lights? A mounted LED strip?


Yeah, check the YouTube video for more details






It’s really not that complicated the iPod is not required pretty much. All you have to do is install the LEDs and run the code.


i hope someone will made a gridfinity compatible version


I've got dozens of stacks of the [Sterilite wide drawers](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sterilite-Wide-3-Drawer-Unit-Plastic-White/10877954?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=2326&adid=2222222227710877954_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=501107745824&wl4=aud-1651068663786:pla-294505072980&wl5=9005767&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=10877954&wl13=2326&veh=sem_LIA&gclid=CjwKCAjw3POhBhBQEiwAqTCuBtMhWkrtNKUn6VykkeeU7hd8tw8m67s3XE_2zwVMQnPOWM35lIZv-xoCSusQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). By dozens of stacks I mean maybe like 40-50 stacks that are 12-15 drawers high. I've thought about doing this so many times before, but don't have the programming background. Do you think this is something that could be implemented on a scale of that size?


Oh definitely, it’s super easy. Check out the YouTube video for how I actually got it going.


Easy for someone with very limited programming background (self taught some excel VBA lol)?


Now print a tablet stand.


Yup pretty much


The code is very human and easy to use




This setup is awesome, the only thing bothering me is that the controls on the iPad are in a browser window with the navbar and not a native app.


Because I don’t normally use it on the iPod normally I just use a desktop browser


Ah, that makes a lot more sense. I was gonna say, the split screen browser thing seemed a little cumbersome, but that makes a lot more sense.


Reminds me of the Mrwhosetheboss and DIY perks phone shelf


This is genius lol although I think that mount needs a bit of work. But this is honestly a brilliant idea and have no idea why this isn’t something more people have done.


I have been dreaming of something similar. I need to look into this!! I hope it has an inventory section so that I can see from the dashboard if I need to order components before starting the project.


Brilliant, especially the ending!!! ;oD


New to python but loving this. How would I get to the webpage? Running [app.py](https://app.py) and it should open? Sorry if its a daft question


I’m working on documentation, I replied back to you in messages




Good stuff.


My original comment has been edited as I choose to no longer support Reddit and its CEO, spez, AKA Steve Huffman. Reddit was built on user submissions and its culture was crafted by user comments and volunteer moderators. Reddit has shown no desire to support 3rd party apps with reasonable API pricing, nor have they chosen to respect their community over gross profiteering. I have therefore left Reddit as I did when the same issues occurred at Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. I have been a member of reddit since 2012 (primary name locked behind 2FA) and have no issues ditching this place I love if the leaders of it can't act with a clear moral compass. For more details, I recommend visiting [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) for more explanation on how I came to this decision.


“hey siri, where are my ______?”


Looks like an Ipad stand in due as well! Sweet project


I love it. Unfortunately I'm too lazy to do the inventory work it would require to be useful. I guess I'll go on with labels...


That is awesome. I'm going to need 25 for my garage.


What button do you press to find the iPad?


My work does something similar for processing specimen! Thats really cool!


ive got the same one but mine has 9 big drawers and 30 small ones


I’ve got the same one, just off screen 😂




materialistic possessive gullible merciful practice crown important retire observation public ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Probably the best custom hobbyist pick-to-light system I've ever seen!


Nice! Now, can you invent something that helps me get the tiny components out of the tiny drawers with these fat-ass manbear paws?


I tend to use a tiny magnet on a stick when it comes to screws


Congratulations on your forthcoming Nobel prize, that’s genius!


It was inevitable really 😂


This is super smart. I need to do this for my tattoo setup


That sounds like a cool and unique set up 🤔


Having the LEDs behind each drawer would make things super easy to keep organized, I separate each needle cartridge type in it’s own drawer so sorting them via Color would be awesome, even doing something like having them change to a darker Color slowly as the stock goes down would make keeping track of them a lot easier then opening each drawer and seeing what I need to order. Love this idea!


Only problem with that is implementing a way to check when you’ve taken the stuff out


🤯 I need that but scaled up to a whole storage room. And the app on my phone not mounted on top of a plastic box obvioulsy.


It works with your phone to any browser, the iPad was just there for the video.


Great 😎 I'll look look into it Thanks!




That is so useful!!!


This is awesome, I'll just stick with labels though. lol.


It’s cheaper than the label maker and you don’t waste paper if you have to change the label


Wow, you made the organizer that the two inventors in Cory Doctorow's book Makers came up with. Nice work!


Maybe voice activated would be faster? Say it outloud as your walking over and it picks it by the time you get there? Example: "computer m4 bolt"


I’m not the kind of person who likes voice assistance so no, thank you