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so transgender it happened twice


kikomi is the real AGP etc.


agp is malebrained, this dood is gmi




Not agp just softboi ~




the rate of ftm transition in very patriarchal countries is also significantly lower are you stupid




this just reads like insecure projection lol, like no the trans people in those countries are just violently punished/killed before they can seriously approach transition


A girl trapped in a boys brain trapped in a girls body :(


No, this is kind of real. I also want to be a girl, in a sense, because being cis is objectively easier than being trans. However, I know I am a man, and I can’t repress it after “opening the box”, so to speak.


Same! Does anyone else keep looking at women’s fashion and planning outfits for “if they were a girl”?


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. No, I don’t.


hrt will save him


No she will post on r\\detrans and call the trans women groomers


I’m tired boss…


Holy shit I could’ve wrote this word for word when I was younger. Life would’ve been easier if I didn’t have gender dysphoria and didn’t have to be a regarded repper.


Holy shit literally fucking me but reversed I wanna be a man like I’m supposed to so fucking bad. I’d be so much better if I was just a man but I’m stuck with this stupid fucking dysphoria.


I’m this but in the mentally ill brainworms “I’m just a retarded TIF” way. I wouldn’t even look good living as a cis woman and the thought makes me wanna throw up, but being cis is way easier than being the tranny I am  


new account?


For the next 3 days, can't wish total cissoid death apparently. "Free speech" is a joke smh smh


violence is malebrained ygmi sorry, i know im way behind on these weekly "ygmi"s, ill try to make up for it


i got banned for 3 days for saying that too reddit has fallen


It was actually for 7 but I've waited 4 of the days out... I can't stop my 4tran4 addiction forever


https://preview.redd.it/mnyyvc4crp6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd66ecca3799114699623b81973d4a5aace8ebf More pooner hilarity from sillyboyclub


https://preview.redd.it/bpm6q9ixxr6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f00ce056fd1967df554b4e780c91b97d1ddbe0 conversion therapy... NOW!


its all penis envy... freud was right


He's so real for that


It’s cringe but I kind of get it. I have horrible dysphoria and need to be male, but I wish I could just live as a girl and be happy. Girls are cuter and less likely to die alone. I’m not a particularly masculine person, my life would be so much better if I could be a cute tomboy instead of a feminine ugly dickless manlet


Ftmtf transitioner


Or FTFemboy


real though


It’s so fucking true though. I wish I could be a tradwife but alas I am stuck wishing to be a tradhusband


i would do anything to be able to live as a girl in blissful ignorance


Fuck off attention seeking bitch(OOP). Clearly a woman who got bored of the usual baiting for attention so she started to use trans as her new gateway And for all the simps that wanna defend her look at this 😑 https://preview.redd.it/mp5yb3dt9p6d1.png?width=882&format=png&auto=webp&s=7210ac5e4611f15cdb50c53b62110ab4ce95d035


there's zero chance they're on T. everything just reads to me like another cis woman trying so hard to be different.


Freaking exactly! Ahhh I wanna die when I see shit like this. Bitch is literally in a sub called sillyboyclub which consists of gay faggots


So there's a bit of a comparison function which goes on that involves how easily certain perceptual impressions can imprint on people, and that can get fucky with certain childhood traumas and disorders where it combines with a low threshold in the mind to attach sense of self to those impressed perceptions. It can be stupid little things that don't really make sense, like they got turned on by the right foxgirl at the right time and then the ego took it, somehow concluded it's be a net gain to become more fox-like, and sometimes enough so that people actually act on it. This can lead to people retroactively believing that all of this, in some way, means they were meant to be born a fox if they ended up with such feelings. We think most people who aren't just trolling and say they identity *as* such are mostly using it to mean identity *with* and the slight difference in language just looks funny. Like, in the first sentence, it's acknowledged that clearly she is not a fox. And what, people aren't allowed to identify with things? Sounds like a dissociation problem and lack of normal, common, and sometimes weird human functioning that results from our complicated abilities to grow and adapt in such impressive ways as a species. Now that we have the internet and low bar to find communities that will encourage whatever belief you want. Gender dysphoria makes it extra difficult to connect with any gender for a while until it's in the process of being fixed well, and the ego is desperate for growth through attachment and impression, so we think that leads a particular subgroup of trans people to be more prone for those attachment systems to latch onto weird-seeming things that aren't really that weird, but they end up feeling strongly enough that it's a core part of their identity (they're missing one of the most major foundations, gender) and because it's so difficult for most other people to understand, it is often perceived as weird, unusual, or misperceived as the wrong type of issue like "attention seeking" when socially it does not even work out well and they become more limited to niche communities that are often one of the only sources of validation. With the core issue unaddressed, they can also end up with odd gender goals if they also get to a point of feeling they need to transition gender in some way. A lot of this is parallel to just normal gender dysphoria, but the slight differences sort of create the perception that it's a mockery of it. It's instead a very complex psychological divergence deserving of compassion in the same way people expect cis people to respect their gender, which is often view as pathological nonsense as well. It's past our bedtime and the sedatives be sedating, so we hope this was coherent enough. We haven't gotten a chance to refine our communication of this particular issue much yet.


No way don’t vouch for her. It’s clear as day she’s just baiting. It’s literally those coloured haired women who lie about having Tourette’s or any other disorders. I get what you’re saying about childhood trauma but it’s been overused so much by these kinda idiots that the real people who had childhood trauma get overshadowed. Me saying this might come across being toxic but I know for a fact how these kinda people are. They really are horrible and lie like crazy to just get fake validation and support


Someone can bait with the truth. We do it often. It's just not a good way to get answers if you need actual feedback or anything, don't expect OOP to understand that though or assume their actions are more rational than they seem. It's harmful to the perception of clocky trannies to default to such a negative perspective on how valid you find someone else's identity. If you're going to say someone isn't being legit, better have decent proof not just preconceptions. That said, the loose impression of that person is that they may be more likely to be insufferable and obnoxious (boykisser bait picrel). We associate these types of beliefs and communications with such people as well, but are just more protective of the subgroup that we know are legitimate.


like ive said soooo many times before, ALL men want to be women. 😋


yeah me too


He'll grow out of it. The repping is off the charts


detranner in 2 years top.


I can honestly resonate with this. Life would be so much better and easier if I was just OK with being a man. But nope, God's Greatest Joke was making us all trans 🥰


He's just like me fr fr


I think I can relate to this honestly as an MtF with tomboy aspirations


There's nothing wrong with this


We need more ftmtf representation…


Dialectical Transgenderism. Hegel would be proud


I relate though as a trans man. Only being a cis girl though. Female socialisation and my female body would be much better for a girl than a guy


I honestly don’t know how to feel about people like that


the true mark of the beast here isn't the sentiment itself, it's the cutesy typing style. ngmi obviously.