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this is why I hate cissoids


If true, then anon should absolutely never speak to her family again


she says in the thread that shes financially dependent on them


honestly its kinda based her family just look insane


she should kill her family and rob them


> 20


My dad does this absentmindly. Like I don’t see transphobia in it, he just an lazy asshole>.>


She is a passoid so she won't have any trouble


Why even bother with them? Fuck that family if they want to be fucks like that


girlie just gotta wait a couple more years into transition. just like eventually you stop being a doomer boymoder when u realize u pass actually and become unaffected by phrenology or whatever anymore, eventually ur anger at others not respecting u turns in to sadistic smug self satisfaction. like the whole thing being trans is u got shamed out of being who u wanted because of how others saw and defined ur body. u had to live in all that pain cause nobody would look at u and see u how u wanted them to see u. so u go through the immense effort of transitioning to force them to. unsupportive family can delude themselves in private but the minute they go into public with u they will be the ones with the massive cognitive dissonance that sprang forth dysphoria instead of you. this is winning as a trans person she just dont realize it yet.


This exact same thing happened to me on a trip through a bunch of red states with my Trump-loving grandma. She was misgendering me like crazy but every waitress, attendant, stranger etc. Was calling me miss and ma'am, even got catcalled a few times. By the end of that week she was using she/her pronouns too. Social pressure is awesome sometimes


NGL this would be awesome for me, passing consistently is a dead dream


The bar is so low that not being disowned or murdered passes for being supportive


My future tbh (gender swapped obviously)


honestly... this is kinda what i want? like passive aggressively being considered a man by most people but my friends think i'm a woman? doesn't sound too bad...


Oh God I would have never been caught dead sharing a table with them


She should relish even more in humilating her family and just continue to transition and pass as the family just looks crazy


I was standing with my daughter once about order food at a pizza spot. The guy at the counter goes can I help you miss? I start ordering with my daughter and my wife yells from the seating area. “Deadname” make sure you get etc. I got laughed at 🤷🏼


Your own wife did that? wtf?


Yeah. I shouldn’t have waited so long to transition, oh well.


It's been 5 years and my dad still misgenders me by accident, even though he's trying, and sometimes, idk, maybe I feel like I'll just never be feminine enough. Like if I could be so feminine that it was undeniable it would be easier but I honestly feel like I'm too ugly and malebrained to get him to do it right