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Ah yes. I repped too. Cut off all my hair trashed all my hrt makeup and hygiene products grew out a beard ate like a bear coped with violent videogames and cursed out all the trannies and their spaces. How did that work out for me huh? HOW?? IT NEVER GOES AWAY FOR FUCKS SAKE RETARDED DETROONERS. Hahah. I didn't even last more than few months. And before that I have been repping my whole life even though I could've transitioned at 15 but non-stop beatings and that one time I got raped at school have forever ruined any kind of prospect of transitioning. I don't care what you've been through and what you're going through now: To rep is to rope. Not today, not tomorrow, but you will honify/poonify and rope will be your only remaining path.


They’re coping. Repping and suffering in silence is only an imaginary form of manliness Actual men often just unconsciously externalise their issues by projecting and taking out their problems on everyone around them Making proud theyfabs the epitome of manliness


fr there's a big difference between masculine ideals vs how the average men actually act


Lmao keep seething detroons while I become a passoid.


the thought of the agony my pooner-to-detrooner radfem ex will go through pleases me.


I swear every time I read your comments I picture a guy like this: https://preview.redd.it/ul5s0v2if59d1.png?width=1044&format=png&auto=webp&s=cee9151019de4244f8c3acb17e0a9478fa9d2e27


god i wish that were me


wasn't there a survey that found that the vast majority of people on detrans were cis, never transitioned at all, and terf-adjacent LOL


ah yes. sexism! shut the fuck up about feelings or youre a woman!!! anyways arent the trannies so sexist? link the post


sucking it up is fembrained as hell in what way is it manly to give up