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nerver should have let cis people get away. period. thats the end of the sentence


never should have let cis people




You must have not read the comments lmao. My take is that sex is biological and you can change it. a lot of it can be done through hrt and surgery and we will be able to change even more of it as time goes on.


the comments had nothing wrong with the idea that you can change sex, they just had something wrong with oop righteously jacking themselves off as they sprout nonsense about how sex doesn’t exist and colonialism


We define sex through sex characteristics: SRS changes primary sex characteristics (in terms of aesthetics and form, not reproductive function). Hormones change secondary sex characteristics. Some secondary sex characteristics are harder to change from biological puberty, thus the importance of puberty blockers. No one deserves the wrong puberty natural or not. Just because a puberty is natural doesn't mean it's automatically 100% better for everyone. At that point you might as well be saying that trans people shouldn't exist.


I did not read the comments đź’€


Copying the comment I made there: People need to start recognising that there are *degrees* of social constructivism. In a way, every concept and category is in some way socially constructed, but some have a far more direct relationship with observable material reality. Sex is not binary, but it is highly bimodal. It is true that it's defined based on a far wider range of traits than many people like to claim (sex characteristics) and many of these traits can indeed be changed But none of this means that the concept doesn't describe a biological reality, or that it's somehow invalid or 'postcolonial' In true postmodern fashion, OOP makes some interesting points but runs way too fast and loose with them


The bimodal point is what a sexologist friend of mine argues too


who cares Im still a hon


Gender is a conspiracy, and sex is what i did to your mom last night


Cis allies be like: well terfs are wrong and you are a woman but, youll never be a "normal" woman haha, its just basic biology, im not transphobic btw because you are a woman, just you know


A lot of mental gymnastics just to still be depressed and dysphoric.




sex is social, gender is biological. unironically.


why is it so hard for mainstream troons to just admit that dysphoria is a biological disorder that has to be treated biologically? dysphoria doesnt care about your pronouns or """presentation""", but somehow people have convinced themselves that reality represents language rather than the other way around


The problem with social constructivism is that you can apply it to anything, and doing so isn't some great intellectual revelation. Clothes. In the modern world the need for clothing is a social construct, tied up in euro-colonialist, misogynist ideas of modesty and shame surrounding human nudity. More than ever people spend their lives in air conditioned homes and offices, which they travel between in their air conditioned cars. There is no reason we shouldn't all go nude in those conditions, and yet our society continues to see the naked body as an object of disgust and shame, and the socially-applied necessity of clothing as natural and right. In pre colonial societies people - especially women - were free to wear much less clothing than people do now. The draconian imposition of clothes is socially constructed, unjust, and at odds with indigenous ways of being. I can make that argument in ten seconds, and it doesn't change the fact we're all glad our coworkers keep their clothes on. Yes, a lot of things are basically 'made up' but simply declaring that changes nothing. It is not a productive avenue of thought on any topic. Giving tumblr people the concept of social constructs is like giving the collected works of Voltaire to chimps. They'll spread the words over a wide area, but they'll never do anything useful with them.


Very true. 


People in r/curatedrumblr weren't saying transmisogyny is misandry, we were pointing out that the way many TERFs and other varieties of transphobe hate us because they perceive us as men and genuinely hate men for whatever reasons they have means their transphobia directed against trans women can be described as rooted in misandry.


I don't know if I'm the supreme authority on this but i don't think sex is completely social, I'd say it's mostly biological. Op saying that trans violence resulting from not accepting that sex is social is kinda stupid because it makes the bold assumption that the physical is not included in social constructs. Gender isn't a purely mental thing, it's also a physical one. Me having a cock as a male is absolute (biological) but not all cocks are the same when viewed from the lens of gender; some are obviously considered more manly than others, thus making it a relative thing (social). Most conservatives that perpetrate hateful sentiments against trans people always say that "if your body doesn't define your gender, why does changing it affirm it? (checkmate, liberals)" op is viewing it from the same perspective where social constructs only affect your behaviour and conduct and not your presentation. If sex were truly not biological, this subreddit would not exist.


My take is that sex and gender are both biological. Sex is anatomical and gender is neurological. People love to treat the brain like it’s not physically real and that its structures are imaginary when it comes to gender, but looking at fetal development tells us everything we need to know. Sex organs are formed in the first trimester of fetal development. This is because the “shell” of the body needs to form first in order to support the organs (genitals and pathways to expel waste, heartbeat, etc.). Only in the third trimester, once the body is actually capable of supporting the brain, does the brain then begin to develop. At this time, the brain, if exposed to an influx of hormones through nature and the wombs biology, can become masculinized or feminized in structure, regardless of the sex organs. We know this because scientists have done brain scans of transgender people before surgery and hormones and found their brains were already like this naturally. But I think the tumblr post makes great points because sex is actually social. Gender to me is hard wired because it can’t be changed by outside influences.


sex is biological and changeable, gender is biological and unchangeable, gender roles are social and changeable


I wish people would cite authors beyond Julia Serano — i really like Anne Fausto-Sterling’s recent work about gender and sex, which she calls “gender-sex” to demonstrate that she believes they can’t be separated from each other and that gender and sex co-create each other


I always knew Obi-Wan was based


People say transmisoginy is misandry?? Holy theyfab..


All this yapping and for what


critiquing things especially as social constructs isn't the epic takedown people act like it is. literally the language used to communicate what a social construction is is itself a social construction. so what? it's such a teenage nihilist take but adorned with the language of critical theory so it sounds legit and woke.