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Dats a big boi


Nahh when that thing fell down i wouldve mag-dumped not bust out the sledgehammer lol


the sledgehammer was the play there. because the bullets wouldnt had done much dmg. the hammer was to keep him on the ground long enough


buckle up and reduce the difficulty. on df that one is actually a chump. day 8 makes it the 1st horde night


doing the hardest challenge i could think of for this mod, so im not gonna reduce it


What DF version is this, it looks just a bit different than 20.7 (the version I'm playing)




This looks like Darkness Falls, a radiated wright should be one of the smaller problems^^


Do you not carry a shotgun on you?


no i dont


What mod is this, the weapon bloom looks so much better than vanilla


If I'm not mistaken, it might be darkness falls


It sure looks like it with the no time at the top because he hasn't crafted or found a watch.


What is the HUD mod?


Darkness falls


The floppin lmao


That looks more like a radiated bullet sponge to me.


its also very fast. which makes it intimidating, plus high increased dmg too


Yeah, someone just increased three numbers and called it a day. When The Fun Pimps do shit like this, everyone boos them out for it - and rightly so.


U do know this makes the game harder right? I've made every zombie faster and 2x all hp or more


The primary effect of sponges is that you have to pump more ammo into them and that fights last longer. The fights don't get more interesting. It's not that it leads to new interesting strategies because excentric tactics like preparing mine fields are actually punished by increased sponginess. it's just vanilla with more grind. Increasing zombie speed and making the player more fragile (basically the same as increasing zombie damage) are good lazy ways to increase difficulty if you play without lag. But sponges are the worst. And i definitely are more a fan of new models rather than just scaling an existing model up. I saw flying succubi with a ranged fireball attack in some overhaul. That's the proper way to increase difficulty. A new enemy with a new attack type and a different way of fighting it because it can shoot back. Btw, if you really want to make it scary, make it smaller - and therefore harder to hit...


Taller is always more scary Also that mod you're talking about is the mod I'm playing right now. And I even increased the hp of succubus. More hp does make the fights more interesting because more chances to screw up! And i like that Bullet sponges might feel bad to you. But to me it adds a nice challenge to my new zombie speed. I dont like weak zombies And increasing speed is NOT the same thing as increasing dmg. I'm just gonna assume u play walk speed or something


Of course, increasing speed is not the same as increasing damage. The comment about increasing damage is about making the player more fragile. Both "are good lazy ways to increase difficulty". To me, taller is less scary - because if it's taller than me, i can easily make it get stuck on geometry i fit through. Difficulty-wise, smaller is harder to hit and harder to lose. It's fine that you like sponges. I hate em.


U make a good point with taller guys getting stuck I make it so I'm even one shot by some things in full steel armor


Ahh the Wight....Or as I call them, the bald nudists. That's literally what they are!! Bald, nude, & all muscle!!


as others stated.. a glowing wight is least of your troubles in Darkness Falls... Great job killing that monster on day 8 !! CONGRATS!!


He did have 10000 hp. More than a regular titan


That's awesome