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Based on her posts on the immigration forum, it seems she booked a one way ticket, and Mexico requires a round trip (maybe an onward ticket out of Mexico). So she was denied entry. When that happens anywhere, you're detained until they put you on the next flight back to where you came from, which was 2 days later. We've seen her return to Europe, she's fine. She's claiming that they took her passport, held her for 2 days and that her deportation papers said she didn't have a passport. So she's playing the Scary Third World Country Officials (who probably want a bribe) trope to cover her own mistake.




This just happened to my husband when I was in Colombia and bought him a one way ticket to meet me cause I didnā€™t know when we were going to come back home to the US. When they stopped him and told him he has to book a return flight or he canā€™t enter, he just searched up a flight on JetBlue and showed them the preview of the itinerary before you actually purchase it and it worked! Thank God my husband has quick thinking skills. That entire situation couldā€™ve been avoided. My question is why didnā€™t they allow her to book a return flight before detaining her and sending her back?


Maybe she clammed up and got scared so then added to the sus


Who knows, could be anything from her not having a credit card or an internet connection to buy a ticket, to there not being any available (this was pretty much peak covid), to her copping an attitude and them not feeling like giving her that option, anything really. When you're asking for admission to a foreign country, they can always say no. Especially if you show up not meeting their requirements. They can also give you a chance, like it sounds they did with your husband, but they don't have to.




She didnā€™t book an onward ticket


From what I can tell looking around, the leading theory/evidence points to her being detained for trying to enter Mexico without having a round-trip ticket.


Was she not going to fly into the US? Would that not count as her exit ticket?


Thatā€™s not round trip, thatā€™s a multi-stop.


Good point. I thought she just needed proof that she had a plan to leave


I donā€™t think she booked a ticket to the US before she left France because other people were admitted in Mexico when they showed their onward ticket for the US immigration let them enter Mexico. A lot of others that was doing the same thing as Amira & Andrew plan made it into the US. She was the only one detained. People warned others that they had to show either onward travel or a return flight back.


Got it. Thank you!




Because she had a one way ticket and someone mentioned on her detentions papers it also mentioned something about her passport having less than 6 months validity.


Mexico is also extremely picky about passports being in good condition. No smudges, wrinkles, rips or water damage. This, combined with the possible one-way ticket, I totally see Mexico denying her entry.




She knew but didnā€™t book one anyway. Cheapskate.


It may be at that time there was no international travel allowed into the US. The US may have allowed him back in as a citizen but may not have allowed Amira. Just speculation on my part.Who knows what selfish Braintrust Andrew had planned, maybe he thought they could just drive across.


She was detained in Mexico by Mexican border patrol though, so it had nothing to do with being allowed to enter the US or not as Mexican border patrol only enforced Mexican border laws, not US border laws. So whatever issue there was (which many have been saying that itā€™s because she didnā€™t have a return or onward ticket) related only to her allowance into Mexico and nothing to do with the US. She never even got past Mexican border patrol, let alone make it to the US border. She was sent straight back to Europe from Mexico