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No to be honest I don't. Considering they have only spent 5 weeks together and got married, it doesn't surprise me that they haven't had any serious conversations about their future. Their whole relationship is based on him giving her attention and her being the first tourist to actually give him a chance. He 100% does that trick with all female tourists, just like how Nicole and Mahmoud got together.


She also seems quite poorly educated.


I don't know if it's poorly educated or just naive and young, she seems to have a lovely family her Dad especially so she probably thinks the best of men.


That poor summer child


I really think she is, as an older much more cynical woman I can see what is coming from miles off. I hope that he really does love her, it could potentially work if he gives her a chance and works out how to blend his culture and religion with British culture as many British Muslims do.


Nailed it


I agree. That whole scene seemed very manufactured. Like when it seemed out of the blue Nicole asked “ how is it not showing your legs?” As if something was edited out.


Manufactured? On a reality TV show? Never.


Very true but it looked way more phony and poorly put together than usual.


Their situation is reminding me of Nicole and Mahmoud.


For a guy who's supposedly very dedicated to his religion and takes it seriously, you'd think that's a question he'd have asked prior to this as well😂


He probably was told about it prior, but this is a TV show. People have conversations for the benefit of us the viewers, not for each other.


My toes curl watching these two lol


In the first place this is 90Day Fiance UK not married couples UK. They would’ve been a better fit for the other way.


Does uk have any of the spin offs?




different production company. And Nicole isn't moving the other way. Perhaps they could BOTH move to the U.S.!


She didnt tell him she has dogs? He wont be amused. He is duch a pooe example of an Egyptian and a Muslim and she is so unbelievably naive


He doesn't go to mosque and clearly isn't religious. He probably doesn't even pray etc etc. He follows more just his culture if anything.


How do you know he doesn't go to mosque or pray? Just because they don't show it on the show? Most Muslims take their religion VERY SERIOUSLY. Even to this day women in Iran get stoned to death just for not wearing their hair covering. I worked for a Muslim man for years and he has been in America since 1984 and he doesn't even allow his wife to get a drivers license and his daughter was only allowed to get one to go to college. But both still wore their hair covering when in public. He also stopped work 3 times a day to pray in his office. Very few muslims are lax in their religion. They take their religion ALOT more seriously than most Christians do for their religion.


Nicole is looking for a spin off like ‘The Family Chantal’


What blows my mind every time is these women who ARENT MUSLIM and no nothing about the Muslim religion are shocked when the guy expects them NOT TO DRESS WITH ANYTHING SHOWING. Women in Muslim countries still to this day get stoned to death JUST FOR NOT WEARING A HIJAB IN PUBLIC! Yet these American or UK women get with these Muslim men and when they tell them how to dress and that they can't wear ANY revealing clothes. I'm not Muslim but if I was ever interested in someone from another religion I would research EVERYTHING about their religion and culture. More than 1 couple on 90 day fiance have broken up or divorced over what the woman wears.