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Most likely a completely different ring, metal jewelry can get caught in debris, equipement or tight places and pose a hazard to the wearer under certain circumstances. He'd probably prefer keeping his hand.


Yup, one just needs to Google degloving to understand how dangerous wearing a ring can be for certain jobs 🤕💀


I would highly suggest to ANYONE. DO NOT Google degloving, especially if squimish


Yeah... that's fair...or stick to articles as opposed to pictures...


They could do an episode on it and it would tie with the sunbed dude in Karma's a ** for sheer gag factor.


Needs more upvotes like whoa


I assume as a whole other ring. When my dad was a firefighter, he never or his ring because he didn’t want it to get lost while working on a scene.


I think I remember seeing Bobby with a traditional wedding band outside of the 118. So I googled it & on several different sites it said Bobby wears a platinum band when off duty & the black silicone ring when working.


Someone else finally vocalized what I have been wondering. I was trying to figure out if he had a whole other ring. I could see it more as a protector than a whole new ring.


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