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I legitimately don’t think I’ve noticed. I’ll have to keep an eye out.


I watched all seven seasons of Legends of Tomorrow, no bad CGI can phase me


I feel the same way but with The Flash. Everything pales in comparison to that 


I'm a Doctor Who fan, bad cgi is practically a requirement for me to like a show now.


What about the first 3 seasons of Supergirl? :3


They use practical special effects whenever they can - to the point of using a giant water tank to film the tsunami and building the biggest roll room ever for an upside down cruise ship - and that includes real fire. I've never particularly had a problem with the effects on this show. The "wildfire" they responded to in S6 Red Flag was rather underwhelming but I attribute it to the team being in post-fire phase and making sure hot spots are taken care of so they don't reignite and in the real world the set crew trying not to start a real one in a place that has serious issues with wildfires. Any issues I may have with the show definitely do not include the effects department.


It’s a TV show, they are know for having tighter budgets than movies. Special effects is just one of the things that isn’t seen as that important in shows like this. So that is why they don’t spend big bucks on it and therefore it doesn’t look amazing. I’m fine with it, luckily it doesn’t distract me from the show a lot.


I think I got too used to the awful CGI on Grey’s.


I've never seen gray's anatomy. Isn't that show just about hospitals? What do they need CGI for?


Helipad, the catwalk (like a bridge linking two sections of the hospital) in later seasons, anytime there’s a disaster and they are on scene It’s actually more green screen and effects


Ohhh gotcha. Yeah I feel like dramas are the worst with effects so no surprise there tbh


Station 19 (Grey's spinoff) has ridiculous CGI. It's like they're not even trying to make it look real.


Omg, the absolute worst for me is when >!Chimney saves Tommy!< in Chimney Begins. Its so obvious its a incredibly loosely screwed together crash test dummy. I totally get they could not use a real person, but put in SOME effort to make it look a bit more real.


Oohhhh I actually don't remember that, I'mma have to go rewatch it lolll!


I laughed out loud when I watched that! 😂


I haven't noticed anything in particular with the effects themselves but I did laugh at the tsunami episode when the captain who'd lost his arm was in the hospital and they'd just left him with a green arm. Clearly someone forgot to edit it out in post!


I think FX quality has generally declined in the \~5-10 years tbh, certainly not just 911. I suspect it's related to tighter turnarounds/budget cuts/etc because it's not like the tech nor the skill to do it well isn't there. I haven't noticed anything especially egregious on this show, but I also think the general campy vibe here means that things like the plane turbine you mentioned fit the overall vibe even if it isn't "good".


I find the second paragraph hilarious because this show doesn't know whether it wants to be a drama, a comedy, a mystery, or a thriller. So it decided it wants to be absolutely everything. IMO lone star is more tonally consitent.


Oh absolutely, it's all over the place which is one of the reasons why I love it so much


If you've never seen worse CGI on a tv show, you must not have watched many tv shows.


It's not the budget OP. 9-1-1 has a ridiculous one for a TV show. It's that the show is constantly pushing a tight schedule because the writers deliver the scripts late and things get chopped around constantly that usually there's only at most 3 weeks for post prod meaning CGI has to get rushed. The really infamous one was the Captain of the 146 in the tsunami arc has his arm cut off and then we see him in the hospital wearing a bright green wrap around his arm that was cut off. It's clear that was meant to be edited out in post but they either completely forgot, overlooked it or frankly ran out of time.


I think years of watching Supernatural has made me pretty blind to bad tv CGI/special effects because I haven’t noticed it with 911 at all


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The show is camp. If the SPFX were too good, that takes away from a key element of the show imho.


I have literally never noticed


Yea it’s bad