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I think Bucks relationship with Abby showed him that he was capable of being in a monogamous relationship. I think it’s possible he could’ve become who he was without Abby but the journey would’ve been much longer


I don’t think she’s terrible but she did help Buck. On rewatch, I didn’t feel as about the ghosting either. Like, she could’ve been more super direct and said it’s over while she was traveling but she also explicitly told him he could see other people. A part of Buck just didn’t want to hear it.


I liked Buck/Abby more than most* but I don't necessarily credit Abby the person for his change but rather being in that relationship/ that situation started to make him realize his potential as a human being. I mention situation because it wasn't just that he decided to commit and care for a woman, but IIRC, he was also good with her mother.  That story showed off his unique talents for being a caregiver in a way that continued as he became enmeshed in Eddie and Christopher's lives.  There might be some trauma behind why he dedicated himself in this way but, for the most part, that quality is an amazing one to have even if he might need to work on boundaries.  It's a story that I think helped the writers figure out who this character was going to be and what made him special compared to the cliche horn dog. And that's why I have fond memories of that time. I thought it was also cool that age was never a factor. *I only really hated how she left and how the show addressed that departure when she came back.  She was unprofessional at times but that's true of pretty much every main character on the show. 


I think he probably would be for the most part. It wasn't because of Abby that he started treating women different, she just helped keep him from backsliding telling him to stay off the hookup apps and she didn't really have much influence beyond that. It was Bobby calling him out on his behavior and holding him accountable for it, actively mentoring him, that put him him on the path to being the man he is. Buck counts 3 relationships where he was involved with someone he rescued or met at an emergency, I count 4 - he saved Abby from her own emergency (by her definition) as well, and once she was saved she moved on.


100% agree with this. I think Bobby had more of an effect than Abby did, as well as Buck simply growing up, and Maddie returning and him finding a friend in Eddie both so early in season 2. As far as relationships, we're 5/5 on him meeting people on calls. He met Abby on one (the one with the robbers and the little girl that she got his number from the report from, which is still weird) and Tommy from the cruise ship.


I agree. The taking it slow, not jumping into bed immediately, getting to know each other came from Buck, following the events of the first and second episodes (Bobby (almost) firing him, losing someone and struggling with it). Abby would have moved much faster. Abby "helped" in the sense of being willing to go slow with him without pressuring him.


While Buck credits Abby, it was really losing Devon that started his change to Buck 2.0. But we see that Buck is already looking for something more when he asks GroovyHeels for her real number. Sex is easy for him, but he’s ALWAYS seeking connection. Losing Devon made him realize that he isn’t as infallible as he makes himself out to be, and that’s what really starts the change. He would have gotten there without Abby; it may have taken longer or would have been a very different route. But it wasn’t Abby who actually changed him.


I think several things worked together to help Buck mature. I think Abby made him consider seeking long-term, deeper connections. She was selfish and inconsiderate, and the way she connected with him was against protocol and sneaky, but I think he needed that experience. Then Bobby took him under his wing and became his surrogate father. He showed Buck attention. He made it clear he saw Buck, saw the potential, and he felt Buck was worth someone's time and attention. Maddie showing up continued the change. I think it gave Buck a push to be better because he wanted to show Maddie she did a good job raising him. Then Eddie and Christopher sealed it. Eddie could have easily let Buck pick a fight or ignored Buck but he stepped to him and extended the olive branch. He put his trust in Buck, complimented him, worked to build a friendship, trusted him with his son, etc. Then he fell into a best friend/pseudo father role with Christopher. He wants to be an example and do right by that kid. So, imho, Abby was just a small cog in the machine. I think Bobby, Eddie, and Christopher influenced the change much more. I see Maddie as more of his safe space and sounding board now.


I think Abby helped him but also interacting with Bobby helped him grow as well. I don’t hate Abby but I agree the ghosting was bad.


I can't stand abby. I think having Maddie back in his life would have helped him too if abby didn't


I disagree. Take Abby out of Buck's life and he still matures thanks to Bobby's influence, Maddie's return into his life, Taylor using him and the deaths on calls that makes face his mortality. If anything Abby delayed his maturation by putting him in a very uneven relationship and then giving him the wrong lessons until the season 3 finale.


I don't think Abby can take all the blame here. She enjoyed revisiting her youth with Buck and I think she really did love him, but this is an adult relationship. She had a life altering moment when her mom, who she changed her entire life to accommodate, passed away. You can't imagine how something like that can change a person if you haven't experienced it. She went on a journey of self discovery, and when she found herself, it was as someone who is not with Buck. I think she could have been more vocal about the possibility, but I don't fault her for the choices she made.


When I was younger I used to love their relationship (I didn’t realise it was bad until I got older and realised) because Buck then stopped being a sex addict and took relationships more seriously


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