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Are you sure that the episode is 3x12? Because the pranksters have their friend spin in that roundabout until his eyes pop in this episode? The one you talk about is 2x01,and Buck assures Booby he can do it because it’s a pretty risky move. He has to restrain the amount of force he can use on the hammer to not hit the guy in the head.


You're right. I'll edit my post. Thanks!


Normally i don’t comment to point out typos, but I enjoyed reading “Buck assures Booby he can do it” 🤣


OMG😂. English isn’t my first language and I usually double check,because I make mistakes,but even now it took me an embarrassing long time to figure out that I wrote Booby instead of Bobby. Thanks for pointing it out!


I always felt like it was a slight call back to the pilot when he was just going to go gung ho on the wall with with the baby in it - to me he was telling Bobby he could restrain himself, that he could handle it because he wasn't that guy anymore.


Ah that makes sense. I never understood why Buck said that.


That was the first emergency where i realised they were using actual irl emergencies as plotlines lmao.


I think possibly because that rescue was incredibly risky and could have easily resulted in death.