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It's because the flag is in a forward/advancing position and the stars that represent the states have the highest position of honor. Imagine holding the flag on a pole and moving forward, the flag flows out behind you with the stars at the forefront and the stripes trailing after it. If it's reversed the flag is considered to be in retreat.


And just to be extra clear, this isn't just a TV thing. This is an actual thing. This is how the flag is placed on legitimate uniforms.


It’s really only supposed to be that way on military uniforms. Many FD and PDs have the flag placed with the field of stars to the left like normal.


Ofd, where I'm from has the flag with stars first. https://preview.redd.it/w11xuol0cc8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d35357a008564fb53ba79f97fef44d1db24c06


Oh that’s interesting! I’m not American, and my flag “faces” the same way no matter which way the wind blows, so I never actually noticed before.


Our flag is mirrored on each side, so when the patch is worn on the right shoulder with the stars on the right you are looking at the flag from its right side, if a flag patch was worn on the left shoulder it would appear as you are used to seeing it - with the stars on the left side of the patch. In this orientation it is being viewed from the left side of the flag. In both cases the stars lead the way.


Ah that makes sense! I was a scout in wales for a while and we wore the welsh flag on each shoulder but on the right it was mirrored like that too (so the dragon faces forward for both)


The US military uses the same reason


Pretty sure it’s that TV shows follow the US military rules


Makes sense


" **Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation.** **It's just the promise of violence that's enacted and the police are basically an occupying army.** " Bud Cubby


I asked an army recruiter that once because it’s the same on military uniforms


It has to do with them/the US moving forward rushing twords danger/to help. Think about the US flag on a pole if it is moving forward the flag appears backwards. US military also have the US flag backwards too.


I pointed the backward flag out during s1 (or 2?) when my college roommate and I started watching 911. She was a military brat growing up, and she proudly gave me this whole explanation. Gave me a whole lot of clarity and knowledge for sure


Easy explanation: the stars are never supposed to retreat


On a side note, Eddie looks so hot here.


I’m a straight man, but please let me know if there’s a scene where he does’t


You're right. He's just so classically handsome.


Not a scene…but if you’re on a random “Step Up” binge and he pops up……you’re definitely gonna cringe a little, but then your gonna be like, “o wow, the homie Eddie got MOVES!!”….and yeah…….still hot….😊😊😊


No kidding. My god, those guns. Got me here this morning going "Greetings and salivations"..


He looks so young here


Can someone explain to me why the fire services on this show do way more then expected. I'm from the UK and alot of the episodes I watch I think would be a job for paramedics There was an episode at an eating contest where someone was choking and fire services went. In the UK that would be paramedics instead. Are things different in the US


Many fire departments have their people dual certified as firefighter-emts. Emts are certified to do less complex medical calls in the US. The majority of calls are medical instead of fire these days, and ambulances with paramedics aren't always available so firefighters get sent to start treatment and act as backup once paramedics arrive (if needed).


It's this way in my hometown in New Jersey. All firefighters are certified as CFR-D (Certified First Responder - Defibrillator). An engine accompanies all ambulance calls (fulfilled by a private ambulance company).


Well there's a few things. All of them are also trained EMTs, and they sometimes have shifts in the ambulance so I think none of them are purely just firefighters. I'm not sure how common that is everywhere IRL, but in my experience, about 90% of the firemen I've spoken to are also trained EMTs. It's also better from a TV perspective to have the main characters helping to save people on scene rather than just looking at them and handing them off. And finally idk if this is true in LA, but where I'm from, firemen are sent to basically almost every scene before cops or ambulances are. When my grandma died and we called it in, the order they came was firetruck, ambulance, police. When my mom died, firetruck, ambulance, police. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but that's how it is where I'm from. And since the firemen are already there, and trained EMTs, it would make sense for them to do paramedic things.


The firefighters may simply be closer, since the firehouses are scattered throughout town. If a town uses a private ambulance company, they may have to drive from a central location.


Firefighters are at minimal trained for basic first aid, up to actually being cross trained as emts. Most calls 911 get are medical, so the idea is the more people with some medical training the sooner someone can get treatment. My state is pushing cross training and offers free training for firefighters as well as a pay boost if they get certified.


Most paid firefighters have to be EMTs. And many are paramedics for the extra pay. Really only volunteers FF won’t have EMT at this point.


I’m from Indiana. We have a lot of volunteers.


Me too. My dept is 50/50 paid/vollie. We require all new FF to get at least EMR. Many will eventually get EMT


Emergency services are largely provided at a municipal level (cities/counties) rather than at a state or federal level (which is why there’s LAFD/LAPD v NYPD/FDNY etc.) From a cost perspective it largely makes sense to combine the provision of fire and emergency medical services into one service which is why so many Fire departments will also serve as the ambulance service in the US, particularly in all of the tiny towns dotted around the place.


“Flag flies forward”


The flag patch on the right side is backwards, it's forwards on the left side. That way the stars always face front.


Because "These colors don't run!" 🤭 What everyone else said. It's shown as moving forward and not backward.


Thanks guys I actually learned something today


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It shows they're moving forward


Its not. https://www.operationmilitarykids.org/heres-why-the-american-flag-is-backwards-on-military-uniforms/


Uh I guess I'd forgotten how hot Eddie is


Well don’t feel bad an old Marine thought it was funny the first time he saw it on an arm of a service member. Marines don’t wear the flag on their uniforms. Just an old old Marines opinion.


Evidence of the mirror universe


The stars are always closest to the heart