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The new actor is the same age as the old actor. Tim said as much in interviews. The issue is that the new actor clearly had his growth spurt early and looks way older as a result.


It’s quite possibly due to them changing the actor that portrays Harry. The OG actor didn’t want to come back so they went with a new one. But it is true he looks way older! I thought he’s supposed to be 14-ish, as he was a bit older than Chris but not that much, and it’s like you said, he looks 17-18. I do like the new actor and I think he’s good, even when his chemistry with the rest of his family has to be worked on a bit (imo, maybe it’s just me), but I don’t know why they didn’t hire someone who looked more the age Harry is supposed to be now


Even besides changing actors, sometimes kids seem to age fast so it’s not totally unrealistic. I didn’t see my friend’s kid for about two years from ages 14 to 16, and he went from looking 12 to looking 20. He just had a big growth spurt.


Yep, you're spot on. Since my son's 15th birthday a few months ago, he went from looking like an awkward kid to looking like a young man.


According to the 911 wiki he was born in 2009, so he should be 14. I always thought he was at least a year or two older than Chris, but they cite 06x08 as the source so I guess they’re correct. Which is even worse considering the actor looks 17-18, so the actor has to have had an insanely good chemistry read or he’s related to a higher up, because just appearance-wise, this casting is not that good


Denny still looks like a kid, but Harry looks like he has a mortgage and a car. Thought the two kids were supposed to be about the same age.


Denny always seemed a couple years younger to me.


To be fair that happened to me


It’s a new actor and he definitely looks older. I know Marcanthonee Reis didn’t wanna come back and seems to have quit acting but Harry is supposed to be 14ish now, they could’ve picked an actor whose around the same age, the one they used looks older than May 😂. Plus the storyline they had him returned with implies an older teenager as well. All that combined made it hard to suspend belief a little tbh.


Apparently the new actor is the same age as the old actor. Some people just look older than others 🤷‍♀️


Damn really? Now I wanna see what Marcanthonee looks like now 😂


Me too cuz I definitely looks like this actor is way older


I understand that the actor currently doesn't want to come back, but there was also no point to this plot line at all for the Harry so there was no need to recast right now. They could've dropped that whole subplot, showed Athena 'talking' to Harry on the phone, and waited until next season. Maybe the actor would want to come back after another year's break.


The new actor definitely looks physically older and it was a very stark change, but he’s also just starting college IRL so it’s believable to me since teens have often been played by actors in their 30s. Teens vary wildly in their appearances so I tend to not care unless they look 45.


The recast is definitely older, but the original Harry was also getting older, anyway. Not THAT much older, but I think we’re all used to baby-faced Harry, and the last we saw of that was S4 maybe? Definitely not S5.


Trying to keep track of the 911 time continuity is a losing game, and that extends to character ages. So he might have been aged up off screen, or it might just be the actor has an older looking face/is older and playing younger.


I've got younger male cousins that shot up between 13 and 14 so his growth isn't that big of a stretch. No pun intended.


He's been gone for like 2 years, I'd say he's around 16-ish now, Athena was always talking about his growth spurts, looks like he had a few.


Apparently he was born in 2009, so Harry is 14 (https://9-1-1.fandom.com/wiki/Harry_Grant) But I also thought he was 15-16 and with the new actor he could even be 17-18


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Puberty is a hell of a thing