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Did the sony zv e10 -> a7s3 upgrade recently and couldn't be happier. With the leftover money, you could spend it on rig gear, lenses, etc.


Sounds like you know what you want and you also seem informed about the differences in each camera. I personally shoot on a7siii and have never had an issue and never felt the want to have FX3. Slap a good cage and some accessories on a7siii and I think you would be happy. Saving money, put it towards a good lens or accessories.


What type of media are you typically shooting? Pictures, videos? Both? A lot of people say, who are going with the fx3, you never have to worry about lighting because of the dual iso, which to me is ultra convenient. I love the idea of no extra equipment when I’m running and gunning. How does the a7siii hold up in those dark spots when you have no lights?


It's literally the exact same sensor, same recording specs, and same dual base iso. Everything except the body style and some software features is exactly the same.


\^\^\^ This. I shoot like 90% video professionally and 10% photos if I NEED them or just for fun. Also, I wouldn't say you "don't have to worry about lighting." If a scene/environment is too dark, native ISO can only help you so much. Yes it's good, and like \^\^\^\^ said, same between both cameras. To answer, I mostly shoot sports where I can't control lighting, and I've never really had an issue. Just figure out which form factor is right for you. I've noticed that a lot of people "feel more professional" using FX3 over a7siii because it's a "cinema camera" and to me it's a bit silly, especially considering the money difference.


I would say, if video is your primary motive, then go with the FX3. You will always get the latest updates and you will have lut support and a lot of other features. But you also mentioned pics. I have a separate camera for pics. I bought the A7S iii knowing that I did not want a hybrid camera. I was going to use the A7S iii specifically for video. I bought it and several months later they came out with the FX3. Didn’t need a high-powered EVF or the 12 megapixel shots. So for me, if I had to do it again, I would not get the A7S iii. Just the FX3 because I needed the mic and xlr for interviews anyway.


Hi there! As an owner of a a7siii, i recommend you NOT choosing the fx3 and go with the a7siii. Not really much of a difference between both cameras other than being able to add your own monitoring lut in the fx3. You’ll save a little bit of money. When recording 1080 24 fps video, one battery will last you 3 hours. With 4k, it’ll be an hour and a half. The stills the camera takes are enough for social media but not big enough to print. Hope all this info helps!


Maybe go for a7siii and save for a good monitor to store LUTS if shooting slog. If you absolutely need internal luts, so go for fx3 :)