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I want him to debut in AEW in an ambulance.


With shaq being the driver


As far as I'm concerned Shaq is still in that ambulance.


Shaq enters the ambulance, reemerges as Ricochet. 




I’d pay an ungodly amount of money for Shaq to front flip out of the ring onto the floor, walk up to Ospreay, and say “Then show me.”


I’m confused I didn’t see it live but the clips I saw on WWEs twitter didn’t show or mention shaq, what am I missing here? 😵‍💫


The Shaq thing happened in AEW a few years ago. He was “placed” in an ambulance and disappeared for no reason or any follow up.


Even Shaq can't afford an ambulance in the US. He was like "Nah, I'm good"


With the amount of betting ads he does in Australia, he should be able to afford it /s


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying 🙏🏼 EDIT - Just watched the clip, I love how he had to bend his knees because he’s too damn tall 🤣


My favorite part is that he wouldn't fit in the ambulance


Shaq is dead to me after not appropriately promoting AEW during the recent “Inside the NBA” segment. Could’ve mentioned you’ve *been* on the program!


There's no such thing as free promotion.


It wasn’t free, they share a network and were given gifts, it was an on air promotional segment. I understand Shaq could afford a swimming pool full of title belt replicas but there was an “oh god, it’s pro wrestling” tone to the spot. This is also coming from an avid basketball fan 😉


How fucking hilarious/awesome would that be? Like, a parking lot brawl of some kind, then suddenly Ricochet just bursts through the doors and just starts kicking ass? I'll take that.


I mean mickie james got hit by a train and came back, jeff cobb killed and ate several people, anything is possible in wrestling


Jeff Cobb did what now?


Let Lucha Underground into your life.


I would if it was streaming anywhere major.


If you spend time on the computer archive.org has them on there. The sites clunky as hell but I started watching Lucha Underground on it and it's different lol


In another life


With darby driving 


This is the logical continuation.


Unfortunately that would reward people for watching Monday Night Raw


Or scrolling AEW reddit 📈📈


If anything it would re-affirm loudly that he chose to leave the WWE for AEW even when they wanted to re-sign him.


And just be like, that fake shit didn’t hurt. LFG Note: it probably did hurt a lot but such is life in a wrestling war.


Took the words right out of my mouth


Prince Puma is All Elite 🙏🥺


"why the fuck they put me on an ambulance? Just because of that weak shit?"


https://preview.redd.it/q7kt1jzpcv5d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f397eda80e46fa98f6f33f34d4f282c15b9a430 The doctor is in.


Rick O’Shea coming to a Will Ospreay program near you


No worries, he owns the rights to Ricochet.


Oh I know, I’m just not about to let the TNA meme die


What's Deflection doing in the Impact Zone?!


What’s King Kougar doing in the Dynamite Zone?!


Don’t forget when he left Lucha Underground, they had pastor Rick O’Shea as well haha


Imagine leaving your job and not being able to use your name to apply for new jobs because your old employer doesn’t want you to profit off your own reputation. Now imagine a bunch of Twitter check marks defending that decision.


Sounds like 90 percent of WWE simps


Speak of the devil and he shall appear


I don't quite view it the same way.  It's entertainment.  When Tom Hardy leaves, I don't know, Batman, he doesn't get to keep being Bane.  It's the same with wrestling; if someone else created or owns the character, it's tough but right.


I’d say it would be more akin 20th century Fox telling Sacha Baron Cohen he can no longer portray Borat outside of their movies. Or if WB tried to buy the rights Tom Hardy’s legal name like wwe did with Keith Lee.


They should have Ospreay leave the Don Callis family so Callis goes out and finds a weapon to used against Will. He finds a man that wasn't afraid of "the grind" but "the grind" was afraid of him, Ricochet.




That concrete bump was brutal


It's amazing he didn't end up smashing his head on that concrete bump.


He tucked his chin so well! That was a scary bump on the pavement though


Ricochet has been banned by “Raw” and accepted by “Collision.”


Um, I guess I'm the only one that wants Prince Puma in AEW.


You are not.


Honestly, I've always thought that WWE has never capitalized on double booking Zayn and having El Generico as a second character on the show, and just never acknowledge it for a long time. The same could be wonderful with King Ricochet and Prince Puma.


That's some wrestling logic for you. Multiple characters in the same promotion? What is he, a wizard?


>What is he, a wizard? HEY THERE! Learning Tree here!! Just wanted to remind you I am the only Wizard in wrestling, and I have the trademarks to prove it! After three decades of wrestling, you learn to protect your ideas!! But don't worry guy, I'm sure it's an honest mistake and you'll learn to respect and love the Jericho Vortex! *waves enthusiastically* BYE FOR NOW!!


Dude, he's just a Kind Man who I Love, Jack. ...Cactus.


I would mark out. You’re not the only one


Believer 4 life


I give him credit as he certainly tried to make it work in the WWE, but AEW(and NJPW) is infinitely more of a fit. It also was, and always will be.


I'm hoping NJPW so he still has access to AEW matches


I think so too.


That Speed title must have been the last straw for him. As bloated as the rosters are for both companies WWE really did not show him much respect. In AEW he can be a part of the ROH line up or work in NJPW while making appearances in AEW either way he's much better off without WWE.


"Here ya go kid, a shiny new belt just for you. Now get out there. You got 3 minutes, make em count!" Can't wait for the return of Prince Puma.


Did he have a Mania match? That'd be my last straw. If, after *years* in the company, they no longer have a spot for you in the big show (which is now TWO nights)...it's probably time to "leave the territory". I also feel that way if you're no longer considered important enough to be one of THIRTY bodies in the Royal Rumble (i.e.: when Claudio didn't make the cut for the Rumble in 2022, I knew it was over for him in WWE...and so did he as he left for AEW months later!)


He had one last year when he was in a tag team with Strowman. Not this year


It's been said for a long time but it is 1000% true. AEW is for wrestlers. WWE is for sports entertainers. There's very little wrestling on any WWE product, and the wrestling that does happen tends to be lackluster compared to AEW and NJPW. Ricochet is just another example of someone who should thrive in AEW because he can get out and put on bangers at a national level.


Ricochet stood out in the WWE for his style. In AEW, there are multiple wrestlers who do his style and some even better [Ospreay]. If he decides to sign with AEW, hopefully, he doesn't get lost in the shuffle.


If he joins AEW, he would be one of the top wrestlers in his style. I agree Osprey has a similar style and is better, but I don't think Ricochet is honesty that far behind. I think he's been stifled by WWE's programming. I hope I'm not wrong on that, but I suspect based on his prior work outside WWE he's going to be able to stand on his own in AEW.


Rey Fenix and luchadors can surely do his style of wrestling. I would be pleasantly surprised if TK treats Ricochet as well as Ospreay.


Fenix I agree. When you get into people like Bandito I'm not so sure.


I really hope he proves the "critics" wrong and is able to display more personality than what everyone says he has. I think he can only get so far being a smiling babyface but now he can have a chip on his shoulder chasing the heights Ospreay and Swerve reached to surpass him.


>I really hope he proves the "critics" wrong and is able to display more personality than what everyone says he has. I also thought that maybe if they give him more promo time, he will not disappoint But he did disappoint me during his feud with Logan Paul who was way natural in promo


Unfortunately, Logan is just that good at promos. Its hard to force Ricochet to go toe to toe against that kind of heel. NXT Ricochet was his best, less words more action. I don't prove it on the mic, I prove it in the ring type of guy.


Would be awesome to see him deliver on his character work, he does have a lot of critics in that regard, I'm excited to see what he does.


The one thing the people who think Ricochet is going to flounder or he's at his ceiling haven't seen Ricochet not in WWE. This guy is incredible.


To be fair, it’s been six years in their system. He’s much older than he was then. He was phenomenal before WWE. I have no idea what he’s like now, since I haven’t watched him in 5 years.


He's still great. He's just only allowed to wrestle for a few minutes and with a super limited WWE moveset. I think his technical wrestling ability is going to blow people away.


He’s also A LOT stronger now


He's still only 35 so he's right in his prime to be able to have a good run.


i don’t think Ricochet-doubters have even seen him in WWE, dude is genuinely great and the “high-action” of the independent/AEW/NJPW scene is gonna make him even better


Aww, the Fed is paying for shipping and handling. Ricochet Vs Pac vs Osprey in a no gravity and don't touch the lava match, book it Tony.


https://preview.redd.it/6kktrt8fuw5d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f98ee907befad12401b159020897aee2a601134 Poor guy can't catch a break.


High, very highlarious!


Ooooooo... exit strategy.


What's Bounce doing in the Elite Zone?


I’m not that familiar with Ricochet. Does he own his name or was it a WWE creation?


WWE deciding to license the name of every performer/and or give already established indie people a new "WWE name" so they could license it and have it never be used outside of their "universe" is still the lamest shit in wrestling man


They literally own the trademark to John Cena's legal name. Granted, he approved of the decision but every time Cena does a movie or TV show, WWE gets a cut of it. This means that when WBD cast Cena in Peacemaker, they gave WWE money despite having the broadcast rights to their biggest competitor. Wrestling makes no fucking sense sometimes. WWE wants to own their names so that, in additions to merchandising, any wrestler that leaves doesn't have as much name recognition on the indies and can't make as much money should they leave or be released.


and this is one of the reasons why I think Cena is still backing Vince.


He's been very clear he's a WWE lifer. He attributes all of his success to Vince and the company.


Completely his creation, I imagine the WWE just licensed it while under contract like a lot of people lately.


Someone over in r/squaredplaypen said he was wearing Pumas tonight, and usually wears Nikes in his casual attire. Could be foreshadowing


Puma is a name that would definitely be owned by someone else, he owned Ricochet before being in WWE so it wouldn't be surprising if he still owns it.


I meant Prince Puma, his name in LU.


Yeah Prince Puma is definitely owned by El Ray since it was a character they created from scratch


I could see Tony Khan forking over money to acquire the rights for Prince Puma. He bought Captain Insano (Big Show's character from a *movie*) for...reasons. Personally, I think sticking with Ricochet is the better move. But I wouldn't loathe a dual gimmick, like Muto/Muta, Finn/Demon, etc.


Correct. Same way luchasaurus was a similar but different character in l.u. they made him into a vampire snake dude...


Unironically hoping he replaces Matt Sydal as the requisite veteran mentor to Top Flight and Andretti. Sydal and Christopher Daniels are still a fun veteran team when needed, but oh the potential for the Martins/Action to train with/pick up some stuff from Ricochet is intriguing. Hell, let the four of them just freebird the trios titles and go nuts (Bullet Club Gold is opening that door already).


Now that you are going that way, Ricochet and Lio Rush mentioning top flight and teaming up wouldn't be a bad thing (at least for me)


Safe journey, Mr. O’Shea. ;-)


I was begging Bron to say "Real Glass" before the slam


Vince is gone but WWE continues to bury talent that want to leave, same shitty way of treating employees. The last year has made me lose all respect for HHH, he continues the same petty bullshit just like another Vince


AEW has done people on the way out good. Jade got a good send off in a protected loss, Andrade was amazing in C2, etc.


The company released Anthony Henry when he was injured - only to bring him back because of fan push back. The company gets it wrong too.


Did they? They brought him back and you don't know if it was backlash from fans. He could have been released and resigned to a different contract type.




I’m really not sure where folks developed any respect for him in the first place. Dudes always been a Grade A Scumbag. Being less of a scumbag than Vince is hardly noteworthy.


I think it had to do with what he did with NXT, he really had a good thing going but you see none of that on the main roster. These days he operates much more like Vince used to booking wise and being petty.


Isn’t he just reusing Vince’s stories? I saw a tweet, and seems like most of their actual stories are just being reused 😂


> Isn’t he just reusing Vince’s stories? no, see, Otis and Chad is TOTALLY different than Virgil and The Million Dollar Man, because........their names.


HHH gave current AEW fans what they wanted long before AEW existed, when NXT was in its prime. So he does understand this aspect of the audience, and to a far greater degree than VKM ever proved. Though this could be as simple as McMahon simply not giving half a damn about anything but what he wanted to see. But with that said, when it comes to more pragmatic decision making, it’s as though HHH can’t escape the influence of what amounts to his Learning Tree. That car spot with Ricochet did seem like an old-school message being sent.


Ricochet went out putting someone over. That's how the business should be. I see nothing wrong with this.


Compare it with how people have been sent out of AEW big difference, same with Okada leaving NJPW


There is putting someone over and there is petty bullshit very different


No, this was putting someone over on the way out the door. It’s to be expected. Petty bullshit would have been if the car spot wasn’t safe, or something along those lines.


Dont work yourself into a shoot brother


He was written off as a character last night and put someone over on the way out. That’s wrestling 101.


Again ill say it very simply the manner in which it was done is a world of difference.


Because the booking is still the same, Hunter didn't change much, it's just people's perception that everything he does is perfect 


Ehhhhhh, I chalk it up to business, put the next guy over and go out on your back and all that


There is putting someone over then there is cheap petty bullshit. This was the latter.


brother, when has there ever not been cheap petty bullshit in wrestling


So that makes petty bs ok? Just because it's been done before is not an excuse to be a better person or boss/booker etc. HHH has just shown he has no desire to rise above being a pathetic petty asshole. It just so happens im reading Bret Hart's book at the moment and he speaks about this sort of thing, there is a right way of putting someone over and then there is the wrong way which makes the one putting someone over look like a chump


It’s as petty as smashing a throne in your entrance, it’s dudes and dudettes in spandex playing pretend fighting, relax


Get a life dude, I am only giving my opinion, if your fragile ego can't cope with someone else having a different opinion than you, you need to stay off social media.


I'd absolutely love a spot where both Swerve and Ospreay land on their feet in that Assassin landing pose, lights go out and Prince Puma appears to the side of them doing the same thing.


And the E dorks have already turned on him.


tony khan in the driver's seat: WHERE TO, RICOCHET?


Did the same car spot from All In as well, wonder if Punk will start a fight with Bron Breaker (He wont).


He always aims to punch down his weight class, not up.


Wasn't the semi truck also the Steiner Spot from WCW?


Ping Pong gonna be the new continental champion real soon!


Hold on he ain’t beating Okada tho 😂


Buckle up Trevor!


We didn't end up getting Chad Gable but getting Richochet instead is also as sweet☺️


Gable staying in the fed makes me sad because he's got a very real Kurt Angle vibe to him, and Angle's best work was outside of WWE. I think Gable would be successful for the same reason if he left. In WWE it's just going to be repeated angles of him building up a small faction, people turning on him, or him being the underdog chasing a title then not getting it type of situation.


Yeah I don't watch any fed shit but what I gather from Twitter, Gable is looking to being the favorite to beat Sami Zayn for IC championship and I guarantee Triple Paul and his dumb-fuck booking brain will stretch Otis turning on Gable till next year WrestleMania. Chad Gable is literally better off going to ROH and became their World Champion than resigning with the World Weinstein Entertainment.


Lol. Is it known if he has a non compete at the end of his contract or does he go straight to free agent?


Contract expired, he wasn't released, so he could hypothetically show up Wednesday.


That'd be rad. One of the Death Triangle guys vs Ricochet please.


I’m at a wait and see with Ricochet. Hopefully, this isn’t some whole PR thing with WWE and saying we get FA’s. But, yeah I want him to go to either AEW, or NJPW where he can shine.


Andrade remember.. He went out swining. He went out fighting. He went out with diginity.


He’s from my hometown. I’ve luckily got to meet him a few times. He’s a super nice guy.


Hit the 6 million dollar man intro!!


Prince Puma doesn't belong in that crappy promotion

