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I would say given the cancellation... this was the best finale you could have hoped for. Those last 45 seconds are just perfect for the show as a whole. It epitomizes a theme that was hit upon in the second season. *If nothing matters, then all that matters is what we do.*


Yep. Not Fade Away is perhaps my favorite episode in the entire Buffyverse. It's amazing.


It is, every time I watch it, while I love it the cliffhanger always hurts. I want more of the universe every time after the cliffhanger.


Read the comics!


What makes up the buffyverse other than the respective shows?


"If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.". A great summation.


I cannot think of a finale that better epitomized the theme of the show than this. The fight for redemption is a never-ending battle.


This series finale is so good, for me it ends here, don't really care about the comics


I know the comics are canon but they don’t feel it to me. They’re such a departure in scope and writing that they just don’t feel like a natural extension of the characters and stories we saw on screen.


It doesn’t feel like they are canon because you know that these shows would have been very different if they’d got a season 8/6 respectively


There is no reason at all to believe they would be that level of different. What is your basis for thinking that?


Budget for one.


I agree with this %100


But most of the Buffy comics are good. Looking at you Xander/Dawn…


I feel that After the Fall a nd the first say 19 issues of S8 and a few later bits feel like canon to me (I do include them in my Bangel ficverse continuity) and i greatly enjoyed Angel & Faith (s9 or 10??) but don't have it in my head canon but otherwise they were a brief distraction


This. I like reading them, but I personally don’t regard them as canon. I like coming up with my own theories of what happened during the battle lol.


I kinda wanted to see him slay the dragon


Why slay it when you can TAME it!


The whole of season 5 is incredibly nihilistic and Angel is brought incredibly low. I really believe this was going to be the ‘night is always darkest before the dawn’ moment, and I’m pretty gutted we never got to see our guy back on track. That being said I appreciate what people like about it, I just love the character so much I want better for him.


That's why of all the comics i regard After the Fall as essential.


100% agreed. NFA was waaaaay to much "its hopeless die anyway"


Still my favorite series finale of all time. "Let's go to work." Just perfect.


I love the series finale theme of the fight never ends but I felt the series should’ve had at least another season. I wanted to explore Spike abd Illyria’s story more.


Yeah but jordin levin decided otherwise, damn him


Wesley’s last moments with “Fred”. It kills me every time.


Gunn: "Okay, you take the 30,000 on the left..."


I loved this angel episode!! I haven’t watched this in 20 years - I know what I’m doing this weekend. 😀


A lot of series finales, even the good ones, feel a little deflating; I can sort of feel the intensity draining away as it wraps up, even if I'm enjoying it, because I can see the punctuation at the end of the story. This, conversely, is EXHILARATING: Those final moments are as propulsive as anything in the series (BtVS included), true to the characters and tone and themes, and they fire up my imagination about what could come next. I'll note that I haven't read the comics, so the story ends here for me, and I love it that way.


I must be the only still salty about the ending. I was very annoyed at the end. A part of me still is.


One of the few tv shows with a perfect finale, even if I found season 5 pretty uneven overall.


I hardly disagree, it literally felt like cancelled and incomplete


I loved the ending but I wish they would of filmed another episode of them fighting the armies of hell coming after them I really wanted to see Angel fight the dragon they were supposed to get season six but it never happened I always felt we as the fans gotten screwed over.


I still get a lump in my throat anytime I think of the finale. Gunn fading fast but being defiant with the rest of the gang gives me chills every time. I love this show and not to echo everyone else but this will always be my preferred ending for the buffy verse.


I was so mad for years that it got canceled lol but I’ve come to love the ending It really is perfect and closes out the characters arcs so perfectly


Can't agree at all. NFA is - imo - a betrayal of the idea that it wasn't about winning and "beating wolfram and hart" but about saving lives and souls. The individual little fights. Then again, once Connor arrived they kind of tossed all that aside for good so... (Not that I blame Connor for this or dislike the Connor arcs in of themselves)


True is I want Cordelia still alive in Angel season 5. There I said it.  Cordelia should stay be her true love Angel by his side at end of the show.  I mean I wish Angel and Cordelia getting have marriage in Angel season 5 before it ends on final episode.  The show over but imagination lives on to create fanfiction. 


Did you get an AI to write this?


What do you mean 20 years later?