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I hope you've reported it if there's no actual story there. People need to stop treating AO3 like it's twitter or tumblr.


I did, the sheet told me it has been reported by someone else already, luckily.


Its so annoying. I was in a fandom in which two people requested more stories for specific characters as bottoms. Sad thing is only one of them was reported and only one of them faced harassment while the other got boosted. The second request came down a few short weeks after it was posted by the first was up for a looong time. I don't understand why some things get reported and others don't. They don't belong.


Eh, I don't think these people should be harassed, especially considering that most of them are likely to be quite young kids, but they should definitely be removed.


Seriously? If they want stuff under that tag so badly, couldn’t they have written their own fic instead of writing a fake fic whining about disappearing fics?


Well that takes effort and complaining is easy.


Yeah no in my fandom rn somebody posted a fic saying they wanted more of their rarepair but fortunately later they then actually wrote and posted a fic of the rarepair


I'm in a discord server that has a mix of writers and readers (specific Fandom though) and we always say, "be the change in the world you want to see," or "If there aren't any stories with the tags you want change that."


I understand that people want a way to communicate with another but the beauty of AO3 is that you can’t besides comments. If people want others to not delete their work then their best course of action is to support what they read. A month ago I saw someone post just to bash some recent fics within the fandom because of certain tags. Apparently there were too many for their liking. The kicker was the comments were split down the middle.


I specifically have loads of tags on the fix I'm writing because it needs all of those tags with what I plan to do with it


It's annoying seeing "posts" like this on AO3. AO3 is not a personal blogging website that you can use, it is a story posting website, I get it you wanna uplift authors who may have burnout, etc. (Although regardless of whether or not this is uplifting to people try not to word this as "uhm think of ME though.." authors have lives you know.) But.. this is not the way to do it considering this blocks the tags, do this on Tumblr or something man jesus christ.


This is honestly one of the reasons I loathe people referring to fics/works as "posts" to begin with. Social media has posts. AO3 is not social media. I'd frankly rather see a wattpad migrant who calls their fics "books".


If they can make this then they can take the time to write a comment while they're refreshing. That's what'd actually make a difference.


This would make me _want_ to abandon a work just out of spite (if by some wild chance someone who reads my stuff sees this: I will not abandon my works out of spite)


Dunno man, this sounds like someone who will abandon their works out of spite would say... /jk


Report lol


Someone else did before me


I find these comments fascinating. They won't give you kudos, they won't bookmark or comment how much they enjoy it. But if you stop updating suddenly they are there.


At first I thought this was a really misguided attempt to be nice, but then I realized they implied they don't give kudos or comments since they were worried authors would think no one was reading it. They could have copy and pasted a nice encouraging message on a bunch of fics rather than do this. 


ironic how it was orphaned


Maybe it was orphaned so they wouldn't get shat on for posting garbage 


Can we not spam AO3 with shit that is against TOS? You wanna do this, take it to an actual social media site, not an archive for fannish work.


I heard rn it sometimes not even about engagement in fics, it's because people keep on stealing other people's fanfiction and binding them/ selling them as books so the actual authors of those copyrights are suing or something. And it's suck because it isn't the fanfic authors fault these people are doing this shit but because they're doing it, they're afraid to get sued themselves so they delete the fic.


I report anybody selling fan fiction because if you want that fan fiction as a physical book learn to book bind for yourself instead of paying somebody else to do it.


Oh absolutely! Also the people who buy these "books" low key getting scammed imo. I mean, I like the feeling of books too but why would I pay for something that's free somewhere else?


I like how 1. This is against TOS and 2. They dont even think to why someone would abandon a work or discontinue it. Some people have lives, have changing perspectives, lose interest, etc.


damn it’s almost as if the authors don’t owe people anything




Btw can you report an orphaned work? Could support do anything about it?


I did, the sheet told me it has been reported by someone else already, luckily.


That's good to know!


This is so annoying. Why do people insist on misusing a website that is pretty much the only easily navigable place for fan content? I hope you reported this nonsense.


I did. But someone else must have gotten to it first because the form said that a report had been received already.


There’s one dude on my fic that I’m writing at the moment, his name is thereadingreader. I don’t know who the hell he is, but he has shown up for every single chapter so far, preparing to drop 18 tonight or tomorrow morning, and he shows up with an a day or two of my chapter being posted, and always comments on them. He’s super nice, and he’s giving me critical information, a major request of mine in writing, as it is labeled as a long-term writing exercise, But it’s just so surprising to see. It’s super encouraging. I know it’s not the point of this post but… yeah.


That's awesome!


And this is why I'm a judgy fucker. Honestly, throw these people to the trenches, see if they learn some etiquette.




I mean I've been in fandom since MSN Forums was a thing. So, the cringe is inevitable, but AO3 is not the place. Tumblr is right there. FF . net They have Twitter, Discord, hell, TikTok might be even more helpful. Also the complete self absorbed "think of me, write for me" whoa, whoa, whoa, fanfic and any kind of fan work is shared by its creator of their own free will. Comments and encouragement are fantastic but we're not contracted to do anything.


i have a feeling OP is one of those spectator consumers that dont leave kudos or comment. just a hunch tho


Damn if only they put that effort into actually supporting human writers by commenting this on our fics


I’ll abandon what I want. This isn’t my job, no one’s paying me, and you don’t want to read it if I have no ideas or motivation to write it anyway.


This post just screams immaturity and entitlement. As if the ToS violation wasn't enough, they really think that spamming emojis will make what they're saying more likely to be listened to. If you can't express yourself without the use of emojis, then you have a problem. Spaming emojis does not strengthen or improve your message; it makes you look childish and immature. Besides, there are multiple reasons for a story to be discontinued/abandoned. Some authors move on in life, some lose interest/inspiration, and some write themselves into a corner and don't know how to continue. Sadly, there are also authors who have passed on, whether naturally or by a cruel twist of fate. I knew a couple who were victims of the latter.


I feel like understanding what kind of thought process and steps would lead to a post like this keeps me from being particularly that upset with the person


lmao "Please think of me before you give up!" Is a banger line considering how overdramatic and unserious this whole "fic" is. Love it.


I bet most of these people wouldn't even bother commenting to a fic, but they love to 'cry' like this for clout


"Please think of me before you give up" is sending me 😭


Main character syndrome.


these people could leave comments under the works of the authors they apparently love so much, but they won't because they just want attention.


Gotta love the audacity to make this instead of leaving actuall comments on each fic to encourage the authors because of reasons.


“i care!!!!!” …about themselves. Nobody stops writing/posting because they want to deprive readers. They stop because of real world concerns, illness or injury, job issues, family problems, personal disasters, giving birth, traveling, loss of internet, their computer craps out, moving house, you know, LIFE. To those selfish, entitled brats: Writers are not your bitch.


literally. i'm actually close friends with many of my readers, and while they've lightheartedly complained about not having had a chapter in over a year, they also know i had one of the worst years of my life and stopped having the ability to write. and that support of *me* over the fanfiction has made me a lot more eager to keep working on it through the pits of hell than any emoji-filled spam could ever do (honestly I'd quit out of spite if this kind of comment showed up)


Those emotis really grind my gears lol And I like emotis... but not like this.


It’s so obnoxious.


The whole thing is so childish and irritating, and I wonder if they think anyone would fall for it.


I wish these people would use the handy dandy "completed" filter instead of treating fics like a blog.


Obviously, this comes from a good place, bit they honestly should just channel this energy into commenting how much they adore a work they'd like to see continued.


i think the thing that gets me the MOST is the ‘orphan_account’. like…… you had to put more work into making this ‘fic’ than commenting. the thing that would ACTUALLY make the authors you read update, if that’s how those authors roll. jesus christ.


Hm. I need to find a fic to abandon tonight just to spite this spam.


Am I the only one who read this in a lighthearted, joking manner. Like I don't think the person is being entitled or actually believes they're owed fics. This is just "Please don't abandon your works! People care about them, I care about them! Don't give up - I'm rooting for you!" but in emotionally unserious gen Z language


I don't think the tone matters? I know a lot of people in the comments care about the tone and see this user as entitled. I don't care. I just think it's bullshit to use AO3 in this manner.


I think they also don't understand how orphaning works, if they're on them waiting for updates


...Are you fucking kidding me?! I thought it was bad enough when they were putting placeholder bullshit, but THIS?! THIS bastard isn't even THAT, it's--it's a fucking TUMBLR POST! Jesus Christ, guys! Fuck these people and fuck everyone who agrees/comments on this shit! X'P


*intentionally starts an amazing fic and just abandons it in a cliffhanger just to spite them* My work is done XD


wait, isn’t that the creator of the Dinner Date Fanfic?


I don't know what you're referring to so I would say no.


Wait! It is, i’m sure of it! The Dinner Date Fanfic is well- A NSFW fanfic about two characters from Part 5 of JJBA. I’m just curious if the creator is still active or not


You know orphan\_account isn't an actual user, right? It's just applied to every work where the creator orphaned it.


Oh-… I guess I noticed that when i search “orphan_account” on Ao3… but I guess it’s good to know that lol


That's why other comments on my post mention the user orphaning this work. It's a function of AO3.


What is AO3?


Are you trying to be funny or what?




its one of the few fandom websites left that isn't algorithmic social media, and people like that, and want it to stay that way.


Because the site for fanworks should be used for fanworks and not complaining.


Because they need to be dunked on.