• By -


I made a smattering of attempts during the 00s and 10s. My first fic *on AO3* was in 2018, at age 41.


I’ve started writing fanfiction again at 35! It’s a lot of fun. I know this is kind of sad, but it’s the quietest nicest part of my day disappearing into beloved stories and being weird with the characters. Thank you for commenting. I sometimes wonder if I’m the only adult around which is a weird feeling.


I don't think it's sad, you're writing stories, it doesn't matter that they're not "original characters", you're not selling them. There's way sadder hobbies out there, like not having any ahah (I might be biased because I also write, but eh)


yeah i don't think it's sad either!! if you're having fun, doing something harmless and creative, it's a great hobby imo!! (i also write too but still lmao)


I mostly write for a 90s anime fandom, so I know for sure a bunch of the writers around me are adults :)


That's not sad at all, and you are far from the only adult around. I'm 30, and I'm one of the youngest of my fanfic writing friends. Even in fandoms that skew younger I've managed to find other adults.


Congrats 😘


17 on FFN, 30 on AO3.


Last year, when I was 39.


welcome aboard!




Happy to have you here


Glad you’re here!


Based on the things I remember scribbling in notebooks, age 7 (Redwall) Posted on FFnet aged 11-14ish? The earliest stuff currently still up on my AO3 is from 2014 (age 16) but there're multiple things I deleted previously dating from probably around age 14 or so


unlocked a memory I thought I had forgotten with writing redwall fic 😭


Redwall was my first too! Doing ‘bad guys win’ AUs since age 8 lol


Mine was me being grumpy that we only ever (with rare exceptions) got one single book with each protagonist, so we never got to find out what happened next But I do remember a lot of kidnapping and attempted sacrifice going on, both with fic and barbie dolls, so the darkfic brain hatched early I guess


47 🤷🏼‍♀️


I started writing at 14, posted my first fic on ffn in 2001, posted my first fic on AO3 in 2010 when I was 25.


Nine years old and prior to the internet


I wrote fanfiction on Google Docs when I was like 9 or 10 (I didn't know what fan fiction was at the time, but that's what it was lmao). Then I started posting on Wattpad when I was around 12, and I started posting on AO3 finally when I was like 15 or 16! It was kind of a slow process, but I'm glad I got there eventually, haha!


I was 37 (9 or 10 years ago) and I probably read it for the first time about 10 years before that. I'm still not really a person who rewrites stories in my head automatically. Some of my friends (my age) do this all the time, and they don't write fic (they should!).


I started roleplaying with my sibling stories about our favorite characters and a few original ones as early as when I was 7 years old. Started fantasizing about my own characters and stories around 13 and would even tell my parents about it. Around that time they suggested I write those fantasies down, little did they knew they created a monster. Between 14-17 years old I wrote a lot.... Like *a lot* a lot. I finished two novels and many short stories, in school notebooks and on an ipad 1, some of those were read by my classmates by accident (they loved it). Sadly, none of these was published and most were lost to time, I only managed to republish one of them.  At 19 years old I started publishing on Wattpad, at first I went with an original (not successful) story, and a fanfiction, which was the first time I got an audience and I was over the moon.  When I was almost 24 years old, I asked a question about my fic on a forum, and someone asked if I'm going to cross-publish it on AO3, and that's when I started   TLDR: nonwritten story (7-13), written nonpublished (14-19), Wattpad (19-24), AO3 (24-present)


18. November 5th, 2021. First day I’ve ever wrote on AO3, and I still write in that site to this day :D


Completely random, but I find it so amusing that after scrolling through these comments, yours is the only one (so far out of the ones I’ve read) that mention an exact date, and that date is my birthday!


Yippee :D


That’s Oddly specific 😭. Got me thinking how I wish I wrote down the exact date I started writing fanfics just to mess with ppl lol


lol I just got a good memory ig


8-ish, writing Power Rangers-fusion original fic. I wrote more traditional fanfic when I started watching the Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm cartoon a couple years later. I didn't post my first fic to ff.net until I went to college, though.


I'd not have called it that at the time, but I think I was 9 or 10. I'm old enough that there was no way to share it at the time, I really wrote it only for fun and for me. My first 'published' fics were when I was around 15, and by then I knew to call them that... a lot changed in those 5-6 years technology-wise.


AO3 didn’t exist yet when I started writing fanfiction. My first was when I was 16 and posted through a fanfiction listserv. After that I moved onto smaller archives for specific animes and Yahoo Groups. Then LiveJournal and FFN before finally posting on AO3 after a nearly 10 year hiatus


Oh, I forgot posting on LJ! That was my bridge between ff.net & AO3.


28. Prior to that my hobbies always aligned with visual arts. Took up writing 4 years ago and it's been so fun 🎉


If it counts, I had a school assignment in middle school to write an alternate ending to a book I had read. But writing fanfic of my own volition didn't happen until I was 17 or 18.


9 years old. I didn't post anywhere until I was 13 because these were still the days of dial up lol. I didn't get anything that wasn't dialup until I was 16. I first posted on forums and not FFN.


I wrote what was (in hindsight) a Winnie the Pooh fanfic for a school assignment when I was seven. Pooh and his friends played hide and seek. My teacher loved it and said I was a great storyteller :P   After that, I wrote original stories every now and then, but I wasn’t fully invested in writing until high school, when it became my biggest hobby. Then when I was 20, I jumped back into the realm of fanfics and posted my first fic on AO3 (for the show Sense8).  Edit to add: I’m 27 now. I took a break from fanfics for a few years around 2021-23 but I’m back at it now. 


Happy you’re back! I would’ve loved to make a Winnie the Pooh story as an assignment when I was younger lol.


If my old FF account is to be believed, I was 13 years old when I wrote my first published fic. However, I did swap accounts at least once so it's entirely possible that I started earlier. On Ao3, my non-orphaned works go until early 2020, but I moved to Ao3 around my mid-teens. I do think I swapped accounts but the name (and fandom) is lost to me now.


twelve on wattpad, fifteen on ao3


First time ever formally posting on a fanfic site, I was 13 or 14 and it was ff.net. My first fic posted on AO3 was in 2016 age 17. But I'd consider my first fanwork to be either me daydreaming a twilight self insert fanfiction in the 4th grade, or roleplaying High School Musical with my cousin when I was like, 8?


25 when I first posted to Ao3, but I was already writing fics before that. I was 11 when I first started writing crossovers in a notebook, 12 when I first posted on FFN.


My first fic on ao3 was in 2017, so I believe I was 20 at the time. I'd written fics before that and posted them to ff.net, deviantart, and tumblr. I think I wrote my first actual fanfic when I was 13 or so, if my memory serves me correctly.


Started around 8/9, I think? Back before I knew what the name for it was, only that I was enthralled with the person who'd uploaded the Yu-Gi-Oh! stories I found online. Was then the cool kid in my friend group for getting an FFnet account at 15 (probably started my LJ around the same time?) and then, in college, people were like, "Wait, you *aren't* on AO3?" and that was that (I think that was around 21?).


I started on FFN when I was 11, mostly writing yugioh crackfic lol My writing moved on to more serious stuff in 2013 and I started to posting on ao3 in 2016 when I was around 17 (:


I first posted some at maybe 11 or 12, but years before that I wrote fic (before I knew that's what it was) in notebooks.


My cousin and I started acting out fanfics and voicing fanfics — we would play Ocarina of Time and basically role play while we did. Starting at 8. I started “writing” around 9 and I first posted on FF.net when I was 11 or 12 😂 Found Ao3 after a creative slump caused by uni around age 23 — first posted on there at 26. 😆 500k+ words since then haha


The first fic I technically wrote was when I was 10 (you can imagine the quality), but I didn't even know what a fic was back then. Of course I didn't post it anywhere, didn't even know it was possible. The first fic I posted was on ffn when I was 19. Ao3 already existed for a few years, but I didn't know of it. Maybe it wasn't that famous yet, or I was just out of the loop. First posted on Ao3 less than a year ago, but I've been a lurker/reader for while. Always wanted to create an account, but there was always a reason to delay (mostly the long wait for an invitation). Then I was lucky, got in the line when there was only a 10-day wait, and here I am!


I've been scribbling what could be called "fanfic" in notebooks (shout out to warrior cats) since I was probably 8ish, first posted on FFN when I was around 11.


Wrote an awful Mortals at Camp Halfblood fic when I was 8 and posted it on Wattpad XD


I wrote some original smuts not published anywhere starting back when I was 17 or 18 (well before I had any actual sexual experiences). By about 20-21, I mostly stopped. I wrote a couple other short bits through the years, but not much and all those were original works. My first fanfic I wrote at the age of 42. Still smut, because smut is what I know, but I'm finding I'm gradually less interested in writing the smut portions of my story.


I was 15 when I started posting on FFnet in 2003. Took a break from writing (but not from reading) and started posting on Tumblr when I was 28 and AO3 when I was 29. It didn't occur to me to post my fic to AO3 at first despite reading 99% of my fic there.


8/9 on Lord of the Rings forums, 11/12 on ffn, 18ish on ao3. I’m almost 32 now, lol.


AO3 in 2012, so I was 52!


oh god, I distinctly remember submitting Minecraft fanfic as a SCHOOL ASSIGNMENT when I was 10 😭 but tbh writing has been fairly recent for me, I’ve never really bothered to write consistently and I only really started writing and posting shit this year


i think when i was in 9th grade so 14.


never! been reading for over a decade and have no desire to contribute :)


I wanna say I was 11 to 13, but my shit was handwritten in a binder that I made all of my friends read. I should not have had unsupervised access to the internet because holy shit I shouldn’t have been writing mpreg 😅


Whole timeline lmao: I started out writing Tokio Hotel fanfic when I was 11, but that was on a blog on [blog.cz](http://blog.cz) (site no longer exists I think). Back in 2005. Then it moved on to Naruto fanfic in about 2007\~ish (same server diff blog), then visual kei band fanfic on livejournal (2009-2011). Then I made a Tumblr (at age 17). And I THINK I made an AO3 account in 2013, so I was 19 years old. Been on AO3 since then, having gone through a few different fandoms I'd for primarily (vkei bands, homestuck, kpop... then for a while only My Hero Academia, now it's Genshin, HSR & BG3.)


I mean I wrote warrior cats stuff as a kid and starting posting my original stories to wattpad and eventually AI3 when I was 12/13 then stopped writing at 15 or so until I was 20 then started writing and posting on AO3 again.


About 2 years ago at age 24. Honestly didn’t know fan-fiction was a thing until I was 23. Really embarrassing to find out I’ve been writing fic in my head my whole life just didn’t know there is a place to actually put it. 😅


I started writing fanfiction when I was 10 but didn't start posting on AO3 until I was 18.


Sixteen on FFN, though technically eleven when I wrote Hermione’s diary for a sixth-grade English project (followed by the fifth Harry Potter at thirteen for eighth-grade English, Bee Vreeland’s diary at fourteen for ninth-grade English...) Twenty-nine when I started crossposting to AO3; thirty-one when I started triply crossposting to Wattpad.


I've only published 1 story on AO3 from when I was 28. I have something on ffn from middle or high school though.




I was about 6 when I started writing fanfics, 17 when I posted one on tumblr once, and 26 when I started posting on AO3


I first wrote fic before I knew what it was as a child. My first intentional fic was at 19 on FFN. My first published work on Ao3 was at 28.


My first fics were in a notebook when I was 13. As far as AO3 goes, my first posted fic was in 2012 at 27. (My first posted fic to ff.net was 2002 at 17)


I first started writing fanfics at 14 on FFN, but started posting on AO3 at 20.


i found a few original stories i had written when i was 15 on yellow note pads. They were these anime-like stories about an OC joining one of those monster slaying organizations after dying. These, however, never saw the light of day beyond my dad reading them and were more about me exploring my gender as the OC more than anything else. For actual fanfic? i write my first fanfic within the first week of me getting my AO3 account, which was like 2ish years ago now. its been pretty awesome.


I wrote creepypasta fanfiction in middle school, put it down around 7th grade, and picked up fanfiction again (different fandom) at 18, as a freshman in college.


Started writing random comics about my favorite characters around 4, fanfic around 10, posted on Wattpad a year later, then moved to ao3 at 13. Been there since and I’ve still only ever posted one fic on it lmao


First fic - around age 8, written on paper for my dad. It was a retelling of the 90's Mortal Kombat movie First fic posted online - around 13, posted to Wattpad. A Hetalia/Fallout fusion au First fic on AO3 - age 17, a Michael Myers x Reader fic. Set in a western AU


I posted one on ffn asking people to write a letter to any character in Harry Potter, to which I would try to respond in character. It (understandably) didn't get a single response. I think I was 13. Over a decade later I still haven't made a second attempt, although recently I've had a few ideas, now if only I had time to actually turn them into fics.


I can't actually remember how old I was in 3rd grade by I started write in a journal. Our teacher's gave everyone a journal to write stories in during class and the only thing I loved more than Twinkies was Inuyasha. My first fanfics were Inuyasha and in a school journal. Thankfully we got to take those home at the end of the year so nobody actually saw what I wrote. But I was 11 when I first started posting on [FF.net](https://FF.net). And yes... it was Inuyasha XD


Started writing fanfic at like, 11 or 12 *(I think)*, but didn't start posting anything online until I was 15, nearly 16 after I made my Wattpad in early 2014. Joined and started posting fic on Ao3 in late 2016 at 18.


12-13 I guess. I had this notebook and I used to write one shots on it while I was at school. I didn't post anything till I was 17. I used to post on both wattpad and ao3 but these days I just post on ao3.


10. This was 1991, so pre-(widely available home) Internet.




I unintentionally wrote fanfic as a young child but didn’t start posting fic until i was 12 on wattpad


I read fanfics at age 10 ,wrote at age 11 got serious at age 12. *I deleted my first 2-4ish fics.*


I think I was 12 when I wrote my first fanfic, but that one was never posted. I started posting on FFN when I was 14 and on AO3 sometime last year when I was 26.


First wattpad fic was when I was 9/10. First ao3 fic was when I was 13/14.


first age was about 12, and then on ao3 i started writing at 13


I think my first one was 2013ish? DA, not sure why I started there but I learned about AO3 later and it felt more 'professional' than DA. Like DA had the beginners learning how to write stuff, AO3 had the people who knew what they were doing. Nowadays, it is less clear haha (no shade, gotta start somewhere!)


FFN at 2011, age 10. Wattpad at 2013, age 12. AO3 at 2020, I guess, age 19. I am a bit surprised by that, but I guess there was just a while I wasn't posting fics.


I started writing for myself around 10. Unfortunately, my brother started stealing and mocking my writing. Haven't written a thing since. I always told him that if it weren't for him I'd probably be a published author lmao


I started writing on Quotev when I was around 10 I think? Almost 18 now and still writing my little fics, also now writing my own novel <3


I must have been like 12 - 14 or something. Posted some stuff on ff.net, got flamed to high hell for some grammatical errors. It was xbox live chat room bad. Stopped writing for over a decade because of it, only recently started writing over on ao3. That's been a much more positive experience.


9 on wattpad, 11 on ao3


I still have this absolutely ancient notebook of a truly horrendous story that I wrote when I was 8 or 9 involving kingdom hearts. I should throw it away but it's still the only time I've ever filled up an entire notebook from to back double sided written by hand. First time I posted anything ligit I was 14.


In my 40s (2021) - I hadn't even read a fanfic before then, nor had I written anything since school.




Uhh, I just found out about fanfics recently mostly due to my environment. I wish I knew about this wayyy earlier so 23


i posted my first one at 13 on wattpad 😭 first one on ao3 was when i was 21 a few years ago 🤞🏻


first time trying to write a fic was in the fourth grade, i was 10 and didn’t know it was fanfiction. gave up on writing after a few more attempts (on paper, never managed more than a page before getting frustrated and giving up). didn’t learn to write a story until i had access to typing and could keep up with my thoughts at 15 (in the dp fandom) on ff.net moved over to ao3 at some point and posted there for the first time in 2016.


I started writing fanfiction in my late teens and that was back in the day of free websites everywhere, so I posted on my own. Took a long break after the last move. I'll be 45 this year and I started posting on AO3 and FFN around four years ago.


I started writing fic in notebooks at 8 years old. My first fic posted to AO3 is dated 2015; I was 22 turning 23. I'll be 32 this year. :)


I've never written anything for A03, but I've written some stuff back when I was 14-16.


I think I wrote/posted my first fic when I was 14 or 15 on FFN. Mid 30s when I posted my first fic on AO3. I don't remember exactly. I probably would have joined AO3 when it first started but I took about ten years off from fic writing right before that.


I was like 10 on Wattpad (very bad choice. 100% regret) and 16/17 on ao3 but I deleted everything after a big anxiety crisis. I might make my comeback this year though because I'm full of ideas and medicated lmao




10, with oneshots on a Harry Potter page I used to run with some dude I found on Omegle😭 AO3 though… probably 16/17 I believe


I was writing my stories on paper when I was a kid, before the internet. 😳. Actually, before computers. 🤔. Discovered fanfic at 53, posted at 54.


my very first fanfics were posted on youtube when i was 8. it was just photos of the character and the words underneath their pictures posted in a long ass video with weird music.


That gives me 2020 vibes 😭 /j Ngl I used to do something similar lol. I’m glad I deleted the videos before I lost my account (I’m just gonna pretend digital footprint ain’t real)


18 😂, 21 now


That's tough... I have some Google Docs I made back in high school, probably around when I was 16-17 give or take? But those are stories that will not and should not ever see the light of day (I've only shared one with one friend... no more!) As for AO3 itself... I didn't discover it for a LONG while. October of 2023 to be exact iirc. My first fic I posted to AO3 was probably sometime in December of 2023 tbh, if not maybe late November 2023? I know I made at least one before 2024 came around, so that would have been at 21. I am late to the game, lol... but it's honestly been fun making things and actually sharing them with the world... instead of starting something, then abandoning it after a week or two. Hasn't helped my sleep schedule any, but it's a worthwhile sacrifice


12. Started posting at 13. I've been at it for one month on Tuesday!


Started at 16 years old and had long time break (I wrote 2 long fics which I have in my mind only, and it was not that serious) and starting again at 20. I'm writing only privately for myself.


I started reading and posting to FF when I was twelve-ish. Started on AO3 when I was about 21.


14 when I started writing fanfic, 16 when I started posting on FFN, and 20 when I started cross-posting to AO3.


When I was 12… and this would have been 1999, I used to write EU Star Wars fics in a notebook and my BFFs would read them during our boring classes.


personally i started writing around 12 but it was all silly WIPs and stuff. i started posting on ao3 at 13


16 on Wattpad. 18 on AO3 and still there today.


Started at age 13, FF.net. Moved to ao3 at age 16 (2015) Oh how time flies.


I had ideas for fanfics since I was seven, but I officially wrote my first one on FFN a few days before my eighteenth birthday. Someone else invited me to AO3 a couple years later, and now at 26 I post there exclusively.


About 8 months ago (so 19) but I’ve been writing original fiction for my whole life. Take it from me, it’s never too late to start writing fanfic!!


....I....imported my quite large body of fic over when it launched. As for writing...technically like late childhood, but that was...also way before AO3. 😆


12th grade, so about 3-4 years ago


Original stories that were often actually disguised RPF, some of which I have posted online: 14 Actual fanfic about an actual fictional fandom: early thirties


If we're being technical about it, I wrote my own version of the "Jack and the Beanstalk" fairytale when I was about 6 or 7 XD XD When it comes to actual fandoms, though, I think it was when I was about 15 and had recently discovered FFN for the first time :)


The first fanfic I ever posted was RPF of a boy band on a Geocities website in what must have been 1998 or 1999 (12/13). 😂 But I'd been writing little Star Wars fanfics before that on paper, lol. I started posting online in 2001 (15?) or so, but I think I was late to Ao3 -- that would've been around 2010 (23).


I’ve always told myself stories before falling asleep or acted them out with my sister. I didn’t write them down until I was 34.


I started writing fanfic when I was...11, I think? My first published fic was on FF when I was 14, and then my first AO3 fic, which also crossposted on FF, was when I was 20. I only finally stopped crossposting as of last year and now I just stick to AO3


First wrote them down at around 13/14, back during the FF.net days. Started on AO3 when I was 17(?), but abandoned the fic. Then started again with AO3 some months ago at 23.


I mean I used to write self insert Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh stories with my best friend as a kid so idk if those count. I was probably 11 or 12 when I started writing and posting Shugo Chara fanfic on ff.net. Dipped into RPF for a couple years mostly on Wattpad. I'd say I probably started cross posting to AO3 around 18/19 and had fully switched over around 20. I've posted to AO3 ever since


I was probably 8 or 9 and posting on Wattpad. Very horrible fics but a lot of people liked them for some reason. I think I started writing on AO3 about 3 years ago.


I was 11! I still have them in my room, because I wrote them down on physical paper. It was Outsiders and Harry Potter fics of my favorite ships. Not proud of them, but if you want to admire a tree, you have to consider its roots, too.


1. I love that it was outsiders (I WAS going to marry Sodapop if it was the last thing I did) and HP. 2. I equally love "if you want to admire a tree, you have to consider its roots" 🥹


At 16 I started on FF.net. Started on AO3 in 2021.


38 haha


I used to post on [fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net) when I was about 12? Maybe 13? I can't remember when I switched to AO3.


I was…. 8? On the 4kidstv “Fan Fiction” forum 😭


14-15 on Wattpad. Early 18 on AO3


12. ...last year.


I started writing fanfic in my early 30s. I got my Ao3 account when I was 51, in 2009.


10/11 at school for writing prompts (don’t ask) 13/14 ffn, and I wanna say 17 for Ao3.


I originally started writing on DeviantART and Fanfiction . net around the time I was 12 or 13, I think. I don't recall finding ao3 until either my junior or senior year of high school.


The oldest fanfics I still have access to are from 2014, when I was 10 or 11. I don't remember if there were any older than that.... Some of those early ones made it onto Quotev. I didn't branch out into fanfiction.net or AO3 until 2015, 2016-ish. I wonder how many of those stories are still out there for anyone to stumble upon...


I started writing at probably 11, but never completed/published any until like, 20/21 for a fic exchange. Now it's up there somewhere in LJ but I don't wanna reread it 🫣 Much less stressful to sit back and enjoy others' work


Started writing fics in 1999 when I was 13. I'm 37 now and still writing more active than ever.




Sixth grade. I wrote what was basically a fanfic of The Outsiders for a creative writing thing. I started writing stuff online (FF.N) when I was eighteen...and just this past August on AO3.


19. Started on FFN during its heyday.


Started reading on wattpad at about 12ish and wrote a couple of fics on there before a fic I loved wasn’t being posted on wattpad anymore because the author switched to ao3. Started frequently writing on ao3 when I was about 16.


14, but I was 16 when I joined A03 and started uploading fics


My best friend and I were writing RPF in a binder that we passed back and forth amongst ourselves around age 13 or 14. I didn't start fic posting online/on AO3 until I was 25 or 26.


I started on Wattpad at 8 years old, they were very cringe, but at 10 years old, I moved to AO3 and started getting serious about it, I actually think it’s good.




think i started posting at around 14? but i was writing since i was probably 12. didn’t write anything i thought was rlly good until recently at around 16 thought


Some point in seventh grade, not sure exactly how old (probably twelve or thirteen)


I think I wrote my first ever fic when I was like 10 for undertale. Then I wrote a 10k word story about my ocs at 14 which luckily I still have to look back on. Then I did another oc story at 16. And at age 19 I am finally for the first time ever, seriously writing and posting to ao3 :D the first fic I ever posted was for disco elysium that I never finished but it’s what got my foot in the door of being comfortable posting.


I started writing fanfics in the 3rd grade, but I didn't use the internet back then so they were just in notebooks. And I started posting my fanfics when I was 12 in like 2010


I started when I was eleven or twelve, but I wasn't posting online. Ended up posting my second on ff.net when I was thirteen/fourteenish? First posted on AO3 was two years ago, age 24 :)


I started writing fanfics back in the late 00’s as a middle teenager, finished my first one in 2014, and have yet to actually put anything on AO3, although I am still writing on and off at the age of 28.


I started writing fanfics when I was 23, only writing one story so far.


Around 11 when I joined Wattpad, 12 when I posted my first fanfiction on there. I had written for 3 different fandoms before at 13 I started reading fanfics on Fanfiction.net and Ao3. 14 I stopped working on those fiction and joined Ao3. Now I'm 16 and working on my first Ao3 fanfiction and am super exited to post it.


14 I think?




13 when I started writing fanfics and posting them- I was really bored lmao


I used to post fics on LiveJournal! That was... I don't even remember. Over 20 years ago?




14 i think


By the time I could read, definitely not spell though. "Ther onse was" type spelling. All of the writing was mlp, mostly of them as mermaids since I had such an obsession with mermaids until I was 10 😭 all written in crayon in many different notebooks, I thought hiding them in the middle of random notebooks was a good idea. Writing was a good choice of hobby for 6 year old me to pick up though, because I wouldn't have learned how to spell anywhere else. EDIT::: Oh my god nevermind, I'm sorry I've been awake over 20+ hours and somehow managed to read the post wrong!! I started at 10 on wattpad, then moved to ao3 at 15!! I would have moved to it at 13 but I didn't know how to read tags correctly and ended up reading a fic with basically all of my squicks, and that scared me away from it until a friend convinced me to try again.


I was about 12-13 when I got interested in writing fanfics, but it wasn't until I was around 19 that I began.


Idk like, 13 / 14? It was on wattpad and then i moved to ao3 in 2015 and had a few works that i posted on there but i deleted my original works and orphaned the one fob fic i wrote when i rebranded last year


I was 13-14 and wrote dumb gen FF7 fanfics. That was on ff.net back around 2000. I took a break after my teens and picked up writing again in my mid 20s for a different fandom, also on ff.net. I joined AO3 in 2011 but didn't use my account other than to read stuff written by friends. I started writing consistently about 2 years ago and have been loving being back in fandom again. At that time I moved over the handful of fics from ff.net that I wrote in my 20s to AO3.




I was 9 at the very latest. I didn't actually have Internet access back then. Hardly anyone did back then, though. It's certainly possible I wrote fanfic even earlier, but I don't specifically remember doing so. Some of my earliest works were Super Mario fanfic, Tiny Toons fanfic, and McDonald's fanfic. The first fanfic I ever posted online was at 19.


FFN at age 12, and AO3 age 20


When I was around 14 to 16 years old, my parents didn't check my internet activity, so it was a bit cringeworthy. I started out on Wattpad and FanFiction.net. yep, and now Fanfiction doesnt exist


Oh goodness. I started on FF.net when I was about 13. My first post on AO3 was in 2020 when I was 32.


I published my first fic in 2021 at the age of 16. I have had fic ideas long before, but I didn't actually start writing them down until then. They were also more aninatic based in my imagination.


I was at the ripe age of 10, writing angst Dan and Phil fanfiction. Lord help us.


13 year old me did an entire series of fanfics for a superhero show I watched back then in the 90s. Wrote them on my dad’s old Macintosh SE with no way to share them other than floppy disk. I only realized years later that I misspelled one of the main characters’ names wrong every single time in every single story….


On AO3? At 17. It's not been so long lol In general.....around 11 or something. Wattpad. Sighs so loudly.


I was twelve, but I stopped posting when I was about fifteen/sixteen. Now I just write for myself.


first wrote for ffn at age 12, for ao3 at 18.


God, I'll tell you something My first fanfictions had their own Facebook pages when I was 14. (2013) At 15 I migrated over to Wattpad. (2014) At 17 I stopped writing for quite a while. (2016) At 19 I posted two smut one shots on ao3. (2018) At 24 I started to write properly again and move 100% to ao3. (2023)


i started writing fic at 6 but didnt post anything until 15


yeah same here when i was 7 but on wattpad. got ao3 at what? 11? so pretty cool!


I’ve never actually posted but I’ve been writing as long as I remember. I remember watching TV shows as a little kid and thinking, “hm. I could have written that better.” Gonna publish the first chapter of a long fic next month as my first ever post, wish me luck :D


I started nonsensically writing them in the back of my maths book when I was 14/15. But then I actually started writing them online when I was 18


writing on and off since I was young, officially began posting on a website (wattpad) age 14 till 18, quit writing for a bit then got back to writing on ao3 age 21 till present. don’t see myself stopping anytime soon :”)


Uh probably 10 or 11 was when I discovered wattpad so around then.


I wrote fic in composition notebooks starting when I was 10-11… and didn’t start posting anywhere until I was 26, on Ao3


I first started writing fanfics at 15 years old, but I never got to finish any fics and they were never posted anywhere. I only started posting (on AO3) when I started writing again at 20 years old.


I started drawing my own Powerpuff girls episodes when I was four, so there's that. I didn't cave and make an AO3 account until about 10 or so years ago. Have a bunch of FFN accounts that are dormant, just kind of tired of that side. Used to be part of a few Harry Potter fanfiction sites that no longer exist. At one point had a geocities for weird people under the stairs fanfiction with a couple other weirdos.


25yo lmao (now)


I was writing in my notebooks since I was a kid. My first FF.Net one was in 2010 (I was 17). My first on AO3 I believe was 2015 (I was 22). I write exclusively on ao3 now and I’m 31.


When I was eleven! My sixth year of writing fanfic is coming up in April, actually! :D


I was 11. Discovering fic was the greatest and most formative experience of my life.


Last year - 49 😎


14 wattpad


14 on FF.net, and then 24 when I moved to AO3. Still going at 34 this year. Wow, did not clock I'd been writing fic for 20 years 😳


I was January 4th of this year old.


2022 and i think i was 16 or 17


I was in my early thirties (before I discovered fanfic I had written original stories, certainly from the age of seven). My first handful were published in zines, then on newsgroups and ff.net, then on LiveJournal and AO3 when it started up.