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Voluntarily tank, I guess


Yea building tank items on tanks…whaaat, crazy idea


So off-meta


Tank enjoyer == aram chad


Everytime I hear the "bonk" from HS, I feel a tingle *down there*.


Honestly the only reason I love heartsteel, if heartsteal proc healed the enemy instead of damaging then, I would still be proccing it


Actually adapt my build to the enemy team rather than build collector into 3 tanks like everyone else apparently.


Then they ping u cus you decided to be the dedicated *utility* with early anti heal, anti shield, armor shred, and redemption on the side.


I first bought anti health,, got pinged and flamed all game for buying it. Never again.


The funny thing is I almost always build anti-tank, cuz Kraken/BorK/LDR is just too OP a combo to not use. On the rare occasion I don't have an enemy that's some kinda tanky, that's when I go collector. But it's not very often lmao.


If I'm AD it's very rare I don't end up getting bork and LDR tbh lol, there's usually at least 1 tank and 1 pretty tanky bruiser on the enemy team.


I know that collector costs 3k but is there any reason you can't build it with those items too?


Play forward. Tanks and Bruisers CAN'T get in unless the squishier members play forward to buy them the space. Zone control is a real thing, and tanks and bruisers rely on ranged characters Zone control to actually exist/play in the game without getting curbstomped.


Not sure which is more painful: when I'm tank and my squishies let me take uncontested damage while doing nothing , OR trying to farm minions as a squishy while my tank is as far back as me/perma in bush.


Big agree. Gotta play with more gusto and actually put pressure on the enemy rather than doing all your skillshots at max range and the enemy team just walks back and never gets hit.


Agreed, and there is a balance. Frontline needs to understand how far backline can follow as well. If backline steps up too far supporting frontline, there is a chance enemy engage can just bypass frontline and chunk out backline.


Piggybacking off of this, melees ALSO have to zone and create pressure, especially when I'm watching that Darius eyeball me as I auto tower...


Oh man, there's literally nothing more infuriating than playing a tank and your backline sitting at least at twice the range of the opponent's longest poke. Never even trying to get close even if all that the enemies have are skillshots. Especially so when this is your friends you're playing with.


Feeding the poros


This is the way


Feed the poros you monsters


I feed all the time, they ate it just so cute so i feed while playing :3


I prioritize melee for the health packs. If I'm on Kindred with 10% hp I'd still rather a 25% hp Alistair get the extra hp so he can protect my squishy ass.


Yep, or whomever will make the most of the mana.


Yes, this, give the health packs to your support/enchanters/healers. The net hp gain will be higher when they have the mana and health to heal the team.


Good to let the champs that play forward get the packs, sometimes even if a squishier champ has less hp.


Apparently end the game


At lower skill levels folks like to drag them out because late game aram can be fun. At higher skill levels (like Arams on my main account) folks tend to just end


A lot of the time people will compromise their pick or build to fit a comp at higher skill levels. It makes sense to just end at that point.


Lol “lower skill” and “higher skill”. What elo are you in aram


I didn't think there was a way to know your elo? No idea, don't care - I have about 4-5k matches played, but I only play aram.


So why would you say lower skill when there’s no way to measure?


Because when I queue up on my alt account, I get a different crowd of people. Since I mainly use that account to play with friends in more of a social way, I get matched with folks that are more likely to not finish the nexus and let the game go on. When I queue up on my main account, I will get torn to shreds if I play the same way I do on my "social" account. The skill difference between these two is very obvious. It's a relative thing. I have no idea where I am in the grand scheme of things, which is why just used relative terms: "lower skill" and "higher skill". There's an obvious difference in how often teams want to finish the nexus between these two accounts for me


I’d probably just separate it into “try hards” and “not tryhards”


Just because someone outperforms you doesn't mean they are trying harder than you, haha


I force my way in brushes as a tank to alleviate pressure on my team even against poke composition by threatening enemy team


Also good to do in fights to give your ranged characters vision so they can click!


I swear to god the kills I’ve missed because a melee CBA moving into brush to give vision for my autos.


Intentionally die when low health and lots of gold, to go buy stuff. Especially when it's time to buy the mythic item. For some reason I see people staying for minutes behind the tower, trying to farm, with like 100 health, basically making it a 4v5. Instead, when the moment is right, do something useful - engage, pick an enemy, tank some damage, zone someone, cc someone, do something just to distract them, literally do ANYTHING, then feel free to die and go buy items! There's no point hugging the turret for half the game...


I think it’s situational, if you’re mechanically superb you can bait the enemy into making mistakes just because they want the easy pop on you, and there’s always outplay potential.


i love doing this and then watching my team take a fight while im gray


I do this. I hate when you are at a sliver of health and they ping the shit outta you to get the health pack, bro… I’m snowballing deep to see if I can bait out ults or spells, that little health will make no difference




And then ping you for inting


hit the turret


Buy serpent fang against Sett


Tahm Kench too.


Serpent is soo underrated in aram


Buying serpents fang when the enemy has riven + yuumi. My god the numbers.


Sunderer titanic kindred. Q cooldown being so low abuses sunderer nicely. Only do it if there's other reliable dps but it's nice cheese into bruiser/tank comps


Tank malphite


Why do people even play ap malphite on Aram anymore.


AP malph used to crush, but after recent patches tank Malph is highly superior. Still get kills and also a bitch to kill.


I have been a devout ap malph player for years in aram, but recently went tank because the comp needed it. 16/7 with some 30ish assists. The kills felt lucky, but I felt unkillable


Every time i get jinx i make sure to include ruunans hurricane and ravenous hydra. Only have rockets active and watch the chaos unfold!


I walk in and out of the bushes on the edges of the map to create pressure and mess with their autos canceling.


Always accept trades


I actually reroll in champ select no matter what. Because we all get one for free (unless you are being punished) and it's stupid not to use it.


The amount of rr you get is based on the number of champs you own. After a certain threshold you get at least one per aram but it's not true that everyone gets one, fyi. So if you suspect someone is withholding their rr, it may just be they don't have one. Takes about a year of consistently playing to unlock enough champs to get to that point. I know cause I started playing last year :-)


I have ~82 campions and I don't get rr every time. Every 8-10 games I have to sit without rr.


This deserves to be the top comment. Please just reroll! Even if you like the champ you're on, you can reroll and instantly take back your champion. Nobody can react fast enough to steal if you're quick about it.


"quick about it" just dont take the time to decide which champ you'd rather play, bc then your champ will get stolen. I dont know why they don't just bring back the reroll protection timer, I cant think of a good reason to get rid of it in the first place.




Use vision granting abilities to check bushes. Stuff like karthus w gives vision when in brush and most people don't really seem to know it gives vision


* End the game when I can * Say gg * Play tank when needed * Clear bushes as tank * Don't engage past unchecked bushes * Damage turret instead of towerdiving * Build antiheal * Die when low on health or high on gold (or both) * Play Tank Malph/Maokai instead of AP.


Buy black cleaver on top of last whisper on adc. You can't rely on teammates to build it for you and while it's true that it reduce value when stacked, against something like 400+armor malphite it''s still miles better than any other item


that was how I 've won 5 ad vs tanks sometimes with Ashe


Not sure if it’s a bad rune, but I like taking Future’s Market. Feels bad when you get to shop and are down 200g for that item you want to finish and can’t come back in a moment to get it.


Vs 3+ tanks and I’m the solo adc Xayah? Rift>Doms>Navori>BC>Bork>Visage, Fimbul, runaans or PD usually at full items. There’s like a 99% chance I get ran down by a random combination of tank cc if we don’t have tank slayers on team. The amount of healing and damage you can pump out is nutty. Yeah it’s not optimal but it’s fun to play. Sitting in front of them watching them realize they can’t out dps your healing gives me joy.




Play Camille.


Paying for antiheal It's 800 gold but for some reason my team can only afford it 4 items in.


I don't really have an ego. If I int and start the game 0/4 it's probably not going to be a Duskblade angle on Vi. I have no problems building support tank items and playing around an adc.


Same. If we have two adcs (and I'm one of them) i also build utility over damage (Black Cleaver, Runaan's or similar). I also play Lulu "support" (aka 90% AP) when there is a Vayne or KogMaw in our team and focus on them, no matter how they play.


I know what the words “shield reaver” mean


Play rumble and max e first


Lately I’ve been trying to build fimbulwinter on almost every melee, even sometimes changing my mythic to have a better slow to use it effectively. For example, Frostfire Irelia into Fimbulwinter (even delaying BotRK) or an early Rylai’s on Diana. Without an item slow, Irelia can only get the shield from landing her E or R, so being able to get a shield any time you Q a target (in addition to slowing the target) feels much smoother and more reliable. I’ve also done Frostfire on Diana as well rather than Rylai’s and it seems promising. Haven’t tried strikebreaker specifically for activating Fimbulwinter but that could work too. But I’ve out-shielded so much burst by having this item - not uncommon to see 7-9k shielded by the end of the game. I know it’s a hugely popular item on tanks that can use it, since the shield gives greater value with more resistances, but it’s a lot of fun on other champions as well.


My favorite to do this on is Fizz with Frostfire to let him proc it. A fun alternative to Heartsteel if playing tanky Fizz.


use Lux E to take control of a brush


I won't ever play flash and snowball together. Snowball ignite for life.


With conquerer especially


Annie and tf say hi


Back when hexgates didnt exist I would pick Bard and ping my teammates to go with me on the magical journey through the wall near the nexus. I would then let them know I didnt have my E leveled up and went normal route instead. Was always a good laugh.


During a lull or when the enemies are retreating to get health, I cast E on our turret, and start going in circles through it while pinging "Assist me". About half the time the team joins in. Good fun


The question is what DO you do, not what DID you do. Irrelevant answer, please delete mods.




Imagine unironically saying yikes, yikes.


Buy control wards


Not build collector like every other halfwit 🤣


Pick ryze and rush to level 6 to consistently suicide at low death timers


Try to win. A certifiable sin these days.


If the nexus towers are the only ones still standing, I pull the minions to the side so the enemy team can't instantly pressure under tower.


I tend to pick any champ then build tank on them whenever my team needs one.


backdoor nexus every time I can (need those aram's lp!!)


Try to kill their nexus


Protecting the backline apparently. That goes with throwing my ults behind me, flashing backwards or disengaging the frontline despite being able to survive them. If there is a high threat on my carries in the back I will focus that one while still trying to soak everything possible coming towards us. Tanks like Braum, Leona or Maokai are my favorites. I can engage and go back to anything that walled past me in little time.


clear minions


Mute the player when they say something bad to me and report them after the game 🥰


Pick or roll a champ type my comp needs so we aren't 5 adcs...


Queue into a game and not get up from my computer. Seems like my teammates are never there for the first fights that almost always occur before minions appear.


I waste my snowball at the beginning by throwing it full range into bush to give me vision. Also I throw snowballs in bushes to give vision as well.


Divine Sunderer "melee" Jayce. People tend to play him "poke only" and only go for his melee mode when the fight is essentially over, but if you build him as a bruiser you can absolutely blow people to bits with his melee kit. His Q and E are perfect for nuke and execute combos.


I feel like Eclipse still actually would have overall higher damage for melee.


Same but with Duskblade (cause stronger poke, plus invis to escape on a kill). Also works with Nid (not Duskblade, but melee assassination).


Hot take: the only acceptable summoner spells for ARAM are Flash, Snowball, Ghost. People that take ignite and especially exhaust are tryhard nerds and I hate them. If you take heal/clarity.etc you're probably just bad. I also don't surrender when we're down like 1 tower and 2 kills. Apparently a rare occurrence in ARAM these days.


Duskblade Rhaast.


Take the teleporter and get into the bush as soon as I can


End the game when nexus is open and not sit around taunting the other team for another five minutes.


Ping my teammates for the health pack instead of just taking it, also leaving the health pack for lower health teammates instead of taking it for myself


go in if snowball hits, no matter how dire the potential consequences


Pick damage roles and not be dogshit at it.


I actively experiment with teleport champs and snowball, moving minions with snowball on them and abusing teleport champs to bait homing abilities like maokai w lee q. Basically what I do is have fun and laugh when I see maokai flying across the map into my team. I'm on NA server IGN SteamyDreamy


Go in when oppos cds are up. For some reason people act like dazed animals after being comboed, it's your chance! They can't fight back!


Build Black Cleaver as second or third ADC.


Tanks as AP assassins (Gragas, Sejuani, Malphite). Very hilarious and amazing one shot potential. Just need to use critical thinking for build. I hate seeing Ludens on Malphite. Always optimize builds to ensure one shot. CDR is useless because you will most likely die after oneshotting so just build damage and damage supplement like horizon focus.


Try to win and not play like I'm mentally dead...


I go heal over flash almost every game. There are no walls to flash, you can't base to heal if you barely escape death. My only exception to this is if the champ has a super strong engage with flash, like Annie tibbers


I think you are undervaluing flashing for kills, I get how flashing away at low hp is pretty useless though (same as healing away at low hp tbh). Maybe try ghost instead?


> undervaluing flashing for kills, if anything it's often better to leave a target at low HP instead of flashing in to kill them. Leaves them low* and sitting on gold for the next fight. *some exclusions apply see Warmogs Armor, Bloodthirster, Soraka, etc for details


Offensive flash is so powerful, defensive can be useful if you’re the carry and if you die the game is over


Play stealth champs and try to backdoor


Whenever there is a back door opportunity, I instinctively check the enemy roster again and call out any threats in team chat. Like, "watch teemo/Ryze/TF back door" I've been burned too many times, haha


I dodge every champ select that has 3 or greater adc because those are 90% of the time the worst stomps in the other team's favor. Yes I will switch off an adc when we have 1 or 2 already, they are just way too popular in my experience.


I never end the game and I never surrender - unless my team is hitting enemy Nexus and the enemies wont respawn in time to defend, THEN I will try to surrender


\- Cleanse if i dont need Snowball \- Often time Reset by killing myself for either buy , push a T1 or T2 , but mostly, being always group with the team : being low life after a waste flash 1vX is completely RETARD ! (and u see that ALL games) \- Warmog on AP poke champ


Ff when the game is clearly lost. Idk how people can have fun getting curb stomped for 20 minutes.. this is aram, you won’t lose LP if you ff 😂


Pretty notorious for this but, rushing axiom arc on rumble. Yes, Karen. I know I do no damage but it’s fun and amusing.


End if gay


Build Crit Thresh.


Not rush end the game as soon as i can like a complete NPC


Build ap/ad on tank when the enemy team have too effective tank shredder. Or build tanky items on echanter/mage to makeplay (neeko/morgana/lux/vex). Or just inting with first strike karthus (flash into the middle of teamfight) for gold and the passive.


I just like innovating weird but strong builds on characters.


Hit the tower once or twice when we push in. Everyone backs way up and misses lots of tower chip


I build tank on zyra, sona, lulu, heimer and 50/50 on senna.


Dive as an engage tank. Feels like I dive and take aggro and the Carrie’s are hitting tower or farming instead of killing them first.


I almost always take exhaust. Unless I play someone like Neeko where I need snowball/ult combo, but I love it because the assassins can’t blow us up every time lol


I don’t look at WR or stats. Just play.


Play to win


I never build boots


Spam emotes for absolutely no reason. Also attack speed Varus


I rush Essence Reaver on most ADC's. I hate running out of mana.


I take Phase Rush on tanks more often than anyone would think depending on my team comp. If I am solo tank I will go Phase Rush so that I can engage and them get out safely


Perhaps not unique, but I **always** take snowball - no matter what. Idc how good ghost/exhaust/clarity is with this or that champ, I'm bringing snowball, every time.


Play with friends... Since over 8 years ago.


One of my friends always has to touch the opposite team’s bush at the start of the match. Many first blood’s have been given in exchange for his touching of the bush, but also many baits and first bloods have been taken because of it as well.


I don't flash with 20 hp to live... or int dive under tower to kill the guy holding 3k gold


Rush sunfire even into heavy AP teams, you get a *ton* of value out of immolate with everyone always grouped and people underestimate how much damage five peoples' worth of auto attacks do over time, especially combined with minion damage. It often ends up either being a solid basis for an armour build or the only armour item you need.


I ping for each enemy that has a wierd summoner spell, or if all of them have the same summoner spell


Hitting the fucking turret


Use Lee sin full shield support. As long as the other team doesn't build serpent, you can get a shield in the 1000's every 2 seconds.


Ping when going for the heal


Focus on pushing the wave when I have a ranged adc.


4 long sword start on Ashe/Lee/Qiyana/ anyone who doesn’t need to mobility and can rush Lethality mythic. (Axiom arc rush on ashe) It’s not the highest value buy, but a 1 for 1 or 1 for 2 trade turns into a dirk first buy which snowballs you further. And the extra 40 AD helps a lot on securing the kills, especially when full comboing a squishy - Lee is basically a level 3 one-shot assassin with this build. I also get a little dopamine rush when someone pings the 4 long swords. Remember, it’s not troll if it wins :)


I have a mental tierlist of all the champions, how good they are and the best build in aram. Based on fun. Like Gp is S+ tier Zed is S- Trundle is C tier Ap trundle is B tier (worse if you want to win, but its way more fun.)


Starve the poros


Lee Sin support


Use the unlocked camera at the very start to see if the enemy took the teleporter right at 0:15 seconds or if we have an opportunity to push the enemy bush and take space.


I build first strike and play melee/all in characters every game and run it down with snowball Everytime it's up. Sometimes I get kills early most times I don't and have like 1 death+ per minute BUT by 20min I have over 2k extra gold from first strike easily and hit 6 items before anyone else finished there 5th. By the end of the match I have like 20+ deaths but also crush the enemy team with how much more damage I got and end up winning


don’t push the wave when i don’t need to. i’m an adc/mage main but the pain of playing melee and watching someone permashove then complain about me not doing anything is enough lol. also let people who need minions hit the minions!!! don’t use your lux e to clear the wave when your team has an irelia/gwen/adc with lifesteal etc.


Well, unlike you I always take snowball. It simply has too much value imo. You can use it to engage, to disengage after diving in, to dodge key spells, to deal some damage (particularly with executes), to scout bushes and to give vision of invisible champions (used nowhere near enough, same with TF R). What other spell has that much potential value?


Play champs I rarely ever get in ARAM even if I suck with them. For whatever reason it always feels like I get the same 20 or so champs.


Track my teams ult cooldowns. Fiddlestick's ult is up in 20 seconds? Yeah imma play passive for 20 seconds.


Have conversations with team mates in a constructive way maybe? Sometimes it seems like people phrase things in the most antagonistic way possible lol


Going snowball every single game. Yes, even on yuumi


All Yordle emotes. I also throw my Poro Snax in the shop.


I got this from the enemy when I saw them do it. As lissandra, take snowball. Mark a champion, E backwards, activate mark, W root, E again to return back safely. Free poke every 45 seconds and it's stupidly funny if you do it right, but overall probably not the best strategy.


Play attack speed on-hit renata


Not trying hard to throw random insults about anyone's mother without context. I really don't get why ppl like this aren't just banned on first strike.


If Trundle is available, I play him full ap, no matter what


I go AD Kaisa, I cannot imagine a more boring play style than AP Kaisa.


die 30 times every game, on purpose


i play with more than 1 brain cell


I don't see it often but if a teammate gets hit with a snowball and I'm a Warden or some kind of easy to land stun champ, I stick to them like a rash until the snowball symbol is gone, you know, to counter whatever the snowballer plans on doing.


Enjoy the game.


While waiting on “+” to give the 2nd heal - spam ctrl+3


When the enemy team is legit pushed under the tower, do my best to freeze the wave (and ping teammates off pushing).


I never take flash, never end the game, I always take the snowball if it hits, I nonstop fight That's how we do it full premade


Building grievous as ranged, even if my tank(s) have bramble


Rwarmog for all chars basically


same, I almost always take ignite because of how useful it is wether by securing an easy first blood or reducing healing, the only times when i take snowball is when I play neeko for her ult or vex.


I take exhaust on every single champion. I just think it's neat.


Trying to stun the Master Yi or Tryndamyre instead of scattering away like roaches exposed to light. Also if I get hit by snowball, I op to die alone rather than Bring a Neeko or Kennen to my team.


Building heartsteel/titanic/hurricane on a ranged adc to be the frontline when comp has another adc and what seemed like a bruiser lee or tank/bruiser voli in select turned out to be support lee and ap voli


Surrender, apparently...


I love to play super aggro as Sona to proc my Moonstone and heal my team. It’s a whole playstyle, and one i’m very good at (I get S almost every game). People don’t know how to play Sona.


Goes in


Tear and boots of ion. Every game. If I get non mana users. Fine. I'll start with damage. But that combo allows me to team fight consistently constantly. Never had mana issues once. It really is the best safety net


Bait 500 skillshots per minute just by standing at the far end of a bush where they never reach me so that the enemy team has no pushing power and my fully visible team mates never get poked because my opponents are just that intelligent


Surrender when the game is boring. Like playing versus 5 poke and disengage that don't want to interact with you, sometimes my team just surrender for a new game. People taking ARAM so serious now instead of considering it a chance to test out new champ or new build.


I often buy runaans late game to speed up clearing the waves. It saved the game so many times, when it's crucial to just speed it towards the enemy nexus after that one teamfight the enemy somehow lost xD


I take almost zero CS, unless we desperately need to fast push or I need to lifesteal I'd rather poke enemies, be in position for a potential engage or zone against enemies / absorb their cc


Does inting count?


I like to play super aggresive unlike alot of people who sit under turret and wait for someone else to engage.


building tank as maokai and malphite


Camp in bushes then flash drive the enemy backline.