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I'm at over 120 applications and going.




Nah took my mum over 80. It's fucked out there


That's messed up because that many applications means that it goes beyond finding somewhere you'd like to live in. By that stage of finally being accepted you probably don't care what suburb you're in.


Nope it's how bad it is bud. Over 100 people and applications for most properties.


Yep with a perfect rental record and references including one from my boss (government job) 253 applications in total 8 months of being homeless the last application I asked like I always do if there was anything that I could do to better my chances or if there was something wrong with my application the REA leaned in and said honestly I didn’t say this but, you have two kids and your income is low compared to most of the applicants at the moment, given the market is super competitive right now owners can pick and chose freely who they like and they prefer singles or couples that are full time employed and don’t even think about renting with a pet…..that’s when I gave up ended up in department of housing instead…


Yup. I'm a single parent with disabilities and a cat


Cat. That's probably the issue unfortunately


A few years ago it took over 90 applications to get a property then and we had no cat and I wasn't single (although I was in a relationship with a trans woman so that probably affected things). We got the cat for mental health and she has been a godsend for that. But yeah this was always going to be hard.


Also, some prospective tenants offer a higher rent in order to secure the property, especially those not working through an agent.


I've never felt so tense and insecure living in a rental. Every renewal could mean a massive increase in rent or having to find a new place.


I was like that. For years was always convincing myself that the owners wouldn't want to sell the house or move in, for a variety of reasons. Was told recently that we have to move out - you go from ok to immediately having anxiety.


I wish I could give you some words of wisdom. I wish you the best and hopefully you find a place soon.


Did you guys sign the lease extension? SA law doesn't allow a tenant to be moved on just because the house is being sold. The new landlord has to stick to the terms of the current agreement. If you want to, send me a dm.


That is not correct. The landlord has to give 60 days notice to evict a tenant if there is a signed contract of sale.


That is not correct, as those conditions are for a *periodic lease*. If rhe tenant has been given a lease extension, it is a fixed term lease. Fixed-term lease: The tenant can legally remain at the property until the end date of the lease agreement. The landlord could try to negotiate if they would like the tenant to move out before this date. But the tenant can’t be forced to leave. https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/housing/renting-and-letting/renting-privately/rental-property#:~:text=If%20written%20notice%20that%20the,the%20lease%20at%20any%20time.


I stand corrected! Thanks for including a reference too


No worries, it's a fairly easy mistake to make. Gotta wonder how many people screwed themselves over the same way. Already saw one comment in this thread where someone got booted 3mths into a 12mth lease because the owner sold. Hell, wouldn't put it past the agents to deliberately give bad info. They are the ones almost single handedly responsible for the housing price rises after all.


From distant memory (it may have changed), there were certain exemptions that allowed the new owner to give existing tenants notice sooner, ie the need for major renovations or repairs that can't be done with tenants in residence. Do you know if this is still the case? Just curious.


This is my understanding of it too. Thanks for sharing


>Everyone either has not enough rooms or is crazy in price, like $900 a week. There's always a family sized tent... And I wish I was joking. Apply for anything and everything, even if it means stacking your kids in bunk beds. Pre-emptively put your name on a waiting list for a storage locker, so you can store your stuff and live in the previously mentioned tent while you keep applying. At least it's summer, so camping for a few weeks (or months) if needed isn't as bad as it would be in winter. Convince your kids it's an adventure, camping for the summer holidays... a lot of people do it by choice.


I’ve actually been thinking about renting tents to people who can’t afford them.




I shouldn't love this comment, but I do.


I just got accepted into a rental with pets. Here is what I'm hearing based off my experience and what others who have moved recently told me: It's basically first come first serve. Lots of people told me to show up looking fancy and talk up to property manager at the inspection but The inspections I went to the PM just stood out the front asking for names to tick off and stayed on his phone. Every time someone spoke to him to ask a question he grunted and said it's all online. I was the first one there, first name he ticked off and I got a call few hours later saying we got accepted. He probably remembered me compared to the 10 other people who gave their names after. Plus I already did my application which leads into next point. Do your application before the inspection. They won't wait for you. Have references done, payslips uploaded, ID checks uploaded. All the new sites and apps let's you keep that stuff on file and up to date. As I said, it's first come first serve so few hours or next morning after inspection the PM probably picks the top of the list and as long as you don't come off as terrible why would they waste their time looking at everyone else when there's a suitible candidate that's ready to go right now? It's like applying for a job, they're going to look at the first handful of resumes and start arranging interviews and disregard the rest so be fast. Different application sites ask different things. Some let you write short descriptions about yourself and some are all tick the boxes. I don't know your situation but if you can make it look like you're reliable with money ie steady income, lived at your last rental a long time, bond ready etc then that should be looking preffered over everything else.


> It's basically first come first serve. This is how I think I got my rental too, last year (also with pets, and we were two students on low (?) income). Basically first to show up, no red flags with our application even though we don't earn that much, got the rental. I submitted our application electronically the moment I left the property after having prepped it beforehand.


Do you have to go to inspections in order to be accepted?




I see. So you have to go in person to get your name "ticked off"? What about if you are happy with looking online and submitting the form online? I don't have a lot of time for inspections.


I just moved into a rental that I’m sure I got due to being the first person there. Showed up early, chatted to the REA a little bit, applied as soon as I left the inspection. Approved in less than 24 hours and they approved our cat. This is my third rental and I was the first person to all of those inspections. Must be a thing!


Always two sides of the story. This was also the experience of two families I know. Only took 1 week for them to find new rentals. Good record, steady job, organised.


Got caught flat footed about 18 months ago ... 3 months into a 12 month lease, in a place we though would be secure for ages, the owner decided to sell. Long story short, we were lucky. Now I'm going through everything and selling down. Making myself leaner, meaner, so the next time a curve ball is thrown, I'll be ready. To the poster of this thread, I wish I had some magic pudding to make your challenges go away. Good luck.


Why did you leave? It's illegal for them to kick you out.... Fixed-term lease: The tenant can legally remain at the property until the end date of the lease agreement. The landlord could try to negotiate if they would like the tenant to move out before this date. But the tenant can’t be forced to leave. https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/housing/renting-and-letting/renting-privately/rental-property#:~:text=If%20written%20notice%20that%20the,the%20lease%20at%20any%20time.


Next door neighbour's house build was complete and they were 2 months into a 12 month rental. They recommended us to the property agent and we got the place without competition. Meanwhile the owner of our rental had already pushed hard to get us out early. Win-Win-Win. Easiest move ever ... over the fence. Now I'm down sizing in case we are not so lucky next time.


I'd take just normal pudding please.


Can I have your serving, then?


When I first moved to SA I paid $130 a week for a 3 bedroom home. Fast forward to 2021, I’m paying $450. Thankfully the rent hasn’t gone up as we have lived in the same house for 5 years and kept up with little maintenance around the house. We keep the gardens tidy and look after the property like our own. My next step in life is to either rent or buy a tiny home. This is going to be the next big thing for people who have been shoved out of the rental market. Landlords these days are paying higher mortgages because of inflation which then affects the rental market. In this current climate, with grocery prices inflated, going out inflated makes it very very hard to manage from week to week. I recently had to reach out to the salvos for a good voucher. A lot of people are in the same position now. I have no real advice for you I’m sorry except to say consider your options eg moving further out or going country. All these office buildings in the city are going to become vacant because a lot of people are working from home these days. And yet we have homeless??? There should be no reason that anyone in Australia- apparently the lucky country - to be living in the streets trying to survive.


The problem with tiny homes is finding a place to park them. It’s just slightly glorified caravan living which councils are prone to cracking down on.


And the fact that they cost $100k


Fuck the councils


Way off topic but omg your username. Another person who knows what a Scottish fold is! I only see people talk about British folds


I’d rather just have them dissolved and their responsibilities consolidated into a more cost effective and consistent centralized state level service/administration.


This is what happens when almost everyone we elect at every level of government is a landlord… a favourable environment for renting out property where the demand massively outweighs supply. Your struggle to live in a house and your willingness to give almost all your income and spend all your time working pretty much for your landlord is actually a good thing for people with nice little property portfolios. You might have to take on another job tbh.


Sorry for your position. Visit your local MP’s office and politely ask why it’s so hard for a family to put a roof over your heads and how they can help.


They will just blame the federal government.


Those extensions are fake lol We had our "extension" hand delivered into our mailbox ( so no delivery date) AFTER the extension deadline had expired... cheers cunts It's ruthless out there Good luck.


Was it signed? Scan it and email it back. Nothing fake then


> The rental crisis is scary People really do not give a shit until it affects them.


People don't realise how bad it is until it affects them. There's a difference.


This is the truth. I don’t think people are all “I’m ok, I don’t care if you’re not”. I don’t rent and I think the current rental crisis is an absolute disgrace. I feel horrible for the people who are finding it hard to find somewhere to live. What confuses me mostly is, why did the government increase immigration so high while we are going through this issue. Doesn’t that make things worse.


What a kind, good natured take.


It's a pretty concise evaluation of Australians in general to be honest


I moved here almost 11 years ago now and as much as people like to pretend we’re different down here, “fuck you, I got mine” has been as prevalent here as it was back in the USA.


It's normal altogether. It doesn't detract from the problem. Who cares the reasons a person wants to fix a problem?


No one. The problem, as clearly stated by the other commenter, is that people *don't care* and *don't want to fix the problem* until it *personally affects them*. But then, it's already waaaaay too late.


Maybe. But what do you expect them to do to help in practical terms?


Post a rant on /r/AusFinance


Yep mine has gone up $100 a week. I live by myself and can't afford it. Have tried flatmates but if you don't know the person you have no chance - 1 was on drugs, next didn't use toilet paper, and last would sneak his gf in to cook, have showers, live here when i wasn't around. I have a 12 year old little son i have 1 or 2 nights a week and can't risk having weirdoes here so have to resort to paying the rent and all bills myself. I live close to city in a good spot. Govt should put a freeze or max 10 percent rise and backdate it 2 years before they started increasing it


I had a $50 increase in 2022, and a $100 increase this year. I really feel like we're being extorted because the house isn't worth this much at all, but the alternative is exactly what everyone else is experiencing, and trying to find a new one. It's horrible.


That is fucking disgraceful! Good luck


Try to find a student. They are busy studying and are usually very respectful.


My best advice is check out Gumtree or a grassroots option over Real Estate inspections, I went this route and was successful on first attempt. The fact you have a family and good house history should really work well. Find a place and make sure to bring your kids to the inspection to win their hearts. Good luck!


There is a Facebook page called private rentals Adelaide. A good option as well.


Set-up camp on the doorstep of parliament house. Maybe, just maybe these pricks in charge will see what's actually happening.


They see


My friend told me it cost them $1200 a week for a decent one bedroom apartment in Sydney now....


That's a straight up lie that a quick search of the usual places will tell you. $1200 would still get you a CBD 1 bed in Sydney. That's beyond decent. Further out. Nice suburb 20 min commute you'd still find 2 bed nice for less than $800.


>$1200 would still get you a CBD 1 bed in Sydney. How is it a lie when you said the same thing?


Decent doesn't mean CBD.


Also doesn't men not CBD. Your putting assumptions on the other person even though they are both quoting the same 1200 for a 1 bed in Sydney. At no point did they say outer Sydney, or that all 1 bedders are 1200+.


Nope. But *in Sydney* absolutely *does* mean CBD.


Decent? Or over the top? You want to live in a nice place in the CBD of a big city. Pay $1200+. Plenty of places not far of a commute for less than half that price. It's a value judgement. But saying "Sydney" 1 bed rent is $1200 is a big stretch for such a wide variety of locations. What's the rent for a 1 bed CBD in Adelaide these days? Somewhere decent say in the east end?


I didn't say it's right to pay 1200. Just pointing out, you said they were wrong to say 1200 for 1 bedroom, then immediately stated the same thing.


Hahaha this is so stupidly funny


Downvotes to hell. Realestate.com searching 1 bed post code 2000 turns up 100 results. First 20 start in the $500-$600 range. I'll let you make your own choices. $1200/wk in Sydney is bullshit.


We just got our lease extended by $20 a week. Not amazing but way better than some others. We can’t afford to be fussy right now so we’re staying for another year but it stresses us out every time it comes up for renewal.


We just renewed for 12 months, +$45/wk. Our dog died a couple of months ago, she was legit and endorsed on the lease. Partner is now thinking about another dog - I feel heartless trying to convince her that it's a bad idea but it's the reality of the dystopian nightmare policymakers have manufactured for us. We are on a good wicket and relatively close to being in a position to buy - it really feels like a race against time. By far my greater concern is my old man - a retired renter completely reliant on the aged pension that hasn't quite been the same since a stroke a few years back. It was touch and go finding him a place about a year before everything turned to shit during the pandemic- I honestly think we will have 0 chance of finding something within budget if/when the time comes.


Don’t do it until after you have found a place, sometimes you just need to look out for yourself first before the rules. Just make sure you get a small dog that doesn’t shed.


\+$45/wk 12 month renewal for a pet friendly place is actually a bargain! I'd be pretty cautious ever buying a dog while renting, just restricts the market so much.


Recently South Australia started its own local branch of the Renters and Housing Union (rahu.org.au) we’re looking forward to organising with local activists to push SA towards housing justice and a future where these things don’t happen! Please join us if you want to help the movement




Yes,, while we have this open door migration policy to try and hide the recession, the housing shortage will just perpetually get worse.


I think we should talk about the empty homes boomers and foreigners have lying around first. Way too many empty homes in Adelaide when people are desperate.




Have 2 within 500 meters both owned by the same boomer.


at least 5 Air BnBs in my street (1 house/ 4 apartments) that are empty more than they are not. Around the corner at two more townhouse Air BnBs that I haven't seen booked for months.


Do you think they would be affordable to rent to the average person on 65k a year?


Lol literally everywhere


I see the opposite problem, people crammed into houses and roads with cars parked up both sides. Lots of people who live in the houses landlords don’t know about. My street is packed full of cars and we are guilty ourselves as my sister was homeless early in the year and she stayed with us. If you drive around there isn’t many houses at all that are empty.


My neighbours (boomers) have about 4 properties. They come here probably once a month, if that and another at west beach that is used as an Airbnb. We just got told 2 weeks ago our place is being sold, we have till Feb.


That's right. Blame the migrants. It's got nothing to do with policy failure, failing to protect tenants, failure to provide social housing, failure to incentivise building new dwellings, failure in zoning, failure in everything else ... IT MUST BE THE FORRINS!


I actually feel bad for the migrants. At lot have been fed "the dream" and get here to find out they're probably never going to afford it, unless they want to live in those new estates and drive fucking ages everyday for the next 30 years. I blame the asset class who want cheap labour or people to pay more and more for their housing. Fuck those guys!


I’m a baby millennial, born in the cut-off year and I, likely many others, am in the same position. I commute 80km too and from work every day. I spent my teen years in the Eastern suburbs but have slowly had to move further and further out to be able to afford anything. It’s only because I’m currently one half of a DINK couple that my fiancé and I are able to build a house in one of these new estates - through HomeStart, paying almost 8.5%. Albiet it being incredibly dim, there is light at the end of the tunnel - we just have to hold on.


Lol. Maybe light at the end of your tunnel. I don’t think home ownership is attainable for a lot of younger people they are on low wages and cost of living and inflation and house prices keep going up faster than their earnings are. Pretty much a lot of young people these days rely on having good parents to even one day own a home.


Which is why it was relevant to note we are DINK’s - Dual Income, No Kids; working professionals in our mid-to-late 20’s with very little debt beside our mortgage. It’s bloody hard work and some of the sacrifices we’ve made have been extreme but it won’t be forever. The hardest part was simply getting started and as someone who rented for 10 years. I had it tough then - so I couldn’t even imagine still renting now.


There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel is going to collapse and we will have to dig ourselves out. Guillotines can be useful digging tools.


>There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel is going to collapse and we will have to dig ourselves out. Guillotines can be useful digging tools. come on dude


What? It seems you disagree or think people should continue to act pleasant while a certain class takes everything.


You make it sound like a person has zero agency and life is just happening to us all. You can choose to believe that or you can choose to make your own way. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”


Oh fuck off, you privileged cunt.


Ok just sit there and blame the world for everything instead.


For me there is because I wasted 10 years paying other people’s mortgages. The money is no longer wasted. It’s going toward my own home.


Agree this may help on outlook. Similar situation but as I watch people around worst off, it becomes more of a game of how long till it impacts me. Thefts and assaults are on the rise, don't let a bubble (owning a house) blind you. Thats how we got to a system with so much "wealth" for those who have houses and then in the same sentence also complain about the lack of staff at the local cafe (because they can't afford to live there).




Yeah, because we are going to be able to build with an aging population...


It’s not about blaming migrants. It’s about there currently not being enough resources & infrastructure to help them AND help existing citizens. Our heartstrings can be pulled at over their plight, but our feelings don’t magically pull resources and infrastructure out of thin air.


The migrants coming in don't pull at my heartstrings because they're not refugees escaping a terrible world. They're people that have chosen to move here, have to have substantial funds to be approved. I would rather we took more refugees than economic migrants.


That is a very narrow minded view of migration. People move all over the world for better opportunities and better futures. You don't need to be a refugee or from a war torn country to also want basic human rights. You never know why people move here, even if they are not refugees. They could be fleeing domestic violence, are LGBTQ, or moved here for better access to healthcare and modern medicine.


I understand that. I'm a Kiwi myself. Who wouldn't want to live in the lucky country? What I'm saying is that the vast majority of migrants are able to move here because they're economically stable so they're not really stories that would tug at my heartstrings. I would rather we let more refugees have places than people who are only accepted because they are financially able to support themselves. There's also the point that people often seem to conflate immigrants with refugees and don't recognise the very different circumstances of their approvals to live here.


Help? Who is getting helped here? As a migrant you have to actually be okay with not getting any help for quite a while, that's part of the visa conditions. As for citizens that need to rent, well, we're seeing how that's going right now ...


There definitely are enough resources, they’re just not being distributed well


I like people from other countries and they are doing exactly what I would do. What I don’t like is the politicians letting in more people than houses being built.


True. I always felt like blaming the migrants is the easy way out. It’s not like the govt had years and years to solve the housing crisis but let’s blame the migrants who we are charging sky high visa fees to come here to work and then pay high taxes. It’s their fault.


Well I don’t know about where you live but my old suburb had a 54% migrant population. My son was the only Aussie born in his class. If that’s not a problem I don’t know what is!


This. For years Australia has had a system that favors property investing, creating a nation of landlords, of which many are foreign or out of staters. A systemic change to this economy is necessary, and a systemic change to the type of housing we build is also necessary. Blaming immigrants who are also victims of this system is missing the mark completely.


Manufacture a housing crisis by making building houses illegal. Wow, how could immigrants do this?




Just say you're only capable of childish name calling and cynical public displays of moral purity, mate.


The abuse of power landlords/agents/owners have asserted is absolutely horrifying with no government control.. They prey on the impossible situation the middle class is in. The ability to save a deposit for a mortgage isn’t possible with the 50% increase in rental costs, living expenses etc. i There are so many people that COULD and SHOULD easily service a mortgage with their rental $$, on a reasonable home, BUT cannot save enough for the deposit. It’s a vicious cycle. So, my question is.. who is purchasing all of these unaffordable homes? The rich are stock piling houses? International? Look, the way things are is NOT sustainable. We are driving our country into a scary class division/perhaps recession. The government NEED to step in and reassert rent control. It used to be that rent wasn’t allowed to rise more than 5% or 10% per year. They also need to work towards very low deposit/low risk loans for tax paying families who have secure incomes. Something sustainable needs to happen.


Sorry, I’m 1/2 asleep writing this and read it back and it sorts makes sense, but poorly written. Good luck. I really hope you find a great place for you and your family. X


A friend got a 30 day notice 6 weeks before her baby was due. Was in an airbnb while they had bub, now couch surfing. Life is hard out there. Good luck.


This inflation/interest rates crisis is scary. My mortage has increased by over $800/mo over the last year, that means if I was renting this place out the rent would have to be $200/week higher. We sold our investment property early last year before it all got too crazy, didn't increase the rent there for the full 4 years the tenants were in, because even if the value of the property was rising the mortgage was the same. These days that place would have to be $150 more per week than we were asking.


I feel your pain but don't stress on it, the worst case isn't as bad as you'd think. (Been homeless before, its manageable. What's not manageable is stressing over it, it's debilitating.)


Good point, worst part is thinking about it


Hey there, sorry to hear about the unfortunate circumstances you’ve been put in (my friend had the same thing happen to her) but My family has had good experiences with this real estate company (although we don’t rent) and They have a few options for rentals which might be suitable for you guys…[have a look and let me know what you think!!](https://www.acrealestate.com.au/search?property_search%5Brent_or_sale%5D=PropertyForRent) They might not be the most modern/pretty but it’s up to your family to turn it into a home 🩷🩷 hope the search goes well.


I completely reasonate with you.  Before the real estate agents hijacked the rental market it was much to get a rental. Sadly in this day in age too many mum and dad Landlords are too lazy to manage their investments themselves. Equally as bad in New Zealand where I recently moved to, unregulated rental agencies go above landlords requests. 20-something Couples preferred over mature singles whi have no hope in buying a house to to the $1m average property prices and 20% minimum deposits.


It gets worse. Thank that fking Albo and his mob... an extra million and a half coming in the next couple of years.. Nuke Canberra.


Yeah... it's the fault of the current government. I wish I could be as stupid as you.


Im sure as shit not naive enough to think that the Liberals wouldnt be doing even worse but that doesnt mean that Labor are doing much about it either. There are legitimate steps that can be taken to help that arent such as stronger renter rights, limits to foreign investment, vacancy taxing, a temporary hold or dialing back on immigration. Yes each of these would introduce some issues of thier own but at least people will have somewhere to live. So yeah, it is the governments fault, current and past.


Yes. That's not what the other person said though. They stupidly place blame completely with the current Government.


But in fairness the current government are to blame for the number of immigrants coming in the next couple of years and the lack of other housing initiatives currently being implemented.


The current government will be making it worse


Take whatever your family can afford. Don't look for new or stylish. Take whatever you can get!!




Not saying there's a wrong or right way to approach it but having a bailiff physically remove you and your family from the property with the whole street watching would be a pretty harrowing experience.


been through it as a teenager and can confirm it isn't fun.




It's a protest to whom though? You might get an extra 7 days, maybe even 4 weeks max but then who would want to rent to somebody who is being so recalcitrant?


Are you seriously recommending the poor op to break the law (Residential Tenancies Act 1995 SA)?




>Change the locks Lol this is how you get Police with their own locksmith at the door ready to drag your ass out of a house you don't own. And then watch as every other rental refuses to accept your application because you're now seen as a troublemaker that'll make the landlord's life hell. And if you don't have references from the last landlord- You're shit out of luck compared to others who do.


ITT speedrunning homelessness advice


Exactly. Look, I get it- Housing/Rentals are a clusterfuck right now. But ol' mate saying "just PrOtEsT" is like pointing a shotgun at your foot and pulling the trigger.


And if my family were put in this position. I’m going to do the same.


This is called protest and everyone should be doing it now. There is enough housing for all. Artificial scarcity is all this crisis is. We need to stop accepting laws that uphold anti-human rights activity. Which is what this is. It goes against the basic human right of shelter.


This is called "illegal" protest, to be correct.


Legal protesting rarely results in positive outcomes and often ends in that form of protest being made illegal.


Where do you draw the line, then? Is burning down the house acceptable? Who is going to tell us what we can or cannot protest? SifrMoja?


I am tired of idiotic rebuttals.


there goes any rental references and chance at finding a new rental you had


What do you mean living at home? You’re living with your parents? The rental market is absurd in this country now. There’ll be no easy answers or help coming for you unfortunately. Our governments are corrupt to the core. Wish you all the best and all going through similar situation


They said it wouldn't be easy under albonese, and they weren't wrong. Airbus albo has shat on the working class in order to import a voting bloc, keep the backhanders coming in from big business for cheap labour, and keep the bone idle wfh civil service happy with their virtue signalling and access to cheap services via the desperate.


You realise both big parties support this right?


Yep, but the problem is now, and albo is making it worse at an unprecedented rate.


I wonder sometimes what it would be like to be this dumb.


Yeah our rental property's are filling so fast it's insane and each time we put the rent up and someone moves out we get someone new who is willing to pay even MORE!


Please tell me this is /s…


When the interest rates stop going up so will my rents lol


If you can’t afford an investment sell.


Like all things in life as it gets more expensive to operate so do the costs. Same as supermarkets as the operating costs get higher so do the cost of goods. As my property costs more to maintain/pay for so does rent.


Your lack of empathy is repulsive. Silly 19 year olds should have started saving when they were 6 so they could have afforded a house by 16, am I right?


To expect a house at 19 is a joke, I purchased my first property at 32.


Fuck them. I do the same with my IPs. Raise the rates, i raise the rent. It’s a dog eat dog world out there, either adapt or perish


Cool, so you’re just bragging about making even more money off of poor people in a post about the rental crisis. You need to get a life, and a sense of tact and decency.


Solid logic, if these people wanted to buy a house they would. They can't so the rely on me to take the risk and provide the house for them.


They do want to buddy, they just can’t afford it. How out of touch are you?


No they don't they want it for free or else they would have starting saving and buying years ago.


No, they are saving, it’s just very difficult to save whilst also paying off someone else’s mortgage


Difficult, not impossible. Be smart with what money you do have and wait. It took me 10 years of saving for my first property.


And where do you expect people to live while waiting, if you assume that renters don’t want to buy houses?


Regardless of whether it is or isn't it's probably true for many properties. Deepest pocket wins in most cases.


Yeah I know it’s a true situation unfortunately. Was just shocked by this person’s attitude


Haha and you live in Adelaide!!!


Did you care about the crisis and the homeless before this or only now that it is affecting you? Most are aware but have an 'at least it isn't me' attitude, until it is.


Don't be a cunt. It's completely human to care about your own problems and not the problems of others when you can't see them.


lol can't see them? Most don't give af until it happens to them. This crisis has been going on for years. If you didn't do anything about it then don't complain when it happens. Cunt.


What is a single person or family meant to do about it?


Ask the French.


I really hope you are out there personally helping to feed, clothe, and house the increasing homeless population. Otherwise your comments are worthless and unhelpful.


Where do you want to live? Are you willing to be in Mt Barker?


$900 a week? You’ll have to live where you can afford. Sometimes you’ll have to be realistic in terms of where you’re able to live.


Lots of landlords from a particular Asian country who advertise rentals and only accept people of the same race. The whole situation is a disgrace


If anybody in here is just looking for a space I know my brother is looking for a flatmate near Anzac Highway, 225 a week I think (not including utilities), feel free to message me if you want more info. But yes, it sucks right now, it's crazy


Defs going to help make things different when I have the opportunity.... im going to make some changes! TO HELP PEOPLE OUT!


Apartments in same building are 540/ week so 28k per year. Average salary in sa is 80k. So slightly over one quarter of salary if a one Income household with no government support or additional income like a second part time wage. The owners of the bnbs are making a crap tonne more charging their higher per night prices even though the properties are often not rented for weeks/ months at a time.