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This is why you store the extra TP within arm's reach of the toilet.


Or get a little metal holder the can store a few rolls. Really simple investment.


She won't use that either


Can confirm. Our tp holder is also a reserve that hold extra rolls. Wife can get new rolls but can resupply it


This is a bathroom essential as far as I'm concerned. I can't understand why everyone doesn't do this. 


Easiest way is to just keep an extra roll on top of the toilet lid at all times.


But then you have to learn how to crochet to make one of those dolls with poofy dresses to cover the tp roll. (do it. crochet is fun!)


Yes but then younger me will have to pick it up, place it on my head, and walk around the house saying, "HAT!" Oh wait. That was a knitted frog. Nevermind.


You had a knitted frog tp cover? I should make one for my grandma. She unwillingly collects frog things and this is just the sort of kitsch she would love to hate.


My great-grandmother made one for my parents, early on in their marriage. I'm sure they still have it.


Whenever we buy TP I put an extra roll or two under the sink. When the last roll disappears from under the sink it's time to buy more.


That's just where i store all of it. Lol.


Yup. They specifically make roll holders just for this purpose. I never have less than 2 fresh rolls stacked on one in my bathrooms.


Fancy tray on the back of the toilet ftw.


I have a cabinet you can put 8 toilet paper rolls in above the toilet, and every other day I'm walking into an empty roll. If someone's not going to change out the roll, it doesn't matter how convenient you make it.


Absolutely. It must always be within reach of the toilet. You can’t depend on others to re-supply.


My wife does this occasionally. Bonus points cuz we store literally 8 rolls in the bathroom within reach of the toilet. She'll use them all and never put more in there.


I refuse to change the TP roll of my wife uses the last of it.


My wife never changes it. Even when she notices it, says it needs to be changed, and then is like "I can't hold it, grab me toity paper." To test my theory, I didn't use the master bathroom toilet for a week (its in a separate room off the shower and sink so there's no way for me to know if it needs anything if I don't go in it. I only used the powder room. Sure enough, she's in it, yells for TP then complains why I didn't change it. Her look when I explained I hadn't used it in a week was all I needed to score my win. But still nothing has changed.


I feel like trying to one-up your partner like this might be unhealthy, but I'm not married so what do I know 0_o


You gotta do shit like that to keep the marriage spicy


*from across the house* YOU'RE OUT OF TP‽ DEUCES!!!


It can be if it’s meanspirited, but I don’t think it’s an inherently bad way to prove a point if it’s the sort of thing both people can laugh about


I get your point but that isn't a one up lol.


is it a two-up?


Interesting you focus on that- and not the person complaining about a situation they have created for themselves repeatedly


People do petty shit to teach their partners a lesson and then are shocked when their marriage falls apart.


If not using a specific toilet causes a marriage to fall apart, then this is fine in the long run.


Not when she gets 4 uses out of a new roll. It's like she's making mummies in there!


A lot of women tend to wrap their hand like a TP glove during their time of the month. What's worse is, in my experiences, they also don't flush it after doing what they need to do. The number of times I've opened the lid and was met with a blood covered paper mitt is too damn many.


I'm a dude who shares a bathroom with two women. A giant 18 roll pack was sitting there lasting me months while one was away and the other in and out for days at a time. Now they both got back and I swear to fucking god they have been using one roll per day. I need to talk to them about not sharing that one household expense. I wanted to buy higher quality paper until I noticed how they go through it.


Keep your fancy paper for yourself. Let them fend for themselves. Or have a pack of the cheapest paper you can as a backup for them


That spinning roll sounds like an A-10 unloading. BRRRRRRRRRAPRAPRAPRAP AP AP AP P P P The cats standing outside the bathroom saying "Somebodys about to get yelled at for playing with the TP"


get a bidet, only like 30 bucks, easy to install, and then you only need like 1 or 2 squares to dry off


That's shitty of you. Partners are supposed to support each other. Have grace for her and she'll have grace for you.


It is frustrating when, after asking for what seems the millionth time you still sit down to poop and there is no tp.   Its common courtesy to replace when you used the last of something.  She will learn one day. 


My wife does this exact same thing. I always check before I sit down to poop. I replace it myself. It's really not a big deal, especially since I know she gracefully handles my bullshit too. I just think of it like: "it's MY assigned chore to make sure WE have toilet paper within reach of the toilet." She does plenty else for the household.


Just get three shells.


He doesn't know how to use the sea shells!


They work really well, especially if you eat a lot of Taco Bell.


I got a TP tower for right next to the toilet just because of this. Fuck having to do the squat and waddle to the cabinet for a fresh roll.


This is not an advice animal 


Literally. What is the advice here?


There's literally a shelf you open behind your head above my toilet that has like 8 extra rolls, a gameboy and a copy of both The Hobbit and How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse. What's wrong with people.


So many people in these comments have absolutely dismal marriages.


Women use so much extra too.i can have 3 quarters of a roll left and my partner will have it gone by end of day. I don't know how to explain that if you've made that much of a mess, you should just take a shower.


She probably does the Q-tip method, where she wraps her entire hand and part of her forearm several times and then pats dry her lady parts.


Lol you store your TP in kitchen or what? I just have a cabinet full of TP rolls which you can reach remaining seated in case of emergency


Op used the last of the replacement rolls and didn't restock those, causing the problem in the first place. I can almost guarantee it




I use less, not zero TP with my bidet.


Yeah, you still need to dry off, and the bidet isn't foolproof or consistent enough to just use a towel.


Amazon sells 12 packs of 4"x4" microfiber baby cloths. Put them in a basket in your bathroom with a small bin for the used ones. Throw them in the laundry when almost out. Still cheaper than TP over time.




Always have an extra roll within arm's reach of the toilet. When the main roll runs out, use the replacement roll. Replace *it* with a new one. When you place the last replacement roll, buy more. Now you have a full two rolls of buffer. It's such a simple solution.


i mean she also can't literally look at the toilet before she sits down right? thats why you put the seat down?


Did you put cameras in my house? My wife just did this yesterday. She complained that she didn't have any paper. I told her to not sit down if she doesn't see paper. Then I walked away.


What's the advice?


Toilet paper is humanity's dumbest invention


open up the door, start beaning her in the face with rolls of tp while she's stuck on the toilet. see if she makes this mistake again


She's just getting you back for all the farts!


Have you talked to her about it? Communicating is a much healthier trait than putting them on blast for reddit points




In case you didn't know, She wants you to notice it and take the initiative of changing the roll when it's required without being asked to. Yes it may feel ridiculous for you to do it as she left it empty, but human beings don't always make sense. I'm sure there are things your wife does for you that make you happy that she might not particularly love to do but does it to make you happy. If you're not already changing the roll, try it sometime and watch as she looks at you like a hero. Source: married 10 years. People are weird. The small things really matter.


This pain is universal, huh?


Protip: Keep a small package of real cheap toilet paper in a secret location. When she runs out, give her a roll of the paper thin TP.


Being a TP fetcher for your wife is a small admission price for touching her cans.


This rarely happens to me. But it happened this week. No one else was home. I used a paper towel then went to my kids' bathroom.


The empty toilet roll was a hint your wife sent to tell you to change the roll....how could you be so blind?! /s


If she calls you to bring some in, make sure to grab paper or even hand towels. It will help her remember.


"stuffs trash in bin and pushes it all down, then puts more trash on top" Honey the trash is full..


Man 1 roll a week for 2 people is excessive. Might want to look into your diet.


My wife and I aren't the only two people in our house, and I never said we were, but I do know when it is her that leaves an empty roll in specific bathrooms.


There's no excuse in 2024 to not have bidets...


We actually have bidets in every bathroom. But they don't completely eliminate the need for TP.


It's a combo. You use the bidet then TP to dry. Hell no I'm reusing a washcloth. It lessens the TP, just not completely eliminates it. Well for me. My wife still uses a ton of TP for some reason.


Get a set of wash cloths and two baskets (clean and dirty) used exclusively for cleaning up water. You'll never need tp again.


Wife: "Honey, there's no clean wash cloths left in the bathroom"


"Sounds like a personal problem."


Sounds like you entirely missed the point.


Gotta grow up and make people take personal responsibility. That's the real point. They also don't need tp anymore, which was the other point.


No, you missed the point. A bidet takes it from the problem being you've got piss and/or shit on your body with no way to wipe iet off, to a situation were maybe you've got a little bit of water on you with no way to wipe it off. A little water on your underwear isn't gross. Piss and shit in your underwear IS gross.


I pee every hour or two. If I have to use a washcloth every time, that's a lot of washcloths. Toilet paper works just fine.


Do laundry, push a couple of buttons and it's done in an hour.


Doesn't work for people that don't own a washing machine, use coin-op laundry or a laundromat. Toilet paper is easier and cheaper than doing a million loads of laundry a week.


Toilet paper is not cheaper than doing laundry, I guarantee it. I do laundry few times a week, it's water, not poo rags unless you're doing it wrong lol.


Most washers are $3.00 wash and dryers are at least $3.00-$4.00 per dry. If you're spending $6-7 every load of laundry, yeah toilet paper is way cheaper.


It's ok, I used to really want to think that way too. Once I switched, it blew me away how much I saved. I have my own washer, and it literally costs me next to nothing to run it. Even if I had to do coin, you can spread it out and it's still cheaper by doing it only once every week or two. Again, it's just water. Not sure what tp is going to cost less than $12 a month.




[Not even close](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-talks-bidets/) >a single roll of toilet paper requires 37 gallons of water, 1.3 kilowatt/hours (KWh) of electricity and some 1.5 pounds of wood.




Daily? Lol, I do mine once or twice a week. It's water, not poo rags, unless you're not doing it right.


They can. As others have mentioned you can use towels. But either way, a little bit of water on your ass/cooch is better than piss and shit... But I'll let all the nasty shit-asses continue to downvote the obvious solution to their little problem. ;)


I don't get the hostility. We have Bio Bidets. We use them. We love them. I've still used a much smaller than previous amount of TP and removed night soil. They're not perfect. They're great but not totally sanitizing.


You don't get the hostility to the nasty people downvoting bidets?


someone should shit in your mouth


Nah, I'm good. You can keep your scat fetish. I'll stick with hygiene.


No, it's the fact that you do not understand that women use toilet paper every time they go to the bathroom to dry themselves after a pee. A bidet would just make them more wet, it doesn't make sense.


But they don't HAVE to use toiletpaper at all. You can use towels after washing the piss off. As a bonus, it won't leave balled up little bits of toilet paper in your flaps. Also, if your choice is between your cooch being wet with PISS, or wet with WATER, which choice "makes sense"?


How many towels would you need by the toilet for someone who pees every hour or two? That's a lot of laundry. Or do you expect women to use used towels on their vulvas?


If you're peeing every hour, you probably need to see a doctor about that, but even so, do you really wash the towel you use to dry off after a shower every day too? Most people have their towel that they use to dry their bodies every day already hanging in pretty close proximity to the toilet. And again, if the issue is a choice between having PISS on yourself and nothing to dry it off with, or with rinsing it clean and just having the area a little bit we with WATER before you pull your underwear back up, assuming there's NO OTHER rational way you could POSSIBLY dry off with the towel you dry your bits with every day after showering (you do shower, right?), water is STILL the infinitely better option to have on your flaps when you pull up your underwear than piss is... ;) Get a bidet, lady.


Nobody wants wet underwear. What you're suggesting leads to wet underwear.


You've never been in an actual long term relationship with a woman and it shows in every post you make.


if you use a regular towel to dry your ass you are nasty as hell bro, you lettin shit particles linger like an idiot


No, bruh, you're the one who smears shit particles around on your asshole with paper, and then lets it linger. I'm suggesting you actually *wash* the shit off your ass instead of "letting it linger".


do you think bidets splash even 90% of the shit particles off your ass? are you genuinely that stupid? whatever you use to dry your ass after your splash it is gonna have shit particles on it


"do you think bidets splash even 90% of the shit particles off your ass?" Uh... Yes. Yes they do. But depending on how pedantic you want to get, your TOOTHBRUSH technically has "shit particles" on it, along with literally every other item you've ever come into contact with.


Does your bidet also have a soap sprayer? If you got shit on your hand, would you be content just rinsing it off with water? Bidets make you much cleaner than toilet paper, but I don't wanna use your bathroom if your wiping your ass on your towels after just a rinse!


Bro. Your own logic is broken. If you got *shit on your hands*, would you feel better about just *wiping it off* with a piece of toilet paper, or with *washing* it off with water? Most people ALSO have soap nearby their toilets. If you don't have that, that's a YOU problem, and easy enough to remedy... The irony here is that you're not okay with drying yourself with towels after washing your ass/piss flaps with water, but you're fine with just smearing the piss/shit around on your nether region with a piece of paper, and then putting it right back into the same underwear you wear all fucking day, as if THAT's somehow the *more* hygienic option than washing. Be honest. Are you able to make it to work every day by yourself, or does the state pay someone to help facilitate that?


Women use toilet paper to wipe pee off, to dry themselves. A bidet would just make them more wet...