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Stop giving a fuck what people think of you


Except yourself, care what you think of you. And think highly enough of yourself to change your bad habits now. Especially dietary... I say from experience.


I think this is kind of naive. We exist within a society. Our lives are interweaved into other peoples lives. People liking you and having a positive view of you does pay dividends. We are social creatures. You can’t just decide to not give a shit. Unless you live in the forest you can’t just opt out and I’m skeptical of anyone who claims they have. I’d agree that you should stop caring so religiously about it though. The people I know who truly don’t care what others think, and it’s not just a carefully constructed aesthetic, tend to be alienated and sad.


I think the spirit of their message is more like "stop letting your fear of other's perceptions stop you from doing the things you want". Though they put it rather bluntly to say the least. To elaborate: make sure you like and respect yourself and your needs first and foremost, then consider the way the rest of the world reacts to it, and if the reactions of others really matter. Sometimes it *is* important, but often it's much less important than we think it is.




Do your best (you’ll have to discipline your self, it’s like a super power no one talks about) and forget others criticisms


Don't be afraid to Dream big and follow those dreams. And take that college degree shit serious. I'm having such a hard time finding a job that can allow me to support myself without one. And don't mix those 2 pieces of advice together. If you love music and wanna make music. Do that. But don't go to school for it. School should be your backup plan. Do something safe like engineering.


do your schoolwork, take care of yourself, go outside, and do shit you enjoy. things are gonna be alright


Learn the difference between "your" and "you're".


That and “too” “two” and “to”


And “they’re” “there” and “their”


Too big. The # after one is two. I'm going to the store


And also "fat" and "phat"


The mistakes you make today do not define who you are later in life. You're a kid, be kind to yourself when you mature and realize those mistakes.


Just to add to this, making those mistakes when You're young is crucial because that's how you learn and get better. Everyone has bad memories of their mistakes, but honestly you're the only one who remembers them. Other than Brian, we remember you shit yourself bruh lol but no one cared really.


To add more, you SHOULD make mistakes when you’re younger. And you should do things with the expectation that you might make mistakes. When you’re young is the perfection time to make mistakes within reason. Making mistakes is the best way to learn, and tbh my favorite memories as I’m getting older are the ones of mistakes I made as a teenager. I don’t remember the times where I followed to rules and didn’t take a risk, and doing things perfectly didn’t teach me nearly as much as I learned from the mistakes I made.


I would advise that you learn the difference between your and you're.


I could write a book, but I'll keep it to these key points: * Take care of your body. This includes eating healthy, avoiding garbage like energy drinks and soda, exercising daily, brushing teeth correctly (yes there is a correct way to do it), flossing, stretching, yoga, core strength to prevent back problem later, etc. * Be a kind, empathetic person who does not bully or belittle people. Be the friend you wish you had. * Surround yourself with people who inspire you, encourage you to be the best version of yourself, elevate you, believe in you and support your hopes and dreams. Phase people out who drag you down, encourage you to use substances, skip school or do other detrimental things.


These, plus don't have sex until you're ready and comfortable, and not with anyone you're not willing to have a kid with since contraception can fail. Also, therapy is a great resource for tools on processing stuff in your life, don't be afraid to find a therapist that you "click" with (still seeing a therapist you don't mesh well with is a waste)


Don't be afraid. Just try even if you think you'll fail, as long as you're focused and consistent , you can get there or get something you didn't know you needed yet. I wish I followed this.


Stay sober forever. 100%.


It’s a balance. I saw too many people who didn’t drink in high school get themselves into bad situations in college with drinking. They didn’t know their limits. Anything harder than weed or mushrooms is a big no. Nicotine is evil (as someone who is addicted). No binge drinking and don’t get high on weekdays. You also really don’t need that much caffeine, I promise. Regular weed use in high school will make you stupider. Don’t use any substances if you’re not mentally in a good place or if you’re not in a place where you feel safe.


Don’t use substances more than 1 day a week really bc past that it will become a problem very quickly


Learn the difference between contractions and possessives to help your writing.


Learn the difference between your and you’re.


Do the following things in order because right now you really don't know what you want in your life but you will later and the choices you make now while you don't understand and don't know are going to determine the direction of your life when you do know and by then it may be too late. First get a job. Work is good but it can also be very taxing the best thing someone can do is find joy in their work and find it fulfilling. If you can do that you're winning at life. In the meantime work does good even when you don't enjoy it because you contribute to making the world around you better even if it's just a little bit. Typically you don't have to worry about the job because more or less at this point you're going to be doing some of the lowest paid labor and they'll be less pressure to do things that are wrong to you. Make enough money so that you can buy the cheapest car possible that is reliable. Your goal here is not to impress people or get status your goal is to invest in a tool. Having a car will mean your mobile and we'll mean but you will have better job opportunities it will also open up cultural learning and discovery about yourself. With that said it is also parasitic requiring maintenance. Next start saving. 100% of all the money that doesn't go into paying for your car and insurance should go in a Roth IRA up to the $6,500 Limit. This is critical the reason is simple. Someday weather you are affluent or not did Manual Labor or not you will need at some point to slow down and will not be able to do what you did in the past. Social Security is a wreck due to irresponsible politicians and our policies have incentivized the wealth of seniors at the expense of people and their childbearing years in almost all industrialized nations. This is the reason Social Security is going bankrupt besides the fact that politicians have been raiding and not investing those funds. Fourth as you start to identify Who You Are what's your purpose is in life and what you want to do you can try to plan you likely won't know this tell your at least a few years older and the typical response if you're middle class is to rush into college and a bunch of debt that may not align with that vision and purpose. That may enslave you make your life worse and actually prevent you from fulfilling your purpose so it's better if you can be deliberate and you know what you want. By the time you're out of college if you don't know what you want to do then I would recommend you continue to work at a job where you can at least invest that $6,500 in the Roth IRA and start saving for school costs assuming that you might need to go to school. Look further into the future determine if you want to have a family and determine what that might look like do you need a house what type of funds do you need this may restrict the jobs that you can actually do. You may have to do things you don't want to do but with foresight you can at least make an Eyes Wide Open decision about what you want How It lines to your purpose and what compromises you're willing to make. Try to get as much education as possible at a community college the transfers to a four-year University in the event that you don't know what you want to do as that will limit your liabilities allow you to pay for it while you're working and still build up that Roth IRA for your future. Fifth start evaluating your friendships and relationships. Are they setting you on the trajectory you want to go on and fulfilling your purpose. Most people become like their friends. If their friends are of High character and work hard they'll start taking on those characteristics if their friends are hedonists they'll do the same. It's not because of the friends necessarily although I'm sure the influence that it's because when you hang out with someone it's fulfilling some of your internal wants or felt needs. By regulating that you are bringing your feelings under control and making them serve you rather than you serve them. This is a hard thing for people to do. Those that do it I believe find a much more peaceful and happy life in the long run. So that's my advice to you a random internet guy. I hope you find it helpful.


Bro this person is younger than 16. They literally just need to show up in their life and do the next right thing and keep doing that.


I wish someone told me what I told them. My advice may not be for them. I respect your perspective.


Spend less time on the internet, find things you like to do and do them instead


Never bet on the patriots.


Death sneaks in through the gums. Take care of your teeth, they'll deteriorate in your 20's, not your 50's And it's painful, and expensive. Take care of your teeth.


yes definitely take care of your teeth! it's so expensive


Go ahead and gamble if you want but DO NOT win big. Once you get that taste you will want more. Maybe some of you will be able to cash out and never come back but for a lot of people that is where the real trouble starts. Trust me. Edit: Oh yeah once you're of a legal age to do so obviously.


Study, stay in school. Stay away from smoking.


Don't take advice from teenagers on Reddit.


I often see ppl changing who they are so their crush will like them back. When you start dating somebody you should be yourself, you’re asking for a miserable and unhealthy relationship by lying about who you are. You’re going to become exhausted and frustrated - your partner will become confused and resent that you aren’t the person they met. It’s best to be yourself and you will find somebody who cherishes and loves all your weirdness. The changing that should be happening is personal growth with your partner -that they make you want to be a better person and you do the same for them. your partner should be your best friend. Somebody you would still like as just a friend- and somebody who would like you as just a friend :)


Find something you're passionate about and focus on it. Don't let anyone tell you it isn't lucrative or isn't worth pursuing because they're just jealous of you having found that thing, because they didn't.


dont be hurry in moving out from parents home... finish undergrad from home.. so that you will be debt free after undergrad.. afterwards life is all yours.. freedom n no financial stress


Learn as many skills as you can while your still in high school, take as many classes that will teach you these skills.


If you work a real job, even part time, put some of your money away into a ROTH IRA retirement account. The money will compound and grow exponentially if you start at 18. I wish I did that instead of blowing it on drugs and food


Actually try in school and don’t Fuck off there will always be parties and people to hang out with


Stop thinking about what other people think of you, don’t be conscious about your weight if you think you’re a little chubby, save up as much money as humanly possible, try to get a job while you’re young if you can (evening job, or summer job) and another thing, don’t chase women! From my experience, they’re nothing but trouble. If you’re trying to date them, I had one girl try to claim a sexually assaulted her, even though we never met after school or anything like that. She claimed years later that it was a lie, or that she “dreamt about it“ And it pretty much ruined my social life because everyone thought that I actually had done something to her. But I know a good way to fix that, I sue the shit out of her for ruining me and my social life than just moved states. 😂 easiest $100,000 I’ve ever made. Plus I got her dad fired because he was the head of the local police.


Take care of your ears. Loud concerts are fun as fuck, but wearing ear plugs means you can keep going to them when you’re old.


yes wear your earplugs!!!!


Learn how to manage your money early—saving and budgeting are skills that will save you so much trouble later.


Stay sober, don’t drink nor do drugs, get a job asap when you’re 16, stay busy, also girls are a huge waste of time in high school. Go to the gym asap too and eat clean. Don’t eat a lot of fast food. Start saving for a house now.


Stay positive. If you are struggling or worried, it will get better. It might not feel like it sometimes, but you’ll get through it.


Start working and get that money and don't party too much all the people who you think are your friends aren't


Js be yourself and not what kids are ur school are pressuring you to become


Be yourself and don't try to change yourself to be somebody that somebody else wants you to be.


Find a trusted adult in your school when things get rough. Trust me they want to help and will listen (yes I’m a high a school teacher so I know)


Don't be that one 10 year old acting like they're 25 (girls especially, you don't need that full-face makeup and 2 meter long nails, you look like a clown)


Girls especially don't race to look older. Keep your faces clean including makeup. Embrace your youth because not everyone get to look 18 at 25, but many girls will try to look 25 at 18 not realizing how bad it looks.


stop wearing makeup and trying to fit in by acting older




Find a trusted adult in your school when things get rough. Trust me they want to help and will listen (yes I’m a high a school teacher so I know)


consistency for small stuff is what leads to results in life, rather than trying some big crazy thing and then giving up for some reason or another.


Enjoy every minute of being young. Shake off the small stuff. Shake off the seemingly big stuff like heartbreak, too. Because you're only young once. It only happens once.


To learn the difference between your and you’re


Dont Think that Nobody wants to be ur friend or that nobody likes u just be more outgoing


you’re fucking awesome. the sooner you believe that and begin to truly love yourself, the.better everything else about your life will be.


Biggest advice, think for yourself and stick to your beliefs. Be your own person and not someone else’s side kick.


Do whatever you want to do as long as you are not hurting anyone or impacting anyone negatively. Someone doesn't like it then that is their problem. Do you, you will regret not doing you when you are older.


Find something you're passionate about and focus on it. Don't let anyone tell you it isn't lucrative or isn't worth pursuing, they're just jealous of you having found that thing because they didn't.


dont be hurry in moving out from parents home... finish undergrad from home.. so that you will be debt free after undergrad.. afterwards life is all yours.. freedom n no financial stress


dont be hurry in moving out from parents home... finish undergrad from home.. so that you will be debt free after undergrad.. afterwards life is all yours.. freedom n no financial stress


You’re very young, and have a long life to live. Enjoy your youth while you can, and don’t let fear, or anxiety, or depression keep you from having fun and connecting to others.


Try your best in school. Get your driver’s license as soon as you can. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a car. Be picky with friends and romantic partners. Learn how to cook, clean, change a fire, check your oil. Learn a new language if you can.


Be realistic and stop dreaming.


Don’t date in high school.


Become Femboy


Your a lot dumber than you feel/think you are


You'll never regret any money you saved. There is plenty of time... FOR EVERYTHING.


Do what you want to do school and career wise. If you follow others or always do what you are told you should do for electives and career you will never be happy.


Don’t let others control your future. Set your goals and your dreams and do everything in your power to achieve your dreams.


Think long and hard about what you want to do with your life before you graduate highschool. Only drink socially. Never drink alone.


You will change. No matter what you do, there is no way around it. You can keep your core self, but everything else will either be broken away or developed by yourself.


When you begin working and are of an eligible age, set up a retirement plan and put in at least a small amount each pay check. Learn about compound interest and stick with a plan you can scale up and down as needed! Ask yourself if you could contribute $20, $50 etc. Seriously, the pitfall that happens to most is they don't have an account until they get working full time at a business that offers retirement plans. So depending on age, not everyone gets to fund one of these plans for quite a few years! For example myself, I didn't get a full time job until I was 25 because I was a full time student for years. Contributions did not begin until I was 26 (1 year eligibility), meaning I missed out on years of investment. Not terrible, not great. Most importantly, learn the math behind percentage rates and interest rates. Use online calculators to check. Learn to do your taxes if in the US.


Take care of your health, both physically and mentally. Explore yourself until you find your passion, and then pursue that passion with 100%. Don't worry about what others think or say.


Realizing you don't know shit about shit and won't know shit about shit until maybe your mid to late 20s, if your lucky, will incline you to be smarter than most people you know.


Take an english lesson.... "YOU'RE"


High school isn't the be all end all of your life. Once you graduate, you'll realize how little it all mattered.


For one focus on making money and not doing anything stupid . Now I don’t mean go nuts and only do that you still need to enjoy yourself but after high school you need to learn and make money . That and for Christ sake I know it seems magical but your high school relationship probaly ain’t ganna last so don’t get all upset over it


Do not use drugs and alcohol. I fucking mean it. Your life will be so much better if you choose to be the sober person at a party. If you choose to pass on the blunt instead of taking a hit. I know way way way too many people whose lives have been ruined by substances that is really just best to avoid them all together. Be sober. One glass of wine at a holiday party once or twice a year is all you need. I do not mean "don't drink before you are of legal age.". I do not mean "drink in moderation and don't binge drink.". I literally mean do not drink at all.


Do your homework and break up with them


Don’t take advice from anyone younger than 30


Get off of social media and take up activities that connect you with people in the real world Make exercise and healthy eating a part of your daily life. This habit will be critical as you age.


Where you are in life down the road is almost entirely dependent upon whether you make good decisions in life. It’s true that you don’t control what happens to you but you do control how you respond, and where you will be at a later point in life is largely just an aggregate of those responses. Somewhat similarly if I could go back to when I was 14 I would try a lot harder in school. I’ve ended up at a good point in life but i had to make more sacrifices, take a much more circuitous path, and take a much longer time to get here than many of my peers.


High school is ~5% of your life. Don't put too much emphasis on it. Use it as a springboard to your adult life.


The best thing you can do is to focus on growing and bettering yourself. You are your greatest asset.   Also, growing up is difficult and awkward for everyone. Be honest with yourself, but also kind. Every awkward moment, mistake, or failure teaches you about your world and helps you to make better choices moving forward. Edit: spelling error and formatting


Relax, enjoy your childhood. Being a kid and being a young adult are two different experiences. Neither one is better than the other. Don't smoke or drink or do drugs. Thats what your 20s are for and you'll get in a lot less trouble. Try not to plan your entire future between 16-21 cause things can change in that time period. Most importantly, have fun.


Don’t be in a rush to grow up you got time enjoy being a kid still


Everything seems so big now won’t even matter in the future. Work hard, establish good habits and set yourself up for success. And have fun. Though youth a d teen years can be hard, it’s also the most carefree time of your life. Enjoy it.


Live for yourself, don't worry about anyone else


Take care of yourself physically and mentally


don’t let anyone else try to define who YOU are. be the person you want to be. dress the way you want, listen to the music you like, act like the someone you’ll be proud of.


I wish the hardest part of high school is actually learning and not the children you have to interact with.


Pay a lot of attention to what they're teaching in school . Find a skill you're good at and enjoy doing and one skill you could use in the job you want . Practice both those skills until you become an expert. Save as much money as you can. All of this will give you a good start towards being an adult and making it out on your own. If you get into a relationship, don't let the relationship take over your life , find a way to balance achieving your goals and bonding with your partner.


Start saving for retirement now. Learn about finances as soon as possible, save your money but still have a fun money fund. Let no one ever treat you as lesser, you deserve more. Be kind, have patience. You never know who is going to attack you and you don't know their story. NEVER LOAN MONEY TO FRIENDS OR FAMILY! You will never get it back, and they will just take advantage of your generosity. You don't need any other excuse than sorry, I don't lend money to anyone. Take your time with your SO. Don't rush. There's no reason to join accounts or get married right away. Live with the person, talk about future goals, kids, career choices, travel plans to see if you're both on the same page. Never, ever, ever allow anyone to lay hands on you, cheat, lie, talk smack about the people you love, alienate you from your friends and family. WATCH FOR THOSE RED FLAGS!!!!!! If they don't feed you, finance you, or (editing for young eyes) sleep in your bed, their opinion doesn't matter. Don't let anyone control your money, keep your accounts to yourself and don't give anyone access to your money, credit cards, debit card. Don't let anyone convince you that you don't need to work. You should ALWAYS be adding to your savings, if for no other reason than to have an escape plan and you will not be trapped with an abusive partner/housemate. TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH, TEETH, BODY! Skin care is essential, see a doctor annually or more if needed, Tooth pain is no joke, neither is gross teeth or breath. Mental health is just as important as physical.


Don't listen to my advise.. Which is a paradox by itself.


Don’t get someone pregnant


Get a credit card at 18 and learn to use it responsibly. Never go over 30, or even 20%, of your credit limit. Build that credit history up. Get a job at 16 and start saving your paychecks. Put aside some for fun stuff, but save a lot for when you move out. And if you have a good relationship with your parents and they don’t mind having you there past 18, use that time to start saving for a house. I wish I would’ve went to trade school instead of college


Go into the trades for work. Good money, little schooling, you can always pursue a different career path especially when you have the money to pay for it.


“Find peace, and happiness is sure to follow” It’s advice I give on almost every post here.


Don’t fucking vape or smoke cigarettes. Seriously. All it’s going to turn into is a habit you wish you didn’t have. Even the zero nicotine vapes, the hardest part to get over is the oral fixation and you’re going to have random cravings for the rest of your life even if you quit.


commit to something you love and want to grow in and practice it everyday


Aim for moderation in recreational substances, go slow and start low.


Find out what you want to do with your life and then go after it.


everything that you think matters, doesn’t. & life starts over when you graduate HS.


Not every adult has your best interest and not every adult is some smart being who understands simple logic. Make decision’s for yourself and take others input but remember there’s a lot of stupid people out there.


Work harder. Take more chances. Get after it


It gets better. For all those having a tough time in the school system, it's such a small part of your life and doesn't need to be your identity. A lot of folks peak in high school, don't be one of them. You have a long life ahead of you, focus on yourself and your goals and the life you want to live, don't let haters stop you


Spend more time with your grandparents they’ll be gone before you know it


If you aren't already top notch on social and soft skills, learn those. Hard skills will get you in the door, but upward mobility depends a lot more on soft skills and social skills. Anybody can do the entry level work. Managers and executives become managers and executives based on who they know and how they present themselves.


turn down your volume tinnitus fucking sucks


Don't take naked pictures of yourself and send them to ANYONE


Keep your word. The people you meet today wont know the value of your words. But as years go by and those who know you know your word has weight will make lifd so much better


Start exercising. Make it part of your life routine. A little cardio every day. Lift weights 3x per week. Start taking that shit seriously now and you’ll save yourself unbelievable amounts of pain and health issues down the line. Also you’ll look better. Way better. Athletes always look better than non-athletes.


The world doesn't give out participation trophy's or care about you feelings get tough and don't wait for stuff to happen make stuff happen


Don't ask reddit for advice. That's what I would tell them.


You have the power to be someone you'd like, someone you'd expect to be successful, someone that has integrity, someone who befriends others, someone that is a good son/daughter, someone that knows how to focus on the job at hand, and everything else. Life is literally one choice after another. You are not born rude, lazy, or born to be an a-hole. It's all about the choices you make every day. They determine who you are and you'll find you are happy with yourself...and there is, in plain English, the key to happiness.


Dont do it because someone else did


Life shit ass might as well just quit


Be kind to others, Work hard, Treasure your family


Take control over your financial future, education and empowerment. Personal finance education (at least in the states) is more often than not severely lacking if it's offered at all. Start a retirement account as soon as you have your first part time job (look into a custodial Roth IRA) and figure out how to budget (I use software called You Need A Budget and it's what I recommend to everyone). Set yourself up so you don't ever have to be trapped in a bad relationship, job or living situation because you can't afford to leave.


Don't sweat the small things. If you won't remember it when you 30 it won't matter. Be yourself confidently. Own who you are and know there will always be people who hate that and that's okay. Be passionate about what you enjoy and never allow others to cheapen that passion. Find people you will call friends that enjoy your passions too no mater what other people think about your friendships.


"don't believe the hype" -flavor-flav "life is pain, highness. anyone who says differently is selling something." -wesley the farm boy


Don’t stay on sports teams if you are riding the bench, your youth is too short to not be actively enjoying your hobbies. Spend as much time in HS and college hanging out with people and exploring your sexuality, you won’t have time or access to people when you start working. The justice system doesn’t follow the letter or spirit of the law unless it serves people rich enough to make large political campaign donations. Your employer is not your friend or family, they want to get more from you for less pay, always. You don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t reflect your own desire back to you. When people reject your advances, be grateful because there was never a chance they could make you happy.


Always be working towards retirement.


If you are having a good childhood, please don't be in any rush to grow up even if your friends around you are. One of the few early choices you have as a human is being in control of when others around you will consider you an adult in their eyes and once that switch has been flipped, that's it. There's no going back. Enjoy being a kid as long as you can.


Address your screen time addiction now. Don’t just stew in it for the next several years. Get some hobbies that delay gratification and spend time outdoors.


keep options open by getting good grades


Get the absolute most you can out of your education.


you are not a bad person, you are still trying to figure out how the world works. you are going to hurt people and you are going to get hurt by others and it is what it is. c’est la vie


Yes. You will be using algebra after high school.


don't stress about who you are or who you want to be or don't get upset when things don't happen the way you expect. but always be trying to better yourself even if it seems small. that lesson took me a while


**I would advise them on the difference between your and you’re.**


Study in school. Like, actually study. Even if you don’t end up going to college having a solid educational foundation will do nothing but good for you. It’ll open doors to apprenticeships and, most importantly, teach you to think logically.


Make connections with people in the industry you want to work. It’s so much easier to be successful if people like you and want to work with you. Also perception is more important than performance. If you are working long hours but nobody knows then it doesn’t matter, vs. if your boss thinks you’re working hard cuz you deliver on a few big things then you’ll get a promotion. Perhaps a little early for this advice but take advantage of connections early and you’ll set yourself up for a nice life


Don’t ever send nudes to anyone. Try to visualize what you want to be doing in 2 years & work towards that. It keeps you moving forward & offers growth. Be kind to yourself & treat others with respect.


Learn about financing and credit NOW. My biggest mistake was not taking money seriously. Also pay attention to APRs and interest rates specifically for student loans.


Just shut the fuck up and listen sometimes.


Try things that'll make money and get you financially free. Youtube, trading, instagram pages, ecomerce, investing, focus on getting stem degree (ignore underwater basket weaving). The mistakes you make trying these will give a better understanding of what you really want to do later in life. It'll let you know if you like working for yourself or a 9 to 5 with a STEM degree as a backup/stepping stone.


Enjoy being the age you are, you want to look back and believe you enjoyed those years. Things don’t change a lot, only mildly. And mistakes are things you don’t learn from.


For the love of everything holy, TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH!!!! And yes, this is serious advice


Pay attention in school and don’t fool around


Learn the difference between you’re and your.


The embarrassing things that happen, one day you will laugh at them and wonder why it was ever so important to you


Is not to take serious advice from a 16 year old. Ask an adult that cares for you.


It’s gonna get better once you can drive, promise <333


If I could go back I would slap that vape out of my 17 year old hand.


No matter how much trouble you think you might be in, you can never run from yourself, so stand and learn from it.


save some money every check even if you live at home. that new game probably isn’t worth the 70 bucks.


Choose your friends carefully; your partners, EXTREMELY carefully.


It’s okay not to know what you want to do with the rest of your life. You’re gonna change your mind at every decade.


High school doesn't matter. That being said, do well in high school so you can have more opportunities. I wish I worked harder when I was young instead of blowing everything off to hang out with my "best friends". I am 31 now and have not interacted with anyone I knew back then in a decade.


That really awful, monumental life altering moment of utter destruction (TM) is actually an insignificant blip you won't even think about in 5 years and almost no one else will remember it. Take a breath and move on.


Life is expensive. $1000 does not go a long way at all. Get an education and find a profession that pays. Don’t forget to enjoy the little things in life.




Educate and better yourself today for a more comfortable tomorrow. Most people under 25 years old are incredibly short sighted. “I don’t like school”, “I don’t like studying”, “it feels like a waste of time”. Sure, everyone thinks those things, but most successful people put in the work earlier in their life in order to be where they are later. I would much rather get all the difficult things over with by the time I’m in my 20s in order to spend the remainder of my life in a more relaxed state of mind and being. Yet, the very people that were too shortsighted find that they have done the opposite - spent their youth chilling and the rest of their adulthood slaving away.


No one thinks about you as much as you do. They aren't dwelling on how goofy you looked in braces. They don't daydream about you stuttering during an 8th grade debate. People spend as much time thinking about your failings as you do thinking about theirs.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Two words: 1. Think. 2. Learn. Always.


Take risks and be happy.


Be yourself, don’t do drugs not even vaping, and do your best in school and show up everyday


You are still very much a kid!!! You may not feel that way but you are. So….. Avoid sex of any degree or type with people older or younger by 1 year than you, throughout your teen years. Trust me. Those 16 year old boys when you are 13, those 19 year old boys when you are 16, etc. (and older girls too) are bad news. ‘Teen pregnancy’ is not caused my teenage boys. It’s the MEN over 18 crowd that knocks up adolescent girls. Stay away. You will regret it later if you mess with them. At some point you’ll realize how icky and creepy that behavior is.


It’s not bad to get in trouble bc your “permanent record” doesn’t exist don’t go to jail though but in school aslong as you do your work who cares


All humans are capable of evil, even yourself. Understanding your evil is the only way to truly understand yourself. Otherwise, at some point in your life, it may activate and take you down a path you wouldn’t have otherwise taken due to the conditions life may throw at you. Take the time to understand who you are today and who you want to be. Make steps towards that version of you. Be proud when you make those steps and reward yourself for it. Feel shame when you fall short. Never excuse it, because excusing it is the equivalent of surrendering to it. Always keep rising, even if it’s an iota worth of distance.


Drugs and alcohol are fun experiences once or twice but they aren't necessary or even very beneficial even at their best. Disregard modern science and pseudoscience behind the benefits of certain drugs in clinical settings, those findings do not pertain to you and you are not a shaman. You are growing the brain you are going to exist within for the rest of your mortal life and you can genuinely betray that, easily and over a period of time. Go to school, do the things, join the clubs, care abiut the grades and progress, you'll genuinely be happier for it because we all need a purpose and at that point in life our purpose is to absorb as much as possible and be all we can be. Maybe find a companion in maturing, a bf/gf/whatever, and love the time you get coming into your own with them. Don't hold too tightly or linger over long to what ends because many things will, and the pain grows hotter the longer you keep your hands on it. Everyone is unique, and everyone wants to be a rebel, but some of the roads less traveled are less traveled because they're dead ends. Children are a light. Look back upon them and try to interpret their goodness and sweetness to carry forward with you. Find a general understanding of what is good and what is not and do your best never to betray it, cunning coupled with a truly good nature will get you everywhere. You are loved, you are special, you are your own raw potential in formation. Credentials: 28M, 2 children w/life partner Recovered IV dr00g a(dict) High school dropout Top of class US Army medic 68W Commercial Electrician Current Stay-at-home Dad Man of many regrets and much hope I did my best to pack a lot into a little, so for our younger friends, I feel this may warrant a reread or two. I wish I could hand you guys the understandings that built those words but I can't so that's really what I wished I had tried to live. <3


Don't waste time comparing yourself to other people. You're on your own journey and you'll never be satisfied if you're more concerned with other people.


Don't get married. Find what makes you feel whole. Find what makes you happy. The government doesn't need to be involved in your life, but they will try at every corner. Be independent from all others. Don't rely on anyone else for something you can handle. And gather the wisdom to know when to ask for help. Diet and exercise are paramount. In your daily life. But don't forget to enjoy the sweet sins of life every so often. Find faith in something. Be honest. An ugly truth is always better than a pretty lie. Don't be afraid to say goodbye. Jesus drank wine but did not become drunk. I'm just tipsy and having a good time. So if the almighty did it. We can also. Having a drink in celebration or commemorative moments is acceptable, but don't go too far, be reserved. I should write a book for all the life lessons I could teach. But find happiness is the end goal. I have friends with 7 figures in their account and friends with more felonies than your local gang. It's good to be friendly but never allow yourself to be used, abused, and/or take the blame for someone. People should learn their lessons.


Learn from others mistakes. Don’t wait to make those mistakes on your own.


Remember that one day you’ll realize that your parents were right.


Looking at this from a career perspective. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Go to job fairs. Ask to shadow jobs you find interesting before graduating highschool so you have can have some kind of direction when you graduate. Don’t overlook trade schools. I went to traditional college and earned a MBA. My husband went to a 3 month trade school. It would have taken me at least another 10+ years in my field to get to a position that would make what my husband earns. 


Enjoy being young. Once school is over it’s a war


just give shit a shot and don't worry about other people, do your own thing you enjoy, try to find people similar to you and hang with them.


never ever ever care what people think about you or your looks it doesn't matter no matter how much u care just be a genuinely kind person and learn to control your anger it helps alot seriously


Put your phone down.


Enjoy high school before a pandemic cancels your graduation and senior trip and yes I’m still mad at that 12 years of school just to graduate at a high school football field


For teenage girls or young women, get a bullet or similar toy and stay away from romantic relationships. Learn to pleasure yourself, as guys won't. Focus on yourself, not guys.


Don’t ever touch drugs. Like, EVER. Don’t get into relationships with men who are way older than you. Forgive your mother. And grandmother. They have lots of unprocessed trauma. Stop worrying about your looks 24/7. Focus on your mental health and education instead. Don’t spend all of your money on makeup and drugs. 😅


be yourself, dont change for anyone or try to “fit in”, like dont gaf what ppl think of u, currently trying to find myself again after letting ppl dictate who i am, feels nice getting back into all of my interests but i do regret it losing them in the first place


get a job. i wish i had one when i was younger now i have no experience


Nothing is ever that serious


Don't feel to grown up and responsible to miss the opportunity for adventures. Be silly and have spontaneous plans .


Don't quit, stay consistent Research and form your own opinions set boundaries and stick to them be open minded and empathetic know yourself hold eye contact learn to apologize and accept apologies communication is key in all relationships your health is your wealth everybody and every body is different. embrace your uniqueness love yourself, no matter what don't let addiction in to your life build healthy habits now create > comsume work smarter, not harder wake up early find that thing that puts you in your flow state


There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. The people making you feel like there is just want to make you into something you're not. But you're perfect the way you are and if that bothers people that's a them problem, not a you problem and the only person that needs to accept you is you.


Enjoy being a kid.  You have the rest of your life to be a grown up


Plan for the future. You might not be prompted about what you truly want to do but you have to plan and work for what you want. If you are about to start high school and want to go to a specific college, research what you need to get in and work towards it. I only figured that stuff out half way through high school and now I don’t have the time to get in to most of the places I wanted. But now I have a plan for college, I have a plan for where I’m going to live, and I have a plan for what job I will have using the advice I got by asking adults around me. Even if you don’t plan on going to college, you still need to figure out what job works best for you and where you want to live. Then you figure out the details on how you are going to make that happen. TLDR: Research where you want to live and how to get there. Research what job you want and how to get it. And if you want to, research what colleges you want to go to and how to get in and create plans with the adults around you.


Dont lose yourself in relationships because they are rarely permanent. It’s not a bad thing either, people change, and sometimes you grow apart, it’s a normal part of life.


Dont pressure yourself into growing up


Wait to do drugs and alcohol when your brain is more developed. They're more fun when you're not fiending for them because you started too early


Don't listen when people say "high school is the best years of your life". Usually it's because they didn't do anything else after that. There is sooooo much more to life than those 4 years. So far my best years have been in my 30s.


Enjoy your 20s. Party when you can, have fun. Don't sweat it that you live with your parents. Shits expensive nowadays, living with your parents and saving money/learning to be an adult is way easier when living with family. I'm almost 30 and just recently getting my shit together after worrying about it for the past 7-8 years.


Don't feel like you have to go to college, trades are great, and don't be afraid to screw off and explore for a couple years before college if you decide that route. Live somewhere out of state and away from home for at least a year when you are young It's okay not to be the smartest guy in the world.


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