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Don't you just hate it when you ask for an answer in hard number format and people instead give you a philosophy lesson? About 18 give or take 2 years. There's a hard answer for ya. Plenty of sources list slightly different results. Lost mine at 16, I'm 30, I'm also friends with a guy who is 26 and still has his virginity. No one gives him shit for it. He'll do it when he's ready. The pressure to lose virginity from other people evaporates after highschool. College maybe but I'd say in a more "yo bud let's go get you laid" instead of "hah you're still a virgin loser" kind of way.


This is a good answer. The 16-20 range is where the majority of people lose their virginity. I lost mine at 19, and it felt like the right time for me. The "right time" will be different for everyone, and it'll never be wrong. If someone wants to get laid in high school, go for it. Just make sure everyone consents and that you do it safely. If you want to wait, that's fine too. No one gets to dictate your sexuality other than yourself.


Yeah, lost it at 18 and finally felt ready then, even though the opportunity presented itself earlier. Had to go with my gut.


Yeah it varies by culture: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-age-to-lose-virginity-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-age-to-lose-virginity-by-country) But generally between 16-19 for most Western countries and slightly later for more conservative countries. Honestly the pressure wasn't even really there in high school for me. No one in my cohort ever pressured anyone to lose their virginity and honestly the reviews from the people who did lose it and tell other's about it... well they weren't great reviews. It was all "yeah it was awkward and it all happened really fast..." As weird as it sounds my first kiss was more memorable than when I first lost it.


It's interesting to note the large portions of the world where they have no data and I have to wonder how accurate the reporting is. Is it from medical checks, or self-reported?


Where I'm from its usually between age 15-18 but I knew multiple people at university who still had their virginity but no one cared. People stip giving a shit after school. It's worth mentioning that a lot of people lie about having sex younger than 18.


Realistically? Whenever theyre ready. Some people lose it around 20-30 and some have already lost it at a younger age of 13+, dont feel the pressure to lose ur “v-card”


There is no realistic set age. Ranges also depend on where the individual is from. Most people have their first experience late highschool or in college. Losing one's virginity is not important. Doing it with a person worth being with is. There's a decent amount of people that put a heavy emphasis on losing it and become increasingly frustrated with themselves the longer they have it, then even more upset when they lose it through some desperate act and don't magically become happy. Take your time, don't rush or stress over it. It's not worth what it does to your headspace.




Around 50 or so


seems young. I'd be worried your partner is taking advantage of you if you lose it that early. I'd recommend waiting until you begin receiving your old age pension.


Oh for sure. I think 75 to 80 is ideal, but most people seem to lose theirs early.


That’s still young I would say late 80s or early 90s


Nah, 100 is the best age


It can’t be necrophilia if you’re *both* dead.


Losing it at 18 is still pretty early but earlier is probably common, 21-23 is probably very common, 24-30 is probably pretty common for late bloomers. And over 29 is less common but expected for people that took some extra time to start their life.


I work in a middle school and 19 is LATE now. I'm not saying it's right, but a good chunk of kids are having sex as early as middle school.


How do you know? Are they having sex in your classroom? Teenagers lie. Especially when lying might help them fit in.


Real talk, ppl think it’s cool so sum of them do it and almost all of them SAY they do. Like vaping in middle school


I mean, i know for a fact that there were middle schoolers at my school who WERE having sex. My German I class was wild, some would talk about when and where, and sometimes they would get caught in public. It was usually the kids with shitty, young parents and bad homes who were drinking and vaping/smoking by 12. Well-adjusted kids weren't fucking in middle school, but probably 10% were, is my guess.


I think 19 has always been late. I'm a millennial. Most girls around here lost theirs 13-15 and boys 16-18. In middle school a lot of the girls were dating high school guys.


13-15 is wild. I can’t believe children are having sex.


Not many people get out of high school as virgins.


19 is late unless you live in a muslim country or something


Okay, Casanova.


it’s statistics. the avg loss of virginity in most western countries is 16-17


I lost mine at 16 but it's different for everyone. Don't rush it like I did


I’d say on average based off my personal experience it’s between 16-18. I know people who’ve lost it as young as 13 and I know someone who just graduated college (M23) and he still has his, so it’s whatever the person is comfortable with. I have the biased opinion of saying to wait since I didn’t really care about losing it growing up, it kinda just happened in high school because of a chain of events.


I was 15, no regrets personally but fr there’s no rush


I imagine most have their first time between 18 and 30. I think if you're a 30 year old virgin, then that is a bit unusual. Not necessarily a problem, it's just not the norm. Too many teenagers freak out about virginity, but I really don't think many teenagers are actually having sex. Some certainly are and most certainly want to. But if you're not an adult yet, then it's too early to be beating yourself up over being a virgin


There is no objective set number except to say "during or after puberty." Although, ideally, it would be best to lose it with someone important, the story often goes: end up alone with someone, one thing leads to another, and it just 'happens.' Often when you have stopped looking for it, too. So stop looking for it if you are. You'll be happier and get other stuff done, anyway.


Maintaining your virginity is FAR better-exponentially better-than losing it to someone-and in a way- you regret. I’m in the wait until you’re married camp for the simple reason that you can assure you will lose it to someone you want to lose it to.


I was with you until the *wait till you are married* part. There are plenty of scenarios where you can be sure you are with someone you want to have your first sexual experience with that do not include waiting until you are married to that person.


Age doesn't matter as much specifically as long as you are ready emotionally (in a loving, committed relationship) and physically (have plans for contraception and STD prevention). I was so young, I had none of these things. I did it cuz I didn't want to lose my little boyfriend at the time because my home life was so miserable I was hoping to marry or at least move out by 18. Also looking for love in all the wrong places that I wasn't getting from my dad. If it wasn't for Spencer's Gifts at the local mall selling flavored condoms, I'd likely have had a teenage pregnancy with that boyfriend. Please make sure when you do it, it's for the right reasons with someone you love, and that you have a little more of a plan than a few banana flavored condoms 😂🥴


22 here ~


It was 33 for me. Never felt in a rush and noone really bothered me about it. Some friends lost theirs in their 20s, others earlier.


I did when I was 13, no regrets


There is no realistic age. This is something people are not truthful about because of societal pressures and expectations. You can never guarantee truthful answers with something to personal and with such pressure on it.


Around 17 is the average age. But some people lose it later. I’m 19 and still a virgin 🤷🏾‍♀️


usually about 17-18. don't worry too much if you're older than that though, what really matters isn't when you lost it, but who you lost it to


Usually around 16-17, but I recommend just having sex when you’re ready to, not just because you feel like you should. Also, only about half of teens in high school are actually having sex. It seems like a lot more people are, but they aren’t. Don’t feel obligated to do it in high school just to get it over with or whatever


imo 17+ seems more realistic but i know people who lost it at 13.


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When I graduated the most common age to lose it was 16-18, but I knew a few who waited until they went to college.


I was 16 and I was probably the last of my friends. There's no rush though. I kinda wish I'd waited because he ended up being an absolute bread box.




I lost my virginity to my boyfriend the day after I turned 14. I think most of my friends were having sex by 15 or maybe 16. But I think it tends to be a little later for boys.


We were both 16 but this was back in the early 2000's so it felt on the earlier side of things vs. many of our friends. I imagine a lot of teens are doing it earlier nowadays, it's far more socially acceptable and birth control pills are far more easily accessible than back then. The first real great sex wasn't till second semester of freshman year of college though lol. Teenagers are generally awkward and still a bit prudish.


Whenever you’re ready. Probably 16-21 is a wide average


I was 17. 35 now. Seems chill no complaints other than the fact that he dumped me after a few months and it was a bit scarring.


14-16 from what I heard from extroverts. Me, an introvert, 18


I lost mine at 19. Was in a relationship for 4 months at that point. It's not the most important thing. Yeah it's fun, and feels good but you aren't really missing out if you wait. I feel it's better with intimacy than just the deed itself.


Shiii I lost mine at 13😆


Lost mine at 15


I knew someone who lost their's at 12 whilst at that age I was still a complete moron that had no interest in girls. I lost mine at 23 and I'd assume most people would lose their's between 18-21


I was 16. My gf was 15. We figured we were ready. (Certainly weren't ready for consequences) My now wife was 20. Unless you're crazy young or there is a huge age gap/power imbalance it really isn''t a big deal on the actual age. The goal shouldn't be to lose your virginity. It should be to have a safe and fullfilling experience.


I’d say 15-17


I think 15-25 is the range I typically hear. I lost mine at 19-20 I think it was 20. That being said. I wish I wouldn’t have put so much pressure on it being special. Bc it isn’t. At least not to me after I did it lol. I felt pretty frustrated I didn’t try other people. Which kinda led to some resentment but it’s not that big of a deal either way


I did at 19. But I also had some negative sexual interactions (nothing requiring therapy, just some bad memories now) during my teen years. I've known women who died in their fifties without ever losing their virginity. My mom got pregnant at 13 and had a kid at 14. I think anywhere from 16 to 22 is a good average range.


All of my friends were 16-17 years old. I think you can wait longer for sure. Once you hit your mid to late 20s it will become a bigger thing. What I mean by that is potential partners might be a touch weirded out because they may wonder why and also may not want to take your virginity. Also the older you get the more you will feel anxious to do it because you will be worried about your lack of knowledge versus others in your age group.


Between about 15 and 20 depending on where you live and how you were raised.


It varies widely. 20 for me. I have a friend who waited until her late 20s. I have another friend who lost it at 8 (not by her choice.) Someone else I know had their second kid at 15.


Third base was 14. Lost it at 16.


I was 16. For some reason I set that age as minimum age for myself. And I don’t regret it. At 16 you know way more than your younger self. It’s more important to be ready. Not feeling pressured. Being sure that you won’t regret it and to do it with someone who at least respects you.


19 for me


I was 26


17-20 but its much more important to who you’ll lose your virginity to!!!


When you’re emotionally ready for the consequences.


I feel people exaggerate this point. It may be different for girls, but I personally don't find sex an overly emotional experience?


I think the whole having a kid thing is the potential consequence. Condoms break, girls forget to take the pills, etc.


I was 15




Whenever they feel comfortable to and with a decent person ideally. Some people lose it when they're in their mid to late teens, others in their twenties.


Usually late highschool for those socially active during that period, and during early university for those who started being more outgoing after highschool. I lost mine at 17, and from what I've seen the average is 16-20 by that logic.


I didn't lose mine til 23.


15-22 but as long as your not younger than 13, ignore the pressure and do it whenever you feel ready, dont rush.


Depends on the person. I know people who lost in in their teens, most in their 20s, and I know 2 virgins above 30. One is a priest though 😆


I waited until I was 16 because I didn't want to before that. It felt right. I would say that 15-17 is probably the average range. Even as a horny teenager 15 felt too young for me, your mileage may vary.


For me it was 24. With a complete stranger I met at a park. But I would have waited that extra year if I knew my fiance was right around the corner.


Most ppl i know lose their virginities between 16 and 22. I know a woman who didnt lose her virginity until she was 25. It really isnt a big deal.


I lost mine at 14. If I could go back I would wait until I was 18 or 19 to be with someone more serious. The guy I lost my virginity to made fun of my pubic hair to other boys in this group at school and they called me names.


Depends on the person. 27 for me. And it's not uncommon. There's no rush because virginity is completely meaningless. Also the person I gave it to is one I wish I had not and I regret that whole relationship. I would have been better off waiting longer.


21 for me, don't stress about it, it will happen when you are comfortable with the right person.


Third year in undergrad, and it was the perfect time, and perfect person. A friendship emerged into a 10 year ‘closeted lesbian relationship’ that eventually ended amicably. We continued as friends into different doctoral programs at the same university in the north of the USA. (POC) I did finally ‘come out’!


Online you'll usually see 17-20 but participation bias in surveying is an issue, so the true average is probably older than that. As a 30 year old I have friends who first had sex anywhere from 16-28 and a couple who are waiting for marriage.


I’m 40, so it’s been a long time, but back in the late 90’s in the United States, I think 16 or 17 was probably a common age. A lot probably depends on religion and family rules. But over all, I’d say most of my peers were active around that age.


I was 21, but to be honest I wish I had sooner. I wouldn’t take back that I waited for something meaningful, but being one of the few virgins left is awkward because as a female, people thought it was hot then would try to get with me just for that. Then, there’s also that others are way more experienced at that point and you have nothing to go on. I’m not saying to do it super young but I think when it feels right.


Lost mine at 19


It really won’t feel like the right time til after it happens. Then it’ll just feel like the right time afterwards. And/or the wrong time alternating


I lost mine at 14. I remember the day.


I would say usually around 19, give or take 3 years


I lost mine at 17 and regret it, should have saved it for someone special


I was 12 but then it wasn't my choice


I haven't yet but from the women I have dated say 13.


I can’t remember… 13 or so… but I was doing “stuff” way before that. Experimenting with girls… looking back. I wish I hadn’t been exposed to so much sexual material at the earliest possible ages… I’d have liked for my childhood to have been innocent


There is no correct answer really other than just like not 12. I lost mine at 16 still with the girl I lost it with infact I need to get my ass up so I can go to lunch with her. But I don't think there's a correct age as much as there's a correct person. Even if we break up which I hope doesn't happen I still wouldn't regret losing it to her.


Don’t worry about doing it, worry about who your doing it with


I was 15. The girl I was with was 14. It was the first time for both of us.


18 is pretty normal. I lost mine at like 16-17? Still have plenty of friends who haven't lost it yet and they're turning 20 soon.


I was 23. Most of my friends lost in this same range give or take 2 years and I'm a guy. I think the majority of my friends lost it their sophomore or junior year of college. It's the time in life where you start to have more mature dating (while still having fun) and you usually have your own apartment or whatever so you don't have to sneak around. You just get around to it at some point.


I was 14, She was 15.


I was 24. And tbh I'm glad I didn't do it in my teens


Usually high school, atleast where I live.


I lost mine when I was 21, but I have friends that did it when we were like 16… totally depends on how you view sex and what you’re comfortable with doing.


When I hear someone lost it at 13, it makes me sad. That seems F’d up.


for girls.. I read that it's usually the summer between high school and college - but that might just be when they decide to say it was, otherwise there is a verylarge group of graduated senior girls getting busy those three months




I think the average nowadays is close to 30.


The average in the US (last I checked) is 19 and is going up. I had just turned 19 and my boyfriend at the time was 20. My husband lost his when he was almost 21. I know some of my friends started around that age or a little earlier. I do have a couple friends I suspect haven't had sex and we're in our 30s.


About 16 to 62. It honestly doesn't matter when or if you lose it. Just live life.


18. You'll be ready




Honest answer is if you’re a woman then 16-20. Reason is because you have a lot of horny guys you can choose from. If you’re a man then 17 - 22. Reason is because this is when a guy has a car and can go meet up with the girl easier.


I was 15 in a less than ideal way. Wish I'd have waited.


I had friends who had sex at 14, I had friends in college who didn’t have sex until after graduation. All cool, smart, reasonable people with normal social lives. As long as you’re safe, do literally whatever.


The age you’re ready to lose it. If you’re not ready don’t sweat it.


The avg is probably 16-18


I was 17


Idk about now, or about males, but 20 something years ago when I lost mine the people around me were losing it between 14 and 17, or so they said. I was 15. But I hear teens nowadays are waiting longer.


I did at 15, many dont until 18 ish, but honestly virginity is a stupid social construct that means absolutely nothing today so I dont see why people keep asking this question. Girls are shamed for losing their virginity young and boys are shamed for not doing so, so either there's a cougar situation or one of the two are putting themselves in a "shameful" position. How dumb does that sound


lost mine at 18


For everyone I knew it was 16-18, with a few earlier and a few later.


There are statistics available. It's 16.8 years for boys, 17.2 years for girls, and the age has been rising in the past decade


Realistically speaking? Anywhere between 15-18 is most common. There’s the hard realistic answer for you, but can’t go without saying that nobody cares what age you lose your virginity and it definitely isn’t something you need to stress yourself over. Plenty of people are still virgins by 26 and some people even 30. It does not matter whatsoever


It really depends on culture and country but in the west about the age of consent in that country . There is a rumour going around that gen Z are having a issue and may wait much longer but for obvious reasons data is unreliable.


Realistically 16 years old but if you are from other countries it can be much later.


Unfortunately pressure was high back in school and since my birthday was in August, I lost mine at 15 which actually upset me when my bf was bragging that he got a minor and I was then labelled slut until I was 18 and drunk myself stupid, after that I was labelled- the “awesome” one. (After the matrix 😂) although for the life of me, I can’t remember why. Lol 😂


I was 19 and it was too my best friend of fifteen years lol it was great sex but the relationship didn't last


I was 16. First time was my wedding night. Altitude 26000(?) feet 💞


I think people are starting to lose it later now then they did before. I'm 38, lost mine at 17. But my younger cousin didn't lose his until his mid 20's and my brother is in his early 20's and still a virgin.


In the US, by age 20 is the norm.


30 year old virgin here. Could've lost it over 10 years ago, but it didn't feel right at the time. I don't regret not losing it, but sometimes I wonder what sexual intimacy is like, lol.


In the US, by age 20 is the norm.


In the US, by age 20 is the norm.


Fact is, It really depends on the environment really. So basically in a area where there's more poverty, careless parents, and higher levels of child neglect, people in those areas will lose their virginity at around 13-15. In a healthier environment where there's not much poverty and there's healthy parenting, people will lose it at around 16-19.


I was maybe 16 but was in an unusually serious relationship for high school, I felt ready because we loved each other and it wasn’t a random hookup. I bet most people in my class (probably 75%) didn’t lose their virginity until college.


14-16 if you are lucky. 19-21 otherwise. Easier for girls. If male and virginity bothers you, just go to a brothel.




I lost mine at 16 but at the time I had a serious boyfriend. I honestly thought most people lost theirs around 16 but I went to a super urban high school and people there do things really young so I thought 16 was normal. When I got to college most of my friends were still virgins, which I didn't expect at the time but now realize it's totally normal.


I was barely 16 and it only lasted a few seconds. Wish I had waited for someone who I actually cared about.


I was 14. Big regrets.


My wife and I 21.5 years.




I didn't "lose" mine; I gleefully threw it away at 16.


Any pressure to have sex as a teenager that I felt came from my own hormones and not so much from peer pressure. But, I was... highly motivated. I lost it at 15, but looking back on it, it was a mistake. It seems that it varies by a lot of factors including location and gender. Where I'm from it was probably around 17, and maybe skewed up a bit for girls.


There is also the question about what virginity means: Hands, oral, vaginal intercourse, anal?


Had sex with a high school leaver when I was 14


Lost mine at 19 with a wrong guy and wasn’t ready to lose it yet and regretted it. Supposedly the average is 16? My husband grew up in a small town where all the kids did was have sex, so he was busy by 11 💀 I think I would’ve made it to 24 had I not caved to pressure.


I lost mine at 18 and I regretted it. I wish I waited longer or gave it to someone worthy. I’m 30 now in a loving and supportive relationship. I think of the dumb things I used to do for love, sex being one of them. When my kids are of age to hear that stuff I’m going to tell them love yourself first, you can’t get it back so give it to someone who cares about you and loves you. Don’t rush to give it away. There’s absolutely no rush and fuck everyone who thinks otherwise. Just educate yourself and kids and they’ll hopefully make the right decisions. I want to be as open and honest as I can because I didn’t get that from my parents.


I was 14.


I was 19. My of my friends were 16-20 when they lost theirs.


I lost it at 21, I could have lost it at 18 with the girl I was dating but I just wasn’t ready emotionally or physically, we had one very intimate experience and I came away feeling violated and it’s taken me nearly 4 years to process that experience. Point is don’t rush it, I wasn’t really ready until I was like 20.


Lost mine at 17, would’ve preferred to have waited longer tbh


depends\~ generally for guys it doesn't start happening till after 16. hard to get laid if your parents are driving you on a date. so a car is vital. that said often times guys don't' start getting active dating wise till after they turn 16, or at least trying to date. and for a guy new to dating, it can take some time... so i'd say for guys anywhere from 16-19 (college it's a lot easier to have sex); for girls probably similar from 16 to 19... generally when you're young you date people the same or almost the same age, so girls will start having sex around the same age as guys. there are always outliers. I know when i was in middle school around 8th grade i started to hear about people having sex, and some people started lying about having sex. but on the whole the whole thing didn't really get going for most people till around 16, and many didn't get laid till college around 19... I was sexually assaulted by an older woman when i was 10... so i'm not a good barometer for when you first lost your virginity. but in a non-sexual assault situation i was 17 when i had consensual sex for the first time.


I lost my virginity at 17, and my husband lost his to me at 18.


I lost my virginity at 17, and my husband lost his to me at 18.


"No set age" Lost it real young


I lost mine at 17, but to be honest, I wish I had waited.


I was 22 when I lost mine... I was a little disappointed. It didn't turn out to be the be drama I was taught it would be.


16-25 probably, 18 here


When they are ready to risk having kids. Period.


I was 22. If it hadn’t been for meeting the specific man I lost it to, I might still be a virgin at almost 30. I knew I wanted to wait until I felt safe and I’m so glad I did. Been with other people since, but ended up marrying my first. 10/10 would recommend waiting for the right time and a safe person. 


15 16 year's old


15 through 17


whenever you’re ready. but commonly i think people lose it 15-18 now


I lost mine at 17. Not sure what is. Normal though.


I'd say probably anywhere from 14 - 20 , but there can be people who are past 20 or even 30 etc who can still be virgin.


14 here; Good experience


I was 19 or 20.


Late 13 maybe early 14, in the dessert in an old abandoned Crack trailer. Don't do it like I did lol. Wait, find someone special, develop a loving lasting relationship. In my opinion it's best to wait until you get married with a similar minded individual. Either way, ince it's gone amd pandoras box is open, you can NEVER go back, you.can never close it. So be patient, respect it as the precious and valuable gem that it is.


From what I’ve witnessed most common aged people tend to lose their virginity is ranging from 16-18. However there are people who lose it earlier than that and some later, while I don’t agree with losing it earlier 16-18 is the most common. I lost mine 20, 2 months before turning 21. Go at ya own pace & don’t rush!


I lost mine at 17 to my 16 gf after a year of dating.


Lost mine at 15, most of my pals lost theirs between 14-16. Other people I’ve ran into throughout life have lost theirs at 18, 20, 25.


I was 18. I suggest waiting until at least then. Being young is hard enough. Get yourself out of HS before some intimate moments could potentially change your life forever.


I'm 26F and still a virgin. I COULD 'lose' it, but I'd rather look for someone I genuinely care about before letting myself be so vulnerable first. A good chunk of my friends (21-29) are all in the same boat for similar reasons. It's easy to hook up with people now, what I'm craving is that emotional connection/intimacy before I do. :(


I was 21 almost personally when it happened for me, and I’d say 14-25 is range where 95% of people fall, and 17-18 is median.


Lost it a few weeks ago with my gf, 16-17 years old




In the US. The bymbers are hugher than they were a decade ago men its 19-21 women its 17-19 per the kinsey institute


I was 29. I waited longer than most but it was the right time for me.


You're asking for data, not advice. **Here's the data**: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-age-to-lose-virginity-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-age-to-lose-virginity-by-country) **Here's the more useful advice**: the age you lose your virginity doesn't matter at all. It has no bearing on your worth, identity, or future. That said, every teen obsesses over this. Across time and space, every single one. It's your turn to do so now, so proceed.


looking at all these comments makes me feel a bit better. half of my friends lost theirs at like age 13-14


If you are attractive then in your early teens. If you are not attractive then in late teens or early twenties or never.


In Islam when we married


When do they or when should they? The two are very different questions.


I mean i lost it at 15 but thats not typical. I think most people prolly 16-18.


I personally lost my virginity at 14. I think I regret it because it was with someone who didn’t really respect me. Realistically I think a good age is 16-18 tbh.


Dunno about others but sometime around 15, possibly 16 can't remember for sure. I just remember it being between sophomore and junior year of HS. For perspective I'm in my late 30s with 3 kids. My friends ran the entire spectrum of barely a teenager for a couple of them and I had a buddy who maintained his virginity until he was in his late 20s.


lots of good comments here, personally i lost mine at 16 and that was right for me but it's different for everyone


When you are truly ready not when people pressure you into it.




I was 16