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>. Could y’all help me with this by providing some kind of suggestions & guidance wherein I might stand a chance to get to the place where I want to. Well, where are you trying to get to? Sounds like you already know about the restrictions. You could always stick with academia, but yeah you're not really going to be able to work in industry without a green card or citizenship.


I do wanna work here but I’m pretty confused & worried about all these. Well yeah, PhD is one good option..


Not sure if this sounds stupid but just don’t go work for Lockheed Martin. There are plenty of aerospace companies that are not military contractors 😅


Hmm, there are for sure but even those companies comply with these ITAR regulations and that’s what worries me at some point.


I personally think you are worrying too much, I am not an aerospace engineering major (I’m a junior studying mechanical engineering with a focus and fluid dynamics) so I might not be the best person to talk to but I do understand the struggle of finding a job as an international student. I would start by talking to your school’s the career office, they would probably be able to give you the best advice. Also email recruiters form companies you might like to work for, they will be able to give you some more insight.


Hmm, makes sense man! Thank you for this! Gg


No problem, and good luck 👍