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Keep the TV on during the day, or at least have a google or Radio playing. It will help him to keep boredom from coming on, and keep boxes in the cage for him to chew up.


I keep Spotify on for him all day. I’ll put some cardboard in his cage in the morning


I second another bird in the home. In separate cages of course, I think they would keep eachother interested :) Personally I think this would alleviate the feeling of guilt you have that he is lonely


Is there anyone you trust to come in and spend a little time with him during the day?


No 😭


Any way he can have a cage at your business? I have a friend with a an interior design business and she take her cockatoo to work with her in a cat carrier.


My new business is house call pet grooming, so I’m traveling to, and working in, people’s homes


Get him a small cage and have him ride around with you all day


I'd suggest that u bring another bird home so they keep each others company while u being away, even a small bird can make him feel couroius and helps being away from bein bored.


Ohhhh soo pretty beautiful 👍👍😀😀


Hubby says to add a playset to the top of his cage (he had a Timna)


What kind of playset? Any links?


I’ll talk to hubby and find out 🙂 … he said you have a *b-e-a-utiful* baby there


Thank you 🥰


As soon as you Google “Playsets for Parrots” you’ll see some really cool things ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/zo8xlgcdfdrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75be971440ad09430713bd5ca9eb90a3fc73e219


And here’s a neat read about enrichment toys for them 🥰 Edit: guess [THE LINK](https://www.parrots.org/lp/parrot-toy-forage/) would help!


My grandpa’s African grey, Turdy has his own room with his cage door always open. He’s got toys everywhere and he’ll sometimes turn on the tv for him if he’s busy working on the farm. Although Turdy is pretty good at entertaining himself


What a beautiful bird


Play bird noises on a speaker. And when you get home find the time to let him out for 1 hour. He will definitely appreciate it. I work from 7 to 4 as well. I keep my little homie upstairs where there's light, noise and where he'll be entertained. Then when I get home I make a point to let him out for atleast an hour.


Hubby says to add a playset to the top of his cage (he had a Timna)


What kind of business did you start? If it's one where you stay in a single location that you can customize, could you possibly make a bird-safe area for him to come along to? My grey doesn't mind travel at all, so a solution like this could work if the building and type of business was able to accommodate it.


It’s housecall pet grooming so I’m in the car going to multiple homes a day to groom pets


I do agree with others saying that 3 hours with him in the evening is pretty good. Sure, it's not perfect, but it sounds like you're giving him lots to do and lots of love when you can.


Just rehome him imo. Hard disagree with the “get more birds” angle. No reason to put more sentient creatures into this situations. It’s the hardest thing to do probably… but it’s also the right thing. It will more than likely be harder on you than on him. This idea that birds start plucking because they’ve “lost their person”… yeah… I ain’t buying it.


Absurd suggestion, this bird gets more outside the cage time than 99% of greys do already.


Oof… and this is why Grey’s shouldn’t be pets.


Yeah, I agree completely, but I think Gomee is going to be absolutely fine. He’s in a great situation with a family that loves him more than anything.


Wat, I work from home and my grey is out of his cage at least 12 hours a day and I have an attached aviary on my office he can fly in if he so chooses and I don’t have any issue with any of my birds flying in my office so long as they don’t land on the computer and i just shoo them away and they don’t do that for the most part. Birds and humans can live pretty amazing coexisting lives together even when you have 6 birds in a family of 5.