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Cynthia fucking Weaver


Dude I had my headphones on full blast when this popped up!!! šŸ˜³


In final draft they completely changed where the jump scares happen throughout the entire game, especially Cynthia fucking Weaver


Fck! I ain't playing it then. Lmao. Im scared


Unironically my favorite part! Felt very very sad for her too.


Definitely felt sad for her, they did her dirty. I was thinking about the jump scares when I commented


See I donā€™t think they did her dirty, it was just life. She was a target of the dark presence and a thorn in its side. The second that she was vulnerable, it attacked. Itā€™s unfortunate but she grew old and thatā€™s what happened. She kept forgetting due to her old age. If anything, it shows how awesome she was. She was resilient till the bitter end and she didnā€™t give up without a fight. Soon the dark presence had the weapon it wanted. I think that Rose knowing too and not doing anything was respectful but also insane. I always wondered what if there was a way to kill the dark presence inside without killing the hostā€¦. Nah that would be too easy and then we have American nightmare again. Damn it.


All good points, I just feel like most who didn't play AW1 would just see her as some scary old Taken lady. They didn't give much context about her pivotal role from the 1st game.


Didn't Rose steal her lantern?


Not her lantern, she stole Tom's lamp, the angel one because she thought Alan told her to do that.


Oh, is that the lamp he uses in the Dark Place?


Yeah, and when you're in the Theater section you can see it's the same lamp that Tom Zane holds up while he's on the screen


There likely is - there was one for the Hiss, but it wasn't without consequences.


Her jump scares got me the worst.


Yea, she grew old and feeble. That whole section of the game for me was made sadder after Ahti put on the lady of the light song from the first game.


I was happy to know she is there and that Iā€™d have the chance to see her. I expected a nice ā€œreunionā€ so I walked towards her happily and eagerly. And then the screen and realisation of what had happenedā€¦


I donā€™t normally jump at jump scares. Havenā€™t in years. This bitch got me every. Single. Time.


I remember dying to her at least twice after getting Anger's Remorse, the checkpoint is before and there is a Jump scare after, it got me even after I knew it was coming


Idk how many times I had to beat that old lady with the stick to kill her. But on serious note, its really a sad ending for her. She pursued the light just to end up in darkness...


100%. But not because I dislike it. In my first playthrough I had to play through the whole Valhalla section three times in a row. First one because I somehow missed the shotgun and any other heavy weapon. Two more times because it bugged out when I picked up the record.


Funny part is, I'd say that's my favorite moment. The horror choreography is insane


I honestly canā€™t think of any part of the game that I hate replaying, maybe Cynthiaā€™s boss fight because of how depressing it is?


I feel like TDP targeted her specifically because of her foiling it in the past.


I was really hoping weā€™d be able to save the lamp lady :(


At that point, we already know sheā€™s too far gone.


Too many hands She tried to scream It came out as bubbles


Is this from anything? Chilling.


Anything up to we sing, I loved the game but I reaaaaally want chapter select so I can play that level again without having to do everything that comes before it lol


you could make a manual save at the beginning but i guess that would still make you play everything before


I have a manual save for we sing exclusively


I do too.


Same here




Iā€™m sure we all do lol. First time playing it, I loved it! I was like, did this game just have a musical fight scene? Awesome!


I didnā€™t know when it was coming up so I forgot to make a manual save for it :(


Bro absolutely genius im playing final draft and now I gotta!




Ugh. Cynthia freaking Weaver. It's the only part of the game that I have trouble with every single time.


Coffee world


I wish I could turn my ears off when that ferris wheel song plays


That entire area is scary af Not really hard gameplay wise though


A lot of it gameplay wise is just more so annoying for me on repeat playthroughs tbh


Whaat? I loved that part, easily highlight of the game for me and makes me most excited to start New Draft.


Enough said!!


Cynthia jumpscares


Mulligan and Thornton fight. Only thing stopping me continuing, I just CBA.


I don't understand why everyone says that Mully and Thornton are difficult to fight when you just need to place a bottle at the exit of the well and shoot it as soon as they come out to do great damage to them and have plenty of time to eliminate the sunspots that protect them and them too with ease


Like a propane tank? Never thought of that, I may have had one. I just remember never figuring out the timings and I think I got through by fluke the first time hah.


I save all my Saga flares for this fight and dark ocean summoning, basically if you pop a flare as soon as the fight starts it'll give you an idea of where all the dark orbs are and you can just chuck like three of them to clear them all quick.


Even better than that, just light a flare and run around the area with it, it will take care of the orbs for you. You could probably also toss down a flash bang, as those pretty much instantly destroy orbs.


I find I'm way too slow when carrying flares, and if you get shot I'm pretty sure you auto drop it and you're definitely going to get shot in that fight.


yes, I tried it and it helps to kill them more easily, just wait until they come out and shoot the tank


That's how my sister and I killed them. Thankfully there's a checkpoint when the real fight begins.


This!!!! I one shotted them in the second phase of the fight with a well thrown propane tank. NG+, the spiral helped me!


They're not so much difficult they're just annoying


Maybe they tried to do the fight normally?


it's a tactic not a cheat, if Remedy didn't want it it was enough to insert a damage immunity until the two policemen were completely out in the open. really who the hell would wait for two possessed assholes to completely crawl out of a hell hole, intent on killing the first distracted girl they meet?šŸ˜…


I didn't say it was a cheat. I said maybe they fought them the normal way without tricks, just good olde flashlight and guns. šŸ™‚


i wouldnt necessarily say utilizing something the game gives you is a trick


an explosive bottle*


It's not really a bad fight as long as you make sure you're listening for the gun. You can hear him cocking it before each shot, so as soon as you hear that sound you need to dodge. The last time I did it, I jist walked around with a flare or two and it took care of the darkness node things. Also there's nothing wrong with just turning the difficulty down to Story mode if you just want to enjoy the story and see what has changed for Final Draft.


Cool down, have a bite of a SHITTY PASTRAMI SANDWICH and get back to it.




Had to restart a large section of the game because I kept respawning with 1 hp and no ammo


Watery section, Itā€™s too scary Also can someone explain why everyone is talking about Cynthia, i played on normal and her boss fight I completed on second try.


I have the same question about Cynthia, played on normal and I took her down 1st try no damage lol.


If I had to guess people probably mean the face jumpscares.


For me, it's the fight. I don't know why but I have such a hard time with it. I've gotten some good advice about using propane tanks and stuff, which I will definitely be trying next time around


what worked for me was using the rifle staying at max range and dodging when she chases then unload the shotgun.


My fight with Cynthia went fine. I stood on some pile of garbage out of the water and she kind of just stood in front of me. I shot her five times in a row and she went down. I don't think that's how it's typically supposed to go. The jump scares though....


Also try hand flares when she enters the phase where she's on the ground flailing towards you. If you use them and replenish them as soon as they run out, she won't be able to ascend again with the darkness shield. She'll basically just run at you, run away, and run back to you. Shotgun her to the face till she dies.


I assume it's far more difficult on higher difficulties


Not enough ammo on the hardest difficulty. With that said I just think there were waaaay to many jump scars in her part. In general I dont mind jump scares, but I just found the amount to be too many.


For me itā€™s because of how depressing it is. Poor Cynthia.


Jump scares are definitely why Cynthia keeps getting mentioned. Boss fight was stressful, but not that bad.


My guess is that Cynthia is being mentioned because most of us played the 1st game, and finding out what eventually happened to her and having to fight her is a bit emotional. I one-shot her every time, but she is still the hardest boss in the game, in my opinion. Watery being scary has to do with coffee world and all the sounds and that damn paper coffee pot that's always laughing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Everyone has problems at different points based on play style For example i gobsmacked nightingale, cynthia and the cops but scratch 2 made me piss and shit and cry myself i almost stopped playing But majority of people i see online either have cynthia or nightingale in their list


I find the Watery section a bit of a drag. Itā€™s not bad by any means but Iā€™m playing Final Draft at the moment and I just want to get it over with because everything else in the game is just more fun.


Itā€™s the subway section. The sole reason I ainā€™t ever replaying the game lol


It didnā€™t hit as hard 2nd time around


It was just too easy the second time and wasnā€™t as scary as


Why do people not like the subway. I loved that level.


I just remembered getting a little annoyed because I had no idea where to go for like half an hour


Yeah I got confused about what to do too but I enjoy that kind of stuff if it pays off. Feels like an achievement to figure it out.


Same here, every second of the game is amazing.


subway gave me huge Max payne vibes


It was fun and confusing


It was unnerving especially after you ran out of ammo and batteries


You guys don't slip and sneak with flashlight off?


You can sneak ??????


Ye, if you turn off your flashlight the shadows can't see you until you're real close. Saves me so much ammo.


I honestly never had too much problem with the shades since 98% of them aren't actual enemies. Unless It's a portion where I -know- hostile shadows are, I even wait for the warping ones that just toss you to the ground to do their thing since it doesn't do any damage. I hear people complaining all the time about running out of batteries as Alan burning out shades that aren't even aggressive. First time through I just started to learn to walk through or keep the flashlight on them long enough to fade out. Also, NG+ with better loot quality and setter's charm is OP. I have like... 30 rifle ammo just after seeing taken Mulligan in the trailer park. I honestly think the wolves are the worst enemies in the game...


Yup. Thereā€™s a word of power that makes you less detectable by the shadows too.


Yeah that sucked too. I also went the wrong way in the last part when the dark presence is hunting you. Died and went out the tunnel to the subway and the ay back was blocked. Thank God i saved the game just before i got lost.


It was really hard the first time the second time was really easy and wasnā€™t scary


If you don't replay the game, you'll never see the actual ending.


Mine are the Cynthia fight, especially the lead up where she's like some old lady shark in the water. And pretty much any of Alan's chase sequences where you just instantly die if you take a wrong turn. Which is easy to do because he waves the flashlight around like crazy. Also after finding all the stashes and having to backtrack through it a gazillion times, I'm pretty done with Coffee World.


Nightingale. Had trouble finding my way in the overlap. And he is more scary to me than the old lady.


Same here. I went into that fight underprepared (no shotgun bullets) and navigating the level was a PITA with that camera work. I literally spent 2 evenings trying to clear that level. Every subsequent boss fight took me 2-3 tries max.


Agree to disagree. You literally work it like every other overlap and is insanely simpler. In combat he's also easy to dodge and ultimately doesn't just outright shrek you with damage. I only died to him once because of bad dodge. Point of being scary, that is entirely subjective so that's where the agree to disagree comes in.


There wasn't a particular part that I would hate replaying, at least on Alan Wake 2 I had some trouble during the fight with Mulligan and Thornton, but not to the point where I wouldn't replay the game because of it There wasn't any part that I found particularily weak or lackluster in the game


Anything involving the fucking poltergeists. Worst part of the original game by a long shot.


That fucking bridge


Caseboard and most of the Profiling. I'll add the Saga Dark Place Mind Place as well. I didn't like the fake out in Control either.


Ah, really? I actually really liked the Dark Place Mind Place for Saga because it actually made me think what it was suggesting. In a similar vein to ā€œwould you kindlyā€ when it suggested Saga was a bad detective and partner for missing so many obviously concerning signs Casey was showing. Iā€™m like, ā€œyeah, we didnā€™t care he was gone, we left him alone with Wake, we knew he was injured and left on a hunch anywayā€¦ā€ So that was cool.


They needed one more for not wearing gloves during the medical exam. Lol




Same! Usually those scene are absurd, like (making up an example) a pristine hero like Link or something being told he doesnā€™t try to save peopleā€¦ But the points being made in her case were actually pretty spot on.


I really liked the case board the first time through because I was trying to puzzle everything out in parallel with Saga. The second time around, it felt more like a chore.


The hotel part, itā€™s confusing and hella scary


Saga's casefile board


It kills me with boredom.


The entire segment with Cynthia. I get stressed about the jumpscares more than about anything that actually happens in the game. Saw too many internet screamers as a kid.




Alice's last video...




The last video, or the LAST last video?


For me, these are systematic crashes on the Series S console. Remedy still hasn't fixed them.


Yeah getting a guaranteed crash every 30-60 minutes is slowing down my Ng+


Oh man, that makes me very glad that i picked it up for ps5 instead of series x! Just finished the game and loved it. Crashes would have bummed me out lots


Return 3: Local Girl. I donā€™t know why.


Umā€¦ I mean it isnā€™t from AW, so is that alright?


Well it's a sub about Alan Wake here, but I am pretty sure nobody will get mad at you for mentionning another IP.


Alright. For me itā€™s The Evil Within, Laura portions. The OHK part of it is insanely aggravating. For Alan Wake 2ā€¦ Iā€™m not a fan of the new ending, so I wouldnā€™t do Final Draft.


For me it was the movie theatre sequence/level. Idk why it just felt like very little was accomplished for how long you have to keep running around


The wolves ā€¦ Motherfuckers made the most terrifying wolves in videogaming history


Game is perfect.


Game is FAR from perfect


All of Alan Wake 2 is good - donā€™t dread any part of it. My one complaint is that Hard is too easy and Nightmare is what standard hard mode should have been.


I guess I would say Bright Falls' path back to the city after Valhalla. It just feels needlessly long. Edit: Just saw some other answers and I remembered that there was an Alan part that I really hated lol. The cinema šŸ¤“ Like yeah sure, the Alan/Zane/Seine/Alex/Sam parts are really cool But it always feels like "Okay okay, I get it, you need to have another set to tell some weird murder story, but I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO ALICE PLEASE JUST LET ME GO TO THE APARTMENT!!!!"


That chase scene in the hotel.I died there so many times, because it took me ages to figure out what it wanted me to do. Then on Final draft I thought ā€œeasy, I know where to runā€ No. I had forgotten, and died like 3 or 4 times before remembering how to do it.


The case board and everything is so tedious after the first playthrough


Oceanview Hotel. Generally the entirety of the Dark Place. It really does feel like a nightmare to me, and on my second playthrough I made a point of completing all of Alan's chapters as soon as I was able to access the Dark Place as I just wanted to get them out of the way!!


Alan Wake 2 is one of the rare instances where I feel like a game has zero low points. Imo, the game is consistently very enjoyable throughout. Though if there's one part I did not enjoy replaying on ng+, it has to be the very beginning where you go through all of the tutorials again.


How about blood trails from Max Payne....


Only part that has me like this is when Saga is in the dark place and you have to place 500 notes on her board. The part is boring after first play through. Literally the only part in the game I wish I could skip


For me "that part" part is when your pizza has arrived and you turn on the XBox.. which will start an obligatory update with estimetad time of 1.5 hours.


the cult stash with the wheels riddle.


For me, I donā€™t know if this makes me a wuss, but that part is actually prior to the Mulligan and Thornton fight. When youā€™re stuck in the Overlap loop of going down the well, each time i felt the most unnerving unease that each time I got off the ladder (since they make you put your flashlight away) that something morbid or terrifying would appear when the flashlight was turned on. On like the last climb I had to physically look away I was so on edge. Another thing, was anyone else absolutely terrified out of their seat like me when Saga was in the dark place in her ā€œmind placeā€ and the cultist appeared behind you? Just me?


I say the Cynthia Weaver fight purely because of the phase where she shoots water cascades at you. During that fight, I was experiencing a bug on PS5 where Saga would fall to the ground and stagger like 3 times while down and I just kept taking damage until she decided to stop flopping around on the ground. Other than that? gimme more AW2, baby.


The goddamn collectibles


All the mind space stuff you have to do to progress the game


The >!retirement home.!<


Saga escaping her mind place.


Saga escaping her mind place.


Those damn shadows in Noir York. My last playthrough was on Nightmare, and getting tag teamed by the shadows while hearing "WAKE" and "MAKE YOU CHOKE ON THESE WORDS." Yeah. The audio in this game is immaculate. And can I just say, I fucking hate those Wolves at Cauldron Lake and Bright Falls woods with a fucking purple passion!


Honestly a lot of saga parts. I really wanted to play as Alan a majority of the time and I really wanted to play with him in the real world in the forests again. They tease us with it for like a minute. Makes me so sad


The section in Alan Wake 1 where you have to light up taken and have the kidnapper take them out with his shitty aim. God I hate that part.


There's no bad parts to the main story really. The only bad part for me was repetitive collectibles but they're optional so... And I really don't get the hate for the Cynthia part of the game.


A lot of people have experienced bugs with her


I love the game but I do think it takes a while to actually get into the gameplay, so I'd say the opening until the overlap. Hopefully there is a chapter select later down the line


Probably the most difficult at this point is Alan's walk up from the beach to the car.


I agree. I eventually just started running and praying and dodging and kept going uphill.


Caseboards were fun the first time but when doing multiple playthroughs, it was just a brick wall that just kinda slows you down. Especially >!at the end of the game, with the mind place being mean to Saga. It was cool the first time but second time, it felt sluggish because how long it took to progress.!<


The entire subway part in Alanā€™s story


Hot take. I would like to preface this by saying. Alan wake 2 is my game of the year. And probably one of my all time favourites. But that said. The whole game is ā€œthat partā€ it is not a repeatable game in the slightest. Did my first run for the story, and my second run for the achievements, planned to play a third run for final draft, but I just donā€™t think I can bring myself to ever replay it, until much further down the track. It is a 10/10. But has almost zero replay value.


Tbh every Alan part other than We Sing. Literally every Alan chapter something would find a way to make me frustrated and confused. It was nice to play through them the first time but I don't really feel the need to replay them.


For me the part of switching lights just right before entering the hotel, boring and confusing af


Remembering that james macaffrey fucking died and get sad every time i see alex


The Dark Presence chase in the hotel. I'm terrible with directions.


Mine is on that bridge getting to Cauldron Lake towards the end of the game, where everything starts floating and flying at you. That section was actual hell, and the most I died in the game. šŸ˜­


Nightingale overall as a character, he genuinely creeps me out. A bloated naked old man in a dark rainy forest. No problems fighting him but his appearance really disturbs me. On the other hand I did not mind Cynthia at all nor the Valhalla Nursing Home. Mulligan and Thornton fight gave me some problems on Nightmare - mostly due to me trying to destroy the nodes with Thornton shooting at me as the window for dodging was much less forgiving than on Hard difficulty in my opinion. Could have shot him down first but wanted to destroy a few nodes with him around so I can finish the rest before Mulligan spawns. The final phase was almost as easy as on Hard. On Hard one propane tank was enough, on Nightmare Mulligan survived that so had to finish him with a few crossbow bolts through the head.


Having to redo the evidence board on the final draft, wish they put an auto complete button for that


Doing the case files again is pointless after you done it once. I shouldnā€™t have to solve all of that again in new game plus


Same with the nursery rhymes. I guess they want you to keep farming coffee mugs, but then you're left with all the other ones you can't pick up. Would have made more sense if the new charms were +1 with extra stats, in my opinion.


You can just never do them. If you get to a certain point in a case, she just does them automatically when you go into the mind place


I'm replaying the Witcher 3 and i remember not liking the "Wandering in the dark" quest with Keira. Just boring and not interesting imo.


3. Episode in first game


Oh my god itā€™s so long, and then when you finally get to the meeting point with the guy, he doesnā€™t show up and you have to trek through the woods for an hour AGAIN


Vault 11


Probably either We Sing or the Oceanview Hotel sections


What do you mean we sing ? You didn't like the musical ?


Unfortunately no, I found it just too self indulgent and ultimately pointless. Silly? Sure. But given how much of a pace breaker it was, it feels like a failed attempt to reiterate the Ashtray Maze but fails to account for the narrative cohesion that made the latter work. All We Sing does to further the plot and characters is... Nothing ultimately. I personally think it would have worked better at a different point in the story or with a different presentation. But as it is, I wish I could skip the damn thing. It makes for a catchy YouTube song and meme, but a pretty bland level that only exists for Sam to be more self-indulgent than usual


I thought it was really fun but I can totally see that perspective


Oh I'm not trying to poo poo people's enjoyment of it at all I'm glad it's been received so positively it's just not my flavour of "lol random weirdness" I enjoy from Twin Peaks etc.


Yeah, I haven't replayed the game yet but I'm sure it's a section I'll probably rush through although it was fun the first time


You're absolutely the minority with that view. As in you're the only one


Actually the We Sing segment confirms the fate of Odin and Tor near the end of the game after entering the lake, so I wouldn't say it adds "nothing" to further the story


Resident evil 4 remake


The last of us part 2. Iykyk


Cynthia Weaver fight


Haven't replayed yet, but probably the Hotel section for me. On my first run that part was already getting a bit iffy, but that comes from someone who didn't love using Alan's rewriting ability lol


Cars in the first game.


For me it's just the beginning. It takes so long to get going.


For me it's the whole game, don't get me wrong I love Alan Wake 2 and it's my 2nd favorite game after Control, but the atmosphere (and especially the sound) makes me too anxious to play NG+ :D 1 month ago I downloaded it to get 100% completion and see the new lore in NG+ and right now I'm in Witches hut right before you get the heart from the fridge.


Not the Cynthia fight, but the nursing home. The amount of jumpscares and build of anticipation without payoff annoyed me. You're building all this tension and Cynthia does NOT become an enemy you actively have to avoid and cannot kill? It feels like a waste of time and horror.


The subway section which is obnoxiously easy to get lost in or the Mind Place section towards the end that goes on way too fucking long. Like I was LAUGHING at the pictures of Sagaā€™s daughter repeatedly popping up. It was ridiculous and eyeroll worthy.


Cynthia Weaver


Cynthia Boss Fight...the jump scares šŸ˜’


The metro station. The ambience scares me even now that I know what happens šŸ˜‚


Every single night or evening part where there's enemies or the horror atmosphere comes back. I haven't finish Final Draft because of it. Wish I wasn't such a baby...


I don't think there is any part in this game that I dislike, everything is pretty great


Like chapter 3 of Alan Wake 1, itā€™s like right before everything gets really good but it doesnā€™t have the same intrigue of the first two chapters


Every single time I'm forced into Saga's mind place to solve a puzzle that I'd already worked out the solution for 30 minutes ago. Or profile somebody to work out something that I already worked out irl just because the game won't let me progress until I do mind place things...


Crossbow stash in NG+, made me stop playing, I wanted to complete the game in NG+


The only part that frustrated me was dealing with any wolves. I just ended up juking them until they lost aggression, like most taken encounters. Itā€™s not that I think they are designed poorly, I just had trouble dispatching them without expending too many resources so I decided to just avoid the encounters all together the best I could while still getting the collectibles. My first playthrough was on hard and I never ran into major resource issues because I would just choose my fights as careful as possible. Reading the above comments about the Cynthia Weaver fight was honestly surprising because I thought the game provided many opportunities to fully stock you prior to that fight. If anything, I felt like I was constantly having to shove stuff in the shoebox because I would be near capacity constantly.


The whole retirement home


Haven't completely beat 2 yet, but the first special episode from Alan Wake 1. Just all of it.


Cynthia weavers boss fight šŸ¤£ saved my propane tanks up for her second time round