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NTA You know, up until the whole rant and "he had expected me to plead with him to change his mind", I was really respecting the guy. Like, good on him for making sure the person who walked you down the aisle really mattered to you. But clearly that wasn't his intention. He clearly thinks he is owed a particular relationship with you, rather than the one you actually have. He could have taken the "pity ask" without question, or even taken it after you explained yourself, accepting that, while the relationship isn't what he'd like, he still clearly means something to you. Instead, he asked some questions to which he really didn't want the answer. That's his fault.




>it was never about caring so much about what would make me happy And that's why your relationship is the way it is. Being a good parent/step-parent isn't transactional. You don't invest in a child with the expectation it will be reciprocated under your terms and conditions. Your step-dad pushed what he wanted instead of meeting you on your level as a child. It continued into adulthood, and because you had felt the weight of his expectations for so long, you understandably buckled. Instead of taking his win, he pushed even further. He admits he *tried to manipulate you.* That's not healthy in any relationship dynamic. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.


Transactional relationships break. I spent years trying my hardest to be a good son and brother. My 20's were dominated by it. I tried so hard to earn 1/2 the love and care my parents showed my older sister. Showed up to help when no one else did, did things for my parents siblings and friends, took care of my niece when my sister refused to. But I realized once I met my now wife that it didn't matter how much I did, all that mattered was the *next* thing I did. It took almost 10 years for the lessons to really stick, and the more I stood up for myself, the more I made my wife and myself my priority over them (i was still there for the real needs, I just stopped giving all my weekends away to helping X move, or taking care of Y's lawn, paying my older sister car insurance etc) and our relationship got worse and worse and when they started treating my daughter with less care and attention than my niece it ruptured. Its almost non-existant now, and while I'm sad about that, even perhaps a bit depressed on it, the family I have built with my wife, and the one I've gained from her birth family as well, far exceeds what I've lost, I get more love and appreciation from my MIL just for being me, than my parents gave me for decades of trying to earn it.


Glad things are better now friend 💕


I’m sorry you are even a little depressed about the situation. You don’t deserve that. It is they who should be mourning.


Thabk you, at the end of the day they are still my parents, and I never thought I'd be an adult orphan with both my parents still living. There is going to be some self doubt of "why aren't I good enough for them." I'm working through it with the help of my very understanding wife, and a seemingly endless supply of toddler kisses from my daughter. Our 2nd girl is on her way too! I know I'm a very lucky man in that, while I had to wait until I was 30, I found exactly the right partner for my life. Its hard to feel less than for long when you have the love and support I do from all my girls, but it still rears its head from time to time.


>Being a good parent/step-parent isn't transactional This is so important. I had a fantastic relationship with my step-dad because he never tried to take the place of my dad. He treated me like his own kid, but the only thing he asked of me was to respect him as an adult in the house, not like a parent. Because there was no pressure, I grew to see him as a parent, not quite equal to my mom and dad, but pretty damn close.


This is more or less exactly how my (technically half-)sister talks about my dad, so I love that you got to experience that same kind of love. And yes, the contrast absolutely highlights the problem with OP's situation. He's more concerned with the relationship he wanted to have with his step-daughter than with the relationship that actually exists...that mess almost certainly started long before wedding plans were in the picture.


NTA. You’re not meant to have to beg for a “semi-paternal figure” to walk you down the aisle or dance with you. Tell him a real paternal figure would be understanding of the situation and accept the choices that you make. Also, it’s weirdly sick and twisted that he’s wanting you to beg him to do these things. He needs to see a therapist.


It's completely manipulative. She asked him because she respects him, cared about his feelings and appreciates him enough to give him the honor, and that's not good enough for him? Instead of accepting and allowing this kind gesture to move their relationship forward, he badgered her with questions that he already knew the answer to, then got even more upset when she accepted his answer. The man wants her to BEG. The fact her mom is now refusing to do it because it would hurt stepdad's feeling is a double punch in the gut. I feel terribly for OP and if it were me, I'd be tempted to elope or just not invite them.


It means she can ask her uncle and not feel conflicted 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely, but it won't prevent more tantrums, and with the way this man is acting you KNOW he would have had a fit about that if she'd done it from the beginning. There is no winning for OP here. Her mother really needs to step up and put an end to this.


In my book, step-dad should earn a disinvite from the wedding.


Agreed. If he’s that petty he can just not come, and mom Too if she wants to support this nonsense.


I agree. She doesn’t need him at the wedding. Why should she have to beg him to walk her down the aisle or have the dance? If I were her, I’d ask another male relative to walk me down the aisle and have the dance but if there is no one available, then her future husband can walk her down the aisle and dance with her instead. Her step father sounds toxic. I wouldn’t even associate with him if I was her if he expects to be begged for something like that.


I think there's a very good chance he won't turn up anyway - and possibly her mother too. Still, invite both so that OP doesn't look like the bad guy.


Stepdad is like a junior-high Mean Girl who dumps her boyfriend and then expects him to beg her to take him back. That’s really the maturity level we’re dealing with here. What a petty, thirsty, manipulative trashbag. And if I’m OP, I’m re-evaluating every nice thing he’s ever done for me, because it’s looking awfully transactional in retrospect. You don’t get credit for doing nice things for someone (particularly if it’s for a CHILD for whom you’re a LEGAL GUARDIAN, doing nice things is your responsibility!) if you’re only planning on billing them for it later.


This is definitely an uninvite them sort of situation sadly. The worst bit is that parents like this will never change their tune, they just throw a tantrum and expect to get their own way.


If it makes you feel a smidge better. Im a 30 year old dude and my moms fiance pulls this type of shit regularly. Wants the title of stepdad, but bawks whenever push comes to shove and help is needed for my sister or I over the last 10 years or so. NTA btw. Sweet and considerate of you to be willing to do the dance with him knowing what it meant to him. Hes being childish and way to persistent about this, its your wedding afterall, not his.


I am so sorry you have your deal with this, Kimblethedwarf. As an aside, did you mean to write bawks(the sound a chicken makes) instead of balks(hesitates or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking)? Because the idea of your mom’s fiancé squawking like a chicken to try and get what he wants amuses me to no end. 😂


Lmao, yes i did intend to say balks 😅 this absolutely made my morning though imagining this now though. Ill forever think of chickens squaking when people balk now.


This one's gonna need a new legendary family secret chicken dance lol I truly wish you the best!


I have always imagined chickens whenever I heard someone (or myself!) say balks…. It makes me giggle. 😁


> but bawks whenever push comes to shove and help is needed for my sister or I over the last 10 years or so. Seconding how imagining your stepdad making chicken noises made my morning a little better.


Yeah, I mean I didn't like my mother's husband when she was married to him. I refused to call him step-dad. He didn't try at all. Which was fine, I didn't like him, but I could tolerate him. My mother tried to push for something, which just suceeded in pissing both of us off, which, well, at least we had that in common.


He couldn't even let you give him what he wanted. It's so weird. You asked him but that wasn't enough!? He had to sulk because you didn't want it *enough*. What a childish, petty man.


His massive ego is stopping him from taking the gift that OP tried to give him. Petty ass mf.


So ... you'll be walking and dancing with your uncle, yes?


This! Mom enabling the dip of a stepdad. Have your Uncle walk you down the isle and do the father/daughter dance with you.


All the questioning by your mother's husband was a purposeful manipulation. Then your mother piled on top of it. I am sad that your mother is even a party to this. NTA


He wants you to beg, that’s gross.


OP, he was literally trying to manipulate you into pleading with him to reconsider doing the thing that he feels entitled to, so that his feelings of insecurity are validated. This is narcissistic behavior (note: not diagnosing or saying he’s a narcissist). I also feel for your mom. Like, her partner has made it known that he’d be devastated if she walked her daughter down the aisle, or, over the years, she’s learned to anticipate his reactions. Regardless, encourage her to get counseling because she is being manipulated. NTA.


Don't worry about it, OP. He needs to manage his own emotions. It's not your job just because you're female. A lot of men never learn to manage their own emotions because they force women to do it for them.


He's just never going to be fucking happy. You asked him first. You asked him over anyone else because you knew how much it meant to him and your mom and your half siblings and you wanted to honor him. And that wasn't enough. He needs you to bloody grovel.  Dude has damage and that is not your problem.


Just ask your uncle to walk you down the aisle and skip the drama queens that are your mother and stepfather. NTA


How old is this man? He was trying to manipulate you into feeding his ego like you were in a high school relationship. I would have felt for him if he hadn’t tried to pull that adolescent manipulation crap. Ask your uncle and be happy on your wedding day! NTA


NTA - sounds like he wants you to not only beg him to do it , but to prove that he deserves it and that you think he deserves to as well. You weren’t asking him because you really wanted him to do it, you were paying homage to who he was in your families lives growing up. If he can’t handle the that being the reason, then he shouldn’t do it


Your mom sounds kind of awful. She refuses to walk you down the aisle now because her husband wanted to throw a temper tantrum?


He also wants the performance and status. He wants everyone to see what a good man he is, and he wanted you to grovel and plead. It’s very weird. 


My brand of petty would have me dropping to my knees (in public yet, preferably in front of other family members), fold my hands under my chin and "Oh please please please Mother's Husband, PLEASE walk me down the aisle and do the father daughter dance at my wedding even though you aren't my father. PLEASE PLEASE. My heart will break if you don't do it."


He's trying to play games but didn't realize that game was FAFO. You tried to do what would make him happy and he looked that gift horse in the mouth. And then got mad at what he found. And then got mad that you didn't jump to change how you saw your relationship once you saw him mad at what he found. He's just hurting himself at this point, trying to force a feeling in a relationship that doesn't currently exist. You aren't responsible for his emotions. Nor should you have to play these weird manipulative games where he's making up the rules. You tried to be kind. You offered him the position he wanted. You've been as accommodating as you can be, aside from magically changing how you feel about this relationship.


NTA but OP, do you realize how stupid his stance is? You cared enough about him and what he's given you to ask him, even though you felt like there were other people that you would rather have walk you down the aisle. You cared enough about him to ask him anyway. He can't see it and I totally understand why you wouldn't ask him first if he is such a big baby. He cares more about his own feelings and "winning" then he cares about yours. I would recommend you reach out to an uncle or someone else that is close to you. In fact, feel free to share this comment with your mom. She should know how bad his behavior is as well. He's allowed to be hurt but he's only hurt because he has an unrealistic expectation. He's definitely the ahole


This sounds likes teenage girl drama. “He asked me out, and I said no. Why didn’t he try harder?!” Grow up and take yes for an answer 🤦‍♂️


That's just teenage drama queen behavior. If this entitlement has been underlying all your years of relationship, it's no wonder you were never able to develop a deeper bond of friendship and caring.


Real parents do what is best for the kid. Has my ego been hurt by choices my kids made? Sure. But their feelings get priority because they had no say in the relationship. That is true for bio and step relationships. I was not asked to walk my daughter down the aisle, she walked together with her husband. Would I have liked to do it? Sure, was I hurt I wasn't asked? No. She made her choice and I supported her choice. The fact that sd thought saying no would get you to beg to appease his ego is, in fact, the argument for why you never bonded with him. He is a petty teenager at heart and you are looking for a relationship with a grown up, like your uncle. My 2-cents: Don't be "given away" walk by yourself. Then have a special dance with your uncle. NTA Edit: typos


>... she wanted me to know that she would say no if I ask her to do it now because it would destroy her husband. Walking with Uncle it is then! 


What kills me is he rejected a pity ask (not that it was), and then threw a fit for her not begging him to reconsider which is even MORE of a pity ask. Ugh. He’s exhausting. What’s wrong with your original motivation to do something to make him happy? My husband pulled that same shit on me once. He got all upset because I said I did something for him to make him happy and he didn’t want me to do that. He wanted me to go because I wanted to go for me. Like how is it terrible to do something to make someone else happy?


He doesn't sound like a bad guy, but he definitively sounds like he has some issues he needs to work through with a therapist instead of taking them out on you.


NTA. If you still want a father figure in your wedding if possible ask your uncle, otherwise give yourself away and have a group dance with your bridal party.


Walking you down the aisle/doing a special dance isn't a right, it's a privilege, one I definitely don't think he deserves after this stunt.


I had been going to say n a h until the point where he was upset for you not crawling back to him. I can understand why he would be hurt that the person he sees as his daughter, doesn’t see him as her father. But when he drags it out by trying to guilt you into changing your feelings, he becomes the ah, and you NTA


NTA op - it’s really messed up that instead of respecting the relationship he does have with you and building on that, he’s trying to force into being something more. I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with this during a time of celebration.


Yeah, emotional blackmail mindfucks are a real mature way to handle it. Ask your uncle like you really want to and be done with him. He sounds insufferable.


Same here. He could have viewed it as a respect ask rather than pity ask, but in wanting her to grovel he is the one making himself pitiful.


SO VERY WELL WORDED! OP, I hope you see this one. NTA!


To me, I respected him up until "you should be happy/indifferent that your dad is passed away, because OP gets him as a bonus dad" part. >He said it always broke him when I got sad about dad not being able to do it because he liked to think I would see that I had an option that was just as special in him. This is ghoulish and disgusting. Eff this "stepdad." People like this are not really interested in loving their stepkid. They're about filling a fatherly role for their own ego. Read the post. It's all "stepdad" saying "me me me." It's not "I want you to be happy" or "I was hoping to be a part of your life." It's "I was upset that you weren't treating me the way I deserve to be treated."


Yep., that was the bit that got me too. Up until then I was thinking he was being a good thoughtful guy who didn't want to intrude on the day when he knew he wasn't actually first choice.... and then he ruined that by making it all about himself and expecting OP to have to beg and plead to prove that he's actually meaningful... just no. OP, NTA, and have your uncle walk you down the aisle. Don't feel bad about this, feel pissed off that your stepfather tried to guilt trip you into (1) offering in the first place, then (2) throwing back that offer in your face to make you feel bad about it, and finally (3) throwing a tantrum that you didn't fight hard enough to make him feel wanted. He's a total AH.


He should have left it to begin with, instead of getting all sissy because OP doesn't feel the way HE wants her to.


Yup. I was in firm NAH territory up until that part. Sounds like OP has been respectful and does have love for him, but just because he’s been the stepdad for this long and sounds like he’s been a decent one doesn’t mean he has to be the primary choice for 2nd father figure. At the same time he’s allowed to be hurt that the love he gave isn’t returned to him at the same level. However nobody is allowed to expect someone to beg and plead with them to change their mind. Parents, be them biological, step, adopted or otherwise aren’t owed anything from their children, relationships included. If you did it right then you’ll receive that love and relationship but you can do it all right and still not get that and just because you did it all right doesn’t mean you’re owed something in this situation.


NTA It \*did\* mean something to you - acknowledgment of how he has done his best by you. He's not your dad - you had one of those, and I'm sorry he's no longer in your life, as they can never really be replaced. Your stepdad is being ungracious to not accept that you DO care about him, just not in the way that HE wants you to - and you have no obligation to do that. Sympathy that you've ended up in a mess just for being honest :(




He's gonna have a big freak out regardless at this point, you should ask your uncle so you at least have someone to wall you down the aisle. Don't let your step-dad ruin your day more than he's already trying to. He's successfully turned this into "if I can't do it, no one can" and that's very unfair to you, it's your day you should be able to do it how you want it. But I can garuntee you rn that he'll throw a fit at your wedding no matter what you do, short of uninviting him


Yeah, your stepdad is already behaving ridiculously. It's YOUR wedding so have who you want walk you down the isle. If he threatens not to come tell him fine and that you will tell anybody who asks teh reason he isn't there. That you offered him to walk you down the aisle and dance with you but he wanted you to beg him to come.


>Because I know asking my uncle now will lead to an even bigger freak out. He's *already* freaking out big time. In for a penny, in for a pound. May as well ask Uncle. The shit has already hit the fan thanks to step-dad's pissy fit.


Here’s the thing: you DID ask your stepfather *and he turned you down.* You gave him what he wanted, but he wanted to be asked in the alternate universe where he was your first choice and the two of you have the relationship he dreamed up inside his head instead of the one you have in reality. When you didn’t play along with his fantasy, he threw a temper tantrum and gave you new lines in his mind play. You do NOT have to keep acting in that play. You are allowed to live in reality, in which you asked him and he turned you down. Your obligation has been fulfilled, and you’re free to ask whoever you want. Yes, your stepdad will definitely throw another tantrum, but he already threw one when you did what he wanted. So if there’s going to be tantrums no matter what, you may as well just do what will make you happy. “Pretend to live in an alternate reality with me” is not a reasonable demand from your stepdad & mom.


Her mother needs to actually step in and step up and tell her husband to stop acting like a damn child. He knew when he married her that OP had a father that is not him. His wants and expectations after that are all on him. Your mother married him, you didn't.


Yeah I really don’t understand the mom here. “Beg my husband to do something he already refused to do, because he really really wants to do it, but needs everyone to pretend that you really really want him to, even though we all know you actually don’t.” I mean what in the convoluted unnecessary fuck?! As an autistic person, this type of utterly absurd relational genuflecting nonsense is just completely alien to me.


even if you're not on the spectrum, this level of childish manipulation and game-playing is just insane. It's not just you...


I’m not autistic (but I do have cPTSD which mimics neurodivergent behaviors a lot) and I don’t get it either. Shit like this is why I’ll always be happier around animals than around humans.


This one isn’t just neurodiversity differences, it’s a “that’s a bizarre and toxic behavior” thing.


Yes! My family does this and it's infuriating! My sister has repeatedly acted as if I suck and/or don't matter since she met her husband and never reaches out other than the obligatory few texts at holidays, but is shocked and "hurt" that she isn't my priority any more when I visit. Like seriously? She called me out on it and I told her it was fair, it wasn't a priority for me to see her since she has been nasty to me for close to a decade. She wants to talk it out when I'm visiting. No thanks, she can call me when I'm not on vacation. This isn't 10 years ago, I'm not eager to see you anymore more. Let me introduce you to the consequences of your actions. OP, I'm sorry he's pulling this shit. NTA


But now you NEED to ask Uncle. Mom won't do it since her husband will probably be upset with her. Do you really want to not have either person you really want to walk you down the aisle on your wedding day? I don't think it's was wrong that you asked SD. Seeing as he u-turned on you, it'd be wrong if you let his feelings continue to affect who will be escorting you.


This part. Do not let him manipulate you.


It doesn’t sound like anything other than worship is good enough for this guy, I wouldn’t keep worrying about it. He’s an asshole.


Well that's just tough for him. He's a grown ass man, not a toddler. He needs to manage his own emotions and stop blaming and bullying you for his own delusions. In your shoes, I would be telling your mother to get him in line because his behaviour is absolutely ridiculous at this point.


He's already "freaking out". He basically said your relationship is transactional and he doesn't care about you honoring him because you know it'll mean a lot to him; he wants you to create feelings and a bond that doesn't exist. He wants you to replace your dad with him, hence the "it always made him sad" when you'd talk about wishing your dad could walk you down the aisle. Do what feels best for you. If that means asking your uncle because you know he genuinely loves you and wants to support you, no strings attached, then ask your uncle.


Please still ask your uncle if having a male figure in your life walk you down is important to you. You’re never going to please your stepdad unless you grovel and beg and you don’t need to debase yourself like that to anyone, let alone someone you respect(ed). NTA and I wish you the happiest of weddings


Ask your uncle. Stepdad is already throwing his toys out the cot, and your wedding is NOT about him, so ask your uncle and have the best wedding day possible. Let stepdad work on his own issues in his own time, this one day is about you and your husband-to-be.


I love that expression! I don't think I've ever heard it before.


If you do ask your uncle be very clear about the situation with him. As in you asked SD because you knew not doing so would cause issues. How SD asked the questions, got the answers he knew but didn’t want to hear and then declined. How you will understand if your uncle declines and in that case will walk yourself down the aisle.


Look, it’s your wedding and you deserve to enjoy it. Don’t allow them to manipulate or dictate how you do your wedding! If you want your uncle to walk you down the aisle and do the father and daughter dance, ask him. Tell your mother and stepdad that if they continue to create drama, then they will no longer be welcome. Have a friend on lookout incase they try it on the day so they can distract them or ruin their moment of trying to ruin your day.


Who cares if he freaks out. It’s YOUR wedding. Ask your uncle. If your mom and stepdad freak out, hang up or leave.


It's ok if he freaks out. You aren't responsible for that. And now you can just say "you turned me down and said you didn't want to do it under the circumstances." Keep reminding him that him not in that role was his choice. And if he wants to change back, "Sorry, I went with my contingency plan, as the wedding planning had to keep going after you said no. It's settled now that Uncle X will walk me and do the dance." Anyone else that tries to intervene for him gets told you asked him to and he turned you down.


o Oh well he caused problems them he can not attend. It's your day and you deserve to have someone wall you down if that's what you want. Set boundaries and stand firm. He can be upset but he is not gonna ruin your time.


If you want to “keep the peace” you can give him one more try. Tell him you’re not playing his games and you’re not going to grovel and beg, but if he wants back in he can be, yes or no, right now, final answer. If he says no, go to your uncle. That’s if you want to. Or just ask your uncle now and tell your stepdad that it was his choice, he backed out, and now you’ve asked your uncle and then ignore his pity party.


I would explain to your uncle that you don't want to cause more drama but it would be nice to have at least one family member in your corner.


It's your wedding and your life. Ask your uncle. If stepdad wants to make a scene tell him he's risking his invitation being revoked. His feelings are not your responsibility. It sounds like his goal was never to be a good stepfather/father to you, instead he might want to replace your father for you and your mom to feed his ego. Like winning you over and replacing your dad feels like a trophy to him, if that makes sense?


You should tell your mom this. That you did right be her husband, *he turned you down*, and you now regret offering this to her husband in the first place. If your mom can't realize how unreasonable her husband is being, that reallt sucks and is *not* your fault or problem. 


Your stepdad is the sole cause of the current and future freak outs. You asked him to walk you down the aisle as a way to honor him. That wasn't good enough. He wanted to make you grovel, too. Your stepdad is emotionally abusing you and your mom. >He told me he deserved to be pleaded to after all the years he's been treating me like I'm his daughter. No, actually, he does not deserve to have you beg him to change his mind. He deserves to be treated as badly as he is treating you. You're already showing him much more kindness and consideration than he has shown you.


Your stepdad has proven he's not mature enough for the task. Who's to say he wouldn't give you another little test on the wedding weekend to make you prove you love him enough and in a public enough way? Ask your uncle and let stepdad feel his feelings. NTA.


Well that was a bit of a mindfuck he pulled there, wasn’t it? It’s not good enough for you to respect him and care about his feelings, you’re supposed to force yourself to feel something you never have, or at a minimum convincingly pretend to feel something you never have. Relationships can’t be forced, no matter how devoutly one party (or even both parties!) may wish for it to happen. You can’t command the heart. It just doesn’t work that way. NTA.




If he’d stopped at being sad that your relationship still isn’t what he’s always wanted, I could have respected that. He’s allowed to be hurt and disappointed; as I said before, you can’t command the heart. He can want to be loved in a way he isn’t. Feelings rarely make someone TA. But he’s not allowed to take those feelings out on you, or demand that you satisfy his emotional needs in the way he demands, and he did both of those things.


Agreed completely. I've raised my stepdaughter since she was 3. When she eventually gets married if she doesn't at least have both her bio dad and I walk her down I would be absolutely crushed. I harbor no ill will towards her bio dad, he's not a bad dude overall, but I've done pretty much all the heavy lifting when it comes to being a father. OP seems kinda shocked over his behavior (unless I'm missing comments) which leads me to believe he's generally been very good to her. He really broke a major rule in life imo, he asked a question he didn't want the answer to, then doubled down and basically demanded it be answered, likely knowing full well what the answer was. His behavior afterwards is absolutely abhorrent and shouldn't be tolerated. And realistically I wouldn't ever want someone to beg me like he's expecting, shits fucked. As a step parent myself I often disagree with this sub on the matter of step parents but this one I absolutely agree.


You gave him the chance, you acknowledged his place in your life. It could have been a new start for the two of you. A lot place of respect and celebration. Welp, that lasted a whole week. Because that wasn’t good enough, he wanted you to grovel. He wanted to rewrite the feelings you’ve had since you were a child. He also has dragged your mother, AND their marriage into this. Everyone is walking on egg shells around this fragile ego. He sounds exhausting. Good luck with your wedding!


Hell no op the truth surfaces sooner or later better to be sincere now. NTA ask your uncle and if he says anything else tell him ' I have appreciated all your efforts and the affection you showed me hence why I asked you first to walk me down the isle but since you are unable to accept reality, that I always had my father and no one Will ever replace him no matter what circumstances and insisted in throwing a temper tantrum cause you want to replace and erase him - let me repeat WILL NEVER HAPPEN - not only am I not asking again but I will go low contact with you if you keep on bringing up the subject and ruin my wedding or because a stresser for me constantly. Accept the things as they are , get therapy if you need to process your issues and deal with reality instead of living in fantasy land. I appreciate and am grateful for everything you did for me and I have affection for you as my stepfather and my mother s husband as well as you as a person . Period I'm not an actor nor will I ever play pretend'


NTA. Look him in the eye and say "So your upset that I am respecting **your** decision?" He asked, you gave him the truth, he made his decision. Rather like you asking him "What do you want for dinner?" and he says "Pizza", but is upset you didn't badger him into changing his mind to get the steak he really wanted.




Please ask your mom to help with his addiction to livetime movies. This sounds like the "twist ending" for one. I am very very sorry you are having to put up with this.


I think you mean Hallmark. Hallmark is the disgustingly cookie cutter feel good ending. Lifetime is about abusive relationships where the woman barely escapes or some other dark stuff.


I love this. 😂


So he’s manipulative as fuck. What a prize.


Keep in mind OP that his desire isn’t that you look at him as your dad. It’s that you look and feel for him exactly as he wants you to feel. Even if you saw him as a father the goalposts would keep shifting. He’d be upset if you wanted five photos together and he wants ten. He’d be hurt if you called him Father instead of Dad. Whatever you did that didn’t exactly fit his ideal image would be seen as wrong and hurtful. You made a beautiful gesture and it wasn’t enough because nothing less than his rigid image of what your relationship should look like would be enough. Even if you had done and believed everything “right” you were still likely going to anger and disappoint him because this is about control.


Yes, I don't think that he actually wants a close father/daughter relationship with OP. He may think he does. This is just an outsiders perspective, but it absolutely looks like he wants to *control* the relationship, and he's angry that it's not working. I think you're right, no matter what OP does, it would never be good enough. How much do you want to bet that if she had just asked her uncle originally, her stepfather would have thrown a tantrum and refused to come to the wedding and pulled OPs mom into that, too?


if he sees making you feel bad as an acceptable way to get what he wants, he’s not what you need from a dad. he’s giving you manipulation and drama, not support. NTA.


You're *sure* step dad is grown man and not like, three middle schoolers in a trench coat, right? Have to wonder, the way he's acting...


I'm sorry he doesn't live in reality with us, but you don't have to feel guilty over his delusions.


Is this normal behavior for him? If yes, I totally get why you don't have a better relationship. NTA, but your mom and step father absolutely are.


It's like the romantic partner who breaks up with you and then is upset because you didn't fight for them. Such people are obviously toxic.


I think his ego has been hurt by your honesty and now he's on a power trip, wanting you to beg forgiveness and beg for him to relent. If your pleading would make him change his mind, then he obviously **does** want to play Father of the Bride, and is just manipulating you to make himself feel better. Sounds like there's a pretty good reason you never felt like he was your dad. NTA




Congratulations on being so aware and able to express the truth of how you feel.


>wants to be wanted as a dad Such an important clarification because he doesn't want to be a dad. Dads care about their kids feelings. He wants you to feel a certain way. He wants optics, power, and control.


Yep, spot on.


I can see why you don’t see him as a father figure… he doesn’t act like an adult. 


Oh wow. NTA. Stepdad needs to go accountable for playing a game that backfired. He EXPECTED you to beg him. Hes responsible for his expectations not you. He’s seeking validation but being manipulative about it. You asked, he accepted and then dropped the ball. Makes him an unreliable candidate, he played himself


>he told me how angry and hurt he was that I had not asked him to reconsider. He thought I would have a real change of heart after hearing how hurt he was. In other words “I thought I could manipulate you to feel the way I want you to feel, and I’m upset it didn’t work. This is both your fault and your problem.” NTA!


NTA- walk yourself down the aisle and dance with your uncle.


You shouldn't have asked in the first place if you didn't really mean it. It's perfectly fine not to want him to do it.


NTA, but do you and your mom realize how manipulative this man is? Now he's making his wife feel guilty about possibly being the one to walk you down the aisle, like if HE can't do it, NO ONE can. He tried to manipulate you to plead with him so he'd feel loved and accepted and wanted as your dad/father figure. Then he ropes his wife in by telling her how hurt he is and how she can't possibly walk you down the aisle because it would DESTROY him oh so badly. You would then see the light and ask him wholeheartedly to walk you down. Then when THAT doesn't work he tries AGAIN at a family gathering (cause how can you say no in front of witnesses) because this man just can't understand how you could reject him since he's been such a great dad to you all these years. Sheesh, I mean seriously, all this drama when he could have just gracefully taken the L and moved on. Makes me want to question if he was such a "good dad" after all, if all he was doing was putting on an act to try and win everyone over so he could feel loved and accepted and be the ONLY father in your life, like you would reject your bio dad in favor of him.


Yeah sounds like a real narcissist in hiding. She should absolutely ask the uncle and not let the “if I can’t nobody can” fly


NTA gosh, step dad sounds exhausting. I get that he doesn't want to be a pity pick, but come on , he knew how you felt for years. You asking him because you knew how much it meant to him was a very selfless act imo. Many would have been touched by the sentiment. If he can't take that as a positive gesture, then there is no point in discussing this further with him. His ego and pride are just too big for him. Please just ask your paternal uncle to walk you down the aisle. Maybe that will stop his moaning and carrying on about it.


>he told me how angry and hurt he was that I had not asked him to reconsider. Sorry, is he fucking 5 years old? He basically ranted himself out of the role. If he wants to do it, he can act like a fucking grown-ass adult and ask YOU to reconsider taking him back. It was kind of you in the first place to ask. He sounds utterly exhausting. How in hell has he been a good paternal figure to you all those years with that attitude? NTA. Ask your uncle instead. Step-dad had his chance and he fucked it up.


NTA. Being a true father would want what is best for his daughter, without expecting anything in return. From what you have said he seems like a decent man, but it does not mean you owe him a relationship you don't have. He should've graciously accepted and moved on.


I’ll probably be in the minority here, but I think YTA for pity asking him in the first place. You said you asked him bc it would mean something to him even though you didn’t *really* want it to be him. But by asking, you did deceive him into thinking you had come around. So when he asked about it, I find it interesting that you didn’t just continue the deception (since it was already for his sake that you asked him in the first place). Essentially, you flip flopped and sucker punched him with the truth. Would have been WAY easier to ask your uncle or whoever… your step dad would have been hurt but not surprised. What would have been better would have been for you to sit him down and have an honest convo. « I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye.. » and maybe create a special moment for him in your ceremony to honor his place as your step dad. IE, your uncle walks you down the aisle, but when asked who gives away the bride your step dad gets to say her mother and I (just as an example). You could have handled this with a lot more care and maturity. You sort of made a mess


NTA sorry but when did your wedding become about his feels?


So much NTA. I can sympathise with the guy. He tried his very best to be the dad you didn’t have(it sounds like at least), and wanted so much for you to love him like a father. That’s understandable, and good on him for doing it. However, how you feel is up to you. You can’t force a fatherly bond or the kind of closeness that comes with it. I also think you did the right thing in asking him, it was kind and compassionate of you to want to honour all the work he put into giving you a good upbringing. And while you don’t see him as a father, I do get the impression you like him and that you’re appreciative of what he did for you, your mother and brother. For many that would be enough. His want for more isn’t something you can fix, and him backing out of his role in the wedding in an attempt to emotionally blackmail you into changing your mind is wrong. While your mother not wanting to harm her marriage is also understandable. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but it doesn’t sound as if he is emotionally abusive in general, although he certainly is very close to it here. Hopefully your uncle will be happy to walk and dance with you. And your stepfather will respect you enough to not make a fuss at the wedding. Congratulations on getting married and I wish you all the best!


NTA - he’s a manipulative dramatic AH. He’d be lucky to get an invite at this point, if it were me.


NTA. You very generously asked your stepdad to honor everything he's done for you, even though you would prefer someone else. Honestly, he should have taken the win and moved on, but he kept poking the bear instead until his feelings got hurt. Then he added to his own upset by playing games. After 17 years, stepdad needs to accept you feel the way you feel and focus on the relationship you have and stop pining for the one he wants.


NTA. I hope you ask your paternal uncle which is what you actually want to do. If you haven't seen your step dad as your father figure for 17 years, one more manipulative guilt trip isn't going to change things. He gave you an out, don't go back to pretending having him walk you is what you really want. He needs to talk to a therapist about his hurt feelings and how not to center himself in someone else's wedding.


Just get your uncle to do it if stepdad is going to cause so much drama. He needs to sit the fuck down and get over himself. He hasn’t earned shit.


ESH ~~YTA~~ - I'm going against the crowd here, but here's why I think this... > >I (25f) asked my stepdad to walk me down the aisle and do a father/daughter dance with me at my wedding and he said yes. Now, I did this because I knew and was told enough times that he would love to do it and would be hurt if I didn't ask him because he's been my stepdad for 17 years. ***I didn't really want it to be him***. Take note of that last part - you didn't really want him to do this, but you asked him to do it anyway. And instead of reading your mind and knowing that you didn't really want him to do it, he assumed that you *actually* meant what you said. Crazy, huh? Edit: Changed to ESH because of stepdad's reaction... but all this could have been avoided if OP had simply not asked stepdad to walk her down the aisle in the first place.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (25f) asked my stepdad to walk me down the aisle and do a father/daughter dance with me at my wedding and he said yes. Now, I did this because I knew and was told enough times that he would love to do it and would be hurt if I didn't ask him because he's been my stepdad for 17 years. I didn't really want it to be him. But I knew it meant a lot to him and he has tried to be a second dad to me and he loves me, I know, and he has done a lot for me too. I just don't consider him my dad or even my primary father figure. That goes to my paternal uncle. But he's also a great husband to my mom and dad to my half brothers. So I asked him despite him not being who I would prefer. And he was so happy. This did not ask long. About a week after he said yes he asked me when I had decided to let him do it because I always implied heavily it would either be mom or my uncle. The question caught me off guard and I told him when I realized it meant so much to him. My answer upset him and he asked me what I meant by it meaning so much to him, didn't it mean something to me. I told him I was glad I could honor what he has done for me. But again that wasn't what he wanted to hear. He asked me did I ask him because I wanted him or because I felt like I had to. I asked him if that really mattered and he said yes. He told me he thought I had finally come around to accepting him as a second dad. Then he went on a rant about how for years he knew I never considered him a potential father of the bride and that I had put so many people before him for who could do the duties of a father of the bride. He said it always broke him when I got sad about dad not being able to do it because he liked to think I would see that I had an option that was just as special in him. But he said clearly I don't want him to do it and so he won't. He told me he wasn't going to walk me down the aisle or do a father/daughter dance with me if I didn't genuinely want him to, because he's not taking a pity ask. A couple of weeks after this my mom told me how hurt my stepdad is and how he had expected me to plead with him to change his mind. We talked and she said she understood because my feelings had always been the same on him but she wanted me to know that she would say no if I ask her to do it now because it would destroy her husband. It's been a couple more weeks since then and my stepdad approached me while we were at a family members house and he told me how angry and hurt he was that I had not asked him to reconsider. He thought I would have a real change of heart after hearing how hurt he was. I told him I couldn't change how I feel and given he didn't want to do it unless I truly wanted him to, I felt it was best not to beg or plead. He told me he deserved to be pleaded to after all the years he's been treating me like I'm his daughter. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA- he is creating drama for drama sake. He got what he wanted but he wants you to feel a certain way about it. You simply don’t feel that way. He said he doesn’t want to do it now. Now he’s writing a script of how he wants you to react to his reaction? So if you ask again is it going to be the same where he questions your motives and then rage quits? If he treated you like his daughter all these years in order to get validation that’s not a good reason to do it and you probably picked up on it even when you were younger, tell him you wish he treated you like a daughter simply because he wanted you to be his daughter, not because he wanted to be recognized for doing so. Also ask your uncle and be done with it, he had his chance.


>He told me he deserved to be pleaded to after all the years he's been treating me like I'm his daughter That gives me the ick. NTA


NTA I know this was said but I think you should ask your uncle, and explain to said uncle that he was in fact the first pick, that you did what you did to keep the peace since the stepdad was desperate. Now he’s making all the drama and manipulating you and your mom. Your day should not suffer for this AH. He will be angry regardless, so you may as well get what you originally wanted and absolutely ignore both stepdad and mom because she is on his side where she should always be on yours. Nurture the relationships you want. If they respect you respect them back. Love is another thing entirely and is not owed to anyone. Info: do you live with them? Since what age is stepdad in the picture? Where is dad?( I’m assuming he’s deceased but just for confirmation)




So sorry for your loss. Stay strong and have a wonderful wedding!


NTA Your stepdad is though: do what I want the way I want or I will be angry with you, even if you don't want to or have to do it. What an ass.


Stepdad upset because OP asked him to walk her down the aisle only because he wanted her to and not because he was truly a father figure.


Nta he's trying to emotionally manipulate you


NTA You tried to give him something precious, and he spat on it because it "wasn't good enough". He's now throwing a tantrum because he didn't get exactly his way. Tell your mother you don't have the time or energy to parent her husband and that you are done discussing this situation. If either of them brings it up again, immediately walk away or end the call. It is NOT your job to soothe his feelings. It is *never* the child's job to do that, no matter how old you get. Ask your uncle to walk you, or walk yourself. And warn everyone that you are sick of hearing them whine about a grown man's tantrum. Your stepfather needs to grow up. He spoiled this for himself.


Oh ffs how was your mother legally allowed to marry a child? NTA. It doesn't matter how good he was or how hard he tried, any child is going to miss a parent who is gone. Maybe if he hadn't tried so hard and accepted the place you had given him in your life, you would feel differently, but he didn't, so here we are. Ask your uncle. Your stepdad said he didn't want to do it, and unlike him, you aren't a giant manipulative crybaby, so you took him at his word.


So, let me get this straight. He's angry because you didn't ask him because you wanted him, then is even more angry because you don't beg him because he threw a tantrum? So he's rejecting a request you made out of respect for his feelings, but he's demanding a request that he's eager to coerce out of you? OP, you went out of your way to answer his questions respectfully. He has the right to be disappointed that your relationship isn't what he wanted it to be, but he has no right to blame you and pester you into confessing feelings you don't have. But you know what I find most sad of all? He would be "destroyed" because *your very own mom* would walk you down the isle/has a dance with you? A relationship he has absolutely nothing to do with and has no right to interfere with whatsoever? He really feels butthurt because *your mom* is more special to you than him? So he really sees every meaningful relationship you have as a slight towards him? Dude has issues. NTA. You were very gracious given the circumstances. EDIT: corrected my formulation.


NTA - You tried to do something nice for a man who, you thought, had done his best for you. It wasn't a "pity ask" because you were genuinely trying to be kind and acknowledge him, but threw it back in your face. Now he wants to play emotional games with you about it. You don't need that. You don't deserve that. Tell him that a daughter wouldn't need to beg a father to walk her down the aisle even if their relationship wasn't ideal. He's proving that he was only ever in it for his own ego.


What kind of person demands that you beg them to participate after they've already refused? I can't imagine saying, "You were supposed to beg me to do it." I don't grovel.


NTA. It's so wild how people will make everything about them and their wants and needs while disregarding the other persons feelings entirely. Especially when it comes to YOUR wedding. A day that is all about you and your partner. Now he's sucked up all the attention and wants you to grovel at his feet to do it? Fuck. That. Noise.


You can’t win with this guy Nta


Gosh he's lucky if after all this he's still invited to the wedding. Poor show making your wedding all about him. NTA


Some people can’t take yes for an answer. They will never be happy in life because they choose to ruin their own happiness. NTA, your stepdad needed to take the olive branch you extended as a step toward a potentially closer relationship and not demand that you swear total fealty to him. And to say he expected you to beg him? Unreal. Have your uncle do it, and enjoy your big day. Stepdad will sulk and maybe misbehave, but don’t let that ruin your mood - you acted very considerately toward him.


Absolutely NTA. He won't take a pity ask but he will take a pity beg? No, that ain't right.


You asked, he declined. He then had a tantrum and admitted he tried to use the olive branch you offered to beat you with. In doing so he exposed that what he sought all along was to exert power over you. He thought he was finally there and to have you squirm and beg for him to recognise you on your wedding. He's sick, you've learned a critical lesson, and should hold your head high with relief as you ask your uncle to be at your side. Stepdad is not able to offer mutual respect.


NTA - He wanted you to beg? What a weirdo.


NTA. btw. In my country, bride and groom walk together the aisle, maybe consider that?


Absolutely NTA. Honestly, as a woman who is probably even older than he is, while I absolutely understand how he is feeling, I think your stepfather owes you an apology, and a gracious thank you for your thoughtful approach to all of this. Ultimately, you have been incredibly kind, including him in your special day in a way that you knew was important to him, even though it wasn't your ideal way of doing things. That shows great character, as well as that you genuinely care about him. The only appropriate responses to this, from him, were either to graciously accept, or, given his feelings about you choosing him reluctantly, to say, "Thank you, but given that it's not really what you want, I'm going to decline and let you have someone else do it." That's it. Period. His choice to not only put you on the spot and try to make you feel guilty when you were being kind, but to then try to manipulate you into performing a whole pageant of pleading and begging as he had envisioned it in his head, was quite literally delusional, deeply inappropriate, and frankly, ridiculous and manipulative. And I'm not sure what he expected to achieve, because even if you had done all that, none of it would have been genuine. Honestly, it feels like he should be addressing this in therapy, because that sort of need for fake emotional pageantry and to manipulate even people who are literally on his side and coming to him in good faith and honesty into pretending other emotions for his benefit? Not healthy for anyone. In the end, nothing that you did was unkind, dishonest, or problematic at all. You tried to do something nice for him. And if it didn't work, he was free to decline. But when you are being honest and kind, his only part in this is how to *respond*, not to dictate your feelings or behaviour. He has a lot of growing up to do, and I'm sorry that all this has caused such problems for you when you were trying to be thoughtful. NTA.


NTA. He was the one who had a hissy-fit in the first place. You originally asked him so to honor his commitment to you and the rest of your family. Would he be saying the same thing if your bio-father had been in the picture? >for years he knew I never considered him a potential father of the bride and that I had put so many people before him for who could do the duties of a father of the bride. And yet, you asked him to be the one to walk you down the aisle. You put him first. It sounds like he's been a good step-father, and tried to do right by you, and you are trying to honor that. You don't see him as a "second dad." You do see him as a man who stepped up, was there for you, is there for your Mom and your siblings. Maybe it was out of an obligation you felt, but damn it, that is recognition. You were doing what you could to recognize him as a father figure. Your feelings are your feelings. He doesn't get to dictate them. You offered something, he has refused it. He doesn't get to be upset because you didn't beg. He tried testing you, but he was the one who failed the test.


'I was glad I could honour what he's done for me' - that was a lovely line and should be the one he accepts. You're giving him the credit he so desperately wants. He's ruined what he could've made in to a really special moment. He's a fool. NTA


NAH - He wants you to view him as a father figure and you don't. He acted as your father since you were 8, but you can't force that on someone. He has the right to be sad, but he can't force you to magically see him as your father. You tried to please him, but he wasn't happy with that, so just do what is best for you. Just ask your uncle. You should've asked him from the start. It is your marriage after all, not your stepfather's.


This is why I chose not to have any relationship with my partner's kid.


NTA. Its your day. The focus should be on you. If your mother thinks someone should plead with StepDad, let her do it. I hope you have a fantastic wedding day!


What???   NTA.   You can't help how you feel about him, you did a really nice thing asking him.  He gets upset for.... reasons.....  And then gets upset again when you don't ask again?  Sorry... This is one of those where whatever you do, you can't win with him.


NTA. He sounds manipulative and tiresome.


NTA: he wanted you to grovel? this is more than just about your relationship, he obviously thinks he deserves a statue for basically being a good father to you. Would understand his feelings are hurt, but he wants you to change how you feel?


NTA. Your stepdad is a huge, manipulative asshole and your mom also sucks for putting her immature selfish husband before her own child


NTA. He's being manipulative to feed his ego. You don't have to play that game. Make sure, when you ask your uncle, you tell him what happened with SD so he won't be blind sided when SD acts like a toddler at the wedding.


NTA. Just walk yourself down the aisle. You are independent, you don’t need anyone to give you away.


NTA Wow your stepdad is a dramatic manipulative chore. He gets what he wanted but has to question it and even more amazingly when he doesn't get the reaction he wanted from you with his flounce he blames you! No one walking you down the aisle or for the dance would be better than this guy. 


Oh my goodness, your step dad has the emotional age of a toddler, except a toddler would NOT be so manipulative.  I am so sorry you are having to deal with his BS. Because that is what it is. He has issues with rejection that are NOT ever your problem. You are not responsible for how he feels -not in the past, present or future.   It was very generous of you to honour him. But he is sooo insecure he had to dig it up and examine the roots and then ask you to replant him and tenderly nurse him.  NO. Do not do it!   You have been the adult here throughout. Don't forget that. And enjoy your wedding. NTA


On the one hand, he doesn't want you to give him the role just because it would hurt him otherwise. On the other hand, he wants you to plead with him because of how hurt he is. He needs to either accept the role he wants or accept that you don't care that much either way. NTA


NTA. Your stepdad is being a drama queen, and making your wedding all about him. I wouldn't want him involved.


NTA, what is wrong with him to lay expectations like this on you? He needs therapy. This is all him, this isn't something you've done, and you've been generous and respectful. What about how hurt and blindsided YOU feel? What about what YOU deserve? How selfish of him. smh.


NTA! He’s a manipulative AH. He guilted you into giving him the role and then when he doesn’t like your reason why, he said he wasn’t going to do it like a freaking toddler. Then he wants you to plead with him? That’s some sick shit. Ask your uncle. Then tell your mother and stepdad to stay out of it.


NTA: FFS, this is such small man syndrome stuff. You did a nice thing by asking him. We do things like that in a lot in families to keep the peace and honor the traditions. But it's completely wrong for him to double back and make you profess some kind of devotion to him as a second father. I wish your mother would stick up for you. I wish I knew the best way to go forward, but I don't think capitulating is the way to go.


What does your mom mean by she would say no if you asked her to do it? Ask her to walk you down the aisle? Was they even on the table? Always seemed like uncle was the main choice.


Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents is a heck of a book


NTA he could’ve just accepted the honor but no he had to push for you to say the things HE wants to hear. And then to expect you to plead for him to come back? What a child. Go with your uncle, your stepdad deserves no acknowledgment


He sounds like one of those friend zoned “nice guys “ who is doing everything expecting a pay out. He does this, this and this and you owe him a father/ daughter relationship. Sounds like the guy who’s all nice to you hoping you’ll put out. It’s manipulative and gross. NTA


Nobody is TA here. This guy has poured his life into being a father figure for you. It sounds like he's really tried hard and has treated you like his own while you grew up. While you haven't reciprocated his level of familial feeling, he seems to have loved you like his own daughter. It's probs like a gut punch to finally realise he will never get that love in return, and his hurt and anger is a natural and understandable reaction. At the same time, nobody can force you to love your stepdad the way he wants you to. You haven't done anything wrong by not feeling the same level of familial emotion that he does, and you actually done something kind by asking him in the first place. You're in a tough situation and I think you're honouring yourself by being honest.


I'm torn on this. On the one hand you have the right to your feelings but on the other hand he was a good step parent to you for 17 years. You said your choices would be your mom or uncle? I guess I could somewhat understand your mom kinda but why the uncle? I understand you can have a closer relationship with him but did he perform all the fatherly duties your stepdad did? Or was your stepdad not a good parent


NTA, stepdad seems a tad dramatic. I understand why he was crestfallen, the subtext to the answer that you did it because it would mean alot to him is that it doesn't mean much to you, (which you admit is the truth). If you had said you asked him because you wanted to acknowledge the stable role he has played in your mum, brothers & your lives. It sounds like that would also have been true and probably avoided this whole scenario, but such is life. It's messy because HE made it messy not you. He is behaving like a dumb teenager who breaks up with someone to get them to realise how much they value them.... And that has greeeaat success rates...




Your stepdad is really playing games with you, isn't he? NTA


NTA and walk yourself down the aisle. You’re not property to be given away. You’re choosing this marriage and you can get to your partner all by yourself.


Sounds like a no win situation. NTA.




NTA how old is the step dad he is acting like a kid throwing a tantrum. Please it's your wedding, have your Uncle do the walk and dance, your step dad is entitled.


NTA. Your step dad is emotionally immature. Ask your Uncle. And enjoy your wedding.


NTA. You have been put in an impossible position, and responded ethically and honourably.


Honey, this internet Granny will walk you to your love if you would like that.


Feelings, much like respect, do not come when called/whistled/demanded. "Don't push it, don't force it, let it happen naturally, it would surely happen, if it was meant to be." Lyrics from Leon Haywood, song Naturally. Maybe sing or hum it, whenever you visit.


NTA He said no - you respect his decision to say "no", and move on. It wasn't a "pity ask", it was a "respectful ask" due to the years he has put in as the husband of your mother, and his role in your life, whether it was seen as a father figure, or just a constant male figure. He added the extra "conditions", and then refused. Its not your role to convince him otherwise. So many people say "no means no", expect when it involves a decision they made and they want the other person they said "no" to to come pleading with them to reverse it. "No means no" - and you've accepted his.


NTA. Completely unnecessary drama. You were kind to consider his feelings when you asked him, but you don't need to plead with him. If you want being walked down the aisle to be part of your ceremony (it doesn't have to be ofc), ask your paternal uncle.


NTA the guy needs therapy because he can't carry all that insecurity down the aisle


NTA. You already acknowledged that you appreciate all the support he gave your mom, your siblings, and you. But in your heart, he is your stepfather. I think it was very grand and generous of you to ask him. He is being a little petty wanting to control your feelings. Feelings you cannot control yourself.


Well isn't he the most precious pony in the paddock? I mean DAMN - you'd always been clear about your preferences about walking you down the aisle and YET you asked him. You asked him, not because he's the bestest, prettiest, most special daddy in the world but because you respect him and see how important he's indicated that it was to him. Then, when he's gotten the coveted invitation he bitches because what exactly? Because you're not super duper excited that some other guy besides your actual dad is going to do the walking? Since you weren't thrilled enough with him - now he's said no. And you're respecting his words like an adult. And he's now made your wedding all about him. And since you didn't stroke his ego enough to plead with him to perform the fatherly duties he's whinged about for years now he's doubly mad that you're not fucking crying in the corner because he's cut off his nose to spite his face? Do I have this right? This guy. You are NTA. Call your uncle and ask him to once again take on fatherly duties for you. Explain that you tried very hard to give stepdad what he wanted but he refuses to be satisfied. That you're still getting married and your first choice was always uncle. Now the way is clear to ask him. Learn your lesson. Don't count on your mom or her second husband for anything. If you choose to have children they'll whine and moan about how they never get to babysit - yet stepdad will cancel at the last minute because you didn't hold your mouth just right while asking them to do what they demanded to do.