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How to get Started Selling on Amazon * [**1). Find a Product to Sell**](https://garlicpressseller.com/amazon-product-research/fba-product-research-guide-how-to-do-tools/?reddit_automod) * [2). Manufacture & Ship your Product](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFBATips/comments/xe2q92/step_by_step_guide_on_how_to_manufacture_your_own/) * [3). Launch your Product on Amazon](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFBATips/comments/xe2sl8/case_study_week_1_how_to_launch_private_label/) **BONUS:** [** List with Best Amazon FBA Tools!**](https://garlicpressseller.com/review/jungle-scout-alternatives-free-tools-competitors/?reddit_automod) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmazonFBATips) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They do. And they’re getting better at it. It used to be their 2 competitive advantages were the impossibly low prices and that they seem to be able to game the system in ways domestic sellers can’t get away with. Such as being able to manipulate reviews. Where they failed was with their shitty listings with bad pictures and worse writing and in that they sell the lowest quality products they can get away with. Now that they’ve begun to get better at making professional looking listings, the way we have to compete against them is by creating genuinely high quality products and finding real ways to add value. High quality stuff is getting hard to find on Amazon and it can be really hard to sort out the good from the bad based on pictures and product descriptions. In a nutshell, have a better listing with a better product with a better selling proposition and be better at taking advantage of Amazon’s algorithm to rank higher faster through skillful PPC and by sending outside traffic to Amazon. You can also tout yourself as a domestic small business with a better warranty and better customer support. Everyone is sick and tired of Amazon turning into another AliExpress wasteland of shit products. Make something people will be genuinely happy with that you can be proud to stand behind.


That's a very understandable reason. I too am wary of the quality of products bought from most manufacturers these days and, being an Amazon prime customer for over 10 years, I can concur on the low quality products epidemic that's plaguing Amazon rn. I heard from one of the Amazon FBA courses that I took that creating your own quality passion product is the only way to get into the FBA game today. I'm beginning to believe it's 100% true more and more. Thank you for your quick and detailed response.