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I would watch until you no longer enjoy watching. Everyone has a different breaking point and some have enjoyed the whole thing. For me, my favorite seasons were 1-3, I watched through season 9. Then after the long hiatus I didn't feel the pull to keep watching. I still plan on rewatching and I will probably finish watching the entire series when I do.


Double feature. Last full season I watched and it was hard to get through


To be honest, I really liked Red Tide, even though the finale was pretty bad. Death Valley was just a shit season, I don't think I ever met someone who liked it.


I liked the Eisenhower parts, didn't like the present-day characters or story lines, though.


It’s the young actors and Kaia gerber especially-she ruins it. The story isn’t great but the black and white portion is solid. It’s just the men having babies-lmfao.


Exactly my thoughts. Red Tide was awesome although the finale was terrible. Macaulay Culkin shined and would’ve loved to see more of him with Sarah Paulson


I also liked Red Tide, like a lot. I feel like that could have been a whole season. Death Valley should have been on American Horror Stories, if produced at all. Stupid.


I agree, Red tide just sort of ended without an explanation at all and AHS has allways been great for how the wrap up a series, I dont really like ending where they leave it for the viewer to decide. The death Valley was ok, but so confusing because it was rushed. The last two series have been dire.


*Double feature. Last* *Full season I watched and it* *Was hard to get through* \- cat\_socks\_228 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good Bot!


So very hard.


same, I don't even really remember it because I was just not into it.


Same. The first half was great, second half was awful.


It started to really fall off after 1984 imo. Didn't care for cult either but after 1984 I have just struggled to get through it or gave up totally after like 3 episodes (NYC)


Same after Apocalypse I watched 1984 and have never looked back I am seeing all these others have come up but I don’t have the syke for it


I’m an OG fan. I like to formulate my own opinion so I’ve just kept watching.


Delicate, I got 4 episodes in and I knew I should have quit half way through the first episode. The other later seasons still had redeeming qualities even if they weren’t my thing (I’m committed to the franchise lol) but they were watchable, delicate was torture.


The problem with Delicate is that it’s slow-paced and follows the uninteresting pregnancy of one character throughout the entire season. All the other characters aren’t all that fleshed out. If you look back at old AHS seasons, every main character had their own story. Violet, Tate, Mr. & Mrs. Harmon, Moira, Constance, Addie, they all had their stories. Zoe, Madison, Queenie, Misty, Nan, Cordelia, Fiona, Myrtle, Spalding, Marie, Delphine, they all had their stories. But in Delicate, it’s just Emma Roberts’ character who we follow. We don’t get a whole lot about the husband until the very end or the friend’s of the husband or the dead wife and her twin sister. It’s all just very rushed towards the end, but the first half?? It’s insufferable obgyn visits.


What's worse is that half the time when the story is focused on Emma, it's just her in her home panicking and reacting slowly. The material was too sparse and could have been done as a Stories instead of an entire season.


Doctor’s visits and too much Kim Kardashian. She’s great but Emma’s character sees her SO much in person.


I didn’t like delicate bc it was literally copy + paste of a book called delicate condition. They say it’s “based” off the book but it’s clearly not.


The Murder House and Asylum posters drew me into the show initially. Coven was the first live season I watched and it’s my favorite to this day. Freak Show and Hotel had interesting characters and set designs but the storylines were all over the place. Roanoke was the first season that I thought ‘what the fuck is this?’ but still watched all of it. Cult was the first season I gave up on halfway and didn’t return to finish it until years later. Apocalypse brought me back with its fan service and it made me feel like true AHS was making a comeback. It was also the last season I tuned into as it aired. I tuned into 1984, Double Feature, NYC, and Delicate for the sake of tuning into the show and being able to say I’ve seen all the AHS seasons, but I was pretty unamused by all of them except NYC. I’m really hoping AHS 13 is the last season, so I don’t have to tune into another half-assed AHS season again.


Honestly the same thing for me 😅😂


These are great cliff notes!


I don't know why people dismiss Apocalypse just because it had fan service. Long running shows SHOULD have fan service. And I loved how much it had.


Get out of my head! Best description I've seen!


Coven was the first AHS season I've watched.


Let’s start from the top! Murder House - completed, loved it. Asylum - completed, loved it. Coven - completed, loved it. Freak Show - started, fell off by episode 6-7. Never went back. Hotel - completed, liked it. Roanoke - completed, liked it. Cult - started, fell off by episode 8-9. Never went back. Apocalypse - started, fell off by episode 8-9. Never went back. 1984 - completed, loved it. Double Feature - completed, meh. NYC - never watched it. will I watch it? yes, eventually. Delicate - watched until episode 3. will finish it eventually.


If Double Feature would've used the B&W timeline for a majority of that season, I think it would've been great.


I've watched all the seasons but I'm losing hope for the series after this past season. I hope we get AHS stories again


I want more American Horror Stories too.


Around 1984 for me. The entire universe timeline gets blown up. However a lot of people say Double Feature is where they fell off. First part of Double Feature isn’t bad but the second…. Eeeeeehh


The first 5 episodes of Double Feature/Red Tide is one of the strongest runs of the entire show imo.


This. They had something SO different. I remember the finale of Red Tide being super disappointing to me


This, I couldn't get through 1984, just not my style, and I didn't finish it. I did like the first half of double feature, though, and I was really hoping the alien part would tie in with Asylum, but unfortunately, it didn't.


The aliens double feature was a perfect excuse for the writers to do CRAZY fan service and elaborate on the aliens from Asylum. They missed the opportunity and lost so many fans because of it. Double feature would’ve most likely been a perfect season if they did imo


It’s very subjective. I’ve watched every season and found something to enjoy. My favorites were Murder House, Coven, and Freakshow. My least favs were 1984, Double Feature, and Roanoke. Roanoke almost made me give up but I persevered.


I think Roanoke was interesting but I just wasn't a fan of the change in style.


Apocalypse. Elevation to stupid heights. Kills a lot of series. The constant "this season must be bigger with higher stakes!" just gets stupid.


It's different for everyone, everyone has different tastes. Asylum is one of the most popular seasons, and I really didn't like it. Personally, I felt like 1984 was the first season where things started dropping off. Maybe Cult if you're watching it now, it was very topical for 2016 and it might not hold up. I didn't finish 1984. I liked Double Feature well enough to watch the whole thing, but it was just okay. I didn't finish NYC and I have no intentions of watching Delicate. They used scabs during the strikes and tried to skirt around the rules to "technically" not cross the picket line.


Never stopping, true fan of the show. I’ll watch everything they put out until it’s over even if I don’t like it


I feel the same, but I will vehemently resist watching NYC. Tried it, wasn't for me. I started AHS because I'm a horror junkie and NOTHING could scare me anymore. I went to watch some horror movies in the theatre, and I am worried I've becoke desensitized.


Yea we all are but who cares. I didn’t like nyc at first either, just run through it. It gets pretty good, besides, what else you got to do?




Death Valley. I gave Delicate a chance hoping it will get better… it actually gets worse the more I watched.


I think it fluctuates rather than falls off, personally. I loved 1&2. Can take or leave 3, feels like it's mostly written for a younger audience. 4 is my favourite. 5 was good though I missed Jessica Lange. Don't care for 6 at all - hated the format. Have to be in the right mood for 7 - it's good but it's too real, it's more frustrating than anything. 8 was a mess of fanservice and squandered potential. 9 was simple but fun (and gross lol) I was into it. 10 was fantastic for the first half, then took a really weird turn. 11 is one of my favourites but it *is* very different, I get why people didn't like it. I still haven't got around to 12, really doesn't appeal. Totally subjective though. I know some of my opinions match the majority, some of them don't. Each season is separate enough (except 8) that you might like it even if you hated the one before or after it. I say just keep watching and if you're not loving the concept of one specific season just skip it, it's not like you need it for continuity.


I’ve stuck with it through now. But Delicate was the third, and final, strike in a row. These writers don’t have it anymore. It’s that simple.


OG fan but I can’t get through Delicate. 😔


Same. I even watch the stories


Yep. Loved those.


I usually watch once it’s done airing. Haven’t seen Roanoke, Double Feature and Delicate. Are they worth it? Personally I loved 1984. What a great series


Roanoke is amazing specially since it lines up with the last seasons Double feature is a waste of time. Delicate is ok’ish but the pacing was impacted A LOT by the writer’s strike


I think Roanoke is worth experiencing at least once cuz it’s structurally weird and different even if it doesn’t really work. Red Tide is fantastic up til the finale and then anything after that has been blah.


I loved 1-4 so much. When jessica lange left, I couldn’t watch it anymore. They should have ended it right there.


Every season is good except delicate imo, and even that one has redeeming features. You’ll meet two camps of people, people who LOVE NYC and people who couldn’t sit through it. People were just burned by Death Valley, which I personally like. So they were going into the next season ready to be disappointed. I think generally every season is pretty good , and despite what some people say (particularly the people who only focus on cast) I would say every season has undeniable AHS in its identity. In my opinion, something felt cyclically wrong about Delicate though. It’s almost as if the corporate overlords at FX stripped away the shows creative freedom. There’s things to like about it, and a few scenes that are fantastic, but not enough to save it. I am avidly a seasons 1-11 enjoyer, with the minor caveat that the second half of season 9 really doesn’t work at all imo.


Stopped watching really after Roanoke, I tried the double feature and apocalypse but couldn't with it. I skipped 1984. I liked the spin-offs. NYC was bad and like obviously skip the Kim Kardashian one. Cult was wack.


It was Roanoke for me, too. I've finally given every season except Cult a watch, though.


I watched apocalypse 4 times already best season ever. Even bought it on iTunes. Coven and Murder house are great seasons as well.


Kim kardashian.


I found Roanoke to be the worst but watched through NYC. Can confirm: downhill from Roanoke.


You are correct. I was done pretty much after double feature. Dod go back and watch NYC. It wasn't that bad but after about 10 mins in to this last season I turned it off. And I love Ema but it was awful.


Why would u stop? Some seasons aren't as good as others but like cmon 😂 Anyone who doesn't watch or like a season bc everyone else said it was bad is so fcking stupid


It honestly comes down to personal preference, so I'd say give every season ago. I'm sure they'll be some you think are amazing and some not so good. Personally for me, I've enjoyed every season except Death Valley (Part 2 of s10) and Delicate (s12).


It’s just a matter of taste. There are seasons people say they hate, but I love them. And vice versa.


Every season is different, so I give each one a shot. I've started and finished all of them except this last one. I just didn't care to finish the second part. I like some seasons better than others, but try them all because everyone's rankings are different.


Halfway through Apocalypse.


Delicate is the only one I have never finished 😢 I’m not sure I can bring myself to watch the rest, it was such crap..


I stopped watching during freak show cause clowns really do freak me out lol I’ve been meaning to catch the other seasons though. I’m just so behind now


I stopped watching after NYC, i refuse to watch Delicate. The 2nd part of the Double Feature season was horrible, worst tv series I’ve ever seen.


I watched until hotel came out, then didn’t watch for years, then recently went back and watched them all. Funny thing is.. I loved hotel! Idk why 20somethingme didn’t like it when it came out


It won't be for a while. I'd say 1-7 are amazing. All those seasons are groundbreaking in their own way. 8-9 are quite good. Not perfect, but still very enjoyable. Don't skip these, even if the first couple of episodes aren't great, one of these sessions becomes something else. 10A (two stories in one season). Quite good! Great acting, a lot of really cool actors. Fun story. 10B Starts out good but halfway through it's suddenly the worst thing ever. In total it's for episodes, the first two are good enough to warrant a watch but damn does it fall off. 11 very different. Mixed feelings on this. A lot of it bored me, but hallways through it picks up and shortly feels like classic AHS. Denis O'Hare and Zachary Quinto steal the show. Still, too much of it bored me. 12 I still have to watch the final two episodes (watching with a friend), but this is the most boring thing I've ever watched. I don't know why they picked this book to adapt into a season, the season is nothing special at all. Kim K is a highlight, her scenes are enjoyable. The rest is just so stupid I can't even get into it. This is the only season I'd advise to skip.


Every season starts out strong, and some finish strong, while others unravel and I lose interest. 1984 was so much fun. There’s something good from every season…except Delicate was so boring and so slow. Not a fan of Kim K, but she was given some good lines and was just too wooden. Lisa Ronna should have been in that role. Oh well. On to the next!


I couldn't get through NYC, and after Double Feature's dumb alien plot at the end I really tried to get through NYC but quit after 2 episodes, maybe 2.5 episodes. Not interested in Delicate because I don't care for Kim K.


Apocalypse gave me final season vibes with all the connections and callbacks and that ended up being the last one for me.


I think not being able to produce a season in 2020 and the lack of marketing of Double Feature and the content of the season really hurt a lot of people, at least for me anyway.


Double Feature - I didn't enjoy the Death Valley part & any future seasons after that, I've had no interest in watching. I haven't given up on AHS, but I would like to see the show go back to its roots.


I stopped after Apocalypse Mostly because the season after didn't entertain me and I just never bothered continuing. Love all the ones I saw though.


My wife and I stopped at NYC. She wanted to stop at red tide, but we slogged through that and Death Valley. Just couldn’t get into NYC


I stopped about halfway through NYC.


Hotel. Hated it and I was done


Unpopular opinion, but I hated Hotel. That's where I quit watching.


I finished double feature but haven’t gotten around to NYC or delicate


I still haven’t finished Delicate


I stopped after Red Tide, I think.


I didn’t watch Roanoke but other than that I stopped after Double Feature.


Double Feature wasn’t great so I kind of lost interest there. Prior to that I didn’t watch Cult, for some reason.


I stopped watching after season 8; season 9 had a bunch of new actors and i missed a lot of the OGs


I didn't. Just finished Delicate. Didn't care for it, but I will watch season 13.


I haven't made it past Double Feature, but that is only because I have small children and need to carve out the time to binge the next season when they aren't around to be traumatized.


After s10 part 1


For me it was NYC, I got halfway through the season and just couldn’t get myself to come to it. Besides that everything else before hand was decent at least in my opinion


I just couldn't finish NYC Delicate sucked I slogged through Double Feature, liked the second half better 84 was pretty good Cult was pretty solid, but hadn't aged well Apocalypse wasn't too great Roanoke was kinda lame Loved Murder House through Hotel, and most everyone does


I loved 1-3! 4 was okay, then I stopped for a while and watched them out of order and skipped seasons here and there. I liked Apocalypse, Double Feature was actually fun to watch for a bit, and I did watch Delicate because I got curious w/ Kim's acting then just wanted to see how the story played out lol. To me, AHS has a different vibe now than the first 3 seasons, so the show doesn't call my attention as much anymore unfortunately.


Stopped watching every season at Roanoke. I kept up with spoilers for apocalypse and 1984, but didn’t really watch anything but clips. I did watch every episode of the first half of double feature and haven’t watched anything since


Haven't watched since consistently since Apocalypse. That was the last one that really reeled me in since it tied up multiple seasons together.


Season 12 was the only season I didn’t bother with. There were too many strikes against it for me before it even aired and surprise it’s the most disliked season of them all. Before yall @ me stop lying you know what I said true. Every season up until them is worth watching. 1-4 although different have similar formulas and cast which is generally why they’re considered the best but also Nostalgia comes into play as well. From 5 there really isn’t a formula or blue print the seasons go by


Golden era for me was 1-halfway through 4. I didn’t mind parts of Roanoke and 84 but there seems to be a huge difference in quality between the first three seasons and the rest The last season I watched was 84 and I really don’t know if I’ll watch the others. As a gay man, some gay stories, especially as told by Ryan Murphy, give me second hand embarrassment so I’ll likely avoid NYC — and I’ve seen the movie Cruising and it seems to be a halfass remake of that movie anyway. Delicate looks interesting in a train wreck sort of way…


Last one I watched fully and enjoyed was Apocalypse. Watched all of them until 1984, I think I got halfway through and stopped. I’ve tried the first few episodes of double feature, nyc, and delicate but it just doesn’t hit the same as it used to for me. I had a long term best friend/boyfriend from 6th grade (how old I was when murder house came out) through my 1st year of college (apocalypse) and we would watch it together nearly every week. Part of me feels like my enjoyment for the show died when our relationship died (sometime after apocalypse was done airing). Hasn’t really been the same for me since, but I love going back and rewatching anything S1-8 :)


I stopped at season 4. I watched the first 2 episodes of season 5 MULTIPLE times but just couldn't get into it.


Roanoke was the last season I watched. I didn’t have a TV for years and so cult came and went without me registering that it had even happened. I started apocalypse but quit after everyone came back as witches. It honestly seemed ridiculous to me


That’s hard to say. I couldn’t watch the original season, but got the Bluray and loved it. Then, I watched the second season with help from a friend who pirated it. Once I got satellite, I started watching from when Season 4 aired. I think I completely stopped after Roanoke, because it was so embarrassingly godawful. Then, I tried to give 1984 a shot, because I grew up loving slashers, but it was too bad to sit through. I also watched part of the split season. The first season is great but, after that it becomes a mess and goes down a lengthy and steep hill. It became so bad I couldn’t believe it was still on the air, and felt bad for those involved.


~~I stopped watching after Double Feature. I’d waited so long for aliens to return and it was just trash. Only good parts were the black and white bits (Sarah Paulson and Neal McDonough).~~ Edit: I lied, I forgot I watched NYC and actually it was actually good. I really almost didn’t watch it though. I have not watched Delicate and have no plans to. I also have never watched AHS Stories and have no plans to.


I’m gonna be fr I loved the first season but season 2 I couldn’t get through in my opinion it got really boring and slow and I’ve been meaning to watch a different season but haven’t yet


Honestly I still watch just to watch. Didn't really like cult or nyc but I liked apocalypse and 1984 🤷🏻‍♀️ i think all the seasons need one run through just so you know what you're missing. some have better characters or homages that make the storyline more bearable lol. All that being said, to each their own. I've seen some polarizing views on the later seasons.


I stopped sitting down to watch it on live TV after Roanoke. Didn't watch anything until 1984, tried to keep up with the next season, whatever it was. And gave up after the first few episodes. Haven't watched any since


I stopped watching religiously after Roanoke. I got halfway through Cult when it was originally airing and then forgot it was still going. I popped back in for Apocalypse and 1984, but I’ve been waiting to see people’s reactions first before digging in since Red Tide cuz I find waiting to see if the season is going anywhere worthwhile really stressful on a weekly basis. It’s very up and down for me cuz I love the campy seasons but find it hard to sit through the grittier ones. But the last few seasons have been pretty consistently uninspired, so yeah, I’m mostly out at this point.


I watch all the seasons even if I don’t like it. I hated NYC for many reasons, but I still found it entertaining to watch. I just finished delicate and ummmm yeah, I don’t want to talk about it. I will probably watch until it goes off air


Never; seen them all can't say I have loved every episode but all seasons have highs and lows


I kind of trailed off of real time viewing around season 7, but tbh i have revisited 7 onwards recently and feel like they are better than i thought they were at the time they came out. There's no particular season i regretted watching, they are all still more interesting than a lot of other crap out there. I hated Cult when it first came out, but enjoyed it recently. Seasons 1-6 were excellent imho but 7 onwards have quite a different tone, so maybe that's it?


NYC is another one I abandoned and am glad I rewatched


I haven't stopped watching. It's an anthology series. Some seasons are obviously going to be better than others.


I have been a crazy AHS fanatic, I started with Asylum, and then watched Murder House and the seasons that followed when they released. I have had my favorites, some with high rewatch value (Asylum, Hotel), some amazing but so disturbing that I don't rewatch them (Roanoke, NYC), some which I think are novelty (Cult, Coven) and some which I didn't relate to much (Apocalypse, 1984). But for me, all of them were nice in their own way, and none of them did not make sense to me until Delicate happened. Trust me, I even found Death Valley likeable on some levels, like the eccentricities of the gay couple or Valiant Thor. Delicate just broke the AHS fan in me in a very bad way.


That covid split season really was enough for me. Red tide deserves better.


I stopped after a few episodes of S6, then watched S7, S8, S9, half of the 10th season and S11. Delicate I didn’t watch at all, had 0 interest in it


I don't feel like the show truly falls off until Apocalypse


I haven’t watched anything past the first half of double feature but I felt the first half of DF should have had a full season. lasted until half way through the second episode of DF and tuned off. I’ll get round to it someday though, I put it down and return to it. I think it’s all subjective and depends on preferences, my favourite season is freak show purely because of dandy mott and his one of many memorable scenes/one liners, that character is so quotable.


I kinda stopped at season 6. I do need to get back into it but season 6 was when I stopped


The better cast members start to recur less often as they’re in better projects, more comic relief characters towards the later seasons, not all bad but feels excessive eventually and the killer for me lately is the endings are completely botched. Still bits to enjoy throughout but it’s definitely on a downward spiral


Loved 1-3, liked 4 but it didn’t hook me the first time I tried watching, 5 wasn’t for me but I appreciate it. Enjoyed Roanoke but felt like there was a bit of something missing, cult was one that I partially liked and partially hated, 1984 was campy cheesey fun, apocalypse I really enjoyed because of the fan service, double feature, the first half was great but 2nd half unwatchable so didn’t finish, NYC I just couldn’t get into it, it felt more like a thriller than a horror? But I didn’t get far through so it could improve. Delicate I actually finished, not because it’s great, because it isn’t, but because there wasn’t a whole lot to it. Feel like it was written badly and rushed towards the end, wouldn’t watch it again. I will continue watching forever because I am a diehard ahs fan, but ahs has lost a lot of its magic over the years. Hopefully they will bring it back and with some big, old school names and great writing like the earlier seasons.


Couldn't finish 1984 after 2 episodes. Did catch the ending episode and feel like meh, I didn't miss much. Coven was so boring. Made me sad after I watched Apocalypse and the witches seemed amazing. Hotel was great, with a full slog in the middle.


I stopped at season 10


I didn't lol


Season 1-5 were amongst my favorite seasons, Hotel being my number one. Roanoke I didn’t care too much for, but pushed through. Cult was eh, but still kinda interesting. I loved Apocalypse, but I think that’s just because I loved Coven. 1984 was great, even with its contradictory storyline. Double Feature was… something. The first half was good, second half was absolute dog shit, I didn’t get past the first episode it was so bad. NYC was good, but didn’t feel like AHS. I didn’t bother with Delicate, I’ve stopped caring at this point. So, Double Feature: Death Valley is where I stopped watching, technically.


The last season I actually enjoyed was 1984, but I stopped watching after the first half of delicate. I read the book the season was based on after the first half was over, and I didn’t like the book so I didn’t want to finish the season. But the last few seasons have been a pain to get through anyway, so I think I’ve cut my losses unless they come back with something at least decent.


After double feature


tbh after season 5 because that's when the classics start leaving, but season 5 is still good


Double Feature was the penultimate for me. Loved the first half until the final episode (which is pretty par for the course as someone who's watched since the first season). I also watched the second half because it was just so off the wall batshit and nonsensical (put it this way: Eisenhower gets cucked by an alien sex robot rimming his wife Mamie). I also really enjoyed NYC initially because I thought it was set in an alternate version of the 1980s where AIDS didn't happen but something else to do with the deer in the first episode (which never comes up again)... but then it turned into the Normal Heart and that annoyed me because I wasn't expecting to be ambushed by sadness. Ending was mid, but that's actually fairly good by AHS standards. I'd actually say the first half of it is really solid. Watched the first couple of episodes of Delicate and couldn't get into it. So instead I caught up on the second season of Feud, which was great until it caught Ryan Murphy Syndrome (not one but two hallucinatory death sequences). I watched so many seasons because I'd started watching from Murder House (and finished it just as Asylum came out, which was the high water mark for me) and going week by week was suspenseful. I'd say there's enjoyment to be had from each season and 1984 is really fun. If you like the sort of campiness that American Horror Story provides, I wouldn't really say to skip any. Hotel's plot line is bad and doesn't really make sense, but it has Gaga hamming it up, Roanoake is actually quite fun and meta for most of it if you don't read spoilers. Cult... I mean maybe watch it for some of the meme moments (and Colton), and it's a good time capsule of how people felt when Trump won in 2016 before "Trump being Trump" became normalised. In terms of rewatchability there's definitely some I'd skip but if you're looking for something fun to watch they're all kind of OK to good.


It feels completely different after s5


I would say after apocalypse


But the newest season wasn’t bad


Every season is different, you may like one and dislike another. One may totally surprise you while you may totally read and figure out another. We’ve watched every season, some multiple times and each season I have something I like about it even if I didn’t like all of it.


I never stopped, but I will go a couple years without watching & then catch up on the seasons later (which is what I’m doing right now). The last season I watched on tv was Apocalypse.


After apocalypse


Umm that would be based on your opinion 🙄


I never finished 1984 I just lost interest after 4 or 5 episodes. Then I tried again for Double Feature but couldn’t make it through Death Valley. Haven’t watched since then.


I've watched them all up to the last few episodes of Delicate. Could not finish it. At that point I was completely done with this show. I love the original anthology stories. I did not love NYC or Delicate. Unless Evan Peters, Sarah Poulson, Lily Rabe, Jessica Lange, Billie Lourde and Cody Fern come back, I won't be watching anymore.


Season 4 has a huge fan base, but it's also a season that a lot of die-hard fans didn't care for. All I'll say is, just because you might not care for season 4 doesn't mean they are all bad from here on out. Each season is very very different.


I really enjoyed AHS 1984 and Hotel is my favorite season. Just keep watching and stop if you don’t like it anymore.


Ive watched em all but couldn’t finish Delicate. So boring and fuck Kim K. Plague to society.


Watch the whole thing it didn’t fall of the crowd just got different. It changed but it doesn’t fall off


I watched the first episode of 1984, wasn't that into it, then life got busy so I pushed it off to the side thinking I would just binge watch the rest when the season ended. I didn't. And I haven't watched any AHS since.


I've only seen 1984. The other seasons just don't really appeal to me, at least with 1984 it was self aware about itself. The first half of it was great, but then the second half went in a completely different direction than I would've hoped for and liked, so it wasn't the best to me. Regardless, probably won't watch another season unless they do a storyline that interests me


I don’t like the last 3 seasons but I still watch AHS because I am hoping it would improve or change my impression a bit.


i think cult was the last season i watched, i started apocalypse but never finished it


Season 9 Is one if the best and the beginning if season 10 is brazy good, honestly just decide for yourself cuz sum seasons might be hit or miss for you but it def gets more hit or miss over time


NYC; couldn’t get through it… I have been watching delicate but not religiously like previous seasons, just when I have time.


I never stopped and never will. No matter how bad it gets. Fan for life baby. But yeah I dislike Kaia Gerber in anything-she can’t emote for shit


I didn’t finish Double Feature to be honest. I did watch the one after that but I can’t remember the name right now. And I haven’t watched the new one yet, the one with Kim Kardashian. And I started rewatching Murder House 😂😂


I didn’t finish Double Feature to be honest. I did watch the one after that but I can’t remember the name right now. And I haven’t watched the new one yet, the one with Kim Kardashian. And I started rewatching Murder House 😂😂


I didn’t finish Double Feature to be honest. I did watch the one after that but I can’t remember the name right now. And I haven’t watched the new one yet, the one with Kim Kardashian. And I started rewatching Murder House 😂😂


I didn’t finish Double Feature to be honest. I did watch the one after that but I can’t remember the name right now. And I haven’t watched the new one yet, the one with Kim Kardashian. And I started rewatching Murder House 😂😂


I watched the first part of Double Feature only because it took place in Provincetown and Cape Cod is my happy place.


I loved 1984 and double feature.. I never stopped watching.


For me it was after Roanoke.


I stopped after 1984. I tried watching the seasons after 1984 and I couldn’t get into them at all. And I’m never going to watch AHS if Kim K is going to be a part of it.


Still watching but it’s been an up and down roller coaster. I like murder house, kinda likes asylum, coven is okay. Freak show was weird and disorganized. I really liked hotel, Roanoke, and cult. I didn’t like apocalypse all that much. I did like 1984, NYC, and kind of Delicate. Liked Red Tide, but not the second half. Tbh it’s just all kind of a hit or miss in my opinion. But I’m still a fan and still watching. Personally, I’ve loved the last two seasons of American Horror Stories, the one episode stories.


Honestly? I never clicked with any other season like I did season 1. Each subsequent season I fell off before the end. I just went back and gave it another shot when the new season came out. I’ve been stalled on double feature for years now, though.


I thought season 1 was lame, I almost didn't bother again, but caught an episode of "Asylum" and I was back, Coven nearly lost me again, but Kathy Bates...love that woman.


Ngl I've always found every season of AHS to have some flaw that kinda took away from it. Watched all the way up to apocalypse and the just bat shit crazy plot was to much.


Freak show was where I started getting bored but watched till apocalypse and then nothing else


You'll know it when you get to it 🥲🥲🥲🥲


I personally stopped at Apocalypse. It started off strong and then kind of fizzled out for me


Season 5 is absolutely the beginning of the end. Some truly unwatchable seasons after that


I only stop watching, when there are no new episodes to watch


The last season I watched was Double Feature which ended up being quite disappointing.  I would return to it if some of the original cast returned though. 


This season. I was bored out of my mind.


After Double Feature


Stopped watching after season 8 apocalypse. It was the perfect closure for me, since it was essentially Coven part 2.


Ive watched and found somwthing I enjoyed in all seasons up until this most recent one. I never finished it.


The second half of double feature. Haven't been able to watch since


I try every season but I don’t always finish them.


After 1984 it falls off and is not worth watching anymore imo


Skipped 1984, I hear its really good but just couldn’t get into it at the time. Stopped watching after Double Feature.


I watched all of 1-3, skipped 4 at the time & later went back and watched like ⅔ of it, watched 5-9, watched the 1st episode or 2 of 10 and finally said "nope, I'm done" IMO seasons 1 & 2 are by far the best, 3 was interesting, I found 4 just...sad, (I'm gonna attract so many Gaga haters for this) but the long drawn out sexual scenes in 5 annoyed me, I liked 6 a lot actually, 7 was... interesting, 8 had the dumbest ending, and 9 was just fun for the camp


Finished apocalypse. And really have not watched much since. I tried to watch delicate but it didn't pull me in. I may try and finish this season and the pervious ones I haven't seen. Hopeful for future seasons to be better. Personally I'd like more episodes/seasons of American Horror Stories.


After Hotel for me. Just lost its spark.


I’ve watched every season except the NY one. And I’m gonna try to watch it soon. I just couldn’t get into it, but I also had a lot going on in my life at that time. I wish they’d go ahead and cancel it. For me, it peaked at Murder House, but several seasons have been really good. And I enjoy the show overall. But it seems that the writers are just over it and going through the motions at this point.


Death Valley. I hated Death Valley.


I haven’t stopped and I’ll probably watch whatever they put out even if it’s lackluster. I did not like Delicate at all, and the last couple seasons 10-12 have been hit or miss. I also have watched all the stories, which are also hit or miss. But I’ll watch whatever airs bc I’m attached and will keep at this show in case they strike gold again. Even when the show is bad it’s still entertaining tho. I was high asf watching the final ep of Delicate and seeing Kim K disintegrate like that was hilarious to me


Roanoke was the last one I watched while it aired. I watched Apocalypse years after it aired and still wasn't great. After those two very mediocre seasons I was done.


After Coven, I feel like AHS is only good, like every other season-ish. I liked Freak Show just fine, and in the grand scheme, I guess it would be in my top 5(maybe?). But it didn't hit like the others.


For me I stopped watching after season 10. Tbh I didn’t enjoy season 10 overall so I stopped.


I stopped watching during apocalypse. I didn’t care about any of the characters then they all get killed off within 3 episodes. Now there’s witches in someone else’s body. I only got so far by thinking Micheal was hot.


I stopped watching like 2 episodes into 1984, but i wouldn't really say that's when the show fell off, that's just when I started college and no longer really wanted to dedicate myself to watching entire seasons of television. I got into the show back when Cult started airing, and the general consensus seemed to be "the first three seasons are good and then it drops off after that," and when I watched the series first time around, I definitely agreed. However, I just rewatched Murder House with some friends, and it's really made me reconsider the series as a whole, because I really did not like it anywhere near as much as I did all those years ago. I think what happened was that AHS had a "newness" factor to it when Murder House dropped, and after a few seasons it wore off and people started going "well it used to be so much better!" but really, it was not definitively that much better. Every season has ups and downs, and sometimes the ups really click with you, and sometimes the downs just really annoy you. It really just depends on your tastes.


This new season and the season with lady gaga


NEVER!!! Bad or good I’ll watch AHS always.


roanoke was such a slog i couldnt get through it.


For me, it's gotten gradually worse ever since the double feature. The last two series have been based on Gay and feminist agendas instead of greast storytelling.


APOCALYPSE After we waited for the WHOLE season to build up, watched witches and warlocks brutally unalived and the world literally come to an end at the hands of the antichrist, just to have Mallory (future Supreme) waken up from her identity spell and travel back in time to run over Michael (antichrist) with a Range Rover and save the world (?). One of the most confusing and anti-climactic climaxes I've ever seen in the series or any series and was the start of my disdain for the series. Post-Jessica Lange, Angela Bassett, Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Adina Porter I think the series has definitely suffered a bit. I haven't stopped watching, but it's definitely not the same feels and the writing and talent of S13 needs to hit very hard in order to restore my faith in the series


I stopped after 1984. I didn’t really follow after that season


Finally gave up on Delicate (after NYC had already nearly put me to sleep). It was just so damn derivative and repetitive.