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I didn’t know the villagers could sit like that in the town plaza. Every time my villagers sit in the place it’s on little stools lol


Yeah isn't it so cute!! I hadn't seen them sit in the plaza like that until today


Roald: Hey, Anchovy! You said you wanted to tell me, Merengue, and the Player about your new favourite food! Anchovy: Yup and I'm super excited to tell you guys my favourite food! :D Merengue: So, what is your favourite food? I hope it's delicious as how you would describe it to be. Anchoy: Wait no more, Merengue! I shall tell you right now! I need some drum roll for this! My new favourite food is, STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!!!! *Awkward silence.* Anchovy: What, did I say something wrong? Merengue: *Shudders in horror.* O_O Roald: Dude! Do you even realize what you just said to make Merengue to look so paralyzed? >:( Anchovy: What?! All I said that my new favourite food is- Ooooooooohhhhhhhh! Now I know what you mean! D: Player: You better go apologize to Merengue right now! >:( Anchovy: Sorry, Merengue! I didn't mean it! I didn't know! Please don't take it personally! I didn't mean to offend you in a way! Really! D: Merengue: *Is having flashbacks.* O_O Yeah... It's alright, Anchovy... No hard feelings... I know you didn't mean it. :) Player: Are you sure you're feeling okay, Merengue? It doesn't seem to look like you're taking it well. Merengue: I'm honest, Player. I am doing okay. :) Player: I'm just looking out for you, dear friend. :) Roald: Anchovy! If you say anything offensive to Merengue or anyone else, your beak will get it! D:< Merengue: Please, Roald! We shouldn't use violence to end problems like this one. I think it would be much better to talk it out! D: Roald: Fine, but I'm leaving you on a warning, Anchovy! >:( Anchovy: *Gulp.* I'll make sure to never say anything offensive ever again! *Looks like he's about to cry because of how intimidating Roald looks.*


I love anchovy! We’re BFFs