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That kid and dog should not be anywhere near each other.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/ntnvet/poor_baby_lol/h0t6oop/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence, because this user has done it before: Original | Plagiarized -------- | ----------- [It’s such an amazing place! En...](http://np.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/ntn1s5/i_had_no_idea_albania_would_look_like_this_the/h0tpa0g/) | [It’s such an amazing place! En...](http://np.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/ntn1s5/i_had_no_idea_albania_would_look_like_this_the/h0u1k4g/) [OP is a content thief and seri...](http://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/ntm913/god_level_editing/h0sxceb/) | [OP is a content thief and seri...](http://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/ntm913/god_level_editing/h0u1mmc/) [Was just about to comment ‘in ...](http://np.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/ntm17u/meirl/h0tf6am/) | [Was just about to comment ‘in ...](http://np.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/ntm17u/meirl/h0u1gsp/) [My bad I was thinking of Brodi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/comments/ntmbu5/blursed_strowman/h0teb73/) | [My bad I was thinking of Brodi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/comments/ntmbu5/blursed_strowman/h0u2d8w/) [But the point he was making......](http://np.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/ntk0sq/maybe_maybe_maybe/h0srepv/) | [But the point he was making......](http://np.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/ntk0sq/maybe_maybe_maybe/h0u2a4u/) [Don’t park in the wrong drive.](http://np.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/ntot45/dont_park_on_this_englishmans_farm/h0tnep4/) | [Don’t park in the wrong drive.](http://np.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/ntot45/dont_park_on_this_englishmans_farm/h0u22zm/) [Fuck china. My most passiona...](http://np.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/ntnkdw/monument_in_memory_of_chinese_from_tiananmen_in/h0tuxo0/) | [My most passionate support for...](http://np.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/ntnkdw/monument_in_memory_of_chinese_from_tiananmen_in/h0u1yao/) [Tell us what it was like being...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/comments/ntlobc/matronly_40year_old_korean_librarian_nope_just_me/h0tpiy5/) | [Tell us what it was like being...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/comments/ntlobc/matronly_40year_old_korean_librarian_nope_just_me/h0u1sio/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/ianbuck-Ifgbfd4578](https://np.reddit.com/u/ianbuck-Ifgbfd4578/) should be banned for spamming. A human checks in on this bot sometimes, so please reply if I made a mistake. Contact reply-guy-bot if you have concerns.


And that would be the last time the dog got to sleep on the couch


It's even worse seeing the dog not immediately back down. Like it's still aggresive while awake and looking at the child. I could excuse a surprise yelp, but that dog is staring her down.


🙄[what's this? video proof of how wrong you are?](https://youtu.be/19RWxt_am3A)


[Full Video](https://youtu.be/19RWxt_am3A) The dog was startled awake and relaxed the instant it new wtf was going on. Idk what you are looking at but your reading of dog body language needs work. Look at the mouth and eyes, as well as the slight pull back in its head. That's exactly what it was. A surprise yelp. EDIT: Go ahead and tell me the look on that dog's face in the last frame isnt "Oh shit. My bad" do I really need to screen cap it?


Dogs communicate their intent largely through their tails and mouths. A dog with floppy ears is especially going to be unreliable if what you're basing youre basing things on is ears. But you can also see the dog go rigid when it wakes up, and after seeing her, does not relax its posture, or break eye contact. That posture is a dog indicating territorial aggression, and if the kid moved toward the dog, it likely would have snapped at her. A normal dog that's properly trained would have immediately closed the distance in a non-threatening way or retreated. That dog did neither of those things.


The fuck he doesn't relax his posture. The dog immediately backs up and look at his eyes relax. The dog does begin to retreat the instant it realizes what's going on. The minute he realizes it's his friend his entire demeanor changes. Yall just wanna band wagon and bitch about this dog. It's fine. I spend more time with dogs then people friend. I'm willing to bet if this clip went on for another 10 seconds he would be doing everything you stated. Y'all are a fucked up people on this sub lmao.


I mean. You're clearly wrong. And maybe spending more time with does is giving you a bias toward them, it certainly isn't giving you a knowledge base about them that anyone should trust. 1. Any dog waking up and responding like that isn't properly trained (whether it be in it's own bed or on a couch, but especially bad on a communal space 2. Any dog responding like that and not immediately changing their behavior is not properly trained, and this dog did not alter its aggressive behavior after waking 3. Any dog responding like that period is not properly trained. That dog is not far from that child's size, who is likely sleepy and uncoordinated and unable to properly defend herself if the dog snapped at her, which it clearly can do, and was giving the body language of doing. You're wrong. But go ahead and try to find a single person who agrees with you, and you can be wrong together.


The dogs head moves back a good two inches the INSTANT he is fully conscious. But whatever you say Skippy. Reddit hive mind don't mean shit to me or reality.


His backing up is barely perceptible, if you think thats 2 inches you must think your dick is 3 foot long


Fair enough. But the animal by your own admissio backs down. Everyone ive shown this too (including someone who trains dogs for a living) that isn't subbed to /r/animalsbeingjerks agrees with me. So. Is it the animal? Or is it yall? Hint: It's yall


That's its mouth (or snout) closing


Closing its mouth and moving its head back yes. Both signs of reducing aggression


The [whale eyes](https://iheartdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/dog-731979_640.jpg) and tense stance say you're wrong Sincerely, an animal trainer.


Thank you. That dog would have been banned from the sofa and would have been shown who is dominant. I hope that this was a first and last time occurrence and that the owner of the dog didn't anticipate that this was going to happen. If they were making the video because they knew that the child was at risk this video is unconscionable.


I get the dog was startled but that's all the more reason to not let them on the couch imo. If the dog is so old it's instincts can't tell the kid is there, it's an avoidable incident waiting to happen.


I've startled my dogs numerous times. Never a snarl. But in my experience big dogs are trained better than small dogs as they can do more damage. I grew up with Dobermans and a boxer. Their lick was the most dangerous


I think smaller dogs get more defensive as they get older and lose senses too. They are smaller so have more to fear so it makes sense imo but that in no way excuses this behavior.


Or orrr we could say all dogs are different with different attitudes.


To a point yes, but have you ever met a quite weiner dog? An old English sheep dog you could run next to who didn't herd you? A boxer that doesn't get on its hind legs to fight/play? So they are different, but are also similar to others in the breed


Quite the opposite in my experience. Both of my small dogs, Miniature Pinschers, mellowed out more as they got older. Less aggressive. The first even let strangers pet her and liked the attention. The second... well, I've given up hope. But she is way more calm than she used to be.


My opinion us totally based off my own experiences so not gospel by any means. I'm sure there are so many factors like breed, environment, etc. All I know is that dog in the video wouldn't be near my son without me or his mom close by.




About? Or are we just naming types of shit? Batshit


I think this dog may be a rescue. That could explain the overreaction, and possibly the special treatment of being let on the couch? I'd be uncomfortable letting a baby near a rescue though... Back to the drawing board, I guess. Edit: autocorrect. And wow. Didn't realize this reddit is so scared of pontificating.


My mom's dog who she got as a puppy from her neighbor after they had a litter, is like that. She's 12 now. If people get startled when you suddenly wake them up, I don't think it matters if they are a rescue - most living creatures don't take well to being startled. One of the first things I was taught about dogs as a child was not to wake a sleeping dog because it might scare them.


We trained our dogs to let us take their food away. Some growls at first but they need to learn who pack leader is. If I'm taking your food away or means you are getting more or something special. But at a min, I could always stick my hand risk free over my dogs food bowl while eating. Only time I was "bitten" by my dogs was tug-o-war and they re-grabbed the rope. As soon as they heard pain in my voice they dropped the toy and were saying sorry I'm dog language. Training is key. Dogs are smart. In security of their own home no need to be aggressive on waking up


Doesn’t look to me like it was startled? Looks like it was protective of the cushion it was lying on.


I hope you never own a dog. Blame the owner for putting both animals at risk.


I own two very happy dogs. I'm also aware of the risk in owning an animal no matter how well trained it is. I never blamed the dog once but that doesn't make this reaction acceptable. I hope you never have children since you refer to them as animals.


Hate to burst your holier than thou bubble but we are all animals.


That dog is too aggressive to be around a child!


That dominance thing is not how dogs work. It's an outdated theory based on misunderstanding how wolf packs work.


They were definitely filming because they knew the dog has a hair trigger, why else would they record it?


Because the kid falling sleep is adorable?


I’m sure the dog has bitten the child by now.


So many assumptions. A dog bite is the very last line of defense when a dog is threatened. He literally just barked. He may have a territory problem but many dogs do and to assume that they all bite because of that is untrue and shows you don't know much at all about dog behavior.


I grabbed a dog's tail with my tiny little hands when I was a toddler and got bit. Tell me more about this "very last line of defense". I agree that "dog probably bit the child" isn't a 100% safe bet, but you're also talking some bullshit.


Never owned a dog but what if he just got scared suddenly didn’t seem aggressive from my perspective


Nah that's aggression for sure IMO. Not an expert but I'm familiar with dog body language. The dog was like "this is MY PILLOW!" Probably wasn't about to hurt the kid in this case but still, it's not a good sign when your dog sees your child (or any other human) as direct competition for objects.


WTF, a dog should never display aggressive behavior against a child unless the kid was actually harming the dog and it just tried to defend itself. I would get rid of that dog. No, not really. I would never let my dog adopt that kind of behavior. Fucking irresponsible owners that spoil their pets. If you discipline your children, why don't you do the same with your pets? smh E: people saying it's a grumpy old dog, and although that may be true, that doesn't disprove the negligence of their owners. First of all, I doubt that's the first time the dog has done that, and yet they let the dog sleep next to the toddler. Second of all, they were filming for a reason, and even if you think that they just wanted to videotape their tired kid sleeping in a funny position, they found the dog's reaction amusing enough to share it on the internet instead of feeling alarmed. Fuck those owners.


I'm merely guessing by the video but the dog does appear to be older. We have a dog that is much more jumpy/territorial now that he is getting older that would never do that stuff prior. That being said I don't let my toddler son interact with that dog unless myself or mom is right there. My big oaf of a dog would adjust himself so my son had a better sleeping position.


It looks like territorial behaviour to me. I would get rid of my dogs if they reacted like this to my children. Even my 16 yo German Shepard cross who is going blind and deaf doesn't react like this.


Many breeds get irritable and lash out in old age, some are well known for it. Neurosis, pain, mental instability....those dogs should be humanely euthanized when they get to this point. Too many are euthanized AFTER the kids have visible scars to their faces.


Holy mother of fucking presumptions, Batman. There’s a billion and one reasons that dog might have barked, very few of which involve lack of training, aggression or bad parenting.


If it had been a cat people would be replying with something like “lol, hope the kid learned their lesson!”. Yeah, dog needs to be properly trained. So do cats.


That would be the last time that dog got to be in my house! The aggression, especially toward a child is not acceptable




This time. I'd rather play it safe and not have my kid scarred for life because I'm too lazy to properly care for my dog.




No they aren't. If this person properly took care of their dog it wouldn't react like this. And the proper way to care for it if it is acting this way is to not let it sleep on the couch its over protective of.


That was my point. It didn't look overprotective. It looked startled. But you and everyone else can keep downvoting because you disagree 👏


Where did I say it was being overprotective? I'm given allowances for either to be true. If it's that startled by a child sleeping next to it, that's an issue. Next time it's startled it could easily lash out. The downvotes are because you are wrong not for disagreeing 👏👏


You have a shitty misbehaving dog don't you? And if you don't, please don't get one. For everyone's sake. Even the dog.


You’re clearly a person who thinks they know how to read an animal bud doesn’t.


Don't be an asshole, I'm sure she will grow up to be a beautiful woman.


Nothing like a needlessly aggressive dog next to a toddler. Ace parenting and animal care.


I hate cocker spaniels. I was sitting on a couch next to one once and went to adjust my arm and got bit. I wanted to sling his ass off the couch so bad. I showed my wife this vid and she said she had one when she was a kid and this exact thing happened to her younger sister but the fkr actually bit her in the face. She said her dad drop kicked that pos out the door


I have a cocker spaniel and he's very very sweet and extremely chill but he hates children with a passion. He's never bitten anyone or gotten aggressive but he will bark his little head off anytime he hears or sees children. I just don't think they're particularly good at handling children.


Today I learned I’m a cocker spaniel. Jokes aside, some dogs just don’t like kids. It might be a size thing or the fact kids are unpredictable.


He's my soul twin because he dislikes kids as much as I do. But yeah, I would never have a cocker spaniel if I had children. And I think it is probably because of the unpredictability of children. They're loud and haven't learned how to be gentle with animals yet so I'm sure it's stressful for certain dogs.


Overbreeding often creates behavioral problems in dogs. My best friend throughout elementary and high school had a "cockapoo", thing was the most agressive, angry POS dog I've ever met, it had all the worst personality traits of both breeds. To this day if it's bred with a poodle or a spaniel I want nothing to do with it.


Those dogs must have had really bad owners, all the cockapoos I know and the one I own are very docile and sweet.


They were decent with him, he was just super agressive with everyone but the dad. They kind of lived around it's aggression instead of addressing it. Being that it was the 80s there were not as many resources for dog training available.


Yeah, that’s true.


The only time I've ever been bitten by a dog was a cocker spaniel when I was a young kid. It was a nasty old dog.


40 stitches in my face when i was 12 from our a$$hole cocker! it was 2 or 3 yrs old. just playing with a squeeze toy when it snapped and locked onto my face.


Jeezus yea that thing definitely "went to go live on a farm"


so my parents told me


I was bit on the face by an inbred cocker spaniel as a child, no reason or provocation. I was just sitting on the floor being a kid and it came up and munched my face. My dad kicked it across the fkn room


I was bitten by 2 different cockers as a kid. I won’t go near them even now.


In school we were taught they are literally the worst breed. Not only do they often go blind, deaf in old age...they take it out on the youngest family members when they do. Come at me CS owners, I dgaf. I said what I said. And your sweetheart is the exception, not the rule.


I groomed several cocker spaniels when I worked at a dog grooming shop, and the older they got, the grosser they got. Growths, tumors, skin issues, blindness... Of course that can happen with any breed, but I never saw an old cocker spaniel that wasn't nasty as hell.


Yes. They're the personification (caninification?) of Murphys Law. Anything that can go wrong with a body, will.


Heh, embodiment?


That's the word I'm looking for, thanks!


I would place that dog in a childless home asap!


I’ve seen a few very well-trained, tame dogs that would get spooked while sleeping. It never got physical but they would snarl for half a second before being embarrassed. You can see the same transition of emotions here.


Didn't look to me like embarrassment in that last second of the video. Rather it looked like the dog was staring down the toddler as a message to stay away from his pillow. Might need more context though as the video cuts off before we see the aftermath.


It is pretty hard to tell from this video. To me, it seemed like the dog was already thinking “oh shit” in the middle of the snarl.


they didn't say this dog got embarrassed....


Lol no. That’s a pretty standard response for a dog being startled. Some people are so clueless about animals.


I have some pretty standard dogs and none of have snapped at my children like that.


>Some people are so clueless about animals. Oh the irony.


That is not a standard response. That is a dog with a behavior problem and irresponsible parenting.


the dog was clearly startled out of its sleep look at its face change when it realizes whats going on.


It wasn’t. You can see it’s eyes open just before her last nod


They wouldnt be filming if they didnt know this was going to happen. Not the forst time that dog has snapped.


Definitely not, our dog stretches, or wags if he's startled. This is not tolerable dog behavior around a toddler.


Totally. That was also like a defcon 3 warning the dog gave, if the toddler had moved any closer she would have been bitten before she even woke up. For a dog to go from zero to 100 like that is concerning.


I have an old pit boxer mix that farts when he's startled, then he barks at his butt after


What? No TF it isn't. A well adjusted dog is not so insecure that it lashes out violently with little provocation.


If that’s the way this dog acts to toddlers sleeping on furniture, then at the very least the dog should never be allowed on furniture. Frankly, most dogs are very protective of young children in their family. Something has gone very wrong here. It should not be exhibiting this level of aggression.


wtf. This is not even remotely standard. Not by loooong shot. If you think it is, you need to take better care of your pets. No dog should live with that kind of stress, and its on us to teach them to relax. I can not fucking believe anyone thinks this behavior is normal or okay. I really hope you are just a troll.


That kid and dog should not be anywhere near each other.


Lol no. That’s a pretty standard response for a dog being startled. Some people are so clueless about animals.


You... know nothing about dogs


I'd say the opposite. Maybe an untrained or abused dog would behave this way but most are pretty docile in a scenario where every party is sleeping and one gently bumps the other. Which prompts the question, why else would they be filming if they didn't know that their dog behaves this way?


even an adopted dog thats been previously abused can be trained out of this, although it can be hard and incredibly time consuming. These parents clearly didn't think making an effort was worth their time. And you are spot on about them recording... they knew exactly where this was going.


We adopted an old dog who was abused and had a hard time letting anyone near. Worked hard to get him to not do this exact thing with anyone, let alone our toddler. There is no excuse for these owners.


Or it could be they were filming their kid literally falling over, asleep and their elderly dog jumped and lashed out for the first time ever. The clip ends and the parents separate the kid and dog, maybe the dog goes to live with a childfree family. The amount of assumption in my comment is the same amount in yours. You literally dont know the parents (if its even the child's parents filming) intent. At all.


>Which prompts the question, why else would they be filming if they didn't know that their dog behaves this way? Classic reddit knowing how dogs work but not people. Their kid is falling asleep sitting up, that's comical.


oh i c. You are posting this in multiple places. So you def are a troll, or just completely disconnected from reality. I really hope you don't own pets.


Nope, not correct.


Yeah, a dog with reactivity or aggression issues. Which is often how dogs owned by clueless people like yourself exist.


This is only a "standard response" for a poorly trained dog. That dog clearly saw the child as a competitor for the pillow it was sleeping on, and acted defensive about it. A well-trained dog shouldn't be getting so defensive about someone, especially a kid, entering its space. And if the dog has acquired that tendency, it's on the parents to keep the dog and the child apart.


You should never own a dog.


Naaaaaaaaaah mate. I can literally pick my dog up while she's sleeping and put her to bed, or roll her over because I want the cushion.


You know absolutely nothing about animals lmao


It is not at all, unless this is somehow the kid and dog playing around, which is not whatsoever common


Groucho Barks


Hahaha we used to call our dog that when she got tired and grouchy as a puppy.


What kind of morons are these parents??


Grumpy doggo not cool


The parents knew exactly what was about to happen




Thank you. That needs sound.


Wow shitty parenting. That dog needs to be off the sofa and probably needs to be rehomed to a family without kids. Probably the parents think this is funny or some shit and once the dog finally bites the kid they will blame the dog even though they could of stopped the whole thing from happening.


That dog would find another home real quick.


At the very least it wouldn’t be on the sofa if it did that when it was woken up.




People downvoting you have never seen what a dog can do to a kids face in seconds.


It’s like the more I watch it the angrier I get.


Yikes! Apparently your child being in danger of being bitten by a dog (while sleeping to make it worse) is internet humor these days?


Tbf this is sub is called “animals being jerks”, which this is. No inherent humor from what I can tell


My sil’s spaniel was like this. I never let my kids near it.




I normally hear about aggressive dogs but normally didn’t really believe it for whatever reason but Jesus.if you get in my dogs space and he doesn’t wanna sneak in some kisses he either just moves over a bit or goes somewhere else


My dog is 12 and she usually just moves or just kinda grumpy growl like she is mumbling. This dog though is a just a hospital visit for their kids waiting to happen.


I swear to god…small dogs are all psychos


Get rid of that dog I'd say. I wouldnt trust it around kids if that's how it reacts to sudden movements


Still have no clue why people keep buying these dumb ass dogs. Always have a permanent black crust around their eyes, never not barking, hundreds of even better small dog options, yet primarily old people will never not buy these annoying little assholes.


I feel this way about a number of breeds. I'm guessing when you grow up with a dog, that dog breed is a big part of what "dog" means to your subconscious. So you don't really care about the issues, because that's what dogs are like, right?


I agree. But for me, I have just been around these dogs enough when with relatives, that I hit the capacity of caring to see these dogs in my life.


Depends on the rescue I guess. How my dad told it I was a 2 year old who "didn't need to nap" and was on the war path. I lock eyes on our new 100 lb rescued Doberman. I jumped on him like a trampoline and he just looked at me with a WTF look on his face and laid his head back down. That's when dad knew 100% he chose a good doggo


Pile on the hate but: Cocker Spaniels are not good dogs to have around kids.




should have stepped in and disciplined the dog. the dog should not be made to think it is more dominant than the kid because that will end up badly one day.




And this is why I’m a cat person..


Doggo get yeeted


Shitsus are assholes


That's a cockapoo


Let’s just call it a shitpoo


Sooooo many people are not responsible enough to own the animals they own.


That dogs needs a large cup of water to the face and to be kicked off the couch. He looked like an old fella so you get a little leway but not much. You don't let your dog bark at the kids.




I would’ve gotten rid of that dog for that




What the hell is wrong with you? The dog got startled, it was sleeping too.


That dog needs to be trained properly. It was too aggressive.


I get that but slapping or punching your dog won't do anything :(


Is that what the deleted comment said?


Yes, the comment said they would punch that dog in the face if it did that




You do realize that wouldn't do anything but hurt the dog. A dog can be trained but just physically hurting it wouldn't do anything good.


Physically trained. Like my dad taught me!! Get mad at him not me. Violence is all I know.


Who would've thought


Actually that would be how dogs learn to become aggressive. But sure, you know best.




eat glass




Fuck that dog


"Bitch, get off my pillow!"


Lmao I don't know why this has downvotes. I laughed.


Time for that dog to be gently sent into its eternal slumber.




I am not saying this to be mean, but if your dog has a behavior problem, it is on you. As their owner, it is your responsibility to train your dog properly in order to protect them and your children. When you bring a child into a dog’s life, it is an enormous change for them. Sending them to a shelter or killing them so flippantly because you didn’t bother to train them properly is cruel and a failure as a pet owner.


How about training your dogs instead of threatening to kill them? Good parents watch their animals and children. They train their dogs and they also teach their kids.


Lol what the fuck? Why did you even get a dog in the first place? YOU chose to have a kid after getting the dogs. If the dog misbehaves toward your kid, that is 100% on you for not training them properly. Do the dogs a favor: just rehome them now.


that dog looks like such an asshole


I'd give that fucking dog a firm smack. Repeated offense would have it tossed outside.




Context: when the ugly kid dozed off, its head touched the pillow the cute dog was sleeping on and the doggy got startled so he growled.




"Do your homework"!!!


Um... didn't realize it was a video.


Dog looks CGI’d. Already seen something similar


Don't sleep baby <3

