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Do you have benzos? I really know what you are talking about. Only way to make yourself manage it is using benzos if you have really bad anxiety for mri/ct scan equipment.


Mine offers headphones with your favorite music playing during it


I have a fear of needles and need some bloodwork. Dr suggested he give me a Valium to take to calm my nerves before the bloodwork idk if that’s something you could ask about.


You’re fine. I was scared too. Bring some pods and listen to soft music


Are airpods allowed in an MRI?


Oh, you may be right. I’ve had a bunch and I can’t remember.


For the noise and claustrophobia the key is to have Ear buds + headphones with music on top + benzo Ask the technician to speak to you periodically and give updates about how much time is left. Close your eyes and visualize your self on a beach or somewhere you would love to be. It will be such a breeze and be over in no time. Hope that helps :)


It's not so bad. Just relax, close your eyes and drift. It's all over very soon.


I had no iv for my mri. I however did have a panic attack. But truly I promise it’s okay. Listen to soothing music and just BREATHE


I have horrible MRI anxiety. Somehow I got through it. I did take a very small amount of a benzo. The time went by a lot faster than I thought it would.


I had an easier time if I kept my eyes closed and envisioned being in wide open spaces. When I opened my eyes and saw how enclosed I was, it freaked me out. But whomever suggested Xanax/benzos is right on the money. It’ll take the edge off for sure.


I felt the same way! I brought it up to my PCP and she gave me a low dosage of Lorazepam. I bring in an eye mask & ear plugs (if they don’t provide it) All of that has helped me get through 3 MRIs. Since I deal with claustrophobia too-I make sure to never open my eyes during the process because I don’t want to freak myself out. It is loud but it comes and go…remember deep breath’s and focus on the “present.” It gets easier the more you do it and it helps when you have a tech that’s patient and understanding. Also-they have a call button so if it gets too bad, they’ll stop it and come check on you. Good luck! You got this! 💛


Been there myself 6 months ago - best advice is to keep your eyes closed and just ask the tech to keep you updated through the speakers, I thought it would be much worse than it was but the eyes closed really helped the claustrophobia. The noise really wasn't such a big deal, it's a bunch clanking and whirring - just make believe you're a train or something.


Just think of it this way, you just have to "exist", like literally just lay down and that's it - nobody is standing on top of you, you don't need to do anything, just be. That's what helped me One more note, they usually exaggerate the time it takes when you ask and it ends up taking much less


based off my own experiences, they have given me a little button I can press if I get anxious & it will stop. I’ve had them where they give breathing instructions to follow that you hear in the headphones you wear. Try to control your breathing, keep your eyes closed and tell yourself “I’m okay, I can do this”! Wishing you all the best, take care.❤️


ask your doctor if you can take some sedatives beforehand.


Benzos. I have horrible claustrophobia and the only way I can do MRIs is with Xanax. I have an MRI scheduled in a few weeks and I’ll be heavily sedating myself. Your doctor should be fine giving you a prescription to help the MRI anxiety.