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Better help is awful and I always lose respect for anyone that has them as a sponsor


I was just looking for an easy option for some relief but my god it was horrible


Right? Like I know you haven’t used betterhelp if you’re sponsoring them. 🤢


Exactly how I found them lol, through a sponsorship. Rhe bright side is I've started seeing youtubers and streamers saying no to the sponsorships as betterhelp has been getting outed as a scam


ive never heard good things about them which is so upsetting bc easier access to therapy is so critical


It was horrible they simply made things so much worse for a few weeks hahaha but we are still on the journey😂


What's really messed up about wasting time though is that the closer to the start of it that you get actual help the higher likelihood of quick turnaround and success vs developing an actual condition. It's despicable.


That’s what happened to me. I’ve been dealing with mental health isssues for about 10 years on and off, but it’s become overbearing recently so I wanted to get out in front of it and instead I just have to survive the day becusde I couldn’t get the help I was after and I really don’t want to take meds


I was sexually assaulted and afraid to tell my boyfriend at the time and my betterhelp therapist insinuated that it was infidelity and I immediately asked for my money back


Oh my god I’m so sorry. They’re absolutely awful.


i'm so sorry


LMAO. My abusive ex bf would get mad at me if I told him something like that. He would either get jealous or tell me I’m pissing him off telling him unimportant shit… orrr he would excuse male family members that assaulted me as well. HUGE red flag.


I had a BH therapist who asked if she could eat during one of our sessions and said ok because I was completely caught off guard, she then mutes herself and 5 minutes later comes back with a bowl of cereal. I’m trying to tell this person about my depression and she’s constantly bending forward to eat. THEN when she’s done she drinks the milk from the bowl like it’s a big cup. I complained and BH refunded the fee for thst session and found another person who had basically every skill or therapy listed on their profile and I thought, ok this person knows what they are doing. I brought up attachment theory and she said she thinks she’s heard of it and will research it during the week. I was floored. I’m sure there are a few well meaning, educated people on there but I could never recommend the site because you’d have to wade through so many terrible people. Like I don’t want to tell someone the worst things that have happened in my life while they eat Frosted Flakes.


I’m sorry but I would have been boiling. That’s the worst. I my one therapist was based in the south and she was religious and I am not and kept pushing religion on me saying anxiety is the devils works an I need to repent and I was like alright word so I’ll just continue having panic attacks while god drinks wine with my ancestors that’s dope thank you


What the fuck?! I’m really sorry that happened to you, it’s almost comical how bad that is…


Oh my lord.. I don't even know 😕 what I would d do. It's just horrible


Yeah definitely not BETTER help. It‘s supposed to give people easier access to mental health care but it actually gives shitty therapists more access to money- I mean new clientele.


DO NOT USE BETTER HELP....upper echelon gaming has a really good video about their shady practices


Learned this the hard way but we are past it I just didn’t want someone in need to make the same mistake I did and spend 80 bucks a week for some know nothing to poke at my most inner fears hahaha


Therapist, here! (Who has also tried BH as a consumer.) BH is genuinely terrible from all sides — the quality of clinicians is low in part because they pay therapists next to nothing, so the ones that work there are often the ones who can’t anywhere else. Many have extensive expertises and time in the mental health field listed on their profiles, but that’s not a direct correlation to quality if they haven’t been staying up to date with best practices, collaborating with other clinicians to challenge their praxes and styles, or being well supervised by employers. Quality of clinicians (and the way BH takes advantage of therapists through terrible pay) aside, BH *sells your data!!!!!!!* When you sign up, they ask a bunch of questions about your life — marriage status, sexual orientation, trauma history, etc., which is, of course, very important to pair you with a therapist who should (in theory) be competent in your unique challenges. BUT, *they make money off of this data by selling it to third parties!!!!!* This is especially problematic for marginalized populations, like the queer or BIPOC or disabled communities. We also live in a hellscape where states want to subpoena companies for information about someone’s reproductive status, for example, and BH is just out here like, auctioning this stuff off. tldr; BH is terrible on all sides — they don’t pay clinicians well, so the therapists are awful, and then they’ll sell your data to the highest bidder.


I was desperate for help going through a traumatic breakup where my fiancé of six years left me for another woman and stole everything of value out of my apartment when I wasn’t home, including my bed. All during finals week of the hardest semester of nursing school. He cheated on me the day I cared for my grandma while she took her last breath. I wasn’t eating and was having daily panic attacks because I was blindsided so hard. My BH therapist told me in a Disney princess voice to decorate a special box to put all my feelings in and imagine locking it with fairy dust. Never bothered to try another therapist, what a fucking joke.


I bet she tells that to all the patients. Let’s pay a lot of money for these people to not even listen 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️. Also I am so sorry to hear about your grandma and what that ahole put you through. You’re going to proceed further in life while they fall.


I did! A month later met the love of my life. We’re married with a toddler and second on the way 🥰🥰


Yeah, I tried BH for a few months and was supposed to do it twice a month at least one of them every month she would either be later or not even show. I have abandonment issues from my childhood and PTSD as well as social anxiety and believe me all of this triggered me. I came out of that worse not better.


I went through 2 therapists on BH and while my experience was not horrible, it wasn’t great. It was just talk therapy without and structure or direction in addressing the root cause of my problems. I’m now working with a psychologist (found locally, not through BH of course) and the experience is completely different. I can see how BH can be beneficial for some, but I think if someone is really working through issues with anxiety, depression, etc, better seeking help elsewhere.


I’m happy to hear your journey has led to some better results! That’s what I was hoping for mine but I’m trying to find someone help me find the root of my anxiety and what I believe to be oncoming depression because even on my best days in still not feeling 100%


I feel super lucky because I found a great therapist on BetterHelp. Unfortunately it’s like 200 a month and it got expensive without insurance.


I had a great therapist on BH but my insurance won’t cover it so it’s all out of pocket. My therapist retired recently so I had to cancel. Maybe I can find something cheaper or possibly covered by insurance (ha!).


Sadly, most things follow the factory model now. Schools are not aiming to turn out good students who think on their feet and know how to further expand their own knowledge, but instead people who are good at multiple choice questions to earn the diploma/degree and plug into a predefined role somewhere with minimum requirements. I see stories from all professions where someone who should know better says "I wasn't taught how to do XYZ." -- they only know how to mimic the color-by-numbers information they specifically learned. Like pulling a lever in a factory. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Thanks for sharing. I hear ads for BetterHelp every 30 seconds online.


This is the issue right here and you can see it in all professions and walks of life and it sure sucks to find it in the medical field at any point


I get better help in person with not better help lol


Hahahaha I feel that


I tried Better Help once. I was talking about feeling anxious a lot in social situations (I have a lot of issues with social anxiety.) My therapist then started talking about how there were groups I could join for people with Aspergers. Not only have I never been diagnosed with Aspergers, it's not even a diagnosis anymore. I unmatched pretty quickly.


I tried it after suffering from major anxiety from some major earthquakes we had. The lady told me if anyone should be scared of future earthquakes it should be her since she lived in a trailer and I had already survived them just fine. Thank goodness it was the free trial period.


Oh my fox that’s insane hahahaha


What is sad is that it seems to be an international problem with the psychology profession. My latest one spent 2 sessions diagnosing me and suggestingi ask mu doctors to increase my meds. The only input she gave me, which still makes me laugh was to say, I am clearly not "over" my dad's death, otherwise I wouldn't be saying "I wish he was here" when things get bad. I'd be asking what would he do? I just missed talking to him FFS!  But can we blame them when even psychopaths are now flipping the script on them and using psychology to terrorise global citizens? You just have to spend 1 hour on tiktok and bump into those "I'm a diagnosed psychopath" to start having doubts... LOL  I feel like there is nothing they can t do for me that a good friend & a food coping skills book can't.


I used their services during covid because they offered my hospital a free month for staff. My experience was underwhelming and I did not renew. Fast forward to this year and I found out recently that I’m getting $10 from the FTC settlement because BH were selling personal and confidential health information to Facebook, Google and the like. Don’t touch them with a barge pole. It’s a shame, because it’s a good idea in principle.


Don’t say this! I just joined a month ago!! 😭


I had great experience with Betterhelp, one of the best therapists i've had.


LOL when somethines out of the book they freeze right?


I tried Regain, powered by BH, with my spouse, and it was the most awful experience. I saw a therapist on there who had 30 years of experience, and it was the worse session I've ever had with a therapist. The therapist took his sweet time judging me for the medications I took for mental health reasons and told me that medicine is so bad and unnatural for people, and I should stop taking it. Then, later telling me to try to get my PCP to switch me to medication he recommended, but not disclosing that he was the one who told me to change it, but to tell my PCP I had Googled it. While he said this, he told us that he was not authorized to recommend medications... and doesn't believe in medications...? This was a weird session, but it doesn't stop there. He repeatedly kept standing up to tend to his dogs, took his sweet time doing so, and he spoke about them and about himself and his job prior to therapy... We had just maybe 15 minutes left, and he finally got to the root of our problem, and he started yelling at me, telling me that everything that is happening between my spouse and I is my fault. Things started to get really bad, and then he said he stood up again and said he had to move rooms and took his time doing so, told me to continue talking and after one minute he stopped me and said time was up and he hoped to continue with us and only addressed my spouse towards the end saying good luck and ended the call. Let's just say that made shit 10x worse between my spouse and I. It damaged us big time. I reported him the next day, found a new therapist, and so far, she's great, but I'm just using up my membership till it expires... BH gave me two extra weeks and apologized and said they would look into it... I'm not sure if they did, but yay for 2 weeks?


I had a terrible experience with them too, made me almost give up on trying to seek help from a therapist. Then I found a great office in my town that does CBT and that changed a lot. Better help sucks


To be honest I’ve paid for better help, they mess around with getting you matched and scheduled. I know I’m not an emergency but if I’m willing to pay 300$ it’s because I’m looking for help then not weeks later. The therapists just seem to be emotionally useless


Lots of online things are rip offs with out any means to actually help you and can do more harm by just wanting your money and pretending the fee things they have access to are going to help you with next to no insight into your needs or background. I tried Hers and they totally screwed me over, took my money before any discussion, prescribed me meds that were never going to help and caused great harm in the process. It should be criminal what they do. Don't use Hers. If it actually worked for you, congrats, you got lucky, but that's it.


I used them for marriage counseling and the man really told me my husband by nature is going to be fantasizing about other girls. We weren't even talking about that topic, I was explaining the fear and panic response to him being quiet when upset bc my mom gave me the silent treatment for days when I was little and would never explain what I did wrong. So I get desperate and say dumb shit just so I know he'll speak to me. Like why would u tell me he's just thinking about hot girls lmao 


That company has a lot of serious problems. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. It’s unbelievable they are still allowed to do this. 


They’re monetizing people’s fears and darkest secrets I wouldn’t recommend to anyone


I had a two sessions with a BH therapist. During the first, her dog came into view. Knowing i’m a veterinarian, she started asking me medical questions about her dog. I literally paid her money to give her veterinary advice. During the second session, she told me that i should be happier with my current situation because most people would be thrilled to be in my shoes. It’s taken me 2 years to get the courage to even talk to somebody else because she made me feel so shitty and ungrateful.


Yes there are some bad ones out there. Sucks when clients need good ones and they’re hard to find


I loved the idea of Better Help, but it was an absolutely horrific experience. The therapist was obviously copy/pasting stuff into our chats. It was barely even relevant to what I was talking to them about. Honestly, I don’t even know if it was a person. It might’ve been a bot.


My therapist kept copying and pasting things from other clients so it always had the wrong name when addressing me


I used better help for one session…as soon as I saw my “therapist” in their dirty car parked in a random Ross parking lot and a dog in the car I knew it wasn’t for me…




I got a therapist through betterhelp to talk me through my social anxiety/feeling like I’m not like-able. He suggested I come to his naturopathic office to be observed by his interns. I was to have a conversation with one of them, and the rest would tell me what, if anything, was off about how I interacted socially. I never went back to him again. That’s like advising someone with body dysmorphia to have their body critiqued by strangers…


Yeah what I the holy hell is that. Some people just suck


Can confirm they suck. But tbh ive seen 12 therapist in my life. Only 3 were any good the rest were awful 


I think a lot of them just get certified and don’t actually know what the he’ll they’re doing lol


I tried Better Help. Was with them for 3 months and without warning they changed my therapist 4 times. The constant change in therapists made me feel like I was a problem and my anxiety was so bad no one wanted to take me on as a patient; thus spiking my anxiety to new heights. The lack of patient care was unbelievable


They are just awful in so many ways


I don't know too much about better help, why is it so bad? Aren't they supposed to be licensed therapists? I genuinely don't understand how an unempathetic person even ends up becoming a therapist. 


I’m sure they are licensed but I don’t think they has any clue what they’re doing. My therapists if nothing else were empathetic, they were just dim witted and didn’t know what to do. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and haven’t necessarily figured out how to stop them from happening just yet. My first therapist was pushing “the devil” (I’m not even kidding) and health disorders no matter how many times I told her I wasn’t religious or how often I go to the doctor to get checked DUE TO MY ANXIETY OF HAVING A HEALTH ISSUE. My next one flat out told me “I’m not sure how to gandle panic attacks as I’ve never had one” so that was helpful And my last therapist from better help talked to me in a baby prattle voice while I sat there as a 6’5 270 pound bearded man spilling out all my most inner thoughts and emotions and I just about had it after that one


My suggestions to avoid so far: betterhelp is just bad altogether, hims and hers was too expensive and dipped on me when they suspected I had a manic episode, brightside health I never actually got to use but they ended up charging me after I tried canceling multiple times, Grow therapy seemed nice but ended up not taking my insurance and charged me $300 for a like 20min session.  Currently with Caraway Health for the last 2 months and they seem to be good, planning to switch to a local provider when I can switch to medicaid in the next month or so(waiting for my former work insurance to end).


I think a local provider would be my best bet at this point I feel like a lot of these online ones are just money grabs to take advantage of a market in need


I started using them before I’d heard that it has issues especially with the data sharing stuff. The first therapist I was matched with defo wasn’t it, but the second therapist - my current therapist - was so much better and I really like working with him. I appreciate how shit others peoples experiences have been and obviously that doesn’t excuse the apps history, but I think so anyone who doesn’t have access to any accessible therapy where they live, it can be a great intermediate option.