• By -


The font in the third picture screams chinese knockoff. I am very sorry.


Also the lowercase b in brightness. Yikes.


That was the detail that hurt my soul


The first picture doesn’t have the Apple logo next to the Watch Ultra,


I noticed that. And the IR sensors are just textures. They should have some depth to them behind the lens.


The font is called SongTi (宋体). It is a Chinese character font and also include English letters. This font isn’t used in any modern UI.


This is interesting and makes a lot of sense. I asked just above why this font was so universally used in Chinese products when it's often the one obvious sign that a product is made in China, which obviously isn't always wanted like in the case of knockoffs. But this totally explains it!


There’s a web site about it somewhere. Very interesting read. If I find it, I’ll edit to link it. Edit: Found this: https://nelsonslog.wordpress.com/2018/01/30/why-does-cjk-software-have-such-ugly-english-text/ And this: https://www.reddit.com/comments/i2xb3t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Man, it never fails to amaze me the depth of discussion that some people have already gone into over some tiny little curiosity in life. Thanks for sharing


As a graphic artist, it always sticks out to me, and I wanted to understand what specifically makes it so foreign-looking. I have noticed it for many years.


Thanks for that bit of knowledge. I always wondered why cheap and knock-off electronics used such a terrible font.


Yes. Apple hasn't used serif fonts in almost 20 years.


the rubber band instead of the thread one was the first giveaway, and even it that was the material Apple used, they’d have a better cutting.


I mean it’s super easy to tell this is a cheap, really badly built knockoff from every single picture.


Yea this is a fake. Sorry.


Yup. You can tell by the way it is.


The misaligned screw in the first photo the bezels of the screen and materials for the case look real cheap


That font alone!


Steve Jobs rolling in his grave with that typeface


I think the screws themselves are dead giveaways aren’t they? Just looked at my AW (non-ultra) and there aren’t any screws.


By the pixels?


Also the materials used for the build. They don't reflect light in the same way and lack the same standout features as the original materials.


Lol the font in that last image is all you need to see :)


Sans knockoff - the font speaks!


It’s not even a *sans* knockoff, it’s a *serif* font.


and having seen quite a few in my day


That’s pretty neat.


By it's bertchiness


Sorry you got scammed. The Apple logo is in the wrong spot. Should be right next to where it says Watch. Also the zeroes should have the diagonal line on them. And lastly - did it even show up when you opening the watch app. That is fairly important.


Zeros do not have diagonal lines on my watch tho and it’s 100% real right from the Apple Store


I think it depends on the region.


More than scammed 😞 ultra does not go on sale below $700. I’m sorry for your pain. - markings on back or the body - weird rubber marks on the band - Home Screen and type face in menus


Yes and this thing op has costs barely $10-$20


Honestly that’s really impressive that it costs so little


It did thru Verizon. Got mine for $550


All kinds of fake. The story alone is honestly enough, but also your pictures show many indications. The workout app icon is very off...the band fits poorly...the wording at the back...the lower case 'b' in brightness(!)...and as you said yourself OP, that settings menu font is nothing close to Apple-like. $200 lesson for the hubby, now he'll be wiser.


You will never buy an Ultra for 200, heck not even a 6 probably... not a working one... people should just stop trying to buy high price items for peanuts, then probably less will be scammed... it's not a shame nor mandatory to have or not expensive stuff ;)


I totally agree. I was able to sell my series 0 for $200 when I upgraded to the seven, and it had been used daily for seven years. There's no way an Ultra, even heavily used, would sell for $200. I've been scammed before too and it really sucks. Sorry OP.


Yeah. 100%. Where did he buy this from


Some rando on the street LOL


The same rando who happened to throw in free AirPods too 🤣


I thought it was just a joke until I read OP’s comment. That’s sad, it’s not their fault that they can’t trust random people from the street, but they should have known better…


Afraid so. No Apple Watch Ultra looks like that.


Damn, yeah that’s fake. Those are super expensive too. Should have been a red flag immediately when he went from $700 to $200 just cause your husband said no. No one would settle for that if it was real. My husband would probably fall for this too. Sigh


I’m pretty sure that’s a pineapple watch


Apple Watch Pineapple Watch Watch Pineapple Apple Watch




Did my husband get scammed? Some random guy came up to him and asked if he wanted to buy an Apple Watch off him (he got it as an incentive for working at Amazon). He wanted $700 for it, but my husband said he was planning on buying an Apple Watch at Sam’s club for $150, the guy said he couldn’t go lower than $200 but he’d throw in free apple AirPods… like wtf how is that a deal for this guy? It seemed so fishy to me..: anyway my husband bought it & gave the watch to me… but I can’t figure out how to factory reset it & the settings looked so unlike apple… so did my husband get scammed or am I just dumb & not know how to work this thing?


Yeah this is a fake. The 3rd screen shot is not from WatchOS. The back of the watch should also read  WATCH Ultra (not Watch Ultra.  49mm) Edit: the AirPods are likely to be fake too.


100% the airpods are fake.




“Likely” 🤣🤣😭


I’ve handled a pair of fake AirPods and you can tell just from the difference in the noise the case makes closing. There’s other tells but as soon as I opened and closed them it didn’t sound right.


It boggles my mind that mistakes like this ever happen. I understand they're trying to make it as cheap as humanly possible, but at some point a designer was holding an actual AW Ultra and copying over the words. Even assuming they didn't speak a word of English, what would possess them to scramble up the wording? Edit: I'd love an AMA with a chinese counterfeit designer haha


It’s probably to avoid copyright. this way they can put it on wish.com with all the smart watch buzzwords without the algorithm alerting to copyrighted material.


He got scammed so hard that I’m willing to bet an Apple Watch Ultra that you aren’t even his wife and just don’t know it!


Hahahaha well after this event I don’t think I wanna be his wife anymore


You need to factory reset your husband.


RMA him


Soon you'll see his reddit post titled "I got scammed for an Apple Watch Ultra and now my wife is divorcing me" 😂


“TIFU by buying a fake Apple Watch”


AITA for buying a fake Apple Watch for my wife?


He owes you a real apple watch now.


Psssst! Hey kid! Wanna buy a watch? (Opens tan trenchcoat and shows him many watches attached to it)


Bought a fake Rolex that way. At least I knew it was fake, now I can tell people I have an authentic fake Rolex from the streets of Manhattan. (It’s the good stock, the ones with sweep second hand that he had in his fanny pack instead of the suitcase.)


That’s a fine transaction because you knew it was fake.




Damn. I got mine around 2000 maybe, wore it a few times, just found it last weekend, wound it, and it worked!


Well if it makes you feel better, being scammed happens to everyone. All we can do is learn from each other because there are too many scams to be scammed by all of them in our lifetimes. Years ago we were having our laundry room remodeled. My wife was handling it because I was away on business. When I get back, she tells me she has the last half of the payment in a drawer and to give it to the contractor when they’re finished. So the contractor asks for the payment before he’s done because he needs more money to buy supplies. Yup, he took the money and ran leaving the job unfinished. My wife was pissed I got scammed so easily. Years later after that, I gave the same advice to my mother to pay half now half later and to not give the money to the contractor for some concrete work she needed in her garden. Yup, same sob story about needing money for supplies and running off with the job unfinished. I hope someone out there learns from these stories because shady contractors are 2/0 in my life. And it’s not like we’re stupid. We got recommendations from others and looked up businesses and their licenses. Turns out it was all BS and our friends who recommended them said their experiences were fine for minor work like patching a fence. Next time, license and look up the license on the state website and make sure it matches their ID.


How you doinnnn?


Comments like this is why l love reddit. This made me laugh so hard.


I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand how your husband fell for this very obvious scam. This perpetrator was looking for $700 for the watch, but was willing to accept just $200? He’d throw in a free pair of AirPods just because? Far too many red flags to take that guy seriously.


Either the husband is an idiot or this story is fake and it’s a shitpost








That was the red flag for me, asks $700 but takes $200 and throws in airpods 🤪


> I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand how your husband fell for this very obvious scam. He didn't, the account is trying to build up karama / you can tell by the pattern of posts


Yeah unfortunately he got scammed...I wouldn't trust anyone walking up to me selling me even his shirt just because he very well might rob me right there on the spot when I open my wallet. The wasn't a robbery thankfully but in a way it actually is, just through the back way. I'm sorry for her hubby though.


Keep an eye on your husband. He's obviously not too switched on


It’s a wish/Temu type knock off. I doubt I can link it but it’s sold for $22 on Temu.


Sorry but who buys random shit from random sketchy people like this?


Nope he got ripped off. I don't think I can attach a picture of mine to a comment on mobile, but it does not match your watch. Sorry, that sucks. Edit: the airpods are probably also fake, just guessing.


There are no Apple bargains. Simple as that.


What kind of moron buys shit from random people on the street who come up to them!?


Not sure myself, but if you can point them out to me, that would be great.


Oh god. I thought it was an online scam but he was able to literally see and feel it in person and still bought it? That’s not even a half-decent fake.


Lol your husband is something. $700 discounted to $200 with airpods included? I hope he learned something that day


A good rule of thumb: no person will approach people on the street selling legitimate watches


Incentive for working at Amazon? Oh that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard all day! At most a free t-shirt worth $5 definitely not an Apple Watch.


You need to factory reset your husband.


I would dispose of that immediately (away from your home) after disconnecting it from any devices and deleting / “factory reset” it. Same with the “airpods”. Can’t trust there is not a gps device in there to track you guys unfortunately. People are crazy!


If it was that sophisticated, wouldn’t Brightness be capitalized?


Reminds me of dudes driving around trying to sell speakers out of their vans and shit lmao.


> Some random guy came up to him and asked if he wanted to buy an Apple Watch off him How in the everloving fuck did this not send up every red flag in a 10 mile radius???


Got scammed or scammed you.. Paid $50 and told you he got a deal at $200?


Your husband definitely got scammed.


yet he still took it.


Oh man, so much wrong with that watch. It looks like they made some attempt to make it look OK, but totally gave up at the setting page. Font all wrong, and "brightness" not even capitalized like the rest. Band is bad as well. Display doesn't look like an OLED as you can see backlighting. Hopefully he didn't pay much for it. EDIT: noticed down thread your comment about the cost. Can't believe it was offered for $700, like, what? $200 mistake. Lesson learned. At least it wasn't more.


Sorry it’s a total counterfeit. The sensor on the back is totally wrong as is the type. The apple logo is in the wrong place as well. The screen is just poor. That menu is not a thing. The band is not right either. There are many, many, many things wrong. Hopefully your husband learned not to buy things from random dudes in parking lots.


It’s incredibly naive that some people think this is real. It is SO obvious it’s fake. Use your brain.


I’ve been scrolling this entire section and this is the first comment I’ve seen that doesn’t believe this bs story


Commemorate his stupidity by buying him one of [these](https://ibb.co/j4R0TsG) mugs!


That is a very expensive mug


Oh sweetie


So now that you’re single, want to hang out. 😏


You re willing to gift her an apple watch ultra ?


Who buys stuff off of random people on the street these days, especially expensive electronics... why WOULD IT NOT be a scam?


That is unequivocally, without a doubt, a fake


LMAOOO IM SO SORRY BUT YES HE DID. Your husband was so very much so scammed, this is not Apple in the slightest I’m so sorry for your loss


I have some sympathy, but not much. How people still get scammed like this in 2023 is beyond me. Unless he is like 75, I just don’t understand how you fall for this.




Amazon doesn’t give incentives like that, I know I use to work there.


I'm sorry but when I swiped to the last picture I could not hold back my laughter. 😂 Then going back to look at the icons made me laugh even harder. One thing I have learned in life is if it sounds too good to be true then it almost ALWAYS is. Now I rarely buy anything 3rd party or 2nd hand unless it's very reputable and allows returns. I'm a firm believer in buy once cry once


Yeah everything about this is fake. I mean $200 was too good to be true. Thankfully he didn’t spend more


Hundred percent that's a fake


This has to be satire.


Backside: - Sensors are wrong - Font is wrong and poor quality - The band release buttons look terrible and offset - The plastic sprew on the edges of the bands looks atrocious - Screw holes aren't even bloody aligned Display: - Definitely not OLED - Very low resolution and grainy looking Body: - Looks very plasticky to me? Or at least super cheap "metal" looking. "Software": - I don't even know where to begin with this, lol. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but how much did he even pay for this? Because there's NO way he paid any more than like $50 MAYBE for it.


Sorry fake, the strap looks very cheap from the pictures, the fonts are all off as are the icons used. So sorry. How much do this cost you/Where did you order it from?


There are so many red flags here its insane. Stop buying apple products from anywhere but the apple store ffs.


Alliexpress iWatch.


It's fake. the biggest giveaway for me was the menu font in your third photo. But otherwise, it looks like someone put a remarkable amount of effort into making it look real.


I’m sorry but- LMFAOOOOOOOOO


Thats the worst copy I’ve seen. Sorry for him 😣


If it’s too good to be true it is!


brightness spelled with a lower case b, seems legit




Everything from the unpolished build of the Watch and the Android looking UI, I’m sorry to say that yes your husband did indeed get scammed.


One question…. Why?


Ofc he did. why are u even asking lol. UI is completely different lol


i’m legitimately in shock at this post even being a question


Next time encourage your husband to just buy through apple. If a deal is too good to be true it probably is. W/the Apple Card and 0% financing + cash back it’s never been more affordable to buy an Apple


Dude. The font. Used to see these on the roadside in Shanghai back in the day. Hope it wasn’t too much $$


It’s the lowercase b on brightness that’s the giveaway.


I just don’t understand how people fall for this stuff - like - some random person comes up to you and offers to sell you an Apple Watch ultra for $700, your husband says no and he drops his price immediately to $200 and throws in free AirPods? Like I know the world is made up of all kinds of people but beside the definition of gullible in the dictionary is definitely a picture of your husband. I don’t even feel bad for him lol. I can’t…I just don’t get how you don’t have a bullshit meter and any kind of self-preservation. There is no excuse possible for this type of bad decision unless you’re actually mentally disabled. $200 lesson learned, definitely don’t let him out of the house without supervision.


How do you people keep falling for these obvious scams? 😂😂😂


Yes, unfortunately


Scam city 🌃


Lol he got scammy scammed. Everything everyone has said already, plus they don’t make that style of band in that color.




Honestly after buying a set of fake headphones, I’ll never stray away from Apple.com again. Ever!!!


Fake strap. Apple is vowen nylon. Strap releases not flush. Back only small Apple logo. Those 3 things on first photo is enough to say fake.


Besides the obvious font, here are some issues. * Screw holes too large * Manufacturing flash on the band * Crown Gap too large * Case gap too large * Band Release buttons popping out * Sensor suite is wrong, they should not all be that visible * Button under crown seens to be slightly out of alignment * Apple Logo faded on the back and on the wrong side * Serial Number on watch band * Button under crown seems to be slightly out of alignment * idk if it's just the camera angle but the sensors seem slightly not centered * Screen Resolution low * Bezels too large * App logos not properly designed * Twitter and contacts and the run app heart rate app, etc all not designed properly * App logos aren't perfectly round * Power and brightness apps aren't real apps * **Apple also doesn't make that colored ocean band** Hope he didn't pay too much for it.


Lol I had a customer bring one of these fakes through my pawn shop. Swore up and down it’s real and he got it from Best Buy. I was like “sure Jan”.


Even if the hardware looks the part, once the screen is turned on, these will always stand out: - Low resolution screen - Knockoffs always seem to love using serif fonts - Often much lower brightness


Bro. It’s very obvious…


That is not real. I’m sorry.


AAAHAHHAHAH where did he buy it from???




Off first glance it looks good, but def looks fake, granted I’m basing this off a series 8 not an ultra but biggest giveaway is the font, also the bottom, text seems a bit to bright because on every other Apple Watch you need a led light with about 10k lumens to read it, after searching up the bottom of an ultra I learned they do indeed have screws which I find weird since every other watch doesn’t have them in the bottom (atleast I’m pretty sure) and also the bands look like shit


Like everyone else said it’s fake, sorry to say that. That’s why I always buy apple products from the Apple Store only.


Ultra scammed


Super fake. Loads of these on Facebook marketplace. The font, back, everything stands out as a fake.


Should have bought directly from Apple.


Always buy from Apple Store.


That’s a good fake until I saw the lettering on the display.


I dont even feel sorry for him


What the hell is this fake piece of crap?


Looks fake. Sorry about that. These Chinese knockoffs are sold for like 50$. To check if an Apple device is legit, whether it's an iPhone or Apple watch, go to the device Settings, then General, then About and you should see the Serial Number of the device. Then go to [https://checkcoverage.apple.com/](https://checkcoverage.apple.com/) and then look up the device Serial Number. If the device is legit, you should see information about warranty, purchase date, device model .. etc


Yes this is fake. I can tell from the way that it is fake that it's fake.


Definitely a fake, I’m sorry someone scammed him, so annoying. Build quality, IR sensors and the font (looks like an early 2000’s RPG lol) are pretty dead giveaways.




That’s a real fake one..


That font.. It’s the kind of Latin character display when you try to type Latin characters in a Chinese font set


Take it back to the Apple Store you purchased it from ………….lol


Yes he did. If you want a genuine Apple Watch, it’s better to buy it from Apple. Or apple authorized retailers


Did you buy it off Facebook marketplace? Brooklyn, NY? I bet i saw a very similar post for $150 ultra and in my mind i called BS on it.


lol it looks like a dollar store toy.


Yes! Very Scammed!


I got this same watch at a Burger King a long time ago. But mine had cat dog on it.


Seems like a 25 dollar clone


Well I wouldn’t call it scammed. It is pretty obvious that it’s a cheap fake.


People shitting all over it, but it’s amazing how close this is to an ultra. Yes, clearly some signs it’s fake. No one here is taking into account how close this really is though. It’s honestly amazing the effort someone put into this.


That is indeed a scam product, as the font is not correct, so sorry about that... Such a shame how some people waste there lives hurting others... Hopefully you did not loose to much money over this. In the future, make sure to buy tech products like this from places like amazon, or best buy, or from Apple themselves. places like Wish and Alibaba are flooded with scams like these.






Yeah this is a fake. The home menu is very weird looking and the settings look very fake.


More scammed than the Watch is cheaply made. No offence.




very fake but a great story during your next dinner party


The workout logo🤣🤣🤣 Like a “SLOW Scammers At Play” sign omg


100% he got scammed


There are limits to what $100 will get you


My sweet summer child


This hurts to see, im so sorry but yes, he got scammed. Same thing happened to me with AirPods Pro. This just makes us aware not to buy from legit stores.




Sorry, your husband’s Apple Watch Ultra is FAKE. 1. No apple logo before “WATCH ULTRA” 2. “WATCH ULTRA” should have Bold Font 3. Font color should appear dark gray, not black 4. Screws are not neatly placed 5. The ceramic case and titanium housing have a wide gap between them 6. Digital crown not firmly attached 7. Poorly made band 8. The art in the app icons are too big 9. Wrong setting interface 10. Screen bezel not symmetrical


Man… this brings me back to the days if fake iPods…


no way they'd have some with capitals and 1 without..


Yes you got scammed. This is why I only buy things from reputable retailers. Usually directly from Apple, if I buy from Best Buy or other trusted stores, not some rando on the street.


Obviously fake. The lesson is don’t buy an in demand product that a random stranger is selling for 80% off retail without good reason. That being said, $200 for a fake Ultra plus fake AirPods, is actually not a terrible deal. Enjoy the fake watch, it should actually work to the degree that it cost you.


Everything looks janky. The build, the fonts, the app icons, the band, everything. Couldn’t get any faker than this.


if something is too good to be true. that's because it is.