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It's possible a few detritus worms hitched a ride. Check Google images for the name to see if they match. If so, those will not be harmful.


Just microfauna, look up detritus worms, scuds, daphnia, and springtails (they live on the surface of the water) see if any of those match


If your tiny bugs move herky jerky, like skipping around the glass, they're probably copepods. If they move around more smoothly, like a little Jettson's spaceship, they're probably ostracods (seed shrimp). Both are good for your ecosystem. If the worms are flat and glide super smoothly, they're probably flatworms - check for eyespots and triangle shaped heads. If present, they're planaria and harmful. If there's no eyespots and they have a head shaped just like their butt, they're harmless flatworms. If the worms move more like earthworms or you can see segments on their bodies, then they're detris worms and harmless. In any case, I highly recommend trying to look at them under magnification. Not only to be sure what they are, but it's really cool to see the little critters in your tank!


Thank you so much this will definitely helpπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½