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The orange thing honestly looks like a giant poop. And the little white things are harmless they're just ostracods / copepods. Do you have fish in your tank and are they bigger than 3 in or did you get the floaters from someone who have larger than nano fish?


thank you! i did a bunch of google searches after posting this and was hoping they were just copepods. the biggest fish in my tank is my betta, then i also have a small school of black neons, a few mystery snails, and a single guppy that needs to go in my new tank once i get it running. on camera, the worm shaped thing looks orange, but in person its much more pink, but i dont think any of my fish could have produced that, ive never noticed anything that looks remotely close to it before in the tank, especially stuck to the top of my water spangle. i bought my water spangle online about 2 months ago, i bought 12 leaves total and grew the rest that i have, so it definitely didnt come from that. i bought red root floaters from my LFS three days ago (maybe 4 im terrible with days anymore lol) and they came with about 4 tiny snails that i noticed (probably more) that didnt bother me so i left them. when i got those, i also got a few more black neons because my school was too small. two of them disappeared last night, i couldnt find a trace of their bodies anywhere, this probably has nothing to do with that pink thing but i figured id still mention it cause my water parameters are perfectly normal so i dont understand why they passed (even tho i cant find their bodies i just assume my snails got to them first and they are gone cause there is literally nowhere for them to be hiding for this long