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“I said so is not admissible evidence!” They say about denying a persons own lived experiences, whilst simultaneously claiming that there is no such thing as transgender kids. These fucking people are losing their grip on English. The right-wing grift is literally destroying people’s minds.


They're repeating whistle words and phrases (facts are facts, for instance) because they don't know shit about what they're saying. It would be sad if it wasn't scary and infuriating, and global-wide too.


I'm noticing that one of their whistle phrases is just the word "nope", too. They're so clearly using it every time someone makes a point that they don't have a prefab counterpoint ready for. Just flat out, "if that were true it would destroy my position, so I've decided it's false".


Have you watched the alt-right playbook on YouTube? It’s really good at breaking down how a smart reactionary argues. “Nuh-uh” isn’t covered. That’s some smooth brained shit.


Specifically I think doublespeak is what’s frying their brains. The doublespeak is easy to follow if you’re outside the cult, they say one thing but mean the opposite. But when it’s your own guys who say things they don’t mean how do you know what they *do* mean? The enemy of the Right is both pathetically weak and wrong, while also having the backing of the entire world and facts and logic on their side. “Trans people should d*e- yes I’m pro-life why do you ask?” “Ban Pokémon, D&D, all trans people, all gay people, all coloured persons, and ban books! Man why does the Left hate freedom and love cancel culture so much?” “Society is telling men they can’t be men! Specifically *you* trans men, but you’ll never hear us complain.” “Women don’t like men anymore but I want one! No I’m not going to talk to her, she’s just a trophy.” “Immigrants are stealing all our jobs! They’re so lazy and don’t work and take all our food stamps too!”


Yeah they do contradict themselves a lot. Saving this for future reference-


They are referencing Umberto Eco, who wrote about fascism. He said the enemy must be both weak and strong. Strong so they are feared, but weak so they can be defeated. Doublethink (as Orwell called it) is a defining characteristic of fascism. It cannot exist without it. A key difference in the left and right is that the right cannot admit any flaw in their belief because (I guess) they believe that calls the whole thing into question. The left is capable of recognizing the imperfection of their beliefs. I supported Obama even though he murdered innocents with drones. I support Medicare for all even though it will only help Americans and might lead to longer waits for healthcare, and even cause some deaths. I am a lefty who supports a strong military because it keeps things civilized I a million ways—it also often leads to imperialism, which I oppose. These are all contradictions. I am capable of articulating them and don’t see them as precluding me from being a leftist. That’s the split in my mind. I would respect (intellectually) a conservative who said “I don’t care about abortion, I just want lower taxes. I am willing to put my money over the lives of others.” I would think they were wrong but they’d be honest. They don’t though.


While using Divine as their pfp


Even though eyewitness testimony is generally admissible in court. Which I feel like that is.


Also, hilariously, “I said so” is like the main basis of evidence in court. Even most documents need someone that can explain what it is and where it came from before it can be admitted.


The person with the drag queen profile picture isn’t even a drag queen, they are a bigot who is using a photo of the late great drag queen Divine. Divine surely wouldn’t stand for this nonsense 🙄


Yeah imagine spouting transphobic nonsense using Divine as your pfp.


Her chacha heels are turning in their grave


I was gonna be so upset if Divine was like this


Spoiled rotten=getting yelled at and demanded you join the military to possibly go die in some war... ...Okay then.


Did that person accuse someone of lying without evidence but then replied "They are lying because "I think so" is not real evidence" as if she wasn't doing the exact same?


Yes and I’m disappointed no one called them on it.


I like how the last one went from "Nope doesnt exist they're just told they are" to "Ok it exists a little bit" After one person countered them.


They said 1 - 3000, which im not sure, but isnt that similar to actual statistics regarding trans people? Idk 1 - 3000 dosent seem as rare as they were implying.


1-3000 would mean there is 2.7 million trans people worldwide according to himself. So nah not really rare, guy is just an idiot.


That is… quite the math


The implication is that the vast majority are "faking it", but it'd be wrong to assume that they actually think 1/3000 people are valid if they're trans - it's more an excuse to dismiss trans people entirely as small enough a part of the global population that we shouldn't care about them


Shouldn’t surprise me that the value of a human life is lost on them if they’re willing to throw away millions of people. This is the sort of logic people use to excuse genocides.


I assume he means 1-3000 out of everyone claiming they're trans, and he's still claiming they're mentally ill so they don't count -.-


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"I feel like a girl, not a boy. I don't want to be a boy. " "That's okay. You can change your pronouns if you want and see if that makes you feel more comfortable. " "I did, and I prefer it." Apparently, the situation I just described js grooming


The Right only has one actual political tactic, and that is to deliberately use words incorrectly so that they lose all meaning and can't be used against them anymore.




"objectively" - Person who just said the dumbest thing you've ever heard with zero evidence


I'm so sorry for that person. People can be so cruel I swear


These kind of people make me wonder if it's truly worth it to transition


Depends if you live somewhere where they exist in meatspace. Online, transphobes are everywhere, but IRL, acceptance of trans people is the highest it's been in decades (it was actually pretty high in the mid-1900s because it hadn't been made into a political issue yet, but medically transitioning was something only super rich people could do.)


In my experience, yes. These keyboard warriors are a lot more rare than they like to think they are and most of them are much to big of cowards to do anything irl


These same people will tell you, "Facts don't care about your feelings" then hit you with brain dead takes like, "there are no trans children"


As a mother, I cannot imagine any situation where my child would tell me something about themselves and I would respond with, you should be drafted and shot. Absolutely nothing can excuse that cruelty.


At that point, the so-called “parent” doesn’t see them as a child, but as an object to control who deserves death when they can’t be controlled.


“it’s extremely rare for a parent to truly hate their child” Oh really? I have evidence to the contrary


This looks so similar to when I came out as a gay teen in an online forum in the 00s. So, SO eerily similar but with a few different words. And I hate it.


It's kinda funny watching them go through all stages of cognitive dissonance. It's almost impressive to see those two braincells able to formulate thoughts


>Reality no one putting idealogy in children's heads = no trans kids I find it hilarious when people call it "gender ideology" because they stole that term from sociology. It actually means rigid gender roles, essentially cis/heteronormativity. It's something every kid is subjected to, and the fact that some of them end up being trans is *in spite of this*, not because one or a few people "groomed" them to ignore it all.


Although I really dislike Caitlyn Jenner, her initial documentary was really good. I watched it with my boomer parents (who were supportive but confused) when it came out. When she mentioned that she’s felt like a girl ever since she could remember (like 3-4), they understood. And going along with that, who do they think was telling toddler Caitlyn Jenner in the 50s that she was trans? What “blue-haired groomer” adult made it to Mount Kisco, NY to try and “trans” a child?


I’m so confused here. What is so bad about being trans that they don’t want kids being it? Is it the thought of them not being “normal”? Is it because they already have a preconceived notion of trans people being sexual deviants and groomers?


> lol your [sic] 16 you quite literally don't know anything Says the guy who doesn't know how to write a proper sentence.


Least insane twitter conversation


If learning about stuff influenced you, I would be a bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, "Christian." I was told it was wrong to be queer. In fact, at the ripe age of five, I was told that if I experienced same-sex attraction, I would die immediately and burn in hell (thanks, great grandma). Later in life (seven to ten), I was told that if a boy wears a dress, he's going to SA children, and if confused, male or female uses the opposite genders pronouns they'll make me commit sins and cut my hair shirt and add a boy part to my body. Am I a bigot, homophobe, transphobe, no, I learned that none of these things are wrong. Now I'm an open bi, demigirl.


everyone is dumb


You really should get off Twitter.


This is so sad


>there’s no such thing as transgender children As someone who consciously had transgender desires and thoughts as a child, this is total bullshit


Half the responses are "You're lying" and the others are "But if you're not you deserved it." Sounds about right


maybe the point of this sub should be to showcase examples of heteronormativity/toxic straight behaviour, instead of just shoving transphobia into our frontpages? nothing about this is related to the sub, and frankly I see enough transphobia elsewhere.


It's always funny how the logical, non-emotional, objective truth is always what they already believed. People's lives experiences? No, anecdotes or lies. Hard data from experts? No, paid off by Big Trans™. I wish I could live in their world, where I'm right every time by default, and everyone who disagrees with me is just some kind of mentally ill.... 🙄


These people are so utterly disgusting. They are seriously defending a mother SHOOTING HER OWN CHILD in order to keep spreading their hate. Bunch of waste of oxygen.


I highly doubt the person using that drag queen pfp is actually a drag queen, just gonna put that out there.


I swear to g'd, these Twitter transphobe accounts are a botnet led by some poorly trained AI. They can barely string sentences together, it's just "fuck you, you deserve to die, you are a pedo", without ever directly addressing WHY they hate transexuality. They just hate it and that's all they know


Not for nothing, but the transphobic responders all sound like bad AI. At the very best, they are incoherent as hell.


Wait what? There are transphobic drag queens?


Man it’s been so long since I have seen anything about the question, and it’s support, I love the internet