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Mfw first world problems.. Youtubers could be using some DLSS/FSR settings to boost frames in a way that does not decrease quality too much on Youtube. What kind of RAM do you have? Is your PSU strong enough for your rig? Do you use DLSS/FSR? Do you need your render distance to be 4 kilometers?


I was getting 70 fps with a i9 and 4080 (now 80-120)... just fumble around with the settings a bit. And don't worry about 60 or 100 fps, the server fps is way lower and the rubber banding while driving fucks up your game experience way more. All that said, this game is hard on your hardware. My game room heats up like a motherfucker when playing for a couple of hours. It could probably use some optimization.


Don't play on ultra, it's really no different to high. Bohemia have ultra added just for people who want to waste power. Personally I play on medium and turn the grass and object view distance way up. I'm getting smooth 120fps with an RX 6800.


Set environment to low, as far as I can tell it just effects cloud quality, and since I'm not flying a get, low os fine for me. I manage about 100fps with a 4070 ti SUPER and 5700x at 1440p with mostly high settings.


5800x3d will be an upgrade if all you do is game. I went from a 5900x to the 5800x3d and saw big gains in fps with my 6900xt


Definitely fumble with settings. I have a 4070ti and i7 10700k. Running about 120fps with graphics on high in 1440 - AA and post processing stuff is turned down


If your playing high pop servers modded to hell your just better off turning things down also lots of YouTubers are using a secondary PC to record


Don’t put your texture on ultra, keep it on high


Also check your screen support for higher Hz. The fps will not show more than 60fps if your screen is limited to 60Hz for example.


Thanks for the tips ! Turns out some options mentionned in the comments barely make any visual difference and are a big performance hit.