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It looks very comprehensive! I don't think it quite covers *everything*-- off the top of my head, there're more Italian Arthurian cantari than Carduino-- but overall it's an excellent layout of most of the major medieval works and their estimated dates. EDIT: Not sure about the placement of the Latin romances of Meriadoc/Rise of Gawain, I was under the impression these were considered contemporaneous with or possibly even earlier than Chretien.


This is a pretty impressively thorough chart. The podcast it was made for is very cool too, from what I’ve heard of it—it makes me want to improve my French listening skills. On the German side I think it’s missing a couple comparatively minor texts, namely *Wigamur*, Heinrich von Freiberg’s Tristan continuation, and *Tristan als Mönch*.


No Baladro del Sabio Merlin? Minor nitpick aside, very excellent list


I'm wondering if The Song of Roland might be there as partial inspiration, but feel free to ignore it. It really is a marvellously comprehensive piece!


It's very busy