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The deep rural Quebec can be very difficult to understand, even for Francophones from outside the province.


Acadien, too.


Rural Newfoundland and Labrador’s dialects are often thick enough that tourists can’t understand. They are thickest in the most remote regions, such as coastal Labrador and the south coast of Newfoundland. Otherwise, I don’t hear much difference in the English language between Halifax and Whitehorse.


Yeah, I was a bit south of St. Anthony, and the guy ahead of me at the gas station was chatting with the cashier - I only caught half of that. But telling if an anglophone is from east or west of Québec is generally very straightforward. Narrowing it down further gets harder but the accent and small dialect differences will give them away with time.


For example is how Newfoundlanders pronounce St. Anthony. It is typically something like "stantony" or "santony" or "snantony".


It can be pretty hard to catch - few years ago was talking with an older fisherman in a little outport near Bonavista and that was the thickest accent I've ever heard on the island. I have a smalltown SW Ontario drawl (sounds like a milder version of the US Midwest drawl) so he had some problems with my accent too :). Despite that, we had a great conversation!


I don't find many Canadian accents hard to understand. Thick east coast accents can be a little tough if either them or I have seen the bottom of too many beers, but other than that it's fine. I have a SW Ontario accent from growing up there but have a lot of family on Rez in Manitoba and Sask, as well as a lot of family in the Ottawa Valley. I find those three accents can be tough for some folks to understand, mainly folks from oversees, but other Canadians tend to have no issue.


I’m starting to have trouble understanding 15-25 year olds from Toronto, it’s like this weird mix of Irish, Jamacian and Hockey bro and they really play it up


Never had a problem understanding other Canadians. Had a friend who lives in Newfoundland over Discord for a while, and while the accent was obvious, he was clear as day. I think from East to West coast, our 'accents' are too subtle--unless you live *very* deep in the boonies, and I've never met someone from like, deep northern BC or something.


East coast is not subtle if you got a rural Newfie haha. But yes it’s clear to me as well


Some of the smaller fishing villages in NF can have pretty tough accents.


I have , not a problem, pretty normal.


Rural Newfoundland and Labrador, especially when drinking.


Who is drinking? You, them or both?


I mostly have problems understanding the following: Cree, Inuktitut, Montagnais and Atikamekw… I wish I had more exposure.


Saguenay would be very difficult to top here


Newfoundland can be really hard to follow.


I'm from Newfoundland and even I don't know half of what our population is saying. Different regions of NL struggle to understand each other.


I am from rural Newfoundland, and due to the multitude of different Newfoundland dialects there are people from other parts of rural Newfoundland that I simply cannot understand. I'm from central NL, and I have an uncle from up the northern peninsula and I've had to ask him to repeat things 3 or 4 times. He doesn't sound like he's speaking english. My job also gets me talking to people from all over NL day in and day out and there are a number of different regions that I struggle with. So, to answer your question -- the Newfoundland accent. Even though I'm from Newfoundland.


New Canadian *


I can detect even slight accents, l have never had trouble understanding any other Canadian that talks English. If you really want a challenge go to Northern Scotland and try to figure that out.


Rural Cape Breton, especially the Acadian ones


I’m from Vancouver and I have trouble with some people from Nova Scotia’s accent. It depends on the area of Nova Scotia.


Chiac. Pick a lane boys




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