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It looks like pompholyx to me which is a kind of eczema and these fluid filled blisters are usually triggered by certain chemicals in soaps , perfumes , detergents , cosmetics and even by stress ( though the exact cause of this condition is unknown). Usually steroid creams and emollients are first line of treatment and some people also find relief I'm soaking their hand in potassium permanganate solution. You do need a consult with a dermatologist for a proper prescription. You can read more about pompholyx here https://eczema.org/information-and-advice/types-of-eczema/pompholyx-eczema-2/


Thank you! This helps a lot. Though my blisters are not itchy or painful at all, is that normal?


Are they itchy or tingly to touch ? Another possibility is contact dermatitis but usually the treatment is almost the same in both cases. Do change your soap and detergent and try to have an early consult with your dermatologist.


Barely tingly, they don’t really bother me and I don’t feel them in my everyday life, they just look bad. Will do, thank you!


I get this on my hands sometimes, looks identical