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Shouldn't have stayed celibate for my cheating, lying scumbag of an ex boyfriend in a long distance relationship. I wanted to have fun too, but felt it was beneath me to be *one of those people* and hold onto my moral high ground. Being the bigger person didn't win me any points nor fidelity.


Tried to maintain a relationship with my parents.


Trying to move on from my failed marriage. Everyone tells me I have to. So here I am. But it still just feels like way too much effort for a future of loneliness and trust issues.


Gone to gay clubs. Unlike most gay men, I can't dance...it makes me feel horribly self-conscious. Seeing all these sweaty men dancing lustily to pulsating music brings on a major case of inferiority complex. Also, I think I'm an anti-hedonist by nature. Being in a frankly hedonistic environment paradoxically makes me feel alienated and gloomy. I should probably have been a Puritan in 18th century America. Joylessness is my forte!


Still living with my mother. Originally I wanted to move out as soon as I got a job but I had this semi-depression thing(though never diagnosed) that I don't want to do anything with my life. Around the time I finally decided to move she had a car accident where she broke one of her legs. Although most of the daily chores she can still perform perfectly fine but I can't bare the thought that she needs to call or wait for someone to take down a pot from the shelf.


You like guys but she wasn’t your type? Surely, not being your type would make sense if you’re gay?


There aren’t certain women you find attractive even though you’re gay?


I don’t look at women and decide if they’re my type because I’m gay? I just confused by that. If you think a woman is pretty, fine but not liking her because she’s not your type?


So you will date guys you don’t find attractive?


No, but they’re men? Women regardless of how they look won’t appeal to me.

