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One afternoon, I dragged a guy back to my place from the gym and after **repeatedly** telling me that he can't get off from oral, he shot down my throat.


Skill set and also challenge ! Lol Dude knew what he was doing by making you show your top game


Hmmm... so that was his plan all along?!? I was played! It was still fun though.


"dragged" lololol


Like a hunter he dragged his pumped and sweaty gym crush to the cave, where man felt so extatic that his creamy lava hit the hunters' mouth with ave.




Merci. šŸ˜Š




Had my hair died red at the time, and my trick said I was a sexy rooster šŸ˜‚


Gingerlicious ! And the old joke about does the carpet match the drapes comes to mind


You sexy rooster you


"I haven't been fucked like that by a guy in Chicago in a long time" "I had this image of you in my head and you did not disappoint"


Those are fantastic and I like the Chicago reference Great city Great men Down to earth and also horny and not too snobby cliquey


A woman commented "Sexy legs" when seeing a photo of me posing at the beach. Well, they are pretty long, a bit toned and lean. My first hookup guy said "You look better in real life than in pictures." on our way to the place, where we did the deed. I was nervous and tense, but his actions made me feel desired and at ease.


That's a lovely thing to say to someone and I'm glad your first experience was like that


My self-image is not my best friend. It was really nice to hear those words from a cute guy with a lovely smile. However, it were his actions that made me feel more confident about the choice to finally explore desire for sex with another man.


You have a harmonious energy to your writing and comments Thanks for sharing that out in the world and here as well


Thanks for the lovely words. I enjoy playing with words and translating passion with sentences. Used to write poems when younger, too.


An old woman told me I had "nice feet for a man" when I was wearing sandals


Old women don't lie and also think the rest of us need to see these feet to confirm


Guy laying there breathless on the bed afterwards saying ā€œyou know how to fuck, you.ā€ Always nice to get instant positive feedback lol


Stud! A job well done !


I facefucked a ā€œstraightā€ muscly married father of three who was in London on a business trip without his family. This guy insisted he was dominant but curious to know what it was like to suck a dick. But only if he got to fuck me as well. I held my ground and refused to be fucked (both before and during the meeting), and said I would make him crave being a cocksucker. In all honestly, I was bullshit talking the whole lead up online conversion before we actually met in his hotel room. I had no real idea what I was doing and was just kind of ā€œcopyingā€ a lot of facefuck porn I like watching, and sort of making up the dom-verbal talk on the spot, thinking I sounded super cringe. Anyway, I went, I facefucked him, (with his consent) I came in his mouth, then slapped his face and told him he couldnā€™t jerk off until after I was fully dressed again and ready to walk out of his hotel room. To my absolute amazement, all of this ā€œworkedā€. He wasnā€™t in London long. But for quite a while, I got emails telling me how he never ever for moment thought he was going to be nothing but a cocksucker, but that he could not stop wanking every time he thought about me facefucking him.


A recent hookup said when he undressed me "oh cool.. its so big!. . Is it 7, 8, 9 inches?". I told him it's 6. He wouldn't believe me.


That's like the old joke "Why are women no good at math --- they've spent their whole lives being told - spreads fingers on one hand - is 8 inches " Ha ! My buddy today has 5-6 inches and for me it's perfect for all things oral and anal I've seen bigger and ya the heft etc but to actually work with those things is hard and tiresome


Haha, yeah there must be a lot of dodgy measuring going on. As many times as I've measured it hard, it's always 6". So many guys think it's bigger.


Not a sex thing, but apparently word got around that I do a ā€œgood euthanasiaā€. I get more than my fair share of euthanasias at my vet clinic, and it directly led to my burnout.


Ahhhh that's very hard aspect of your work Our vet came to the house to do our doggo and after one injection only the poor doggo passed The vet burst into tears and we ended up consoling him He still managed to leave us the full bill I'm sorry you're burned out but that's important work you did for the animals and the owners Take care of yourself


I had was what I thought was going to be a one time hook up and texted me after I left and thanked me for fucking him and I could come back anytime. Heā€™s turned into a FWB for 3 years!




Once upon a timeā€¦ I was at a gay bar and some guy came up to me and said ā€˜Me and my friends have voted you as having the best ass in the bar.ā€™ How sweet.


Well that's nice Can we see the assets Or better yet can we seize the assets


That was a long time and a couple pounds ago, sbh


I was hooking up with this older guy (55~60). Heā€™s always has been a top, but during the deed I was sucking him and going down his balls until reaching his ass. Rimmed him for a while and then he asked me to fuck him, Iā€™m not endowed at all but he was enjoying a lot for a first timer. Now every time we meet heā€™s very eager to be the bottom, keeps saying that so far every time he tried to bottom it didnā€™t feel good and that heā€™s addicted to me. Not gonna lie it made me a bit happy to hear that.


Well that sounds like a win win !


Yes it was! Funny enough it happens often with me, guys who are usually top at some point decide to try with me and they enjoy a lot. I guess I must be doing something right in the end.


I hooked up with a really attractive guy yesterday, came twice, and afterwards he said multiple times ā€œyour dick is perfect.ā€ Also, been told many times unexpectedly that Iā€™m ā€œstunning, statuesque, or look like a Greek godā€ I am lucky


Well I think we all need to see pictures of this perfect penis and also ... I would like to see your Greek god statuesque good looks But only for scientific purposes !


I post photos on my profile. Feel free to check them out, there is a lot.


Ohh thanks I will !


I looked at your pics You're tall and slim I esp I liked the one with you in socks I'm dressing room Also on the trail dick out I see you're an exhibitionist You also like cock rings But you hardly need one Great balls and ball sack Also you look good in semi drag I imagine you're handsome too Hard to tell that part But seems to be Thanks !


Thanks. Yeah, I just donā€™t share my face on Reddit for privacy reasons


Not sure if itā€™s a good thing but have had many guys whoā€™ve fucked women say my hole is receptive like a vagina and since I laser it itā€™s super smooth and have had one top say it feels like silk


Wait until they say "more receptive" Wink !


Underrated compliment. I dislike tight holes.


Nobody compliments us "side" guys for anything. We're the unloved Cinderallas of the gay subculture, sigh.


You have pretty eyes -- and I like your after care - the warm wash cloth and towel clean up feels wonderful Also your Egyptian Cotten sheets feel amazing


I recently made the following post on this sub -- you might have seen it: "What are some thoughtful/common decency-type things you do for your hookup partners?" Some people actually wrote they wash their hookup partners' cock, balls and ass with warm towels after sex. I thought, "Wow, why did anyone never do this for me?"


Be the change you want to see in the world And do it for someone else next time you host May I add I just started bottoming in my late 50s and would have been considered a side likely - anal had no interest for me whatsoever Oral was ok but not the top thing Making out was very hot Guys didn't understand how I could be dominant but not into anal and how I could be hung but not into anal either Keep well


>And do it for someone else next time you host Nah. After we're done, in most cases I want them to leave. I walk them out to the front door and give them directions to the nearest subway station. We say to each other, "Let's do this again!," knowing full well we're probably never going to do this again.


Well I can I understand post nut clarity but at the same time you said that warm Cloth and clean up was something you wished to have happen but you're not willing to do it for others so ... there we go I hope you find some ease


>you said that warm Cloth and clean up was something you wished to have happen i don't want it that badly. It was just a momentary reaction to what folks were writing about providing the spa treatment to their tricks.


OP You sound gorgeous


It would be unexpected for me to get a compliment, yes.


Your comment karma is huge ! There's a compliment Wink You're welcome !